CosmicTurtle0 , to Firefox in Mozilla Firefox can now secure access to passwords with device credentials

It's about damn time. I hope this is true across all OSs. Dashlane is one of the biggest holdouts on supporting YubiKey on Firefox Linux because Firefox didn't support biometrics.

chris , to Firefox in Mozilla Firefox can now secure access to passwords with device credentials

This is a welcome change, but took waaay too long. I switched to Bitwarden a long time ago and have no plans on changing now.

criitz ,

Same, but honestly using a separate tool than your browser is the way to go anyway.

Sharp312 , to Sysadmin in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

Oh my god its literally called "user choice protection driver" eat my fucking ass microsoft šŸ¤£

Gigan , to Sysadmin in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser avatar

Windows can go fuck itself, Iā€™m sick of their shit. Teams kept opening links in Edge even though itā€™s not my default browser. Found out that Teams specifically has a setting to ignore the default browser and use Edge anyway. The fuck is that about?

Then I wanted to turn off the web search in the Start menu and I had to do a fucking RegEdit! Theyā€™re making it more and more complicated to not use their services, whereā€™s the anti-trust regulations when you need them?

wizardbeard , avatar

This is the norm. They have settings in Group Policy for a lot of this (sans the teams opening in edge, that is absolutely utter horseshit).

The regedit you did (and most regedits to ā€œfixā€ stupid default settings) is a manual version of the GP setting to just disable web search in the start menu.

If you donā€™t use Windows with a Pro license, and you stay with Windows, next time buy a Pro license from a bulk OEM Pro License seller for cheap (or look up the latest way to spoof licensing and get it for free), and get access to Group Policy. Itā€™s effectively Control Panel/Settings menu on steroids for corporate sysadmins.

I swear that 80% of peoples complaints with Windows can be handled with Group Policy. Shit that itā€™s locked away from the average user, but the average user literally canā€™t tell the difference between web browsers if you make the shortcuts have the same icon.

hemko ,

Honestly, donā€™t buy Windows license. If you insist using that piece of malware, at least allow yourself a little bit of decency and just ā€œpirateā€ it

BombOmOm , (edited ) avatar

I swear that 80% of peoples complaints with Windows can be handled with Group Policy.

One shouldn't have to go into the Group Policy screens just to restore basic functionality like 'use my default browser' and 'stop searching the web when I am searching my computer' and 'stop sending all my actions to your servers'. There is a reason people have been telling others to use Linux, rather than continue to put up with Microsoft's crap.

CrayonRosary ,

Install Pro or Enterprise, or Tiny10 and then go here and run the Power Shell script:

And choose the first option. Takes a minute but then you'll be fully activated. If you don't trust the script, download it and check it yourself.

Then you can use the Group Policy editor to turn a bunch of crap off that Home users aren't allowed to. I use Winaero Tweaker to edit all these things with a UI. It works even on the Home edition except for the few settings that require the Group Policy.

TheJack , to Sysadmin in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

Important part from the article:

Windows users can still change their default browser through the Windows settings.

redcalcium ,

I understand the need for security, but default is powerful, which is why the eu requires os vendors to provide a browser choice screens instead of letting the os vendors to pick their own default browser. Without coupling this restriction with a browser choice screen, this would guarantee to increase edge market share simply because itā€™s the default.

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Great how many people are going to do that

pendulum_ , avatar

Almost all of them. Especially corporate customers on managed devices

I'm as pro *Nix as the next person, but be careful of viewing the world through rage coloured lenses. Just makes everything look like a red flag.

Chronographs ,

Yeah Iā€™ve seen malware that installs their own version of chromium and sets that as the default, Iā€™m assuming this will block that

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Maybe I'm out of the loop but I've never heard that being a major issue.

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Your assuming everyone understands how default apps work. And you are forgetting that most people get intimidated by the popups trying to get you not to change the default.

It is complete enshitification if you ask me. There should be no reason why a application can't have a button to make it the default.

pendulum_ , avatar

It's possible that I've been lucky, and my experience of end users when it comes to Windows lately have been using it since Windows 10 which strongly pushed the Default Apps configuration vs previous versions. The world is a big place after all

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Maybe I'm just over reacting. But people like us deal directly or indirectly with the fallout of such madness. I hope that the DOJ goes after Microsoft at some point soon or at least scares them a little.

pendulum_ , avatar

Certainly wouldn't hurt them, the fear of God never hurts an international company

e_t_ Admin , to Sysadmin in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

"You will use Edge as your default browser"

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

They are literally saying F you to literally everyone

APassenger ,

They did this before with IE...

deegeese , to Sysadmin in Microsoft rolls back decision to stop Windows 11 22H2 preview updates avatar

Any reason I should move off Win10?

odium ,

Yes, Linux doesnā€™t spy on you and letā€™s you do more customized stuff

deegeese , avatar

Linux is great, but most games still require Windows.

electric_nan ,

If you already use Steam, you might be surprised by how many games are supported on Linux now. Lookup protondb.

deegeese , avatar

According to protondb, only 40% of the top 1000 games work, or am I missing something?

brenticus ,

40% are verified as at least playable on the steam deck. Another 40% seem to have no rating at all.

74% are at least gold tier in user ratings, which basically means they run fine.

eskimofry ,

Are you going to claim that you play 400 games, let alone 1000? Besides, you can always use windows in a VM and do GPU pass-through. But i guess the convenience of windows is hard to give Only time will tell when people will get fed up of taken for a ride by corporations.

odium ,

Source? I game a lot on Linux and have only ever found two games which I couldnā€™t play on Linux. Genshin and valorant which have incompatible anti-cheats.

Thatā€™s not to say that most games which have anticheats donā€™t work. A lot of them Iā€™ve tried do work like helldivers 2, ow2, titanfall 2.

caseyweederman ,

That hasnā€™t been true for years.

eskimofry ,

If you can invest 30 bucks, crossover claims to make any windows app work seamlessly in linux. Otherwise, thereā€™s still wine to cover 90% usecases.

Worst case, you can run windows in a VM.

misanthropy ,

Anti cheat forces most people to still run windows for a number of games

eskimofry ,

Then this discussion doesnā€™t apply to those people. I donā€™t like the argument that Linux isnā€™t ready for mainstream yet but the reasons quoted are often some game that is itself a niche.

Edit: this is why I specifically said 90% use cases in my previous comment.

possiblylinux127 , avatar
possiblylinux127 , avatar

I think accounting might kill me

PlantJam ,

Do you hate everything about windows 10? Upgrade to 11 and everything is different just to say that it is.

catloaf ,

Security updates stop next October.

kylian0087 ,

Not if you have the enterprise LTS version. That is supported up to January 12 2027. And uh is free arr.

lud ,

You should absolutly not pirate in an enterprise environment. Leave your pirate hat at home. Remember that itā€™s bossmanā€™s money.

kylian0087 ,

I totally agree with that. Donā€™t get me wrong I never said to pirate in a enterprise environment. But at home might be a different story.

lud ,

You commented in sysadmin so I assumed you were talking about work.

trustnoone ,

If you have low blood pressure issues, moving to win 11 is a great way to increase it.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Its going EOL soon? Its called planned obsolescence

vikingqueef OP , to Sysadmin in Microsoft rolls back decision to stop Windows 11 22H2 preview updates

Back and forth like always

punkwalrus , to Sysadmin in Former IT manager pleads guilty to attacking high school network avatar

ā€œThe simple act of coordinating human resource decisions with IT department actions, such as revoking account access for dismissed personnel, would significantly mitigate such risks.ā€

HAHAHAHAHā€¦ ahhā€¦ yeah, like thatā€™ll ever happen. How do I know my users have been deleted? When I find out by accident 90 days later. I have worked for several companies where HR doesnā€™t do shit for IT. I find out employees have been hired when they show up to my desk, asking for a login and laptop. I find out they were let go when the 90 day expiration report shows who got expired for not logging in for 90 days. ā€œJimā€™s admin password expired.ā€ ā€œJim left in October.ā€ I have worked for companies where the simplest of forms, a form generated by an email or a popup in some ticketing system only requires checking off a checkboxā€¦ nothing. Canā€™t be arsed.

thebardingreen , avatar

And then HR blames IT.

Statlerwaldorf ,

Our HR ā€œcoordinatesā€ with us and itā€™s not much better.

The form clearly states that they start on the 15th, then ask on the 10th why the user canā€™t start work.

They put the wrong office location so we ship their equipment to the office listed on the form then ask why the user canā€™t start work.

They send an immediate termination notice for a user that leaves at the end of the month, then ask why the user canā€™t work.

They mark that the new hire doesnā€™t need a laptop on the new hire form, then ask why the user canā€™t work.

Itā€™s almost like the forms are intended to convey information for others to act on.

flambonkscious , to Sysadmin in Former IT manager pleads guilty to attacking high school network

What a stupid thing to doā€¦ Already working elsewhere, probably wasnā€™t worth the tantrum

Ildar , to Sysadmin in Ukrainian military says it hacked Russia's federal tax agency avatar

Just been in tax department, everything works normaly šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

possiblylinux127 , to Sysadmin in Ukrainian military says it hacked Russia's federal tax agency avatar

Letā€™s not call this a win. Cyber warfare is just going to harm ordinary civilians and shouldnā€™t be encouraged even if its a good cause.

cmnybo , to Sysadmin in Ukrainian military says it hacked Russia's federal tax agency

Iā€™m sure they will just restore it from the backup tapes. They werenā€™t so incompetent as to not keep offline backups right?

cheese_greater ,

Have you not seen Chernobyl aha?

768 , to Sysadmin in Ukrainian military says it hacked Russia's federal tax agency

This seems like major strike for the Ukraine if true, but I assume the effects of the ensuing chaos might take a bit of time, because taxation data is kinda at the infrastructure planning and maintenance point and infrastructure takes a lot of energy or time to change (ie destroy/demilitarise in this case).

Szymon , to Sysadmin in Ukrainian military says it hacked Russia's federal tax agency

Wanna release some info on which GOP politicians are on Russian bankrolls now?

massive_bereavement , avatar

That would be a sweet sweet Christmas present.

flambonkscious ,

Surely they sniffed and stole a bunch before wiping? Might not have been viable, but I can hope!

possiblylinux127 , avatar

That would be fake new and propaganda. To say one is being played by the enemy because you disagree with them is problematic at best. We should try to work out our differences instead of arresting our rivals.

Szymon ,

Well said, Comrad

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