
loremipsum , to Star Trek in UPDATED 9-3: StarTrek.website - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more!

Why “startrek.website”? When the “.social” and “.news” TLD exist and seem more fitting?

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar
  1. It was one of the few that wasn’t taken.
  2. It made us laugh.
cygnathreadbare ,
@cygnathreadbare@masto.ai avatar

@loremipsum @Admin also, the copyright owners are a bit shitty regarding fan things, not sure how they will react to this domain.

Drunemeton , to Ask Science in Let's do a reverse post. Have any physiology related questions?
@Drunemeton@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve read that the ability to process lactose is the most recent evolutionary step for humanity. Is that correct?

Apytele , (edited )


astroturds , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

That was a beauty! I love this crew! Seeing them all back Una up made me quite emotional. I’m a soppy git.

Is it me or is SNW the best looking trek ever? Everything just looks so cool. I bloody love it.

j4k3 , to Ask Science in How is the moon tidally locked?
@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

To really blow your mind, the Moon is slowly moving away, but will never escape. Eventually both the Earth and the Moon will become tidally locked to each other at which point the Moon will no longer move further away. This assumes no outside influences and enough time.

nottheengineer , to Ask Science in How is the moon tidally locked?
Hypersapien OP ,

So why doesn’t the moon rotate around the axis that’s on the line that points from the Earth to the moon? The “Z” axis as we look into the sky?

Or does it?

nottheengineer ,

Try recreating that spin with a fidget spinner and slowly turn it around like the moon turns to face earth. You’ll find that it wants to turn in a way where it spins around the same axis it’s orbiting.

Since the moon has no hand preventing it from doing that, it aligns its spin with the orbit, so the forces described in the article bring that rotation to a halt.

jasparagus , to Ask Science in How is the moon tidally locked?
@jasparagus@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s a good explainer:

What is tidal locking? phys.org/news/2015-11-tidal.html

Basically, the moon acted like a spinning (unbalanced) wheel, and eventually stopped with the “heavy” side pointing “down” towards Earth. I.e. think of the moon as orbiting Earth with the heavy side staying pointed at Earth.

GetRidOfWires , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

“I regret that you had to witness that outburst.”

Best line in the show!

krolden ,
@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah Spock makes this show much better

grahamj ,
@grahamj@lemmy.ca avatar

I really like this Spock, don’t get me wrong, but I’m finding his increasing “humanness” a bit distracting. I mean, making a joke in court? That was a bit far-fetched.

StillPaisleyCat ,
@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

I took as needling the Vulcan Jag…which he couldn’t resist. The set-up was his uncontrolled outburst in the Enterprise mess.

CNash85 ,

One of the problems that this show has to grapple with is that we already know Spock very well from Leonard Nimoy’s portrayal. I’d go so far as to say that - notwithstanding a few gaps - every major event of his life is known to the audience, and we are very familiar with how he’s “meant to be”.

What then is an actor to bring to such a part? Ethan Peck can’t just replicate Nimoy’s performance - for one thing, it would be boring. The writers take advantage of this series being a prequel to do the only thing they can: show how Spock became the Spock that we know from TOS. They use his appearance in the TOS pilot “The Cage”, where he was visibly more emotional and “human”, as a touchstone, and make his journey towards emotional control and “Vulcan-ness” part of his character arc for this show.

I went into it a little in another post, but I think Spock’s manner is more familiar and “one of the guys” because he’s allowed himself to become emotionally attached to the rest of the crew, and that bleeds into his personality, making him more liable to use humour and jokes to relieve tension. A few years later, when Kirk takes command and many of these officers have moved on, he decides that he will be more emotionally guarded, letting his guard down only with Uhura and Chapel - and only in brief, relaxed moments.

maplealmond ,

While it was played as a joke, the whole “was she hiding something” had me on first watch going “but everyone is hiding something, surely”

Spock was highlighting this with his trademark precision.

warwick , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

Loved it. Star Trek has always been handwavy with legal rules in favour of a compelling debate and this was no exception.

As a Canadian, I instantly started thinking about the metaphor in terms of laws the Canadian government had against indigenous people practicing or teaching their cultural practices.

On the other hand, as a gay man, I was thinking about when homosexuality was considered a criminal practice and how sometimes gay men will stay in the closet to avoid discrimination.

One of the things that’s most interesting to me is how many minorities groups Una’s experience maps to in some rhyming way.

briongloid ,
@briongloid@aussie.zone avatar

I’ve heard a number of people interpret it about themselves, which is really good, the allegory was understandable while still being a cohesive story.

grahamj ,
@grahamj@lemmy.ca avatar

I thought trans people were a good fit for the metaphor, given the body alterations that can be involved.

killerbees , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

One of the things I really liked about it is that there was no explosive denouement (apart from PIke’s hug), and Una and Neera didn’t automagically become BFFs again at the end. 25 years is a longass time. Even excluding ideological positions, they’re strangers now. They probably won’t send each other birthday cards. They won’t send each other memes on Whatsapp. They won’t invite each other to weddings and shit.

And that’s okay. Or maybe I’m just projecting. Sometimes I see friends I haven’t spoken to in 10+ years on social media, and I think damn back then we couldn’t let a day pass without at least a text. But whatever the reason for falling out of touch, I would say I’d be glad if they’re thriving and hope things get better for them if they’re not. But no interest in rekindling the friendship or initiating contact. And that’s okay.

buckykat ,

idk that lingering hand holding before Neera beamed away felt a little lesbian to me

goGetF1 ,

Women are allowed to hold each other’s hands without sexual or romantic intent. And even if they do, there’s nothing wrong with that.

stuntman782 , to Home Improvement in which smart locks did you get?

The wyze lock is nice. You just replace the inside of the door’s lock. Their whole smart home ecosystem works well together

clegko ,
@clegko@lemmy.world avatar

They have another model, too, that I went with: www.amazon.com/…/B09R38VVXF

stuntman782 ,

Oh yeah I think that came out after I got mine. The fingerprint scanner is cool. But it seemed like they advertised it for like back/side doors, idk why 🤷

Lenggo , to Home Improvement in which smart locks did you get?

Just incase you run across it, avoid Ultraloq. It seemed like a good deal with wifi, fingerprint read and keypad but after living with it I’m pretty frustrated. The reader stopped working after a couple months and the deadbolt motor isn’t strong enough to open if there is any friction with the door jamb. Apparently these problems aren’t unique to me so anything else posted here is a better choice.

phoenixdigita1 , to RedditMigration in I'd like to encourage people on the fediverse to comment/upvote/post more than when reddit

I'd like to point out that the upvote/downvote buttons here on kbin don't behave like you are used to on reddit they are a little different.

  • Up arrow = Upvote on Reddit and Favourite on Kbin - This is very different to reddit
  • Down Arrow = Downvote on Reddit and Reduce on Kbin
  • Boost (at bottom) = On kbin this is the equivalent to a reddit upvote.

It kinda confused me when I looked at my profile the other day and my reputation was -2

I'd only made one single post and it had 17 "upvotes" and 2 "downvotes" so the -2 confused me a bit. That's when I realised the uparrow was not an upvote and didn't contribute to reputation. I suspect many others don't understand this either based on the interractions with my other post.

Edit: To be clear while "fake internet points" are not overly important to me. "Reputation" or similar do give me an indication if I am contributing to a community in a positive and productive manner.

Seeing -2 made me think "Who have I pissed off?" Till I realised that "Favourites" don't contribute to reputation.

simion314 , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

I loved it. I do not understand the joke about Spock “outburst”, was there something in that body language that I am missing? And was this a joke inspired by Lower Decks ?

Jon-H558 ,

The fact that there was no body language is the joke. The actors were told to sit there as impassionatly as possible.

Meanwhile Ortega is the audience eyes, it is just two people sat there with zero emotion.

Embenga can see a difference as is skilled people person and knows other races but we can't see (future doctors must be more akin to vetenarians knowing hundreds of biological systems not just their own like a current doc)

Then the joke is that while on the outside it looks impassionate to a Vulcan that was a "massive outburst". It's a joke on Vulcan lack of emotion

binkbankbonk , to Sysadmin in Calling all /r/sysadmin reddit refugees!

Nice! It feels like home.

Mezentine , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

I think this episode was really good…if the issue of discrimination was over literally anything other than a social practice of genetic modification. Star Trek’s hardline stance on linking social genetic modification to eugenics is one of the things that I’ve really appreciated, especially as corrosive “thought experiments” about it have sort of entered back into the discourse. I don’t think you can practice genetic manipulation on a society wide level without it going very bad very fast. At least I don’t think humans can, and the episode doesn’t really make a case for why the Illyrians are better at it.

The core message of this episode is so important, especially at this current moment, and the right of people to self determination and to safety and security in their identities and differences is right at the heart of Star Trek, so I’m glad to see SNW continue to affirm it. But…just…there are reasons, real reasons, with lots of horrific history behind them, for why normalizing genetic manipulation in the name of improving or “fixing” populations of people is still a real third rail for me, and I wish the episode had figured out how to engage with that specifically a bit more. This episode does not actually convince me that in the far future utopia of the Federation the dangers of genetic modification as a practice have been addressed, and in absence of that “It used to happen and its bad, but stuff is better now and can’t we relax a little” is a bit…hollow

I think you could fix this for me if you made it so that Illyrian genetic modification was something that members of their species voluntarily entered into in adolescence or early adulthood. Make it more of a practice that people voluntarily keep up and less of a program that their society runs and the whole thing works way better for me. That also makes the loose analogy to transgender people in our current time, and really just the right of bodily autonomy and self determination, way more coherent.

barsoap ,

But…just…there are reasons, real reasons, with lots of horrific history behind them, for why normalizing genetic manipulation in the name of improving or “fixing” populations of people is still a real third rail for me, and I wish the episode had figured out how to engage with that specifically a bit more.

Other episodes did, and I hope we’ll see more of that. Specifically, it’s about Illyrian culture: Genetic modification is deeply ingrained, required in their ethics: “We don’t terraform planets, that’s disrespectful of nature, we transform ourselves”, as heard previous season (I’m sure someone will fill in the episode number). As such the practice doesn’t root in a desire for dominance or superiority, but gentleness towards the universe.

That is, the issue with the eugenics wars wasn’t genetic manipulation itself, but that humanity was war-like and out for dominance and superiority. The augments’ attitude of supremacy simply reflect cultural attitudes back then, they were not caused by genetic modifications, but enabled. (Alternatively: The bad idea of imbuing augments with such a sense was due to bonkers scientists influenced by cultural attitudes).

Or maybe more like entheogens: Drugs that kill one society are used responsibly and for benefit by others because they have cultural practices regulating them, rites (regulations) saying when and where and why they should be used.

If the federation ever gets around to legalising genetic manipulation having regulations written by Illyrians and Denobulans sounds like a very good idea.

Mezentine ,

What I can’t get out of my head this morning is actually Bashir’s plotline with his parents on DS9, because it captures what’s so insidious about even “benevolent” genetic modification. He’s not angry at them just because they broke the law, he’s angry at them because they decided they didn’t like who he was and chose to transform him into someone else, someone he feels is a different person. And this is actually the fundamental argument against a social program of gene management in real life; it allows society to police what types of bodies and what types of minds are “normal” and flattens species diversity and experience diversity in favor of whatever the norms say is “better”. The danger isn’t just the risk of Khan like supermen, its a moral argument against determining how people’s bodies and minds are going to develop before they can even consent, even before they’re born.

As strongly as I feel about this, I do think you could create a case for why what the Ilyrians do is meaningfully different, the “adapting to other planets rather than making them adapt to us” idea is interesting and complicated, but it felt extremely cursory in this ep

varda ,

Thank you! Came on here because the episode left such a bad taste in my mouth. I’m a queer person with multiple disabilties, one of which is known to be genetic. Using genetic engineering as the metaphor for marginalized groups felt like a trojan horse to garner public sympathy for genetic engineering.

And through making genetic engineering acceptable then we’re opening up the world to letting parents engineer the gay out of their children and to engineer the neurodivergence out of their children.

Instead of being a story about accepting marginalized groups to me it feels like they’re actively pushing for a technology that can be used to wipe out marginalized groups. Why did the writers do this? They literally did not have to set this up or write it this way.

Also the references to the Eugenics Wars as though they are somehow irrelevant today just did not at all sit well with me as somebody who is high risk for covid. This whole pandemic the drumbeat has been “only those with pre-existing conditions will die” and we have been fighting for our lives to get the most minimal public health measures and the ableds just keep putting their conviences over our lives. Eugenics is still here, it’s still going strong, but we’re just not calling it eugenics anymore.

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