ken27238 , to Politics in One of Louisiana's only pediatric heart transplant doctors is moving because of anti-LGBTQ laws avatar

The brain drain continues.

NotErisma , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

biden-fall nothing will fundamentally change biden-forgor

biden-harbinger EXCEPT FOR THE AMOUNT OF KIDS I FUCKIN STARVE, JACK biden-harbinger

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Both here and in Afghanistan. Never thought I’d live to see a famine that actually was engineered by a guy named Joe, but here we are.

yogthos , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

On the bright side, just think of all the cheap labor that capitalists will be able to wring out of starving kids.

queermunist , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned avatar

Lahaina is fucking gone

gruvn ,

And the far northern Canadian city of Yellowknife was just evacuated due to a wildfire.
The Arctic is literally on fire.

NatakuNox , to Politics in One of Louisiana's only pediatric heart transplant doctors is moving because of anti-LGBTQ laws avatar

They will end up suing blue states for stealing all their health care and education professionals. Before you say that’s far fetched, remember, the republican party is all about blaming others for their failures. They sue California for having too high emissions standards so suing because educated people prefer to live in a better state with better pay is a liberal conspiracy to undermine “freedom.”

Kalkaline , avatar

They should just do like Rand Paul and declare themselves doctors and do their own heart transplant surgeries.

NatakuNox , avatar

Red states almost unanimously have made it illegal for health care workers and education to strike, so I’m sure they’ll announce a state of emergency making it illegal for those workers to leave the state.

tripartitegraph , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

You can thank all these dumbfuck democrats. they’ll get whatever scapegoat they need to NOT do something good, and then try to guilt you into voting for them again next time around. and the children will still go hungry. jesus fucking christ

jabrd , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

God the democrats suck so fucking much

prole , avatar

Yeah blame the Democratic party because one shitty Democrat, and ignore the 50 Republican senators that are actually doing all this shit. Totally makes sense.

beteljuice , (edited )

The Democrats enable this. They know exactly what they are doing, and have the same corporate sponsors as the Republicans. They spent literally billions of dollars to railroad Sanders’ agenda, but let Manchin and Sinema run amok. They do that because Manchin and Sinema are the levers by which they can either decide to make something policy or use as an excuse why they couldn’t adopt some policy, since somehow the two parties are always split 50/50 in some magical way that coincidentally benefits their corporate rulers.

The Democrats work with the Republicans to enact the corporatist agenda.

prole , (edited ) avatar

The two parties are not always split 50/50. What are you like 12 years old?

And what you’re talking about is the Overton Window. Blaming Democrats for the GOP’s perversion of our Democracy is the height of victim blaming.

beteljuice ,

The DNC as victims, that’s rich! Hahahahah

CannotSleep420 ,

The only victim blaming in this thread is the blaming of leftwingers for not voting blue.

Asafum ,

I’m learning real fast that “this is Lemmy” everyone hates liberals/democrats and fake hating Republicans, but never call them out directly. They just love to hate Democrats and hide behind “both sides” bullshit. They have at best a tepid understanding of how our government functions.

It’s actually more futile to argue with them than it was to argue with maga morons on reddit…

prole , avatar

Another user mentioned that we’re being brigaded by Hexbear users. Which would explain all the poorly written, ignorant comments I’ve been seeing here.

They write like 6th graders.

IHaveTwoCows , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Fun fact: when someone says “benefits will be used on drugs!”, that person is not a Democrat; that person is a fascist who “others” people for his own selfish gain.

SoyViking , avatar

Why can’t that kind of person be a democrat? It sounds like exactly the thing a right-wing liberal would say.

SpookyUnderwear ,

Liberals aren’t that different from conservatives. When someone on their team does something that doesn’t exactly align with all their beliefs, all of a sudden the bad guy isn’t on their team. Vote people, not parties.

rubpoll , avatar

Joe Manchin is literally a member of the Democratic Party, won the Democratic Primary for his seat with the majority of Democratic Party Primary voters voting for him.

Your shit-ass party owns this monster.

prole , avatar

So just a little tip: people on the left don’t blindly worship the politicians and party they vote for. So comments like this don’t really hit like you think they do.

beteljuice ,

There is no one type of “people on left” or “people on the right”. I’ve met many people on the left that blindly worship the DNC and their entire agenda. Plenty of them. Just listen to NPR if you want to hear the latest programming that they will be parroting.

prole , avatar

I have never met a leftist or progressive that blindly worships the DNC. In fact, criticizing the party is almost a defining factor at this point. The Democrats are a centrist party, the people you have apparently met (uh huh sure) that are blindly worshiping the DNC are not “people on the left”. They are centrists.

beteljuice , (edited )

I’d continue talking to you but your snide “uh huh sure” directly implies you don’t believe me and are not discussing in good faith so you suck it if you don’t trust my words. Why would I waste my time on Lemmy making up shit like that? I’m not some 16yo edgelord on 4chan. I’m almost 50 in west Los Angeles and know many people that are hard left on any political topics, do social work, help homeless people and immigrants, support any social programs you could think of. But they aren’t highly political and don’t make their identity about politics, so they are easily fooled by DNC propaganda.

prole , avatar

Lol what? What about my comments are bad faith?

But they aren’t highly political and don’t make their identity about politics

Right… that’s literally exactly what I originally said. That people on the left don’t worship the party they vote for.

And lol @ “DNC propaganda”. The Democratic party has the worst messaging ever. To suggest they have some kind of coordinated propaganda is laughable.

beteljuice , (edited )

I suggest you educate yourself. Look into David Brock. They have think tanks, political action committees, and lobbyists working full time to shape their messaging. They have direct representation at CNN, MSNBC, and NPR to amplify their talking points.

All major political parties are is propaganda machines. To claim they don’t have coordinated messaging is like saying that lions don’t hunt. It’s absurd in the extreme. “laughable”. Ooookkkk.

Look into Correct the Record, or Hamilton 68. Get your head out of your ass.

rjs001 , avatar

People on the left aren’t democrats

IHaveTwoCows ,

Yeah I dont think you understood the point.

rubpoll , avatar

You said Manchin wasn’t a Democrat even though he is. What point did I miss?

jatone ,

Your shit-ass party owns this monster.

Your shit-ass party owns the other 50 monsters. so i’ll take the hit for this one.

buckykat ,

Everyone on the entire internet is part of one of the two major right wing parties in the USA

AlpineSteakHouse ,

every single fucking time with these libs


jatone ,

i’m left wing as they come mate I just recognize that 50 > 1. if we want to dunk of the democratic party there are better people to dunk on that are more representative of the liberal failings as a group.

jatone , (edited )

every single fucking time with my fellow left wing morons. trying to dunk on the democrats by using manchin of all people. lol

HornyOnMain ,

The person you’re talking to is a communist who hates the republican party even more than she hates the democrats

jatone ,

a pretty dumb one at that if they don’t recognize that manchin isnt the problem with the democratic party. you want to dunk on the liberals fine, I’m right there with you I’m about as left wing as they come but manchin isn’t the person you hold up and say ‘THIS IS WHY LIBERALS ARE BAD’ schumer or someone that actually represents the group holistically.

mycorrhiza ,

the argument is that Manchin is the designated “vote no guy,” blocking legislation the corporate donors oppose while allowing the rest of the democrats to say “gee I’d like to help my constituents but I can’t.” People point out the apparent lack of serious pushback or pressure on Manchin from the rest of the democrats.

brain_in_a_box ,

How embarrassing.

IHaveTwoCows ,

Nominal Democrat vs philosophical

I keep forgetting how shallow the genpub is with nuance and reading comprehension

BurgerPunk , avatar

Theres no such thing as a “philosophical” Democrat. They’re just a bourgeois capitalist party doing the bidding of their bourgeois capitalist masters.

IHaveTwoCows , (edited )

I agree. Still not the same as a conservative Republican.

glingorfel ,

this is a bit account, right? two cows, "genpub ", it’s all too much

IHaveTwoCows ,

What is a “bit account”?

And I love the Two Cows analogies

Grimble ,

Bad bit lol. No warm blooded human being has ever “loved the Two Cows analogies” Only a fed would come up with that

CannotSleep420 ,

You underestimate the stupidity of burgers.

beteljuice , (edited )

What exactly is the Democrat philosophy LOL. They have no consistency. They are just the opposite stance of the republicans on any particular issue (except for sucking off their corporate sponsors), so they will left or right wing on different subjects. For instance they used to be the party of free speech, which is absolutely a leftist stance, but since the right wing has latched onto it, now the Democrats are no longer in support.

IHaveTwoCows ,

I am not a Democrat apologist, but Manchin consistently acts like a conservative Republican so there fire not a Democrat and I dont give a fuck what party is next to his name.

And free soeech rights DO NOT extend to genocidal Nazis and white supremacist shitbags. Those fuckers broke the social contract and as a result they get no rights. This has nothing to do with Democrats. The right wing DO NOT believe in free speech; they only believe in amplified fascist speech. They have openly censored the speech if others.

If you disagree with any if this, that’s fine…but you would be a liar.

beteljuice ,

You sound like a reactionary and you haven’t been paying attention. The free speech issues have spread WELL beyond the small population of Nazis and white supremacists, but go on with your straw man… I’ve seen videos of right wing journalists of asian ethnicity being attacked due to being a “Nazi”. Everyone you don’t like is a crypto Nazi, which is why your attitude is the fascist one. Unless they claim to be a Nazi, doing salutes and wearing swastikas, then they aren’t a fucking nazi. That’s why Germany has very specific laws about this.

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

I’ve seen videos of right wing journalists of asian ethnicity being attacked due to being a “Nazi”.

Are you referring to Andy “works with Atomwaffen” Ngo?


beteljuice , (edited )

Yeah see you act just like a gestapo yourself. You are implying that Ngo is a Nazi and deserves to be silenced and have violence committed against him. But he is not a Nazi. You create these vague boundaries and bundle anyone as a Nazi if it suits your purpose, even if they only associated with someone who associated with someone else that is a Nazi. Virtually everyone is 2 degrees of separation from a Nazi, so you are probably a Nazi by these absurd notions.

Once again, free speech is a leftist stance, and people aren’t Nazis just because you don’t like them. You disingeously use this “Nazis don’t deserve free speech” because you know you will use it against everyone, Nazi or not.

That being said, Andy Ngo is a loser and an asshole spreading the wrong ideas. Not a Nazi though.

ShimmeringKoi , (edited ) avatar

Lol immediate defensive essay upon being called out for defending a literal nazi, “no ur the nazi actually”, this shit is so easy dude pit

beteljuice , (edited )

You are disingenuous trash. Gaslighting asshole. Just say any garbage that comes to mind whether it matches reality or not.

Typical bullshit strategy:

  1. Throw out some misinformation or half truth, like "Hitler ate Jewish babies on toast"
  2. Wait for someone to correct your bullshit, due to it being factually incorrect.
  3. Scream like a 11 year old on a middle school courtyard about “look at the Nazi defender” with emojis and all

You are advocating censorship and violence without due process to those you disagree with. You just need to categorize someone is part of some group who is exempt from due process for some reason, and then flip out with sneering and ad hominem if anyone disagrees with your bullshit. Sounds like fascism to me.

I’m certain I’ve done more for left wing causes than your trolling ass. You are the worst, trolls that identify as left wing and give the rest of us a bad name. You aren’t interested in facts or peace. You only care about us vs them and waging war. You probably think facts and nuanced discussion is a right wing thing.

Fuck off scum.

BurgerPunk , avatar
IHaveTwoCows ,

Are you trying to defend Andy Ngo, known fraud and fasciat instigator?

beteljuice ,

I’m not defending him at all, but he is clearly not a Nazi.

Also thanks for proving my point.

Flinch , avatar

I would classify someone who provides lists of left wing protestors to neonazi terror organization Atomwaffen to be at the very least “fascist-adjacent” but that’s just me shrug-outta-hecks

beteljuice , (edited )

I don’t think you are correct that he provided a list directly to atomwaffen. I’m open to being wrong, but could find any evidence of this.

He met with a group that associated with Atomwaffen. So he’s fascist-adjacent-adjacent. He is a hack journalist catering to a shitty audience for money, kind of like Tim Pool or Jimmy Dore or Joe Rogan. If this is the kind of person who deserves violence and censorship then you are only proving my point further.

Curious if you are an anarchist or believe in the rule of law. If the latter, what would be the legal boundary between people who deserve censorship and violence without due process?

IHaveTwoCows , (edited )

The legal boundary would be the lying, slander, and vicious radical fascist antagonization (i.e. stochastic terrorism) that Ngo engages in. These people absolutely should be censored by any means necessary as their actions ARE NOT “protected speech”.


The fucking shitheads you defend make violent threats to their political opponents all the time, even pushing people out of races (which is how MTG won). If you defend them then you too are an anti-American terrorist sympathizer.

They are TERRORISTS. They are not “voicing a different opinion”. They are TERRORISTS.

beteljuice ,

So much to unpack here. Not sure what country you are from, but in the US slander is already illegal, and orthogonal to fadcism.

And how is stochastic terrorism equivalent to radical fascist antagonism. And how would you prove stochastic terrorism? Just decide in your own and then lynch without trial? I have no idea how that would even be enforced in a legal framework. You gotta give me something here. I’m not just gonna go with twitter justice, sorry.

IHaveTwoCows ,

1- Did x happen as described? 2- Does his description serve to anger a violent audience? 3- Does this violent audience hurt others in response?

Ngo is three for three. Stochastic teroorist.

beteljuice ,

You are a stochastic terrorists. You cause people to have strokes trying to process your removed logic.

beteljuice , (edited )

You changed your comment after I replied.

You also moved the goalposts. The original premise was that Nazis don’t deserve free speech or protection from violence. Now we are switching to state department propaganda, with “the terrorists, oh my!”.

I’m not defending anyone, so fuck off with that bullshit now. I am simply trying to establish the facts. I only brought up one person, not a multitude. I’m not aware of any violent threats that he made.

Fuck you types that value fighting “your enemy” over facts and understanding. I won’t be bucketed as a sympathizer or right wing just because I challenge factually inaccurate information about a shithead. It’s such a lazy disingenuous fucked up asshole thing to do, to label someone as the outgroup for disagreeing with you. Fuck you, trash.

But you hella moved the goalposts. You all are really proving my point that you just have vague arbitrary moving lines you draw around people you don’t like so you can act like shitheads yourselves and feel good about it.

IHaveTwoCows ,

Guess what? Nazis dont deserve free speech or protection from violence. They broke the social contract, there fore they waive all rights.

And accidentally hitting “send” before I finished was unfortunate. Sorry you were hurt by that

beteljuice ,

Let’s go full circle again for you people with the memory of goldfish.

I’m actually fine with that, and as I said at the beginning of the thread, if they actually take the name, wear the symbols, and walk the walk.

But crypto-fascists such as yourself take advantage of this one exception that is hard to disagree with and decide to label every fucking person that disagrees with you as a Nazi. Not much different from what the Nazis did themselves. Create this fearful vague enemy that they had to break rules for to protect your safety.

Sorry, but Andy Ngo is not a Nazi, and fuck you for the gaslighting

IHaveTwoCows ,

What do you think he is, then? Also, I cant help but notice that we had a huge rise in radicalized fascists as center and left people kept insisted g that radicalized fascists should have all the free speech rights while demanding none of their own. Weird that nobody is asking Fox or OANN to allow free speech to socialists, liberals, leftists, or even centrist Democrats. Meanwhile, they passed a law allowing them to buy up all the airwaves and spew nonstop fascist ideology and Heritage Foundation radicalism.

It reminds me of the joke about Edison creating a light bulb and then wondering where all these fucking moths came from…

beteljuice , (edited )

He’s a hack journalist catering to a right-wingers to make money.

You are blind to the fact that both the “left” and “right” wing in the US are mostly artificial constructs by the corporate ruling class created to corral people like you into their pens.

The kind of shit you spew isn’t fundamentally different from the shit some right wing hillbilly spews about socialism and pedo cults. It’s all one big straw man to divide everyone into two manageable groups that have no overlap and see the other side as pure evil. You are a diddling kids under your Stalin poster according to billy bob deep in the appalachians. It’s just as accurate a depiction as everyone on the other side being a fascist nazi.

IHaveTwoCows ,

Oh no, I’m not blind to that fact but I do recognize when one is considerably more sinister and violent than the other, and that this sinister violence is highly similar to the same similar violence we have seen in past history.

beteljuice ,

How is one more sinister than the other when they are the same people? Lol don’t you see the flaw here?

Flinch , avatar

I am not going to spend effort trying to relitigate the reasons to hate a right wing grifter who collaborates with fascists. Personally, if I wanted to avoid violence, I wouldnt associate with groups that associate with Atomwaffen, but that’s just common sense shrug-outta-hecks

IHaveTwoCows ,

If you knew anything about his politics and methodology you would know that he is in fact most definitely a fascist at least, and very possibly a Nazi. Also, thanks for proving my point

beteljuice ,

“probably”. Ok I guess that’s good enough for violence and censorship. The point of this discussion wasn’t to determine whether he was a Nazi. You got lost. The point was that your mob justice is stupid and deadly. You can just label anyone you want then go ham open season on. them. You aren’t even sure yourself whether he’s a nazi for fuck sake.

IHaveTwoCows ,

I AM SURE that he is a stochastic TERRORIST.

beteljuice ,

You are sure. I guess caps lock proves it. Lol. Half of journalists are stochastic terrorists, whatever the fuck that means. Guess we should burn down fox news and CNN.

IHaveTwoCows ,


beteljuice ,

Go do your homework before your mom gets mad.

IHaveTwoCows ,

Oooh look the failure resorts to childish insults. I’ll take that as a win.

beteljuice , (edited )

The abject hypocrisy. I tried to keep this civil but you fired the first shot with the sneering and shit talking. Amazing the lack of self awareness people like you have. You have the memory of a goldfish considering the number of childish insults you already dropped.

IHaveTwoCows ,

Have you tried running around in circles and screaming at me through the screen? That should work.

BurgerPunk , avatar
CannotSleep420 ,

Unless they claim to be a Nazi, doing salutes and wearing swastikas, then they aren’t a fucking nazi.

Considering the billions the dems have sent to Ukraine, even that isn’t enough to qualify as a nazi.

Sean , avatar

@beteljuice @IHaveTwoCows

Just putting this out there:

David Duke denies that he's an antisemite, racist, or bigot.

The individual doesn't need to identify and tell others that they are fascist to be objectively fascist. Or should we take the word of David Duke that his bigoted beliefs aren't bigoted because he doesn't recognize them to be bigoted beliefs?

Ubermeisters ,

This post was brigated by users from hexbear. It’s probably the lowest sum total IQ group I’ve ever seen online…

rjs001 , avatar

Awww you just started using ableism and using the term brigading lmao

YeetPics , (edited ) avatar

As someone with no emotional connection to these politicians, “okay”.

Putin kills kids 🤷‍♂️

zephyreks ,

He is, quite literally, a Democrat. The fact that he is a Democrat sort of draws the line for where the “center” in the US is.

IHaveTwoCows ,

I wonder how many people are going to tell me that he is quite literally a Democrat before this thread has died? I’ll bet every one of them thinks they’re the first to do so, and thinks they won the debate when they do.

HornyOnMain , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Death to america amerikkka

Ubermeisters ,

Such an intelligent take

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

more like uber loser! lmao!

Ubermeisters ,

Wow you’re really owning me left and right

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

thanks chief

HornyOnMain ,

hating a country for starving its own children isn’t exactly a hard take to arrive at

Ubermeisters ,

Someday you’re going to get tired of the smell of your own anus and pull your head out of there

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

some day you will realize countries 10x poorer than the USA manage to feed everyone without issue

BurgerPunk , avatar
ShimmeringKoi , avatar
mindbleach , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

Oil companies buy votes.

Climate activists can’t.

Dubious_Fart ,

Climate activists could, if you knew how little per voter it takes to buy off a politician.

hell, some sell out their constituency for as little as 3 cents a head.

darq , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned avatar

I think we have to rapidly come to terms with the fact that, politically, we are never going to adequately address climate change before it is too late. Conservatives will dig in their heels and slow the process to a near-standstill, and liberal democratic institutions will allow it to happen.

Climate change will be addressed by either a deus-ex-machina-like technological breakthrough, or by means outside of electoral politics.


Climate change will be addressed by either a deus-ex-machina-like technological breakthrough, or by means outside of electoral politics.

And we can rule out the technological breakthrough. It’s unlikely, although not impossible, to happen, BUT it’s absolutely impossible to be implented on a large enough scale to make change.

The same people who don’t want wind turbines or solar farms within eye sight of their backyard are suddenly to accept something completely new and not well understood or tested… on an unprecedented scale? Sign me up for a laugh.

edit: All those bastards advocating some world saving technology, just so they don’t need to change something now, ignore the fact that it’ll also be them who will prevent that technology - if it comes. NIMBYs stay NIMBYs.

breakfastburrito ,

Remember what happened when we got that miraculously effective covid vaccine? The unwillingness of people to take that simple, free action to help return to the normal they wanted back so badly really killed my hope for an end to climate change.

andrewta ,

Sadly in my opinion it is already too late. In my opinion we are already in the downward spiral. It’s like a roller coaster ride, once you are over that hump just hang on for the ride.

At this point we and our great great great great great great…. Grand children will pay the price.

We had the chance to fix it. It’s already way too late. Sorry just my opinion. Less pollution might make the fall out slightly less bad. So there is a point in stopping pollution, but as for reversing and stopping what’s going to happen? Yeah no sorry we are screwed.

sharkfucker420 ,

Really hoping for some deus ex machina shit rn and I think that says a lot

m4xie ,

If the tech breakthrough hurts oil companies profits, they will lobby and propagandize against it.

P1r4nha ,

Forget technology. Even scientists’ and engineers’ wettest dreams don’t consider technologies that capture even a tenth of the billions of tons of CO2 we release on a yearly basis.

If you look closely at the numbers it’s hard to understand that we engineer ourselves out of this mess.

Solar, wind etc. is all nice. Nuclear fisson, cold and hot fusion, okay. We’re far away of anything useful. Capital is just in the wrong hands.

darq , avatar

Trust me, I realise... I mention a technological breakthrough not because I think it's likely or a good idea to expect, it's not and it isn't. It's a terribly stupid "solution" to bet on.

But no actual, plausible solution will actually be allowed. At least not until tremendous damage has already been done.

Anti_Face_Weapon , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

In my own stupid opinion, the GOP is infested by fascist thought to its very core. And yet, they got boo’d for denying climate change. Some change is good, and some change is bad, and I think the conservatives recognizing climate change is a damn good thing.

But it should have happened 20 years ago. We are seriously fucked now. Thanks Mitch.

Cethin ,

You don’t have to lead facts with “in my opinion.”

DragonTypeWyvern ,

The thing is, fascism is a populist ideology. It works best when you can point at someone and say “this thing that concerns you is insert boogeyman’s fault!”

I’m ultimately not as concerned by these hacks as the guy who comes along and actually appeals to someone besides the boomers.

axont , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

All of these dorks are just auditioning for jobs in the Trump administration. They refuse to say anything bad about Trump even though they’re running in a race against him.

Except none of them will get jobs because Trump thinks they’re all dorks.

UlyssesT ,

Except none of them will get jobs because Trump thinks they’re all dorks.

Stephen Miller is an ultra dork, creepy as he also is.


Chris Christie did, because he still plays by the 2015 edition rulebook

richietozier4 , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shot back, “I’ve had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT.”


letsgocrazy ,

This comment was spot on - I listened to an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy and thought he was one of the most insincere bullshiters I’ve heard in a long time. “Chat GPT” nails it.

Parent ,

He made a career convincing investors to buy into his biotech startup. Insincere bullshitting is the name of the game there.

VHS , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned avatar

Bought and paid for by the all-powerful Climate Science Industry?

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