CylonBunny , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing avatar

Maybe at a cushy white collar office job. I work at a hospital. There is no down time when you are on the clock, that’s true for nurses, doctors, housekeeping, pharmacy, lab, food service - I’d imagine the same is also true for all sort of service industry workers, and also factory workers, farmers, construction, and so so many others. Let’s stop pretending that everyone just sits in front of a computer all day.

negativeyoda ,

I just posted the same thing. I used to be a bartender/ server and work in retail. You DON’T rest. Not on your own schedule at least

My work is hybrid these days and I have tasks to complete instead of just drink from the firehose of task garbage being thrown my way. I can control the ebb and flow of my workday and slack or be a champion as needed.

Oh, I work 4 9 hour day weeks too. My quality of life is better in every way and i STILL dick around certain days. You probably make a lot more than I do but it’s not worth it to get home and have zero bandwidth

suspecm , avatar

To be fair, for those jobs the 5 day workweek, as it is known traditionally, has never been true. They were always either doing starnge shifts like 24 hours twice then 2 free days, repeat or working way more than 5 days a week, based on demand (which of course has been increasing since businesses hire less and less for some fuckin reason).

boredtortoise ,

Those are the first jobs we need to change into 4 hours for 3 days shifts or something. It’s dangerous for everyone to work without sufficient recovery

Just_A_Human ,

Exactly. I definitely would not want a nurse or a doctor to operate on me when there on the last stretches of a 12 hour shift, running on 5 hours of sleep. The only question I ask any doctor, nurse or dentist before they start any procedure on me is “how many hours of sleep did you get last night”… Anything less than 6-7 hours puts me in more risk than I’d accept!

boredtortoise ,

Even truck drivers etc. have mandatory work:rest-ratios. It should be a norm

Kungfusnorlax ,

Obviously white collar workers need help.

pancakes , avatar

Can’t we agree that everyone’s job is difficult in one way or another instead of making it a dick-measuring contest?

Everyone deserves a job that doesn’t make them want to die as well as to make enough money to live off.

Powerpoint ,

It would be better if you were 4 days instead of 5. You’d have better productivity and recovery.

DragonAce ,

Whats sad is that most of those jobs are just insanely and intentionally understaffed (and underpaid), which is precisely why they’re so demanding.

SpeakinTelnet , avatar

It’s almost like we should have started investing in better education and replacing manually repetitive tasks with automation.

Machines should have been a relief from the hardship of life, not a mean to gain more profit for a few individuals.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

It’s criminal how you are all treated because of purposeful under-staffing. Everyone needs downtime. The human mind does not go full throttle for 8-12 hours straight, and I’m well aware you often have longer shifts than that in a hospital! If medical staff had some downtime during their shifts, patient outcomes would improve, and not just by a little bit.

assassin_aragorn ,

We need to mandate a certain level of staffing so this shit stops.

Just_A_Human ,

You’re a human being, not a human doing. You need and deserve downtime. You are not a machine. You must find a way. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

TrickDacy ,

I assure you that “sitting in front of a computer” is less ideal than you seem to think it is

vacuumflower ,

Well, it’s kinda depressing when you conclude no particular task for a day, yet still feel boiled due to tired eyes, headache etc.

Erk ,

I’m a doctor and intentionally set my own hours to four day work weeks whenever I can, because I run my own practice and can do that. Let’s not pretend it’s a badge of honour to grind ourselves into a twitching mess.

Asafum ,

This is exactly my problem as well… We wanted to try a 4 day work week at my factory but they said no because we need to ship things 5 days a week… Except for the fact that we almost never ship more than 1 or 2 things in any given day and they are rarely things that need to go asap… One day wouldn’t kill them but they’re stuck in the past.

Oneeightnine , avatar

I work five days in a warehouse. If I go more than five minutes without scanning a box then it alerts the manager and they’ll come down and see what’s occurring.

So yeah. I feel like this stat is more for office sorts who (and I may be wrong here) spend a lot of time on Reddit and Facebook during the work day.

OldManBOMBIN , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

Pfft. One

Lemmylefty , avatar

“This reply was sent during work hours.”



suspecm , avatar

I barely spend a workweek doing a day’s worth of work, let alone 4.

esgpi ,

Right?! Those are some rookie numbers

cyborganism ,

“Those are rookie numbers! You gotta pump these numbers up!”

Drewsteau , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

I feel like this is something that everyone already knew but we had to do a study to prove it

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

People have known it since at least 1999 when Office Space was released. If you're not slacking off at work, especially if you're salaried, you're being exploited even more than usual.

gravitas_deficiency ,

What would you say… you do here?

thereisalamp ,
gravitas_deficiency ,

Alright, but that- that’s the last straw.

mo_ztt , to Politics in Why it's impossible for right-wing governments to handle a crisis avatar

Holy shit man

When Democrats have control of Congress and the White House they pass all sorts of legislation to advance the public good, aid workers, care for the poor and disabled, strengthen public education, and provide for the needs of ordinary people. Occasionally they overreach or their programs don’t work or even backfire; they then fix them or try something different.

When rightwingers run our government, though, they pass laws like Taft-Hartley that gutted union rights, rip up voting rights, make it easier for fossil fuel companies to pollute and timber companies to clear-cut, and dial back people’s access to welfare and healthcare programs. And, of course, start wars (Grenada, Iraq/Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq) and pass tax cuts for their billionaire patrons.

Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, Obama, and Biden all proposed and put into law sweeping programs to build America and enhance the public good ranging from Social Security, the right to unionize, the minimum wage, Medicare, food stamps, Medicaid and greater funding for education.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Trump all went for tax cuts for billionaires and worked to gut or privatize the agencies, infrastructure, and programs Democrats had set up.

There’s a reason for this.

— Leftwing governments believe in democracy, and so try to accomplish what’s best for the majority of people while protecting the rights of the minority; rightwing governments practice autocracy on behalf of the morbidly rich. Sometimes, like the old USSR or modern Venezuela, repressive and authoritarian rightwing governments pretend to be left-wing, but the police state aspects of their governance give the game away.

— Rightwingers don’t see democracy as a benefit or even an ideal; they see it as an impediment to further comforting the already-comfortable while enriching themselves in the process. Instead of building up disaster preparedness through strengthening, for example, FEMA, they work to redirect those government dollars back to their friends through things like $600 billion a year in oil industry subsidies and over $20 trillion (cumulatively) in Republican tax cuts to billionaires since 1981.

The result — when rightwingers are in charge — is government that’s not paying attention to real threats and, when they come, responds with profound incompetence or cynical exploitation

I do have some disagreements around the edges of this but God damn it’s refreshing to see someone in mainstream media set their sights on what’s actually going on, and then go straight for the throat and keep digging.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Go off, MSN.

Changetheview ,

Craziest part to me is how successful some right wing groups are at convincing the poor to follow along. Those that quite literally benefit the most from the social programs are willing to vote against their own interests to support the elites.

How mind boggling is it that rednecks are literally willing to overthrow their beloved country for a NY trust fund baby and reality TV star? Then he goes and helps the rich even more and they love him for it. He pisses all over “law and order” and the military. They don’t care. Just wild.

I know a lot of their feelings come from fringe topics like immigration/sexuality, but it’s still amazing considering the economic situation they’re facing. The lack of education and critical thinking is evident.

Jesus_666 ,

Because hating an outgroup is always easier than accepting that current hardship is the result of a complex interplay of factors that aren’t entirely understood and that might require counterintuitive solutions that aren’t guaranteed to work.

“Capitalism is good, therefore being rich is good” seems logically consistent, thus “too much concentration of wealth is bad for capitalist societies” is nontrivial and requires some mental work to understand. If the other guy says “nah, rich people are cool; it’s those other people that are different from you that run everything” it’s more immediately palatable.

So how do you get poor people to back the interests of rich people instead of their own? Segregate them and blame subsets of them. Don’t Be a Sucker is as relevant today as it was in 1947.

Remmock ,

They’re not the poor. They’re temporarily disenfranchised billionaires who just haven’t joined their contemporaries yet. They’ll never see themselves as the poor.

mo_ztt , avatar

They spend literally billions of dollars a year on arranging for propaganda in order to create this outcome. It’s sad that it works so well yeah, but they’re pretty good at it and they have effectively all the money and talent in the world to make it happen.

harsh3466 , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

How is this a surprise? The detachment people have from the reality “on the ground” is infuriating. Try working a job you hate for shit pay for 71% of your entire fucking week and then just bounce into a weekend (assuming you even get two days off in a row) with all the energy to “do stuff”.

ffs. Assholes.

metaStatic ,

I've put my foot down on Tuesday/Wednesday as my weekend. the past year I'd be lucky to get 2 in a row.

This gives me a functional 4 day week but if I get rostered on Sunday I'm perfectly happy with that kind of money.

harsh3466 ,

I’m glad for you!! That’s great. I’m fortunate as well. I work 4 days (10 hours) so I typically have three days off and my boss usually gives me at least two in a row.

Even with that, I still often burn one day off just recovering. This oligarchy late stage capitalism is bullshit.

kemsat , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

That’s besides the point. You have to be there so you don’t have enough time to achieve your hopes & dreams, ensuring you don’t build up any wealth, let alone generational wealth, and therefore can never challenge their dominance & authority.

Just_A_Human ,

I agree, this is more than whether we work more or less efficiently with 4 or 5 days in the office. The ruling class wants us in our white cages (office walls) for as long as possible so, as you said, they can ensure we can’t work on other stuff that truly satisfies us and gives us a chance of generating actual wealth rather than depending on whatever measly income they want us to live paycheck to paycheck on…

voidMainVoid ,

It’s highly unlikely that any of my dreams would make me wealthy, because they all involve having fun, improving myself, and/or making the world a better place. I think most other people are the same way.

bilb , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing avatar

A five day work week gives your employer more control over your life though. They will not give that up willingly.

Just_A_Human ,

That’s why my main goal is to accumulate ‘fuck you money’. Right now, I get my tasks done asap and gtfo and if they don’t like that, they can fire me if they’d like. If they don’t like that all my work flow is smooth and efficient but I leave early or come in late, they can frankly fuck right off… So far I got 5 years worth of living expenses stashed away (my fuck you money stash) but I’m trying to put it in places that it can generate me income in alternative ways so I can flip the script on them and remove any remaining leverage they have on me.

overzeetop , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing avatar

we spend one doing basically nothing

Browsing Lemmy is not doing nothing. I’m , um, keeping my head in tune with the global marketplace and honing my remote interpersonal skillset. Yeah, that’s what it is.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

I’m just looking at cats.

ImplyingImplications , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

Office Space knew this all the way back in 1999.

I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work

Powerpoint ,

They knew this in the 70’s along with ubi. Milton Friedman is an asshole.

MrSilkworm , avatar

My dream is a 4day/20hour week with 30 days paid leave and a monthly UBI along with free healthcare and free education and universities.

People would struggle so much less this way.

The craziest thing is that economically and resource wise, it’s perfectly doable.

Just_A_Human ,

Wow 15 minutes of work for 40 hours of pay. That’s truly inspiring and impressive. 😌👌

Blackmist , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

Only one day? You guys are slacking.

Just_A_Human ,

Yeah I’m hovering at atleast 3 days of nothing, trying to push it to 4…

CallumWells ,

Of course, Slack is part of the workflow ;P

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Why it's impossible for right-wing governments to handle a crisis

Because it's not possible to bully a crisis?

mo_ztt , avatar

Not quite, a lot of military problems actually can be bullied away. TL;DR it’s because they don’t give a shit

toomanyjoints69 ,

This is really insightful.

ShortBoweledClown , to U.S. News in Voters in Ohio reject change to state’s constitution

It’s almost like the GOP has unpopular policies

some_guy , to Work Reform in Southwest Airlines flight attendants land new contract with immediate 22% raise thanks to the Transport Workers Union Local 556

Unions work. This is awesome.

AThing4String , to Work Reform in Southwest Airlines flight attendants land new contract with immediate 22% raise thanks to the Transport Workers Union Local 556
Mdotaut801 , to Work Reform in Major 4-day workweek study suggests that when we work 5 days we spend one doing basically nothing

Where are the jobs where I do nothing for 1 day out of the week and how do I apply? I can barely step away for a lunch consistently.

Nommer ,

Yo same. I’m burning out after 3 years of this. I’ve gotten to the point I don’t care anymore and I’m going to less than half ass shit until I make them fire me or I get a new job.

altima_neo , avatar

Same. I’m even working more than 8 hours a day on most days.

Them white collar guys got it easy and they’re still complaining about it!

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