
Gutotito , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins
@Gutotito@kbin.social avatar

Was anyone actually spending money on that crap?

GrossGhost ,
@GrossGhost@kbin.social avatar

Yes haha. Constantly. I wouldn't be surprised if they're happy to be rid of the type of user who would move to the fediverse anyway. Maybe that was their plan all along.

EricKendrick ,
@EricKendrick@feddit.uk avatar

Yep, and was proud to - let me support Reddit and good contributors.

I wonder if the exodus of people like myself brought this on - the drop in awards given may have been significant indicator or less engagement, so needed to muddy the waters?

zalack ,
@zalack@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I bought gold a few times. I had no problem with "this content was so good it inspired me to give back a little to the free service we're all using."

I wouldn't mind some equivalent for the fediverse honestly. Let me donate to the home server of a user who's comment I thought was especially good.

I know you can donate directly, but I do think there was something about also making another user's day that felt good about the Gold system. The service gets some fuel in the tank and the comment author gets a little boost to their mood. It was nice.

I agree it got way too out of hand when they moved beyond Gold though.

FuckFashMods ,

Reddit used to fund all their servers with it and had a gold goal.

itscozydownhere ,
@itscozydownhere@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah the same that buy skins in games

But honestly, good. It’s those people that keep the stuff free for the others

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

This seems like the dumbest decision imaginable. Users are flocking to alternatives, many of those who haven't don't trust you, and you're trying to become profitable … so you delete the stuff people paid for without any sort of replacement. What a genius ideaǃ Making the platform less unique and giving the middle finger to the people who give you money in one go!

There's no way a human adult is running this company. It has to be a council of toddlers run by a keyboard-smashing orangutan. At this point, they might as well start encouraging bots and karma farming. Maybe even pay people to do it!

Wait, what did you just say? They might actually do that?

The circus never ends.

metalingus , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins

Was there any indication something like this was coming?

Also, I only learned last 1-2 months during the API fiasco that Reddit had some weird NFT thing going on.. Are they just trying to find anything that will stick?

Chozo ,

It's rumored that Reddit is about to launch a new "creator program" that will pay Redditors for high-karma activity on the site. This change is probably meant to accommodate this new feature.

nicetriangle ,
@nicetriangle@kbin.social avatar

Sounds like they’re desperate to keep power users on board

VulcanSphere ,
@VulcanSphere@kbin.social avatar

All for the "engagement rate" to be presented during IPO.

mrbubblesort ,
@mrbubblesort@kbin.social avatar

Instead what they'll get is a metric shitton of bots trying to game the system, further tanking the site

density ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

how is paying people going to "keep them profit oriented til profits arrive"?

how could they even have the cashflow to support that? money isn't free anymore

Chozo ,

how could they even have the cashflow to support that?

I'm guessing new deals with advertisers. These changes will incentivize more neutral, advertiser-friendly comments on their platform. I imagine that's going to make them more lucrative to advertisers going forward, so that their ads are shown next to harmless memes instead of bad-faith political arguments in cat pic subreddits.

Kittybeer , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins

Whelp, I never used those things anyway.

musicalcactus , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins
@musicalcactus@midwest.social avatar

To what end, I wonder?

I feel like it has to be financially motivated and the only thing I can think of is they want users paying for premium directly rather than having it gifted from a different accounting bucket. But that doesn’t seem like strong enough motivation on the surface.

qooqie ,

I have a feeling it’s definitely a blue checkmark in the making moment

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in r/TIHI has been banned for being unmoderated.

To all the folks saying that reddit couldn't replace the mods, that it was too big an effort, that they couldn't run a big sub all by themselves, I have only one thing to say to you.

You were right.

bionicjoey ,

Thanks, I hate being right.

NotTheOnlyGamer ,
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

I'm sure users will step forward if they care. Otherwise, it's just a campaign optimization at work. Limit the breadth of organic content to deepen the brand-friendly content and push more paid media into the feed.

abff08f4813c ,

I'm sure users will step forward if they care.

This is the part I didn't quite get. Like I am sure that there were users who requested this sub in r/redditrequest after r/TIHI became unmoderated.

For some reason I don't understand, these requests did not pan out and it ended up getting shut down instead.

At the very least, users stepping forward doesn't seem to be enough on its own.

CrazyEddie041 ,
@CrazyEddie041@kbin.social avatar

If I had to guess, there are too many users who would become appointed as moderators, then just shut down the subreddit again. The admins need time to filter through the applications to find the genuine bootlickers.

CarbonIceDragon ,
@CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social avatar

From the one time I tried requesting a sub there, they don’t just let someone have a sub if they ask and it’d be banned otherwise, they probably won’t give it to you if you don’t have mod experience for example (the reason I didn’t get the niche sub I was trying to revive, which is reasonable enough), or if they feel that what experience you do have isn’t enough that you’d likely be able to handle the particular sub. TIHI is a big sub, so they’d not just be looking for any random volunteer, it’d have to be someone experienced with moderating sizable subs, probably. And those people are, well, exactly the kind of people angry with reddit right now.

hypelightfly ,

Reddit gave the snackexchange subreddit to someone who had no mod experience and hadn't participated in the sub for years. The person claims they didn't even ask for the position and only asked for the head mod to be removed. Reddit removed the top mod and made the person top mod.

FriendOfFalcons ,

Reddit is really on their way to become the next facebook.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

Thing is, people stay on Facebook because their friends and family are on Facebook. Reddit is far more anonymous and therefore has far less inertia.

Thorned_Rose ,

I would drop kick FB in a heart beat if it wasn't for that shitty platform being my only means of communication with some family and friends. WTF happened to email and phone calls/txt jesus.

maxxxxpower ,

If any of my friends told me they’d only use FB for communication, they would be my friend no longer.

Thorned_Rose ,

I wish I could do that. But I'm disabled which is isolating by itself but also makes maintaining friendships difficult let alone making new friends.

So unfortunately the few friends I do have are firmly entrenched in FB and I have little recourse to make more friends. They're good people. Genuinely good people so I don't want to ditch them anyway, they've just been wicked into social media addiction and entrapment the same way many have been.

MelancholikhPatata , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins
@MelancholikhPatata@kbin.social avatar

Reddit's self-destruction is quite impressive, I'm not going to lie

bakaraka , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins

It hurt itself in its confusion

LuckyCharmsNSoyMilk , to RedditMigration in Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees.

Wake up Samurai, we’ve got a website to burn.

a-man-from-earth , to RedditMigration in I guess they couldn't replace all the mods and re-open all the subs
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

/r/Reaper (55k) is still restricted.

IninewCrow , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins
@IninewCrow@kbin.social avatar

I think part of it is about retention .... retaining all those users, especially those with high karma levels (or at least users who believe they have high karma) from abandoning the site and ending their accounts.

I'm currently in the process of ending my four accounts I have on reddit. Two of them are over 100,000 in karma and when I read this post, the very first thing that popped into my mind was .... HOW MUCH WILL MY ACCOUNTS BE WORTH?

So it's now making me think ... if I can just keep up my account for another while, maybe I can cash in on all that karma I accumulated.

I am sure that many other redditors are thinking the same. The way this reddit admin posted the info is really weird too ... it sounded like some salesman just enticing people into an idea but not fully being able to say much about it and instead making vague suggestions that something big is coming in the future.

I know a sales job when I see one .... and this is a sales job. Many people will fall for it ... if not just to hang on to see if they can at least cash in our something ... anything when the announcement happens.

Say or think what you want about me ... but I'm ending this relationship and deleting my accounts ... I don't trust big corporations to say or do anything that might give me a chance at anything. Any action they elicit from me or any user will be gamed to only benefit them. If not enough people figure that out ... reddit will make bank in the short term and that is all they are counting on.

waterbogan ,

I think part of it is about retention … retaining all those users, especially those with high karma levels (or at least users who believe they have high karma) from abandoning the site and ending their accounts.>

If they were actually serious about retention of high karma users they could at least consider not suspending/ banning such users without a very good reason. My previous account on there was nuked for reasons I dont understand to this day, I would have happily stayed on otherwise. I have a temporary account there now which I had no intention of putting any money into - well now the one reason i might have been tempted to do so is going away anyway.

The award/ coin system was great, and I spent a bit of money on it, it was also a very good way to pay for or be paid for small international transactions - I assisted a few people with minor things and they paid my costs such as they were with reddit coin, saving them and me international bank transaction fees. I also liked rewarding intelligent and incisive comments that needed recognition as such.

Reddit really is going down the shitter

SilentSeven , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins

I wonder if this isn’t a rev recognition play. If their accounting rules say they can’t take the revenue until the award is issued…I bet there’s a lot of money sitting on the table they can apply to their books with this play. It’s basically the same play as expiring unused gift cards…

Hmmm. Conspiracy theory intensifies…

mrbubblesort ,
@mrbubblesort@kbin.social avatar

That's actually an excellent point, but it has the chance to backfire spectacularly if they can't IPO or come up with a more higher earning replacement before the end of the next fiscal year. So I totally expect them to fuck it up

Wraith25 , to RedditMigration in Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees.

lol the fact the sub was not nsfw to begin with is hilarious. I believe in the opening minutes of the game you customize your characters genitals.

littlebluespark ,
@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

You seem to underestimate how long it takes players to progress through the preceding customization options before arriving at genital detailing.

bug , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins

It’s surprising to hear this; given reddit’s current mass-enshittification I don’t expect to see a change that both improves user experience and reduces the money they’re making. Clearly they’ve got something more sinister planned, but awards were a blight on the reddit experience and had I not already left I’d appreciate this change (for now!)

s_s , to RedditMigration in Reddit kills awards and coins
@s_s@lemmy.one avatar

Makes sense to me.

Reddit’s new userbase (Bots) don’t buy gold.

You don’t want to IPO and have to document that one of your 3 revenue streams is decreasing month-to-month.

The strategy is to keep pumping the fake traffic and keep selling the bogus impressions to ad buyers.

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