Bagofbuttholes , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms

Was sworn in by Thomas at the home of Harlan Crowe.

How is that ok? How did this Crowe stuff just come out if they were using his house to swear in judges. Maybe I’m wrong but, that just seems really off.

shiveyarbles ,

Yeah this judge was groomed from the start to be a billionaire class sycophant.

Sanctus , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms avatar

So we just swearin’ in judges at the crib now? Like thats official or something?

Arotrios , avatar

@spaceghoti 's been posting about GOP bullshit like a machine. I think they deserve the room to rant on this one. It's at the carton villainy level of stupid, and they've gotta be suffering PTSD at this point after slogging through all that idiocy.

Besides, now I'm curious as to who ElliotRodgerFan48 is and whether or not they're trollable on the Fediverse.

Sanctus , avatar

I’m nearly at the point where molotovs sound like objects of worship. Open corruption deserves open cleansing.

Nougat , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms

You know, at first I was like, "Ehh this highly editorialized writing is a bit much," but then I read:

"Unborn babies are a source of profound joy for those who view them," he wrote in his Wednesday opinion. "Expectant parents eagerly share ultrasound photos with loved ones. Friends and family cheer at the sight of an unborn child. Doctors delight in working with their unborn patients—and experience an aesthetic injury when they are aborted."

Every bit of snark in this article is fully warranted.

Arotrios , avatar

I came here to post this - have an upvote.

But I have to ask - I experience an aesthetic injury every time I see a MAGA hat. Does this mean I have a case?

PrincessLeiasCat ,

This is so fucked up. And how does he even “know” this? How many “injured doctors” has he spoken to?

I’m a woman, I have had several OBGYN’s, men and women. I’ve asked many about their stance on abortion because I live in a southern state, and this is of particular concern to me. They have all answered with professional and medical responses.

Never has this weird shit come up.

Nougat ,

I have to think that OBGYNs have to always be prepared to be faced with tragedy. So many preganancies end badly, most often for no reason whatsoever. In that kind of circumstance, I cannot imagine being able to tell a woman that no, this will not end with your having a happy, healthy baby, and you're not going to be allowed to make your choice about what happens, or start the healing process. Just wait for your body to reject the fetus, and hope you don't go septic.

It's fucking barbarous.

TheButtonJustSpins , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms

Uterus? More like ourterus.

Odo ,

“But Marge, it’s uterus, not uter-you.”

unix_joe , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms avatar

Pray tell, what connection is being implied that this Judge has anything to do with Elliot Rodger?

spaceghoti OP ,

Before driving to the sorority house, Rodger uploaded a video to YouTube titled “Elliot Rodger’s Retribution”, in which he outlined his planned attack and his motives. He explained that he wanted to punish women for rejecting him, and sexually active men because he envied them.

The author is comparing the judge’s reasoning to Elliot Rodger’s. Clearly in his mind, women have no automony of their own. They exist only to entertain men with sex and childbirth.

unix_joe , avatar

That is a general conservative Christian sentiment not out of line with the far right and republican values. It’s a shitty position but one that many Americans hold on to.

Why was Elliot Rodger specifically mentioned in relation to Judge Ho?

spaceghoti OP ,

Because they’re both icel arguments.

AFKBRBChocolate , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers

I really wish the media would at least try to appear unbiased, except in clearly identified opinion pieces - I don’t think it does any of us any good to have such slanted words in reporting.

All that being said, I agree with the overall take. People lost their shit when Hilary called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” but look at how they behave and what they push for. Why would you want to vote for someone more because there’s credible evidence that he committed serious crimes? Not just that you’re looking the other way, but it’s a desirable attribute? That’s just crap.

There’s reporting that the guy who shot the shopkeeper over the pride flag was very outspoken against abortion. “Every life is sacred, but I’m going to murder this woman because she supports LGBTQ rights.” So much of their anger is against things that have zero affect on them personally. It’s crazy.

spaceghoti OP ,

Um…this is an opinion piece. The whole site is pretty much opinion.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I guess it says “commentary” at the top, so maybe I should retract that part. I’m old, and I grew up in a time when opinion pieces one the news were very overtly identified as such, with disclaimers about the publication not endorsing any opinion given. The reason being that everything else was intended to be taken factually. I see so many things now where we blur the lines, with newscasters using a lot of subjective adjectives to tell us how we should feel about things they’re reporting on. It really bugs me.

sab , avatar

I feel like I'm also increasingly seeing this coming from the left, which I find particularly troubling. We have the facts on our side, we don't need to make bombastic clickbait and masquerade opinion pieces as reporting. It's just distracting from the actual stories and undermining our position.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I fully agree. It’s a stronger position when we keep it fact-based.

whatisallthis , only exists to provide a headline for people to circle-jerk about in the comments on their favorite social media platform.

Republicans have those too. But this is a Democrat one.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I’m sure I’ve read salon articles that people have linked, but not enough to get a feel for them as a publication in general. When I read news, I generally try to avoid sources that lean hard in either direction, except sometimes to see what their take on a subject is.

sab , avatar

(A little tip for kbin users who are tired of clickbait: If you click here and press the block button, you won't see any more posts from :) )

p03locke , avatar

“So much for Objective Journalism. Don’t bother to look for it here–not under any byline of mine; or anyone else I can think of. With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

ladicius , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers

In short: That demographic is a dumpster fire just like their representatives.

MotoAsh , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers

Back in 2008, I told my friends, “never underestimate the racists and hate that persists in the south” when they were appalled by me saying, “I’ll be surprised if there isn’t an attempt at Obama.”

The true problem isn’t that racists exist. It’s that far too many comfortable people fail to understand THAT racists and hateful bigots still exist.

and in very, very large numbers.

authed ,

I’m a white in atlanta and I experience it at least once a week

MotoAsh ,

What is ‘it’? Why do you experience it? What are you doing to deserve it? Being ignorant to your privilege? Trying to use your privilege like those morons that parked their boat?

If you’re receiving racism as a white dude … you probably deserve it. This is coming from a white dude.

stephen01king ,

Sounds like victim blaming if you immediately assume they are in the wrong without looking at the facts first.

MotoAsh ,

I’m still waiting for information. Did you not notice the question marks throughout? Do you not understand what “probably” means?

stephen01king ,

You last paragraph suggests you’ve already made up your mind. People who victim blame ask questions all the time, they just don’t bother waiting for the answer before stating their preconceived conclusion. Just like you did, tbh.

p03locke , avatar

You experience what in Atlanta?

authed ,

Black people being racist against white people… Where I am it is about 95% black

Hyperreality ,

Racists don't just exist in the south. They exist everywhere.

In fact, the ones who aren't openly racist are the most dangerous of all.

MotoAsh ,

I agree. I only referenced the south to spare my friends’ feelings. (and because it’s WAY more pervasive in the south)

PowerCrazy ,

Like our current president.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

The only slight silver lining for me in this whole shit show is that it shined a light on how prevalent racism is across the country. As an older white guy on the west coast, I knew there was still a fair amount of racism, but figured it was mostly found in the rural south and scattered uneducated cretins. It turns out that a giant percentage of our population are racists who used to keep those opinions to themselves. Now they feel like it’s completely acceptable to voice those opinions, and the rest of us can see the magnitude of the problem.

authed , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers

And Obama isn’t nuts? Droning weddings and stuff

spaceghoti OP ,

Thank you for today’s injection of “whataboutism.” It was utterly irrelevant, as always.

authed ,

It wasn’t irrelevant… And the die hard democrats still call this fake news… See other comments

Cruxifux ,

Trump did more.


So if we’re talking about Trump VS Obama specifically you don’t get to use that one as a one up for Trump vs Obama.

But yes, that drone strike thing is one of the reasons I don’t like Obama. It’s also one of the reasons I don’t like Trump.

authed ,

At least you are honest, but I think Obama is the one that started it (don’t quote me on that)

Cruxifux ,

Well I think both Trump and Obama are war criminals that deserve to go to The Hague so you’re not gonna hear me sticking up for Obama starting it. But I’m gonna call a spade a spade here and say it’s a really stupid whataboutism to bring up if you’re pretending you actually care about civilian deaths when talking about drone strikes man.

authed ,

I think its worth pointing out the other is also deplorable when he is calling someone else deplorable

Cruxifux ,

So do you agree that it’s fucked up that Trump also did a ridiculous amount of drone strikes and that he’s also a huge piece of shit?

authed ,

The only thing I like about Trump is that he is not a politician… Also, I am not aware of any hospitals or weddings that were droned by Trump

Cruxifux ,

The majority of drone strike civilian casualties occurred under trump. It took me like three seconds to google dude.

What you’re doing is called a double standard. Congratulations, you stand for absolutely nothing.

AbidanYre ,

Nope, it was Bush.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

It started under Bush. We didn’t have much drone technology prior to that, so it ramped up under him, continued to ramp up under Obama, and continued to ramp up under Trump.

Whether it’s a net negative is debatable to me. It’s not like those bystander deaths didn’t happen prior to the drones - on the contrary, there were more of them because we used less discriminate bombs instead. You can make an argument that the drone strikes have saved lives, at least as compared to what was happening previously. Targeting someone in a civilian area seems pretty reprehensible regardless.

NataliePortland , avatar

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  • authed ,
    NataliePortland , avatar

    That’s just a political attack job against Obama. You shouldn’t trust MSM it’s all lies. I bet you voted for treason trump

    authed ,

    Its not an attack, its just the truth

    authed ,

    Also… Not sure what MSM is

    NataliePortland , avatar

    Wow lady you need to learn how to read. Maybe if you weren’t spending so much time getting offended about everything you would know something about news and politics. Ask JFK Jr who MSM is when he comes back from the dead

    authed ,

    Everything you don’t want to believe is fake news? Ok

    eestileib ,

    Yup that was illegal activity and he should not have been allowed to do it. Trump doing it as well doesn’t make it ok. Congress failed in their duty in both cases.

    See? If you don’t make the quarterback of your political team into a deity, it’s possible to criticize them without ego death.

    sab , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers avatar

    Equating Obama's "bitter" and "clinging to guns" with Hillary's "basket of deplorables" feels a bit forced, and is not exactly helping me take this post seriously. The headline makes it look like Obama called them deplorable.

    akai , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers avatar

    The MAGA idiots are the dingleberries of the asshole that is the Republican party

    PowerCrazy , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers

    So because Trump appeals to a large number of people Clinton and Obama were right? That doesn’t make any sense.

    gregorum , to Politics in New Roger Stone video exposes how Trump and his lawyers faked distance from the Capitol riots avatar

    In recent days, there’s been rising discussion of how the Constitution should, in theory, block Trump from being eligible to run for president again. Multiple legal scholars have pointed out that the 14th Amendment bars people from running who have violated an oath of office previously, “either through overt insurrection or by giving aid or comfort to the Constitution’s enemies.” Notably, the Constitution does not require a formal court conviction on insurrection charges.

    By any reasonable measure, of course, this applies to Trump. Even if he insulated himself from direct communication with people convicted of sedition, it’s indisputable that he gave aid and comfort, and continues to do so by championing them and promising them pardons. But, of course, the law is not a button you push that automatically turns the clear language on paper into enforcement in real life. Without a mechanism to enforce the law or the political will to enact it, Trump is coasting straight towards a spot on a ballot he should, by law, be barred from having.


    pingveno ,

    One problem that I see. Who is the source of truth on whether he was part of a rebellion or insurrection? The 14th amendment is skinny on details as to what qualifies and process for making that determination.

    _Sc00ter ,

    rebellion or insurrection

    Thats decided by who won. And since trump didn’t win, it’s an insurrection. Had he taken office, it’d be a rebellion.

    History is written by the victor

    firkin_slang_whanger , to Politics in New Roger Stone video exposes how Trump and his lawyers faked distance from the Capitol riots

    spaceghoti! I remember your posts and comments on Reddit. Especially on r/atheism. Nice to see you on here as well. Definitely not the same as Reddit, and in fact, I miss being on Reddit at times, but I think being off Reddit has been better for my sanity. Ha ha

    Hope all is well your way. I always appreciated your posts and comments and look forward to seeing more on here. ✌️

    spaceghoti OP ,

    I miss reddit, but what I really miss is the community. I got to be part of some awesome groups, and now that reddit management has shit the bed I’m forced to try to rebuild here. Here’s hoping.

    firkin_slang_whanger ,

    I 100% agree with you. The communities I was in were really fun to be a part of. However, I vowed not to use Reddit after Apollo shut down and I’m sticking with it. Lemmy is definitely not the same, but it provides a little of what Reddit had. I’ve even tried using Mastodon whichi guess is more like Twitter, but it’s just not the same. So yes, here’s hoping!

    Tylerdurdon , to Politics in New Roger Stone video exposes how Trump and his lawyers faked distance from the Capitol riots

    People act like it’s his first time. Watch “537 votes” on HBO and you’ll see a very defined pattern. The guy needs to be locked up forever.

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