ladicius , to Politics in New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers

In short: That demographic is a dumpster fire just like their representatives.

Anticorp , to Politics in Why the new Trump indictment feels so different: This time, there are victims

WTF? There has been an endless trail of victims from Trump’s actions his entire life. This is a weird title that completely ignores the millions of people who have been injured by trump throughout his life, and yes, it is millions. Just a few of the crimes he has committed that leave victims are stealing tax payer money, refusing to pay contractors and employees, sexually assaulting or raping women, scamming everyone from students to cancer patients, and discouraging people from preventing the spread of a deadly virus during a pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead because of his actions or lack of action during the pandemic. That’s millions of people hurt by him. “This time there are victims” psshaw! There have always been victims!

frauddogg , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

I hope Nex violently haunts every single motherfucker responsible, all the way up to Woods. I’m talking, ‘drag their asses into some Misao, Corpse Party-type shit’ haunt their asses.

3425asdfqwer4 ,

How about the rest of us do the job? These people should not be able to show their face without risking life and limb.

gregorum , avatar

I would watch his Netflix series

slacktoid , avatar

No i just hope they get peace. We should give em hell.

spacecowboy , to Politics in An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them

Republicans are a pox on humanity. Imagine how much better life would be if they would stop holding everyone back.

Jaysyn , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

view mercy as weakness & will stab you right in the back at first opportunity.

winterayars ,

Yep, I’ll consider them reformed after like ten years of honest, serious, and not self-promoting work to undo the damage they did and not sooner.

mustardman ,

Unrelated, but your hashtag showed up as:

Fascists ( view mercy…

At first I was like, I guess they are a little different than Lemmy but can’t be that bad, right?

xuxebiko , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds

is "investor" the new term for "buyer of WH confidential docs"? because we know Trump & fam didn't steal those docs to be bathroom decor.

retrospectology , to Texas in Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" avatar

Additionally, Bonevac asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals."

This guy didn't get the memo that you can't go directly after the women themselves, only the doctors and people who assist them getting an abortion to create a chilling effect and harmful physical outcomes for the women.

If you try to go directly after the women legally and treat them as if they actually committed murder (putting them on trial, sending them to jail, executing them) it opens a whole political and legal can of worms that the right doesn't want to actually deal with.

The whole game starts the fall apart and forced-birth positions become exposed for what they are; religiously driven and misogynistic, and this results in those positions becoming impossible to argue in light of the clear intent in the constitution to separate church and state.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

This has Handmaid's Tale written all over it. Man I live in a fucking horrible state.

alquicksilver , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

Yeah, well, I don’t want your inhumane filth in my species, senator asshat, but we don’t always get what we want.

Here’s to hoping his vengeful god strikes him down with something atrocious.

queermunist , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

The corrolary is that pardons from a Republican victory would vindicate them, so uh

enbee , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani lists Manhattan apartment for sale amidst pricey legal woes avatar

let’s book him a room at Four Seasons Total Landscaping

Dagwood222 , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani lists Manhattan apartment for sale amidst pricey legal woes

Important bit of history.

Rudy ran for Mayor based on his conviction of a local NYC politician named Donald Manes. Rudy was handed the case by a reporter named Jimmy Breslin, who did all the digging. Rudy got in by riding someone else’s hard work. He was never the great attorney he’s been pretending to be.

Tylerdurdon , to Politics in New Roger Stone video exposes how Trump and his lawyers faked distance from the Capitol riots

People act like it’s his first time. Watch “537 votes” on HBO and you’ll see a very defined pattern. The guy needs to be locked up forever.

Bagofbuttholes , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms

Was sworn in by Thomas at the home of Harlan Crowe.

How is that ok? How did this Crowe stuff just come out if they were using his house to swear in judges. Maybe I’m wrong but, that just seems really off.

shiveyarbles ,

Yeah this judge was groomed from the start to be a billionaire class sycophant.

FoundTheVegan , (edited ) to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling avatar

Dementia didn't stop then president Regan, hasn't even stopped modern republicans from loving him. The failure of "Reaganomics"/War on Drug/Long-term-International-problems doesn't ever factor in. He's still the best. Don't see how it would change anything here.

It's not hyperbole to say conservatives don't care if their politicians have a functional healthy brain, it's literally just a fact. Mitch McConell is another great example of this.

SpaceNoodle ,

It didn’t stop Reagan, either.

spaceghoti OP ,

However, at that point Reagan wasn’t so concerned with his public image. Trump is as insecure as they come.

FoundTheVegan , (edited ) avatar

The a is for alzheimer's. It's on brand for me to forget.

(I love that I got his name wrong but nailed Reaganomics 😂)

firkin_slang_whanger , to Politics in New Roger Stone video exposes how Trump and his lawyers faked distance from the Capitol riots

spaceghoti! I remember your posts and comments on Reddit. Especially on r/atheism. Nice to see you on here as well. Definitely not the same as Reddit, and in fact, I miss being on Reddit at times, but I think being off Reddit has been better for my sanity. Ha ha

Hope all is well your way. I always appreciated your posts and comments and look forward to seeing more on here. ✌️

spaceghoti OP ,

I miss reddit, but what I really miss is the community. I got to be part of some awesome groups, and now that reddit management has shit the bed I’m forced to try to rebuild here. Here’s hoping.

firkin_slang_whanger ,

I 100% agree with you. The communities I was in were really fun to be a part of. However, I vowed not to use Reddit after Apollo shut down and I’m sticking with it. Lemmy is definitely not the same, but it provides a little of what Reddit had. I’ve even tried using Mastodon whichi guess is more like Twitter, but it’s just not the same. So yes, here’s hoping!

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