baronvonj , (edited ) to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight avatar

That would probably play well to the MAGA base in Florida, for a 2024 2026 run for governor.

root_beer ,

Which will probably turn into a 2028 run for the Oval Office

TranscendentalEmpire ,

Nah, Florida is too important to the gop. Ron may seem like a complete imbecile, but he did a lot of hard work to win a lot of favour before his governor run. They basically gave him the governorship as a reward for backing out of a Senate run when Rubio failed out of his presidential bid.

If Gaetz is actually messing with the cohesiveness of the gop like it’s being projected and they turn on him… he’s done. Like, thrown to the wolves, release the dirt done.

baronvonj , avatar

Oh it seems the next Gubernatorial election in FL is 2026, so DeSantis won’t have to chose between his VP campaign and the Governorship in 2024. I thought he was going to have drop one and Gaetz was posturing to succeed him. But DeSantis is also term limited and can’t run again in FL in 2026.

captainlezbian ,

Desantis won’t be vp. He went against trump and trump is that petty

Jackcooper ,

Yeah there is no I respect what you did for Trump, he’s an egomaniac

Alto , avatar

Florida has limits on consecutive governorships. DeSantis can't run for governor in 2026 regardless

Pistcow , to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight

Dems should side with him and vote not to expel if they bring it to a vote. Womp womp

qooqie ,

Why would they? This man is a scourge in the house

gullible ,

Would the next guy be better or worse?

Nougat ,


Hegar , avatar

Even for Florida Republicans, a child sex trafficker with public receipts is a tough act to follow.

popcap200 ,

Yeah, for real. I feel like people don’t mention he’s literally a child sex trafficker often enough.

Taleya ,

Not to mention have thr libbbbruuuuuuuls side with him would destroy the political career he worked so hard to polarise

jonne ,

Can’t imagine worse, but US politics keeps surprising me in its race to the bottom.

crusa187 ,

Gaetz doesn’t take corporate pac money, so he’s beholden only to MAGA. This makes him interesting, but is also why the corpos on both sides of the aisle will absolutely expel him if given the opportunity.

Pistcow ,

He is a scourge. Just to troll the GOP with the boat anchor that this piece of shit is.

Observer1199 ,

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  • Pistcow ,

    It is a horrible idea, but I love seeing the Republicans implode.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Second Thought has a video about this. That’s a tactic used by the center right to push the Overton window towards nazism.

    Gargleblaster , to Politics in [News Analysis] GOP waging a "coordinated national effort to undermine American elections," says leading official avatar

    And notice this is reported by Salon and not the TV networks or CNN.

    They are siding with Trump.

    Fuck democracy if we can make money.

    negativeyoda , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"


    $1.8 billion for a golf course? Sounds legit

    some_guy , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

    Cry me a fucking river.

    some_guy , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

    He also broke down Donald Trump’s efforts to classify Mar-a-Lago as a social club in the 90s, which saw the former president signing a 1995 deed relinquishing his right to use the property as anything other than a club and a 2002 “Deed of Development” forever extinguishing his right to develop Mar-a-Lago and limiting changes to it, including division or subdivision for any purpose like use as single-family homes.

    “Exacerbating defendants’ obstreperous conduct is their continued reliance on bogus arguments in papers and oral argument,” Engoron wrote in the filing. “In defendants’ world: rent regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air; a disclaimer by one party casting responsibility on another party exonerates the other party’s lies; the Attorney General of the State of New York does not have capacity to sue or standing to sue (never mind all those cases where the Attorney General has sued successfully) under a statue expressly designed to provide that right; all illegal acts are untimely if they stem from one untimely act; and square footage subjective.”

    “That is a fantasy world, not the real world,” he added.

    BaldProphet , to Politics in [News Analysis] GOP waging a "coordinated national effort to undermine American elections," says leading official avatar

    Sounds like the GOP is playing right into Putin and Xi's hands.

    Gargleblaster , avatar

    Sounds like the GOP is acting on behalf of Putin and Xi.

    knobbysideup , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

    I can’t wait for the day that the name Trump fades from the media.

    erusuoyera ,

    Whilst I do agree, I have to admit I’m rather enjoying watching the well deserved rain of shit falling on him at present.

    Pratai , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

    “Trump and sons rage……”

    Music to my ears.

    Vaggumon , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization" avatar

    Too bad the death penalty is only for his New York business.

    Nougat , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

    ... A.G. James, who campaigned against me spewing horrible inflammatory statements which are False & Defamatory ...

    Did he just accuse Letitia James of slandering and defaming him? Isn't making that accusation outside of court itself slanderous and defamatory?

    ForestOrca , avatar

    Every accusation is a confession.

    adespoton ,

    … or did he just say James campaigned against his spewing of false and defamatory statements?

    That’s why Trump loves vague sentences. He can hide behind one interpretation while implying another.

    Nougat ,

    Lack of a comma, of course.

    shalafi ,

    Nah, nothing here. As usual he’s using weasel words with no real meaning.

    Zombiepirate , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization" avatar

    They’ll get over it.

    david ,

    Nah, Rump is a looser who hates admitting he lost even to himself. This will bug him for the rest of his life.

    It’s so annoying when you can’t just pay people to shut up and agree with you or sack them if they don’t!

    Zombiepirate , avatar

    Oh, I’m counting on them all croaking being the event that makes 'em stop caring.

    Works for me.

    Pratai , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor


    Drusas , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

    I don't know how this is legal in any way.

    michaelrose ,

    What do you think is illegal?

    Drusas ,

    I think it is legal. I'm suggesting that I think something in here should not be. Related to obstruction of justice, trying to tamper with his ongoing cases, I'm not sure what it would be since it is legal as things are now. It just doesn't seem right to be able to influence justice due to popularity.

    athos77 , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

    I am not even allowed a Jury!

    You were supposed to submit paperwork to request a jury. You did not submit that paperwork, so you do not get a jury. You have no one to blame for any of this except yourself.

    AlecSadler ,

    Hahaha, is this for real? That’s fucking hilarious.

    Floon ,

    Yes. His lawyer Alina Habba missed the filing deadline, so he didn’t get a jury.

    protist ,

    The people he’s talking to don’t know that and wouldn’t care about it either way. Trump’s word is gospel to a terrifyingly large portion of society

    Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

    It’s funny how this “large portion of society” exists on the elder end of a bloated global population and the opposite demographic isn’t filling the ranks behind them… Who knows? Maybe humanity in general will get smarter simply with the exodus of the hur-dur horde. 🤞🏽

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