Roundcat , to Politics in [News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums - avatar

The Fulton County Sheriff's office announced last week that they were working on tracking down where the threats were coming from and were coordinating with "law enforcement partners to respond quickly to any credible threat and to ensure the safety of those individuals who carried out their civic duty."

The wolves assure me they're not sure how the chickens keep disappearing.

norbert , avatar

The call is coming from inside the house!

Nougat , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms

You know, at first I was like, "Ehh this highly editorialized writing is a bit much," but then I read:

"Unborn babies are a source of profound joy for those who view them," he wrote in his Wednesday opinion. "Expectant parents eagerly share ultrasound photos with loved ones. Friends and family cheer at the sight of an unborn child. Doctors delight in working with their unborn patients—and experience an aesthetic injury when they are aborted."

Every bit of snark in this article is fully warranted.

Arotrios , avatar

I came here to post this - have an upvote.

But I have to ask - I experience an aesthetic injury every time I see a MAGA hat. Does this mean I have a case?

PrincessLeiasCat ,

This is so fucked up. And how does he even “know” this? How many “injured doctors” has he spoken to?

I’m a woman, I have had several OBGYN’s, men and women. I’ve asked many about their stance on abortion because I live in a southern state, and this is of particular concern to me. They have all answered with professional and medical responses.

Never has this weird shit come up.

Nougat ,

I have to think that OBGYNs have to always be prepared to be faced with tragedy. So many preganancies end badly, most often for no reason whatsoever. In that kind of circumstance, I cannot imagine being able to tell a woman that no, this will not end with your having a happy, healthy baby, and you're not going to be allowed to make your choice about what happens, or start the healing process. Just wait for your body to reject the fetus, and hope you don't go septic.

It's fucking barbarous.

jabrd , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

Moms for Liberty has heavily promoted trainings for conservative activists on how to take over school boards, which ought to make clear how we should understand stories like this one, which just sound like a racist tantrum in a Texas suburb. These aren’t random or isolated events — they’re part of a large, well-organized and well-financed attack on public education across the country.

I feel like it’s important to keep the eye on the ball here. The right has been incredibly successful at organizing at the local level and has flipped a lot of seats because of it, and not just in the rural south either.

knobbysideup , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

I can’t wait for the day that the name Trump fades from the media.

erusuoyera ,

Whilst I do agree, I have to admit I’m rather enjoying watching the well deserved rain of shit falling on him at present.

Vaggumon , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling avatar

I know this diarrhea smoothy will never spend a single second behind bars, even if convicted of every crime ever in the history of crime. But I really wish Marmalade Hitler would experience a fraction of the justice he deserves.

ForgetPrimacy ,

Marmalade Hitler is so satisfyingly condescending…

SilverFlame ,

I can’t believe it’s not Hitler!

baronvonj , (edited ) to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight avatar

That would probably play well to the MAGA base in Florida, for a 2024 2026 run for governor.

root_beer ,

Which will probably turn into a 2028 run for the Oval Office

TranscendentalEmpire ,

Nah, Florida is too important to the gop. Ron may seem like a complete imbecile, but he did a lot of hard work to win a lot of favour before his governor run. They basically gave him the governorship as a reward for backing out of a Senate run when Rubio failed out of his presidential bid.

If Gaetz is actually messing with the cohesiveness of the gop like it’s being projected and they turn on him… he’s done. Like, thrown to the wolves, release the dirt done.

baronvonj , avatar

Oh it seems the next Gubernatorial election in FL is 2026, so DeSantis won’t have to chose between his VP campaign and the Governorship in 2024. I thought he was going to have drop one and Gaetz was posturing to succeed him. But DeSantis is also term limited and can’t run again in FL in 2026.

captainlezbian ,

Desantis won’t be vp. He went against trump and trump is that petty

Jackcooper ,

Yeah there is no I respect what you did for Trump, he’s an egomaniac

Alto , avatar

Florida has limits on consecutive governorships. DeSantis can't run for governor in 2026 regardless

gravitas_deficiency , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

This is hilarious. But also, he is probably gonna keep this shit up until someone gets killed. And then he’ll keep going, unless some judge somewhere has the stones to actually put a real leash on him.

Vode_An ,

The dingus who tazed his balls until he died at 1/6 probably counts as getting somebody killed. So yeah, he’s not going to stop.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Wait who did what?!

AllonzeeLV , (edited ) to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond

George Carlin knew exactly why decades ago. No one noticed. No one cared.

“There’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.

Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want.

Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that.

You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

-George Carlin

good bit. everybody laugh. roll on snare drum. curtains

dingus , avatar

What’s worse is Carlin was so correct that it helped create an entire disaffected generation, known as Generation X, that basically stopped caring about politics and became increasingly cynical because Carlin was right: it was never going to get better.

So why even bother trying to fight it? And they didn’t.

To be fair, I don’t blame them one bit, their numbers were dwarfed by the boomers, and they never, not once, had political relevancy.

AllonzeeLV ,

Fortunately, I also believe he was correct about the natural world, that’s been through far worse than us, ramping up to retaliate against us and shake us off like a bad case of fleas, so maybe it’ll all get set back to zero and nature can start again once it corrects our little evolutionary cul-de-sac.

synae , avatar

Never going to get better? Perhaps. But it can sure get worse. And it’s worthwhile to slow that worsening as much as we can.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in [News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums -

If I'm not mistaken, Trump was given very clear orders from the bench not to run his mouth online to disparage any members of the jury, interact with them, or intimidate them. This situation is that Brooklyn 99 meme of Holt saying, "Why did you start intimidating the jury? I specifically requested that you don't."

Lock him up.

RhetoricalRat ,

He knows these judges wouldn't dare hold him in contempt; it would only feed his persecution complex (and his base's) and leave him better off somehow.

Bizarroland , avatar

Now he just needs to find a ghostwriter to write his story, because I know he won't do it himself, there's actually a chance he's not literate enough to do it himself, but when he does he should definitely call it "my struggle"

Arotrios , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

Per the article, this is part of an organized effort on the part of formerly respected institutions on the right to actively push a racist agenda. Our star villain in this case is the Claremont Institute:

Last week, the New Republic published a lengthy and terrifying investigative article by Katherine Stewart about the Claremont Institute, once a vaguely respectable conservative think tank and now among the leading right-wing organizations pushing the anti-education and anti-democratic agenda below the surface of the Conroe incident. One of the many Claremont alumni Stewart profiles is Christopher Rufo, who spearheaded the recent hysteria over "critical race theory" in education. In reality, critical race theory was an approach used in law schools and other graduate-level academic spaces, and had basically nothing to do with public schools. Rufo's ingenious idea was to turn it into a catch-all scare term that could be used to demonize any and all forms of anti-racist education, even something as previously noncontroversial as a poster depicting interracial friendship.

Here's the more detailed article on Claremont from the New Republic. Excerpt below:

The saga of the Claremont Institute in the Trump years is readily told as one of moral collapse. Once upon a time, the men of the Claremont Institute (they are almost all men; more on that in a moment) idolized George Washington for his “prudence” and “civility.” From its founding up through the Obama years, the institute was certainly situated on the right, but it was not, or did not seem to be, conspicuous for its extremism. It was probably best known for publishing the Claremont Review of Books, which was sized and laid out to resemble The New York Review of Books, as if to suggest that it was in direct competition with its more established and exalted Manhattan counterpart.

But in 2015–16, the Claremont men threw their support behind the man who descended that golden escalator with a mouthful of hateful rhetoric. In an earlier time, they defended intellectual rigor against the alleged relativism of contemporary academic culture. But now they provide a platform for white nationalists, racist “replacement” theorists, and the Pizzagate man. Nate Hochman, the erstwhile DeSantis staffer who was fired after he reportedly created and distributed a campaign video featuring Nazi imagery in July, is a former Claremont Institute Publius Fellow (2021). ”Most haunting of all—they once hailed the United States as “the best regime in Western civilization.” But in the aftermath of Trump’s defeat in 2020, Claremont board member John Eastman was instrumental in the plot to recruit fake electors and overturn the election—and the men of Claremont rose to his defense. Eastman currently faces potential disbarment in California and appears to be a person of interest in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigations. Yet Claremont board member and founder Christopher Flannery has called John Eastman a “hero” and has asked us instead to condemn “the Stalinist machine” (meaning U.S. federal law enforcement) for persecuting him. Eastman was the unidentified (and uncharged) co-conspirator 2 in the August 1 indictment of Trump over his January 6 actions. (Claremont did not respond to emails from The New Republic asking if the institution endorsed Eastman’s behavior on this matter, in addition to some other issues addressed in this piece.)

The Claremont Institute’s seeming embrace of political violence against the government of the United States is not limited to Eastman’s efforts to whip up the mob that gathered at the Ellipse in preparation for the assault on the Capitol, nor can it be excused as mere metaphorical excess in the war of ideas. “Given the promise of tyranny, conservative intellectuals must openly ally with the AR-15 crowd,” argues author Kevin Slack, a professor at Hillsdale College, in a lengthy book excerpt published in Claremont’s online magazine, The American Mind. “Able-bodied men, no longer isolated, are returning to republican manliness in a culture of physical fitness and responsible weaponry. They are buying AR-15s and Glock 17s and training with their friends, not FBI-infiltrated militias or online strangers but trustworthy lifelong friends to build a community alongside.”

cabron_offsets , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

Guarantee you he smokes fat dicks.

TakiMinase ,

People should open source surveil these creeps, you just know they go to secret motel hookups.

slacktoid , avatar

I mean someone constantly trailing these clowns… I’m willing to throw some money for that.

die444die ,

No but he probably is a pedophile.

floofloof , to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight

one House Republican told White House correspondent and Fox anchor Jacqui Heinrich, “No one can stand him at this point. A smart guy without morals.”

So… is it the “smart” bit that bugs these Republicans? Because the other bit surely can’t be the issue for them.

givesomefucks ,

It’s safe to assume they meant “smart” as in sarcastic.

Conservatives love using it that way as an insult:

Oh, so now you want to be smart, boy?

I highly doubt their issue with Gaetz is his IQ, it’s that he won’t sit down and shut up when told.

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in President Drink Bleach says he beat George W. Bush and Barack Obama avatar

President Drink Bleach. LMAO

The gift that keeps on giving.

Whisp ,

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  • Nougat ,

    Idiocracy was a cautionary tale.

    Pratai ,

    It was a documentary.

    IHaveTwoCows , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

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  • Franzia ,

    Don’t come for freedom of speech. Oh and you forgot Section 230. I believe these changes would not genuinely make America a better place.

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Absolutely restrict fascist media. I have heard every one of the arguments against it and they all suck. Unregulated free speech is a fucking disgraceful failure and gave us fascists and fascism. You’re not “shining light on the cockroaches”; you are normalizing genocidal ideology. I cant help but notice that radical right wing violence has been rising ever since Rush Limbaugh went on the air.

    Farman , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

    In authoritarian north korea the goverment jails peaceful protestors…

    tomatopathe ,

    How is that related to this?

    spaghettiwestern ,

    You are a bald-face liar to suggest that January 6th was a peaceful protest.

    IHaveTwoCows ,

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  • ThereRisesARedStar ,
    AOCapitulator , avatar

    Fuckin what?

    AyyLMAO , (edited )

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  • Farman , (edited )

    The idea is that if similar senteces were given to similar protests in north korea or iran or russia etc. There would be huge outrage in the mainstream press calling them authoritarian and totalitarian and so on.

    that those countries are not nearly as bad as the us.

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