
geosoco , (edited ) in Seattle officer caught on bodycam laughing after collision that killed grad student

This article is garbage, and misses a number of key points as well as doesn't fact check the police .

Try this publicola one

In fact, as we reported exclusively, Dave was driving 74 miles an hour in a 25 mile per hour zone and struck Kandula while she was attempting to cross the street in a marked and well-lighted crosswalk.

“I think she went up on the hood, hit the windshield, then when he hit the brakes, she flew off the car. But she is dead. No, it’s a regular person. Yeah, just write a check. Yeah, $11,000. She was 26 anyway, she had limited value.”—Seattle police officer Daniel Auderer, joking with police union president Mike Solan about the death of pedestrian Jaahnavi Kandula earlier that night.

GregoryTheGreat ,

What does limit value mean?…public hangings of corrupt people would fix this so fast.

Hegar , avatar

public hangings of corrupt people would fix this so fast.


We can't even stop police from continuing to do their job after they murder people, how are we going to give them the death penalty? And how is the state publicly murdering people going to discourage officers of the state from murdering people?

I can understand the feeling of anger but public hanging? Come on. People who earnestly want public hanging back are troglodytic fascists.

Sunforged , (edited )

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

-Jack Handey

reversebananimals , (edited )

Please move to Russia/China. We don’t do that in the civilized world. We’re better than that.

Edit: yes please downvote me for being against cruel and unusual punishment. Show everyone what kind of person you really are. I hope you get wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death so you can see how regressive your barbaric views are first hand.

Hegar , avatar

downvote me for being against cruel and unusual punishment.

I dunno about the other 2, but I downvoted you for the xenophobic aside.

zaph , avatar

Who do you think is going to decide who is corrupt? Why wouldn’t that position be filled by a corrupt individual?

nora ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • GregoryTheGreat ,

    I do think a lot of people already behave because they are afraid of the consequences. And we use peers to decide their fate. A mini mob if you will.

    I understand what you are getting at though. I’m just not sure tolerating behavior that this story is any better. Is putting him away forever any better than the death penalty?

    LUHG_HANI , avatar

    Limited value when he’s talking about her age screams sex trafficking to me. He should be investigated.

    BeautifulMind , avatar

    This article is garbage, […] doesn’t fact check the police

    Typical KOMO/Sinclair media fare, then

    reversebananimals ,

    Good call! Friendly reminder that KOMO is a right wing propaganda machine.…/how-life-changed-komo-when-sinclai…

    tdawg ,

    This shit pisses me off. They better be calling for his fucking badge. Fucking pig

    BakedGoods ,

    Should be calling for his fucking head.

    Trebach ,

    He needs to be arrested, convicted, and permanently disqualified from serving in law enforcement.

    Astroturfed ,

    I mean, that shits blatant vehicular manslaughter. He should get a decade+ in jail. We know he won’t though.

    mosiacmango , (edited )

    Komo is owned by sinclair, the right wing mega corp that owns hundreds of local news stations in different markets. The same company of "this is very dangerous to our democracy fame" that forces local anchors to read top down editorial from corporate.

    No wonder they are kind to cops. Im surprised the article didn’t have a thin blue line background.

    spaghettiwestern , (edited ) in Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store

    When an employer allows what is clearly KKK hate speech by an employee on their premises, despite having the right to forbid it, it is quite reasonable to assume that employer shares that employee’s support for the KKK.

    Orbituary , avatar

    The family grocer. Fuck that place. It was already kind of shitty without knowing this

    ChicoSuave , in Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store

    “Freedom of speech,” said Jessica. “Didn’t everyone fight for our freedoms for free speech so we could do what we want here?"

    Also breaking news: Jessica is a bitch

    No, freedom of speech doesn’t mean “do what you want” it means the government can’t tell you to shut up because it doesn’t like you. Freedom of speech stops at the government: this shit head was undermining the very foundation of what America stands for by scaring anyone who doesn’t look like the gunman.

    If he wants to deny rights to others, let’s deny him those same rights.

    Emmy4630 ,

    My favorite way to put it is freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

    Poggervania , avatar

    It seems weird that a good chunk of Americans don’t seem to know how some of the rights work.

    Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are there to basically protect you from the government from going “hey, you can’t say that” or “hey, you can’t believe in that”. It doesn’t absolve people of facing the consequences of their choices, including spewing hate speech if they’re that kind of person. If I said “Hitler was right”, only the government can’t do anything outside of what they can already do with hate speech - but that doesn’t mean I won’t rightfully get a few teeth loose or getting shunned by people around me for saying dumb shit like that.

    Strangely, I found this to be evident about some federal laws we take for granted, like minimum wage. People legit think minimum wage is meant for people starting out and not giving out money to them (which makes no sense to me) and argue when they find out the original reason it was even made was so the nuclear family could afford a home, food, and goods and services for themselves and was calculated as how they can do that with one person working a job.

    magnetosphere , avatar

    Oh, they know, or they choose to remain willfully ignorant. Besides, “Freedom of Speech” is a simple, powerful phrase, but they’re very quick to abandon it when that same power is used by their ideological enemies.

    VaultBoyNewVegas ,

    Nevermind the fact that the dude isn’t saying anything. It would be expression if anything and what he’s expressing is support for white supremacy. I wonder if Jessica supports white supremacy 🤔

    mrcleanup ,

    Legally speaking “speech” includes more types of communication than just verbal. It isn’t a stretch to use the word speech in this context.

    CouncilOfFriends ,

    I’m sure if the shirt said “death to all white people” Jessica would quickly find a different position

    DogPeePoo , in Seattle council president on getting workers back to the office: ‘We have to build those numbers up’

    These are her reasons:

    “The vibe is totally different. We can be more productive. People are getting to know each other. It’s just a lot more fun.”

    Weigh that against individual autonomy of schedule, commuting cost/hassle, environmental impact and it’s a no brainer— the downtown office model is dead.

    Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Loans are fucked and her bosses know it— and they sent this lady out with a dixie cup to bail out a sinking supertanker.

    You can write those bad bets to zero boys, that money is <poof> gone.

    Tolstoshev ,

    Translation: “I can’t get my rocks off unless I’m bossing people around and making them miserable in person.”

    Hello_there ,

    Translation: "I don't have any stats on lowered productivity so I'm going to make meaningless 'vibe' statements to justify my anti work from home bias."

    fidodo ,

    The fuck? How is that a rationale for forcibly fighting a natural change in work culture? We’re going to force people to relocate, force people to spend a ton of time and money commuting, force people to unnecessarily damage the environment, force people to spend time away from their families, because she prefers a different vibe?

    Melkath ,

    “The vibe is totally different. We can be more productive. People are getting to know each other. It’s just a lot more fun.”

    I'm an extrovert, so even though there are far more introverts than extroverts, I demand that everyone be extroverted.

    lolcatnip ,

    there are far more introverts than extroverts

    Citation needed. Badly. I’m an introvert and it’s pretty obvious from where I stand that the world revolves around the needs of extroverts.

    Melkath ,

    Sadly, my statement is a confident opinion.

    When you look at actual studies, the numbers are all over the place. Some say 30% of people are introverted, some say 50:50, some say 57% introverted.

    My opinion gets weighted by these 2 observations:

    1. There are 10-20 people on the stage, and thousands in each audience. There is a difference between social neediness and extroversion. Even center introverts will have their thing they enjoy doing to be social from time to time, like going to a play, sporting event, or movie. The extroverts are on the stage. Only a small percent of the audience is actually extroverted.
    2. Depending on how the data is collected, extroverts, or people who still try to convince themselves they are extroverts, are the ones who are going to approach the study and answer, so naturally, any figure you get in this kind of study, double your figures for introvert so you can factor for all the introverts that ducked your survey.
    Anticorp ,

    Being fun has nothing to do with being productive. Do you know what’s not fun for everyone who lives on the Eastside? Sitting in dead stop traffic on the 520 for 2 hours every day, just so they can sit alone at a desk in an office in Seattle and telecommute with their team in other parts of the country. This lady can fuck right off with her bullshit lies that pander to the city’s sales tax, tolls, and parking revenue. She doesn’t give a fuck about vibe, she cares about the city income, and the profitability of the commercial real estate tycoons that pad her pockets.

    DarkNightoftheSoul , in WA liquor board suspends ‘lewd conduct’ enforcement after LGBTQ+ bar inspections avatar

    “The people don’t like it when we harass peaceful, law-abiding* citizens. Message received.”

    jaschen , in ‘She Had Limited Value’: Cop Caught on Bodycam Joking, Laughing About Woman Killed by Other Officer

    In many countries you need to be college educated to be a police officer. In America it’s just a GED. Good Enough Diiploma.

    krigo666 ,

    It seems it’s not even good enough. Criminals with badges.

    the_q , (edited )

    In the context of being a cop, yeah a GED isn’t good enough, but let’s not knock the GED.

    Falcon ,

    College and university is a bit of a scam anyway.

    The real fix is:

    1. Make policing a conscription based role
    2. A well funded executive investigation unit that oversee police behaviour.
    don , in Seattle council president on getting workers back to the office: ‘We have to build those numbers up’

    No the fuck you do not. WFH (with logical exceptions6 needs to be norm.

    SatanicNotMessianic , in WA liquor board suspends ‘lewd conduct’ enforcement after LGBTQ+ bar inspections

    Those incidents really disturbed me. I’m glad they’re doing this.

    I’m still really worried about where things are heading, to the point that my partner and I are looking at golden visa programs in anticipation of having to leave the US permanently.

    xantoxis , in Report: Amazon tells its employees it is monitoring badge swipes

    Form a fucking union, fuck.

    dgendreau , in TIL you can soak freshly-picked blackberries to get larvae out avatar

    If you ever bring fresh fruit home and notice a few fruit flies in your house, guess where those came from…

    Also, having grown up on an apple farm, I can tell you for sure, washing fruit as soon as you bring it home strips off the fine coating of natural wax and makes the fruit spoil more quickly. Its fine to wash just before you eat it, but washing it out of pure OCD is a good way to spoil fresh fruit.

    Neato , avatar

    When I get my fruit from our CSA home, I only rinse food that's visibly dirty, usually melons. Because they'd make a mess everywhere. Everything gets stored and washed at dinner time.

    snooggums , avatar

    Some things benefit from a quick wash and others suffer depending on whether they have a protective covering that gets washed away.

    Blackberries and apples go bad faster after washing because it removes the protective barrier.

    Lettuce, celery, and strawberries last a lot longer if you wash them immediately because they don't lose a barrier that causes them to go bad faster.

    I know you said fruits, but fruits like strawberries don't fit the pattern.

    ridethisbike ,

    I’m confused on the lettuce etc… They DON’T lose a barrier when you wash them? This implies that the water is acting as the barrier?

    snooggums , avatar

    I don't think lettuce has a barrier to lose. I don't rinse cucumbers, squash, or melons and their skin is waxy like an apple.

    Cutting out the stem/separating all the leaves and rinsing and soaking for 5 or 10 minutes extends the lettuce life in the fridge by a week or more than just leaving it in the bag it came in.

    Same with strawberries, rinsing them when you get home (not soaking like lettuce) extends their fridge life.

    Evotech , in Seattle’s first protected intersection, Dexter Ave N @ Thomas St.

    The shit Americans will create to avoid making a circle...

    Soulg ,

    We have a lot of them though

    Species8472 ,

    Crop circles?

    yamsham ,

    This is not an American invention, nor is it interchangeable with a roundabout.

    The main priority of roundabouts is safe traffic flow for cars, but they can (sometimes) still be very hostile to pedestrians. This type of intersection is meant to prioritize pedestrians as much as possible. The narrow street slows vehicles, and the sidewalk bump outs make people trying to cross the street extra visible and minimize the time they need to be vulnerable in the middle of the road.

    Which isn’t to say that roundabouts are necessarily bad, they just serve different purposes

    chunkystyles ,

    It's also very hard to retrofit a roundabout in tight spaces.

    IamSparticles ,

    Yep. I visited London for the first time last summer. They have protected pedestrian crossings everywhere and it's really nice. A very walkable city.

    WidowsFavoriteSon , in Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store

    Don’t condone his actions…but do nothing about it. Hmm…

    endhits , in Police find military grade air-to-air rocket in Bellevue man’s garage

    God forbid a man has a hobby.

    ChamelAjvalel , in TIL you can soak freshly-picked blackberries to get larvae out

    As I always told my kids when it came to eating mulberries, give them a quick once over, then enjoy. Because you don’t want to get a good look at them.

    Travalanche , in This should not be allowed avatar

    What are we talking about here? The Coke ad?

    poopsmith OP , (edited ) avatar

    There’s already enough ads inside our publicly funded ferries and terminals… this is just overdoing it.

    The fares get raised every season and we pass laws to increase ferry funding for worse service, yet there’s still a need to shove these ads down our throats? The service is objectively worse than it was a decade ago, but it’s more expensive beyond inflation. Maybe I’d be okay with these ads if the ferries were dependable and I didn’t have to pay an arm and a leg to use them.

    Also the fact that Seattle has both a soda tax and advertisements for soda. Seems a bit contradictory.

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