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Reddit seems all doom and gloom on the topic but what about Lemmy? And the future of Star Trek?

I saw someone on Reddit wondering why the community was so sure of Trek going dark again with Paramount not doing so well financially. Seeing the response was unfortunate as most people feel that it might be a bad time for Trek. And I guess it makes sense with the Hollywood strikes as well....

startrekexplained ,

Tales of Star Treks death are greatly exaggerated

startrekexplained ,

Not going to lie, i rewatch this scene all the time

lxskllr , to Star Trek avatar

Fan Made Shows/Movies?


Any particular shows people here like watching? I've seen Renegades and a few others. I'm currently in the middle of Phase II. The special effects impress me for the budgets involved, and the writing/acting makes me appreciate the professionals more :^P I don't want to shit on any of them though. The effort is solid, and they're still an enjoyable watch.

startrekexplained ,

The only ones Ive seen so far is Continues which I loved

startrekexplained ,

I’m willing to sacrifice my TV binging to support striking workers.

startrekexplained ,

I guess they’re aiming exclusively for rich nerds. Sucks because I’d love the Enterprise D one.

What's your views on PIC season 3?

I’m currently rewatching it, and at first I admit I hated the season and didn’t understand all the praise it got, but on this second viewing, I am actually warming up a bit to it. It still is deeply flawed, with a lot of things that don’t make sense or could have been done better, but I kinda like it regardless. What do...

startrekexplained OP ,

You nailed it

startrekexplained OP ,

The Borg would have had a bigger impact if they didn’t already feature in the first two seasons.

startrekexplained OP ,

I actually kinda like TNG season 1, as cringey as it gets.

Yeah PIC was just action and melodrama.

startrekexplained OP ,

Flying into the Borg cube to blow up its core was so fan fictiony I actually laughed when I first saw it.

startrekexplained OP ,

I also like that Data is alive again, because I didn’t like either of his deaths personally. He’s my favorite character in the franchise and was my favorite character of all time as a kid so it’s just a nice touch IMO.

startrekexplained OP ,

I don’t doubt it’s a very cool scene, it’s just that it’s reminiscent of fan fiction I read as a kid back in the day so it amused me.

startrekexplained OP ,

I guess the problem I had with his death in season 1 is he didn’t really live that long to want to die. That and in TNG they had him confused as to why anyone would commit suicide, stuff like that.

startrekexplained OP ,

Yeah its weird they didnt ask for help from the Jurati borg

startrekexplained OP ,

I forget, but I wouldnt be surprised

startrekexplained ,

A fine and beautiful actress, but my problem with the portrayal of T’Pring is we know she’s going to end up a psychopath who tries to get Spock killed for his property, so why is SNW trying to portray her in a good light?

startrekexplained ,

Maybe it’s as good a character arc as Anakin converting to the Dark Side snicker

startrekexplained ,

Balance of Terror, Journey to Babel and The Immunity Syndrome are ones I’d recommend.

startrekexplained OP ,

Yeah changes like this tend to be for the best.

startrekexplained ,

Sucks to see him go

startrekexplained ,

Yeah I really have grown to like ENT. Love the Xindi arc and love the last season especially.

startrekexplained ,

Terra Prime even ends with a good Archer speech, doing the seemingly impossible.

startrekexplained ,

SNW’s first season was pretty good, but so far the second season has surprisingly been a lot weaker. I’m hoping the next five episodes turn around.

startrekexplained ,

“Enterprise is much better than Discovery or even Picard once it picks up.”

Not me, because I agree. Now I’ll probably piss a few people off but I think by its fourth season, it became better than VOY.

startrekexplained ,

I liked the second episode but every other one so far has been pretty bad.

startrekexplained ,

Thank you.

startrekexplained ,

Currently rewatching VOY and ENT and I like both of them a lot more now. When it comes to ENT, mostly for its latter two seasons but surprisingly there’s some real gems in its first two seasons as well, some good ol’ star trekky episodes.

startrekexplained ,

I don’t believe they did want it that way though. Ron Moore said way back in 2001, 2002 or so that the DS9 writing staff didn’t care at all about LGBT issues at the time, and so I find it hard to believe they were planning to have a gay relationship on DS9.

startrekexplained ,

They never flirted though.

startrekexplained ,

I don’t buy it, it’s just long after the fact statements to make it more “progressive” or such.

startrekexplained ,

Yeah, and I say this as a queer person myself, but guys can have non sexual platonic friendships…

startrekexplained ,

Yeah but a fan novel after the fact doesn’t really count IMO. He didn’t create the character or write for DS9.

startrekexplained ,

I re-watched the first episode with him and I get no gay vibes. People really are stretching.

startrekexplained ,

It doesn’t have to be stated. He pursues strictly heterosexual relationships. Most people are heterosexual.

startrekexplained ,

They didn’t think it, but the disturbing implication is they’re in the closet and hiding their sexuality. Not really a great vision of the future, is it?

Yeah I didn’t like that they made Seven gay in Picard, because why not just make a new queer character instead of changing a once straight character into a gay one?

startrekexplained ,

Ah if thats the case, then that’s fine, I can accept that. I guess I’ll have to deep dive into this issue because I was under the assumption that the claim was the writers wanted him bisexual, which given the attitude of the writers, I seriously doubt.

startrekexplained ,

I guess I’m just less charitable because the DS9 writers did admit (I’ll have to find the quotes later) they just didn’t care about queer issues back then. As an openly queer person myself, I wish Star Trek back then was a trail blazer but it wasn’t.

startrekexplained ,

I’d need to see some evidence beyond jokes in a documentary made 20 years after the show ended.

startrekexplained ,

A the Kinsey Scale is pseudo-science nonsense and B even if this were true, it doesnt debunk anything Ive said.

startrekexplained ,

Agreed totally

startrekexplained ,

Jerry Goldsmith was a genius. Listen to any of his soundtracks.

startrekexplained ,

You’re correct, but conservative fans didn’t get it until the third season (and even then some didn’t get it, read the Bounding into Comics reviews of the season for example).

startrekexplained ,

Just an example that came to mind. It said that “Tale of Two Topas” was a message against treating trans children. Talk about a bizarre interpretation of an obvious allegory toward trans rights.

Who are your favorite Trek reviewers/Youtubers?

I have a few, my fav is Jessie Gender, who gives insightful reviews but doesnt shy away from criticism of Trek. I also like how she looks at things from a gender critical angle, which is something few peoppe think about. Sean Ferrick is another cool one, as are the guys from Trekyards who are more focussed on tech and ships. Who...

startrekexplained ,

Heard of it, seen videos of it, but actually never read it. I need to get around to doing that.

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