pacoo2454 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

“Jassey deflected questions on what data or information led him to make this decision. Jassey, seemingly losing patience, eventually warned employees that if they don’t return to the office, they may have to find employment elsewhere.”

So he doesn’t have a good reason, and when asked about it he started to “lose patience”? How dare anyone question the all mighty CEOs plans /s

flip , avatar

People get annoyed when they are weak. In this case, the weakness is that he has not reason he can publicly say, so he gets angry. What a loser.

PizzasDontWearCapes ,

we are going back to the office at least three days a week, and it’s not right for all of our teammates to be in three days a week and for people to refuse to do so.

Not very compelling

Kbin_space_program ,

The problem is that commercial real estate has pretty much always been a staple underpinning of stock portfolios.

And now that it's not needed, their portfolio could tank.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I really wish they'd give a real reason for it. Just say "When we built our offices we negotiated with the city to have lower taxes and if you don't come back we'll lose that." Or "We don't want the value of our commercial real estate holdings to go down."

At the very least the workers could be mad at the right thing. Instead Amazon is going to lose its best folks to fully remote jobs first, then backfill with people who aren't able to get a WFH job or have to pay people a huge premium to attract remote workers back to the office.

That will hurt them worse than the taxes or real estate devaluation, but that will happen over years instead of by next quarter, so they don't care.

EnderMB ,

I work at Amazon, and for many people this is what annoys people the most.

Rightly or wrongly, a lot of people like Amazon because it pushes the narrative that data is king. If you want to do something, you need the right data and figures to justify it.

Since Jassy took over, Amazon mimicked other tech companies by becoming a belief-driven company, instead of a data-driven company. The reason he’s losing patience is because his belief is being questioned, at a time where his leadership is either being questioned or being followed right to the top.

Feyr ,

Data at Amazon has never been king, it was lip service at best and in most case it was only ever to be used to attack someone else’s position, never to support your own.

He’s just continuing the tradition

EnderMB ,

FWIW, I fully agree, and I’ve seen countless examples of managers using LP’s as a weapon to fuel URA or to promote their own views.

The view is distorted in that the people that Jassy is pissing off are those that benefited and thrived under the reign of Bezos. IMO, he would’ve done the exact same thing, but that doesn’t stop the Amazon cult from remembering “the good old days”.

nevernevermore , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning. And I personally feel like I won. I showed my support for Christian and 3rd party apps, I abondoned ship quickly and I've found a new home on the fediverse.

I also stopped using facebook and instagram 18 months ago. They both still exist, but I won. I'm happier now without it. Job done.

Poggervania , avatar

This is the mindset people should be having. Reddit is gonna be fine regardless of all this, and time will only tell if the Fediverse becomes big enough to be a competitor as a social media platform.

Truthfully, I was on the fence of leaving Reddit because of how much I didn’t like the hivemind there on the majority of subs. I still go on there for my niche and specific communities that aren’t on the Fediverse, but I pretty much just lurk there once every so often instead of actively participate - I instead actively participate on the Fediverse because the community is genuinely waaaaaay better than Reddit’s community ever was, even with the FOSS app gatekeepers here.

LinusWorks4Mo , avatar


raze2012 ,

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning.

if only. Lotta people really thought they could make reddit worried and that if they rebelled enough they could fix reddit. If it wasn't going to work after that 2-3 day blackout, it wasn't going to work. The mod in that article said it best:

“More than a month has passed, and as things on the internet go, the passion for the protest has waned and people’s attention has shifted to other things,” an r/aww moderator wrote in a post about the rule change.

And yeah, attention span on the internet is low. If you can't fix, it's best to start rebuilding what you want elsewhere. The best time for a backup community was 5 years ago; the second best time is now, so we don't have this problem of "where do we go from Reddit?" in another 5 years. If more people had the courage to leave, it may have ended in a better protest than these attempts to ruin the IPO or whatever.

Better to play the long game for now. This won't be the last drama, and it's simply better to make sure any jank is fixed for the next time people get frustrated and seek greener pastures. That slow burn is how we create a proper platform.

freebread , avatar

Well put

Macaroni_ninja , (edited ) to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' avatar

Had an interview for an amazon fulfilment center desk job. It went great, I was a perfect fit, except they wanted me to work in the office 4 out of 5 days a week. (It wasn’t clear in the job listing)

When I asked which part of the job requires a physical presence it turned out none of it. Zero. Nada. They told me an employee must be an exceptional asset to get authorization for full remote work.

I got an offer, but refused as it was too much commuting. The recruiter contacted me afterwards if I would give it another thought, but refused again.

balls_expert , (edited )

I got a new job that has no remote possibilities because we run a defense SaaS thing that’s cut off from the internet, so, a real reason for it

I’m paid 2.5x my old wage for it and everyone keeps leaving despite the insane pay. We’re about to hire a software guy that didn’t know what grep or curl was

Granted there’s a few more hurdles (applicants must speak english fluently and make as few mistakes as possible writing in a country that’s hardly bilingual, top of the chain tech stack that might give people the feeling that they’re not qualified, …) but 2.5x the pay? I’m gonna get enough to straight up buy a house with cash in like two years

jubilationtcornpone ,

If I made 2.5x my current salary, which would be almost 400,000 a year, I would seriously consider returning to the office. Then I would retire in something like 10 years which is way earlier than I’m currently looking at. For that, RTO would actually be worth it.

hamid , (edited )

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • balls_expert ,

    There’s a lot of stuff in defense contracts that aren’t killing people in europe

    Procurement, borders, visas, terrorism intel, …

    balls_expert ,

    It wasn’t even a bad salary beforehand, it was way above average for my city and I was able to save and invest about 40% of my paycheck, now it’s almost as if all I do is saving since my living expenses are such a small part of the salary

    I thought 2.5 meant 2.5 when going in, but it’s more like an 5x on disposable income so it feels completely different

    LilDestructiveSheep , avatar

    “it’s not in the job description to WFH”; “Ops needs you present just in case”; “Because I tell you so”…

    Macaroni_ninja , avatar

    My last job was super flexible. I could work 1-5 days from home if I wanted to. It was great as the office was 90 min drive from my place.

    So we get a new leader, who is super enthusiastic and introduces himself as best buddy/superboss. Fast forward 6 months and 4 office days are mandatory and 1 home office is allowed if you schedule it a week in advance.

    Reason? He thinks we perform better, but the real reason was he wanted to keep an eye on us. Fast forward two more months and I was the third person handing in the resignation.

    Boss man is still convinced it’s the lack of support from the head office which drives the people away.and it has nothing to do with mandatory office days.

    LilDestructiveSheep , avatar

    Self reflection is often poor. I am not allowed working from home. Even when proving that I am more effective if everyone leaves me alone and just work. Too many distractions in the office.

    const_void , (edited ) to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

    Return to the office so we can all jump on Zoom calls with people in other offices? What a fucking joke. “Return to office” is just a giant grift.

    x86x87 ,

    Whoa whoa whoa. It’s not zoom. It’s some vaporware called Chime last time I checked

    ramble81 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

    Please keep forcing people back into the office. My company has embraced WFH and I got over 150 resumes for a senior position that was historically hard for me to fill given where we’re located. I had my pick of who to hire rather than being stuck with whoever was willing to move here.

    Foam3477 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

    I think in time the most efficient companies will be the ones that don’t spend too much in office buildings and will also be the ones that attract more talent.

    In 10-15 years the remote work debate will be over and we will reap the benefits

    downpunxx , avatar

    real estate investment says you're wrong, it's saying you're wrong right now

    shectabeni ,

    Is it? Yeah, real estate investors want people back in the office but how many back to the office success stories are we seeing? It’s generally not working out for the employers pushing it.

    sadreality ,

    It won't be easy but in the end the slaves will win...

    RegularGoose ,

    If dying from heatstroke and starvation is winning, then yeah, I guess you’re right.

    Num10ck ,

    the major banks publicly having major concerns about their portfolio of commercial mortgage backed securities says you’re wrong right now. its too soon to call this one. hundreds of billions are on the line, and so are the work/life balances of a rising generation of workers who don’t believe what the baby boomers did.

    rippersnapper ,

    No, he’s not. Have you looked at commercial real estate especially around dedicated business districts in cities such as London, Paris and Frankfurt? Long story short, a lot of businesses (big ones such as HSBC) are moving to city centers and into smaller offices.

    Lith , avatar

    Unfortunately it stopped being a buyer’s market years ago. If these companies don’t succeed, they’ll just shape the laws so that others can’t either.

    girltwink , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

    When do we just start calling out that it’s about their commercial real estate holdings? I’m an engineer at a large fortune 500, and while my part of the company has made it very clear to leadership that we are going to remain remote, they made this whole huge deal about RTO for the rest of the company. They said it was about culture, but it’s very obviously about real estate. The CEO is very ego driven and likes his big buildings. I was really hoping someone would have the balls to call him on that in one of the many comical public meetings they had about RTO.

    Strangle ,

    It’s not just about liking the big buildings. It’s also very much tired to company evaluation numbers and stock price.

    Real estate is a huge part of company asserts and they reflect in the stock price.

    Why do you think these huge mega companies publicly traded have these trillion dollar campuses and stuff? Private companies would find that a little bit crazy, when they are more focused on having actual cash in the bank.

    The real estate isn’t an ego thing, it’s protecting and growing the price of company stock

    TigrisMorte ,

    The Real Estate is usually subleased from holding companies owned by Board members or their family.

    Strangle ,

    This would still count as company assets, though?

    Does apple lease their campus?

    Fiivemacs ,

    Don’t forget they also invest in companies that buy/own buildings too…it’ll hurt their bottom dollar across the board

    Strangle ,

    I’m not convinced the bottom dollar is as relevant as the stock price.

    These companies make baffling dollar decisions, like having these trillion dollar campuses, that would make no sense at all to the bottom dollar.

    It would seem wasteful. But for the stock? Well that seems like a different story. What does having trillions in real estate holdings under a company name do to the stock?

    Num10ck ,

    well it helps the book value as an asset but it hurts the available cash and the liquidity of assets and the return on assets although the depreciation is a big write off. its not a great use for most companies to sit on brick and mortar that aren’t generating revenue. but whats the point of having a high floor corner office if nobody is around to pretend to care?

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    A lot of companies with large campuses have gotten concessions from local government, since the workers will increase economic activity in the area. So part of it is also that city governments are putting pressure on companies to get people in, and they might lose millions in tax breaks they got for building in their city.

    girltwink ,

    It’s about liking big buildings in this case.

    Strangle ,

    That doesn’t make logical sense, though

    jubilationtcornpone ,

    In my experience, big corporations frequently do things that don’t make any logical sense.

    Strangle ,

    You just don’t understand them. They make perfect sense when you educate yourself

    chicken ,

    But, couldn’t the company sell their real estate and pay that out to shareholders while retaining the same profit potential?

    Strangle ,

    They can also sell product to customers, but often over stock items for the same reasons.

    Showing trillions of dollars in assets, with inflated inventory dollar values makes the company look more valuable, which impacts the stock price.

    I’m sure there are a dozen ways to skin that cat, but this is how C-Suite execs seem to prefer to make their stock go up

    Confused_Emus ,

    I was really hoping someone would have the balls to call him on that in one of the many comical public meetings they had about RTO.

    Be the change you want to see in the world.

    girltwink ,

    Like i said, I’m not going back to the office, and my part of the company is openly defiant about it. Most of us are independently wealthy and they know we can just walk.

    lagomorphlecture ,

    My previous employer put on a handout that was supposed to make people feel good about RTO that Denver was chosen as a hub because of a $7 million tax break. So it’s about real estate but there could also be other bullshit reasons for it as well, none of which actually have to do with collaboration or culture.

    atlasraven31 , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

    If by won you mean cause controversy, drive away some users, and allienate most of those staying than Mission Accomplished. Nothing positive happened for Reddit out of this.

    sloonark ,

    Really? Reddit retained about 98% of its users and gained full control of the app market. I’d call that a success for them. They got exactly what they wanted.

    Kerrigor , avatar

    They solidified the establishment of competing services (kbin, Lemmy). Many of us would've never even considered using them otherwise. It may not have hurt them a ton in the short term, but they've helped set up their competition.

    bradorsomething ,

    The users aren’t the value in reddit, it’s the content creators and savvy community members that respond to questions and leave useful content in their own right. Reddit lost a number of those, and those users are forming the nucleus of their demise.

    AnonymousLlama , avatar

    I'd also say the brand reputation has taken a pretty decent hit with their awful handling of the situation. With an upcoming IPO you think they would have handled it carefully but they just seemingly YOLO'd it

    zib , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' avatar

    If this article hadn't mentioned the name of the company or CEO, I would swear it was talking about the executive team where I currently work since they've been saying the bullshit and our RTO mandate is about to go into effect. Nevermind that every single one of my teammates is located in a different time zone, sitting on Zoom and Slack in an office will magically make me more productive and innovative.

    nBodyProblem ,

    Same. My strategy is basically to stay at home until enough other people come in that they can single people out. It’s not like they can fire the entire office.

    When they were really amping up the “mandatory” rhetoric, we had a tornado rip through the parking lot and total the cars of everyone who actually complied with the work from work mandate. Then they refused to pay for the vehicle repairs.

    Way to guarantee that nobody comes in.

    ______ ,

    We have to work at the office (software) meanwhile non tech people are working from home fully. Some aren’t even in the same city at all. Fascinating.

    ken27238 , to Politics in Looks Like the Website for Trump's Patriot Legal Defense Fund Just Got Hacked avatar

    Someone really said “not my problem” by leaving I up over the weekend.

    pizza-bagel ,

    Yeah "just" got hacked 3 days ago lmao

    CileTheSane , avatar

    It's probably the guy who made the website after Trump failed to pay him.

    abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

    I don't believe it's really over.

    Reddark is still reporting 1839 subs are dark.

    At least one 1+ million sub is still private, and at least one 10+ million sub is still restricted.

    I'm surprised though - I've heard arguments that John Oliver was okay with reddit admins, so why the pushback now to drop it?

    sadreality , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'


    e_t_ Admin , to RedditMigration in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

    I used to spend hours per day on Reddit. Now I visit once or twice a month, read-only. My subscription is canceled and all my posts/comments deleted. My "front page of the Internet" is now here.

    panoptic ,

    Same here.
    I’m also using forums again more broadly.

    bradorsomething ,

    It’s not guaranteed to happen, but eventually reddit might become links of things people found on Lemmy.

    bradorsomething ,

    I’ll try to say something cool to make it worth your while.

    But later. It has to come organically.

    valen , to Star Trek in The Best Moment in Deep Space Nine's Greatest Episode Is a Punch Left Unthrown

    One of the best ST episodes. Dark. But not the darkest. That one's Hard Time, also DS9. When O'Brien is condemned and has decades of memory of incarceration implanted before his superiors can get their butts down to the planet. Then we see his descent to the bottom.

    setsneedtofeed , avatar

    I’m pretty sure the darkest ST episode was Enterprise’s Rogue Planet.

    You can’t see a thing!

    milkisklim ,

    That is definitely a top contender!

    Not necessarily dark, but I think the most tragic is "The Sound of Her Voice" where they try to rescue the standard captain on an unbreathable atmosphere planet....

    Tap for spoiler

    And she was dead the whole time

    mercano , avatar

    The last scene is a little heavy handed with its foreshadowing, but it’s one of my favorite bottle episodes.

    CptEnder ,

    Yeah that and Inner Light. Like HOW THE FUCK Picard just show up to work the next day and not completely shattered by being forced to live a 75 year life with a wife, kids, and everyone he loves dying?!

    awake01 , to Work Reform in Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You'

    I don’t think companies are going to listen until they feel consequences of RTO policies. It’s going to take strike level activity and solidarity for office employees before they are going to see the real risks and impacts. I just don’t see people being that committed to pushing back. I would love to be wrong.

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