
Sorchist , to men in Welcome to /m/men!

You seem to have an extremely specific take on men's issues, insisting you're not one of those men's rights guys but nonetheless taking a dim view of feminism except when you deem it sufficiently egalitarian and uncritical, I dunno about grabbing the whole concept/namespace of "men" and dedicating it to that. But ya did it, so good luck with it.

vlakas ,
@vlakas@kbin.social avatar

What exactly should we have done then? I only claim to speak for myself; in an ideal world I would love to work with feminists, but we're having conversations here that are not permitted in feminist spaces, so we need our own space for that. I hope you'll be open minded and do a little reading here to see what we're about.

RandoCalrandian ,
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

Any space that caters to feminists or feminist thinking is in no way a safe place for men, we should make that clear

Infiltrated_ad8271 ,
@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

insisting you're not one of those men's rights guys

MRAs seek gender equality before the law and full human rights for men, MRAs are a branch of egalitarianism. If you think there's something wrong with that, that's your problem.

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

I didn't even insist that I wasn't. I am one in the sense of your description.

oct2pus , to /kbin in Why is Kbin seemingly growing considerably slower than Lemmy?
@oct2pus@kbin.social avatar

Most people heard about Lemmy on reddit, and heard about kbin on lemmy, possibly after they already made an account.

Im not going to not interact with Lemmy because of its developers but it was enough I decided id rather not be tied exclusively to their tankie ass politics.

Yamspunk ,

What is it about Lemmy's developers?

BraveSirZaphod ,
@BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social avatar

Questionable opinions about such diverse topics as:

  1. Is the Uygher genocide in China a thing?
  2. Is North Korea bad?
  3. Was the Russian invasion of Ukraine actually a noble attempt to liberate its people from Nazis?
Mars2k21 , to /kbin in Why is Kbin seemingly growing considerably slower than Lemmy?
@Mars2k21@kbin.social avatar

Probably because of the endorsement of Lemmy by subreddits, which has been far greater than the endorsement of Kbin. Lemmy's also just been around far longer than Kbin. Those server issues that Kbin encountered during the whole explosion of users also likely slowed down growth a bit. Even with Lemmy's bot problem I think these have made it grow faster anyway.

cjerrington ,
@cjerrington@kbin.social avatar

I also think some of the growth of Lemmy is the ability to get the project to a functioning stance. The start of Kbin still seems a little rocky, but getting better.

SentientRock209 , to men in Welcome to /m/men!

Would it be in bad taste to repost some of the archived posts from leftwingmaleadvocates?

Even though they're old I think they still hold a lot of relevance for this community and hold a lot of insight to start interesting conversarions.

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

I think that's fine, as long as you give credit. I've already reposted some.

zd , to Fediverse in Kbin Roadmap 2023

I definitely prefer this over Lemmy. Clean and easy to figure out without the shady development decisions.

Aesthesiaphilia , to men in Welcome to /m/men!

How do you / did your community feel about the MensLib community?

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

I appreciate that they try to highlight some male issues. But they subjugate them to feminist ideology, which I think is the wrong approach. They control the conversation very tightly and do not allow general criticism of feminism (especially the widespread misandry), nor specific topics such as legal paternal surrender. For that reason I consider the MensLib sub "controlled opposition". Even tho many members may have the heart in the right place, there is a high degree of self-censorship going on. Or you find yourself, as I did, quietly shadowbanned.

See also https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/wiki/missionstatement#wiki_how_do_we_differ_from_feminist_men.2019s_lib.3F

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Thank you for sharing your viewpoints (side note, this is my first time really reading reddit in a while and it's crazy how many accounts have been overwritten or [deleted]). I was active in the early redpill community, years ago, and watched in horror as it got taken over by right-wing protofascists. So I'm a little gun shy when it comes to men's spaces. I think, getting meta for a moment, there's something to be said for policing your own community a little over-zealously to keep out the misogynists...but then again, there's also something to be said for being honest in your beliefs, even if that means alienating an ally (like feminists).

I've subscribed and I'll keep a close eye on this community. You've got a difficult job; there's a lot of angry, misogynistic men and angry, misandrist tumblristas in the fediverse who would love to take over the discussion.

assclapcalamity ,

" there's a lot of angry, misogynistic men and angry, misandrist tumblristas in the fediverse who would love to take over the discussion."

drop that weirdness

Dienervent ,

Hopefully it will be like the subreddits he moderated. They turned out quite nicely. Unapologetically advocating for men from an egalitarian perspective while also being unapologetic about defending against the misandrist detractors, a large number of whom call themselves feminists and leverage feminist ideology.

RandoCalrandian ,
@RandoCalrandian@kbin.social avatar

Hey brother

I'm in a similar boat as you, and watched TRP go from "this is info men need to know, and soon" to religious conservative grifters, and similarly upset about it

And then watching menslib and others get setup so men could talk in "approved" ways

But all of that makes it even more important to me not to abandon other labels to grifters. It just makes it easier for them to dissipate any momentum we might accrue for social change.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

If the moderation is bad, it's a lost cause. The mod here removed a couple of comments I had calling out blatant misogyny, while leaving the misogyny. This space is doomed. I'm not wasting any more effort on it.

a-man-from-earth OP , (edited )
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

I have removed comments for personal attacks, as per our rules.

Where is the misogyny? I mean, it is possible I may have missed it, as I am human and fallible. But make sure to differentiate feminism from women. Feminism is an ideology, not a gender. Attacks on women as a gender will not be tolerated.

So, if you want to call out bad behavior here, call out the specific statements ("That statement is misogynistic" or "Saying that is bigotry"). Do not use personal attacks ("You're a misogynist" or basically any form of "you are X") as they will be removed.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Like I said, I'm not wasting more effort on it. I do still think you have good intentions and I still wish you luck.

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

That's your good right, of course. But I'll take that as "it was moderated correctly, and there is no actual misogyny that I can point out".

rikersbeard ,

They hosted an AMA with a guy who minimizes/denies that men can be victims of women aggressors. They tried to walk back some of the stuff he said, but didn’t outright apologize. They censor/minimize/deny a lot of other men’s issues. They are counterfeit, perhaps even a calculated disinformation campaign to co-opt the men’s movement.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Feminism is obviously NOT organized enough to do anything like that, which tells me you're too paranoid to be worth listening to. Take a chill pill dude, not everything is a conspiracy.

rikersbeard ,

I’m not sure how you got that from my comment that I was talking about feminism as a whole. You asked what we think about r/MensLib and that’s what I answered.

However, I did address feminism as a whole in the post I just made in this magazine.

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

We don't do personal attacks here. Comment removed.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

And here I thought you were against the whole "never say anything negative about any member of our community, no matter how wrong they are" moderation stance that most feminist communities use.

If you don't nip the "it's a conspiracy" types in the bud, you become the nazi bar. Because there's a very thin line between "it's a conspiracy", "this is all their fault", and "we should do something about those people".

Calling another community "counterfeit" and a "calculated disinformation campaign" is dangerous, inflammatory language. If the mods or the community don't call it out, it encourages worse things to be said.

Not to mention it's clearly not even close to the realm of reality. It's not a rational statement at all. Pointing that out is not a personal attack.

Anyway, I'm not signing up to fight a losing battle against incel types taking over this space, so if this is how it's gonna be, I'm out.

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

We don't accept calling members of this community "too paranoid to be worth listening to". That is a personal attack. And we don't call them incels either. This is a place for civil discussion. Not for calling each other names. Our sidebar specifically states: "Attack the argument, not the person."

vlakas ,
@vlakas@kbin.social avatar

Just curious, is it possible to see Kbin comments/posts that were deleted by a user or moderator like Removeddit for Reddit (supposing they haven't been archived to the wayback machine)?

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

There is modlog (linked in the sidebar), but it doesn't appear to give access to the full comments, just the first couple of lines or so, unless it's a very short comment.

kilgore_trout ,
@kilgore_trout@feddit.it avatar

I am browsing a federated Lemmy instance and to me all the comments are still visible.

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

So, moderation doesn't federate? That's very unfortunate.

assclapcalamity , to men in Welcome to /m/men!

alright, i guess. i don't entirely disagree, though I did feel like I was reading a MGTOW post with some words swapped out.

Your phrase; "The natural home for male advocacy" [is x on the political spectrum] is a strange phrase, and familiar, and formulaic.

Try humanism, and love

Aesthesiaphilia ,

I bet you wouldn't feel the same about a "home for female advocacy". Men need safe spaces too.

Note: including safe from right-wing exploitation.

assclapcalamity ,

do you feel the "home for female advocacy" belongs somewhere on a political spectrum?

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Yeah, I think the left wing generally espouses tolerance and equality, so anyone saying "hey, this group is being marginalized, we should fix that" should naturally find a home in the left wing. The right wing is more about rigid hierarchy and "this is the way the world is ordered, don't challenge it".

assclapcalamity ,

I asked, and you did not answer, the question was,

do you feel the "home for female advocacy" belongs somewhere on a political spectrum?

assclapcalamity ,

sorry you did answer, i hope you are well

a-man-from-earth OP ,
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

It is definitely not a MGTOW post. I explicitly say: "Men and women have equal value, and we need to work together for a better future."

assclapcalamity ,

"men and women have equal value". what? why are we comparing men vs. women? what is the "value"?

Aesthesiaphilia ,
assclapcalamity ,

I love Feist!


Aesthesiaphilia ,

It really is an excellent song, she's very talented.

I was making a reference to sealioning

assclapcalamity ,

this has been very educational, but I did not mean to troll.

AdvocateDoogy , to RedditMigration in Reddit activated a word filter that whenever you say "fuck spez", your comment won't show up for anyone else. I just tested it on ModCoord. they're also deleting spez memes from the subs they nuked lol
@AdvocateDoogy@kbin.social avatar

Spez will also suspend your account if it has spez in the name

Ronno ,
@Ronno@kbin.social avatar

Ah shit, I was about to claim SpezialRedditOperazion

Ostermac , to RedditMigration in Reddit activated a word filter that whenever you say "fuck spez", your comment won't show up for anyone else. I just tested it on ModCoord. they're also deleting spez memes from the subs they nuked lol

So he is the new Elon Musk when it comes to fragile ego?

dominoko ,
@dominoko@kbin.social avatar

He looks up to Musk so....yeah.

lixus98 , to RedditMigration in Reddit activated a word filter that whenever you say "fuck spez", your comment won't show up for anyone else. I just tested it on ModCoord. they're also deleting spez memes from the subs they nuked lol
@lixus98@kbin.social avatar

Wow, seems like spez is from the same breed as Elon "Thin-skinned" Musk, no surprises there really. I love to imagine how hurt he is because everyone is saying that to him lol.

hotwarioinyourarea , to RedditMigration in "It's the content, stupid" - some #chaoticgood ways to encourage people to get off of Reddit and onto Kbin

Kbin really needs an app to become daily for most people I think. I've spent a lot of time on Lemmy because of Jerboa and the fact this whole thing came about because of Reddit screwing over app devs means people will be looking for that be alternative.

Saturdaycat ,
@Saturdaycat@kbin.social avatar

This is true ! I do enjoy using the PWA app though

theinspectorst ,
@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

I'm looking forward to a proper app with more functionality, but for now the progressive web app does work fine and I have it on my home screen on my phone in the place where Baconreader used to sit (and open it multiple times each day).

barf , to selfhosted in Wikis feel too static after using Notion

Obsidian with something like this frontend might fit the bill.

LinkOpensChest_wav , to RedditMigration in 📢Entire mod team on r/mildlyinteresting (and more subs) removed and locked out of their accounts after changing their rules upon community's request. (They're also switching subs BACK to SFW)
@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

Tbh everyone just needs to leave reddit

Let the bots take over

It’s always been Stormfront 2.0 anyway

Fuck reddit

minnieo OP ,
@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

Yes, at this point, there is really no fucking saving it or hoping for changes, they will go as far as they need to go to get their profits back up. It must be abandoned. The only time I ever spend on reddit is to convince people to migrate to kbin or lemmy (nicely, dont be annoying)

OtakuAltair ,
@OtakuAltair@lemmy.world avatar

I find that a large majority of redditors are still somehow completely clueless about what’s happening.

So I made this little formatted summary of events inviting confused redditors to lemmy/kbin if anyone wants to copy/paste; seems to get people to understand.

ILeftReddit ,

@OtakuAltair At this point I don't care about redittors or reddit. It can go on to be wildly successful, doesn't matter to me, I've moved on.

AmidFuror ,

Username checks out?

Dreckard ,

What really worked for me was the https://sub.rehab website. When I found that, it made me realize I need to stick with the people who actually built the subs I love -- the mods. Here I am.

someguy3 ,

Ironically this API issue will kill bots, which was needed.

Yewb ,

It will only slow them temporarily you don't need api for bots

Kichae ,

Yeah, it'll only kill the useful ones in the long run.

CoderKat ,
@CoderKat@kbin.social avatar

Yeah. The unethical bots will just use scrapers, as they already do for the many websites that don't offer APIs. They're already violating ToS, so they don't care. Ethical ones won't have that option (at least not past the fairly low quota).

troybot ,
@troybot@kbin.social avatar

Correct. Now the bots will be constantly scraping the pages of every post which will be a much bigger burden on their servers.

liminis ,

The only good that can truly come of this at this stage is sabotaging Huffman's hopes of cashing out for a second time, after he sold his stake for a ""mere"" 10 million back in the day.

LinkOpensChest_wav ,
@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

Imagine having more money than anyone can spend in a lifetime and users who create the content for you. All you have to do is sit on your ass and do and say nothing, but then imagine what a pants-on-head stupid fool you’d have to be to do anything to mess that up, to let your ego totally disrupt the sweet deal you’ve got going. That’s Steve Huffman – the king of all losers.

okbin ,
@okbin@kbin.social avatar

they won't

i tried to move my 100k subscriber sub to kbin (i also offered two different chatrooms)

6 came to kbin and people started attacking me for having the sub closed (one person even resorted to transphobia like jesus fucking christ) and being "political" and one person even made their own version of my subreddit

moving is too much work (it's actually not that much work, but since we now need two videos playing at the same time and can only watch those vids for 30 seconds, everything is "too much work"). that's why people are still on facebook, twitter, instagram, and tiktok.

i'm very glad there's an acceptable amount of activity on the "threadiverse" right now... but i just don't have hope that everyone will leave.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

I think your post demonstrates that it’s a good thing everyone won’t be coming here.

Bdking158 , to selfhosted in Wikis feel too static after using Notion
Kenraali , to RedditMigration in Louis Rossman: redditor's reaction demonstrates a LOSING, selfish mentality - this is not how you win in life!
@Kenraali@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for perpetuating the stereotype of redditors.

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