
yG2PxK , to Fediverse in Anyone else having log in issues constantly on both Kbin/Lemmy?

Yeah I've been having problems on Lemmy too. I reinstalled at some point, but began having problems again. It says "Network error"

Balios , to RedditMigration in Reddit may be tricking users to buy awards/coins
@Balios@kbin.social avatar

Firstly, you no longer can buy coins and awards. Three days ago they posted this:

Starting today, you will no longer be able to purchase new coins, but all awards and existing coins will continue to be available until September 12, 2023.

So currently they can not make any quick bugs with coins and awards as they no longer are buy-able.
Additionally, since all coins/awards expire on that date, there is zero reason to get more. Right now you want to get rid of what you have, not stock up just so Reddit can delete your inventory of coins.

This would be different if they announced some beneficial exchange rate for real money or their new system or kept coins you own available indefinitely (or at least way longer), which indeed would trigger some people to stock up "just in case I want to award someone later on".

This is a clean cut, meant to renew the system by first tearing down the old one completely, without leaving anything in place, and then introducing something entirely new. I don't necessarily agree with their communication and deadlines but I don't think there is anything foul at work here. They just want a new system and follow their current trend of rushing everything.

PabloDiscobar ,
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I still have coins. Do you have any advice on how to use them? Is there any word out there about it?

Amir ,
@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

Give them to people commenting “fuck u/spez” lol

Nepenthe ,
@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

Someone advised me half an hour ago to award them to comments talking about other platforms, and I think I'm gonna go with that one for myself

PabloDiscobar ,
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Or give all your gold to a [deleted] account

Or give is to u/spez, so he can enjoy all the features of his own platform

Nepenthe ,
@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

I'll give it to spez if he says the line first

athos77 ,

That's what I did with my coins too.

Eggyhead , to RedditMigration in I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea.
@Eggyhead@kbin.social avatar

I made a magazine on kbin as an alternative to a relatively niche subreddit I really appreciated. And in the month since the migration, it’s only grown more apparent that I was a bit over enthusiastic about the scope of that migration. Only 2, maybe 3, others have contributed to the magazine, and it’s usually a question I have no definitive answer for. Oddly enough, there are over 40 silent subscribers, so I’m probably doing something of interest to some people out there.

For better or worse, Kbin still doesn’t have the means to let you remove magazines you’ve created. So rather than deleting or abandoning it, I’ve kind of opted to take responsibility over it and treat it as more of a personal hobby and public repository for myself. Every once in a while I’ll post a tutorial for something I’ve done, or write out some thoughts of my own without any expectation of engagement. When the ability to delete magazines comes through, I might consider migrating my more useful contributions to one of the more centralized magazines at that point and then removing my own.

007v2 ,

I will join plenty of niche groups, not because I have a specific interest in it myself but I enjoy seeing what others who do enjoy it have to say.

I myself have nothing to contribute but like seeing other peoples interest, not sure if that makes sense!

metaStatic ,

I would go bankrupt perusing half of my interests but I love to watch other people spend money.

thingsiplay ,
@thingsiplay@kbin.social avatar

@Eggyhead Does have Kbin the ability to give ownership of a magazine to someone else?

Eggyhead ,
@Eggyhead@kbin.social avatar

As far as I’m aware, not ownership. You can bring in additional mods now, I think

IninewCrow ,
@IninewCrow@kbin.social avatar

I was a mod of a small niche reddit sub for about six years. When I started working on it, there were only about 200 subscribers and it was a pretty quiet place. Over the time I managed it, I had to work the group to get them interested. I'd regularly post, comment and like whatever was happening. But at the same time, I'd do searches throughout reddit to look for like minded people and just let them know my sub existed. No big marketing push but just a little reminder that my sub existed. I'd set out private messages to people and connect with them .. about half wouldn't respond .. a quarter would say they weren't interested but about a quarter would say thanks and that they weren't aware of the sub and would have a look.

After doing that for four or five years, I grew the sub from 200 members to 2,000.

I also learned that on any social media about 90 percent of users are just lurkers who like reading stuff, liking stuff and maybe once in a while commenting. It's only about ten percent of the group that are active, comment, post new content or even create new content. The larger your group, the larger that ten percent becomes and the more content your group generates and the more activity happens.

Keep working it ... it's all up to you in the early stages, you have to put in the work to contact people, encourage them to join and talk and chat with your base to keep them engaged. You create the content or highlight new stuff or keep posting content you find and share to your group .. all your users are there ... they are the 90 percent, you are the ten percent right now.

As your group grows, eventually there will be one or two people that will be enthusiastic and they will help with content ... then as the activity grows, there will be a few more active users who will post and comment regularly.

Your group will never suddenly one day jump to 10,000 users and your community becomes a hive of activity ... it grows organically like a plant in your garden. Right now it is small and fragile and anything can bring it down ... you not tending to it will mean it dies. But if you water it, tend to it, look after it eventually it will grow into something big and there will be many people that will come around to help you with this enormous garden or field of crops that have sprouted from your activity.

NightOwl , to RedditMigration in I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea.

What beehaw has done with limiting the creation of communities has worked well, since the ones they created have been pretty active.

Not all instances need to be that strict, but might be good to have a place to propose a community, why they’d be a good mod, and type of initial content they plan to post themselves before it grows would help until the user base is bigger to be able to sustain random free for all creation of communities. Some places just exist with nothing posted at all, so you’re not sure if even the person who created abandoned it from the get go.

r4venw , to Fediverse in A proposal for a sane transfer of useful information trapped on Reddit
@r4venw@kbin.social avatar

Maybe also archive the reddit page on the wayback machine and add the link to the post? So in the event that you needed the original you could still view it without giving traffic to reddit.

DrNeurohax OP ,
@DrNeurohax@kbin.social avatar

Yeah. Sounds like a good idea for a browser add on.

It places a button by the post's title.
Click that and it asks you to click the relevant replies.
It prompts for any additional tags (autotags RDX and subreddit name)
When you're done it fills in the title, body, tags of a new Lemmy thread and sends the archive request to whatever service they set.

4am ,
@4am@lemmy.world avatar

There already is the Wayback Machine Official Extension (or for Firefox users)

DrNeurohax OP ,
@DrNeurohax@kbin.social avatar

Yup, but this is to prevent me from getting lazy and putting off creating the post until "later". (Where later = never) It also reduced things like tag typos and incomplete entries.

GeekFTW , to RedditMigration in Microblogging Platform with an Algorithm
@GeekFTW@kbin.social avatar

instead I want to see posts that fit my interests, regardless of who made them.

Follow hashtags then? I mean I'm following a good 40 or so people so far, largely newsy type things, but I've followed dozens and dozens of different hashtags so whatever gets posted with them pops up in my feed.

No need to go following Generic Mastodon User Who Likes Transformers™ when I can just follow to see my dumb robo pics lol

kyub , to Linux in Recommended distros for privacy?

Open source software usually doesn’t do any kind of tracking or telemetry. Sometimes it is there but then it’s usually opt-in (off by default unless you change it). Most Linux distros contain a huge amount of open source software. So all the code is in the open (which means usually no shady things going on, because a lot of eyes are looking at that code) and there’s often not even an incentive for the developers to gain money directly from the users, except through donations. So if you really like some open source project, please do contribute or donate to it.

So in the end it doesn’t really matter which distro, they all will be MASSIVELY more privacy friendly than any closed source OS like Windows, OSX iOS, or proprietary Android, although to maximize your “chances” so to speak you can go for a purely community-run distro not backed by any company (Ubuntu is backed by Canonical, Fedora is backed by Red Hat, OpenSuSE is backed by SuSE, these are the three big distros with a commercial background. I’m not saying they do violate your privacy currently, but they at least have a greater tendency to do so, because data gathered can be sold, so it might be a business incentive for them. Ubuntu sent users’ search queries to Amazon in the past to gain some more money, but the community outrage caused them to remove this anti-feature afterwards again. Fedora is currently proposing to introduce opt-out (on-by-default) telemetry, it’s not decided yet, but it’s a bit worrying still. So you see, such distros might not be the best choice for “maximum” privacy. But compared to Windows or OSX they’re still magnitutes of miles ahead.

For community-run distros, you can check out e.g. Debian or Arch Linux, or any distro based upon them. For Debian specifially, I recommend running its “testing” branch, because it’s more up to date. Don’t worry about the label - it’s still rock solid stable, because Debian has very rigid testing requirements. They test more and longer than probably any other distro, which means Debian “stable” is very well tested, but also quite outdated. To alleviate that a bit, you can use the “testing” branch. You could even use the “unstable” branch for even more up to date packages, but there’s at least a chance that you get some package dependency problems every once in a while or so, so not recommended for a beginner. Debian is also quite easy to get into nowadays, though maybe not as easy as some of the Ubuntu-based distros. Linux Mint (normally Ubuntu-based) also has a Debian-based edition these days, and Linux Mint is a great distro for beginners. Arch is hard to get into but great for modern desktop usage or gaming because it’s always super up to date. You can also check out EndeavourOS, an Arch-based clone with easier installation. Or just use any distro, really, it’s not that big of a deal currently. They all behave quite well. Mint, Kubuntu or Fedora are good starting points for beginners.

If you have to use a public computer temporarily, there’s really only one choice for a private usage in that scenario: Tails. Put it on a USB stick and use it whenever you’re on an “unsafe” computer. Tails ensures that ALL traffic will be routed through Tor so no one on the local network (or the web, for that matter) can sniff out your data transfers, among other things it does to enable anonymous computer usage (e.g. it leaves behind no logs, doesn’t save any info about your previous sessions, and so on).

sp3ctre OP ,
@sp3ctre@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for your extensive reply! I will definitely keep that in mind!

orcrist ,

It’s a bad idea to recommend Debian Testing for people who have never run Linux before. Obviously people can do whatever they want, but the whole point of Debian stable is that it is stable, and the whole point of Testing is that it’s not.

Spiracle ,
@Spiracle@kbin.social avatar

Based on the ~2 videos I’ve seen, the newly released Debian 12 stable might actually be good for newbies without being noticeably out-of-date. Thanks to Flatpak etc, new software versions can be installed / updated easily without compromising stability.

smallpatatas , (edited ) to Fediverse in Defederation, Threads and You
@smallpatatas@kbin.social avatar

A few things here.

The first one that comes to mind is that defederation DOES stop your posts from going to Meta's platform when combined with the AUTHORIZED_FETCH server setting, while a simple user-level block may not. Depending on your server's settings, your posts may or may not be available on the open web where Meta could scrape the data - but this is still very different from them appearing in the feed or search results of, say, the transphobic, racist, or antisemitic groups that call Meta home.

This has serious implications for user safety and should not be overlooked. In fact, user safety is one of the biggest issues I have seen people mention when advocating for defederation.

Second: it's not yet clear if threads will allow their users to follow people on Lemmy or Kbin servers. But if they do, their users - including, for instance, the millions of followers of some big celebrity or politician - would be able to uprank posts and influence what you end up seeing. You might have LibsOfTikTok tell their users to brigade any posts critical of them, who knows. Meta's own algorithms could end up surfacing certain posts to their users, making the post rankings here largely a reflection of what Meta wants their users to see.

In other words, there's a lot more to the story than just 'blocking their content' when it comes to why you would want full defederation.

Here are a couple of blog posts that go into more detail around some of the data & privacy issues with federation:

https://privacy.thenexus.today/just-blocking-threads-isnt-enough/ discusses why defederation is much better than user-level blocking when it comes to protecting yourself from Meta

https://www.cacherules.com/blog/2023/6/resistance-is-futile-you-will-be-assimilated-by-meta/ discusses the things that Meta can learn about you via federation that they can't otherwise.

fancysandwiches ,
@fancysandwiches@fedia.io avatar

The whole line of thinking where we don't need to bother with defederating because your data can still end up over on Threads is not entirely correct. Yes, you can still grab data via RSS, yes you can still scrape data, but from an AP standpoint Threads users will not see or be able to interact with your content if you are on server that does not federate with Meta, and that is key. If the threads app can't see your data, and users there cannot follow or interact with your posts, then Meta cannot gather intelligence on you in relation to their users, which is completely different than scraping your data and viewing it in a vacuum. Your content is more valuable to Meta in relation to the content of their users and how they interact with you.

Yes, you can learn a bit about someone by observing them from a distance, but you learn so much more if you are interacting with them directly.

Emperor , to Fediverse in fediverse shorts?
@Emperor@feddit.uk avatar

Presumably, PixelFed or PeerTube but see my list here and some of the things I link to. You might need to do some digging to find the right fit for you.

Vilian , to Fediverse in Tf happened to lemmy.world?

if you has account there, maybe, it depends how good is the cryptograph used in the lemmy.world, but if they got hacked, it’s means that others intances can too, so be sure to always have a different password for every account, and this is a rule to every account in the internet(you can use good and secure password manager)

AJ ,

Everything can be hacked. In cyber security, it's "when, not if"

elscallr ,
@elscallr@kbin.social avatar

Yeah anyone not using randomly generated passwords at this point is just fucking up. I know exactly three of my passwords: the one for my email, the one for my password manager, and the one I'm likely to give out (streaming services and such). The worst anyone can do with the third is cancel my Disney+ or something, and it's really only given to my mom and sisters.

curiosityLynx ,

Is salting password hashes so unknown that neither the lemmy devs nor the kbin dev(s?) have implemented it?

elscallr ,
@elscallr@kbin.social avatar

Well this was a JWT compromise, I think, but even still people use really bad passwords all the time. A salt is stored with the user record. The salt's job is to invalidate rainbow tables. If you have a collection of a million bad passwords you can check them all salted in a second or two.

EffectivelyHidden , to Politics in Speak up now: What should our community guidelines be?

My first question is always going to be, what is the moderation policy for Nazi's/white supremacists/fascists?

Are you adopting a zero tolerance policy for that sort of rabble rousing trash, the iamragesparkle method, or are you going to say your hands are tied unless they blatantly violate the community guidelines?

(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."

And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them."

And i was like, ohok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."

And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.

Drusas ,

This sort of question is why this thread was created. I'm in favor of a zero tolerance policy for fascism, bigotry, and anything that is clearly misinformation. But that's my personal opinion and we'll all be working together to decide on what the community wants and what works best. Rules can also be altered as we grow, of course, if our initial guidelines aren't sufficient.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm all in on the punch a Nazi approach here.

EffectivelyHidden ,

Obviously I'm 100% in the camp of "you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."

Sadly I joined this conversation late, so we will see if others filter in.

I'm very curious as to what sort of community the fedaverse as a whole has cultivated after the reddit exodus.

Drusas ,

I don't disagree, based on the harm that is being done. You may see me comment in that regard, but if moderation rules end up being more lenient than I am personally, based on feedback, that's what I'll do as a moderator. It's about what the community wants and needs in order for genuine discussion to thrive.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Within reason, given my personal values, I too am willing to be a bit more lenient if that's what the community wants. Taking on mod responsibilities shouldn't become my entire life (nor any of the other mods on the team now) and part of that is letting the userbase self-regulate up until a user's presence becomes disruptive.

Machinist3359 ,

Your decisions shape the community, though ;). Too lenient you'll be reporting to trolls who demand more leniency.

I'm team zero-fash tolerance. It's the fediverse, they can go kick rocks in gabbit or whatever they spin up.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm quite positively bolstered by the number of users advocating for a zero-tolerance policy regarding fascism in the magazine.

I have added preliminary community guidelines into the side bar and have made an overt stance regarding neo-nazism, white supremacy, and fascism.

Thanks for weighing in!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I have seen enough users actively combat alt-right content here that I'm happy to swing the ban hammer on neo-Nazi and pro-white supremacy content.

What I don't want to create is an echo chamber that only permits the views of people I agree with.

I say this with all sincerity: as a progressive, we need genuine and legitimate leadership to step up and start governing again in the GOP. We don't need people who were once too awful to embrace getting a redemption arc (a la Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney style), but real and serious political leaders. I would like this magazine to be a place to stay informed about the moves and leadership on the right that are worth building bridges with.

And as much as I hate the entire MAGA crowd, we still need to be informed of their movements and goings on. So I'm not willing to draw the line at no right wing content from right wing sources ever. But I happily draw the line at no neo-Nazi or white supremacy sympathizing.

EffectivelyHidden , (edited )

What I don't want to create is an echo chamber that only permits the views of people I agree with.

I'm confused.

Do you think I was asking for that?

If so, why?

But I happily draw the line at no neo-Nazi or white supremacy sympathizing.

We seem to be in the same ballpark, I just use stronger language about it.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I didn't think you were asking for an echo chamber. I added that information to add some transparency so that members of this community may understand more on my perspective and get to know my philosophy a bit more. I wasn't reacting directly to you by saying that.

I want to be sensitive to outside perspectives (not yours) who may be seeing this dialogue as a witch hunt for them because of my own personal foibles and emotive reactions to their positions on politics, hence all this - what is apparently coming across as - softer language.

Please know, in my heart, I'm more Malcolm X than MLK.

Machinist3359 ,

I'm for a fair amount of leniency when everyone is being civil, but the line needs to be a bit left of card carrying Nazi.

Anyone advocating against human rights should be banned, because such debates are not fruitful. For example, some of the rhetoric around exterminating the homeless in Fox news has no place here.

Fwiw, I think the fediverse gives bans far less weight. A safe and informative community with a range of opinions on how to improve things should be the goal, and mods should be bam happy to get there.

Frog-Brawler ,
@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

I meant to reply yesterday but I got distracted. I have a pretty large bias against nazis / white supremacists and fascists. Unfortunately, on the fediverse, we're not going to be able to "out now!" them at the door, simply because we're not going to be able to tell if they're sitting behind their keyboard (or phone) wearing a vest with iron crosses, nor will we be able to tell if they have either red or white laces in their Doc Martens.

I think that posting content (or in support of content) that falls into the categories you mentioned should equate to getting the boot though.

CurrMudgeon , to Politics in Speak up now: What should our community guidelines be?

No screenshots of article headlines. Always require a link to an article instead.

One of the biggest problems I had with reddit was the posting of editorialized headlines with no source. Once I would find the source (if the article is even real), I often find the article contradicts it's own headline or lacks any sources for the claims made. Of course, the screenshots would be upvoted anyway because people want to be outraged, regardless if the story is accurate or not.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I would want to qualify this a bit to expand, but in short - I would like to see only content that generates discussion or educates the audience. Memes and screen caps of article headlines (I never knew this was a thing on reddit) fail to educate, so I don't see that having a home here.

Content may be:

  • Direct url to reliable or reputable source of journalism (as determined by Media Bias Charts from watchdog organizations). Post title must match article title. Poster must include lead or nut graf in body of post text. Poster may communicate their interpretation or editorialization of the news item in the first comment.
  • Direct link to a YouTube video from responsible content creators - no podcasts but yes interviews with direct people of interest from trusted media sources and journalists, even if this content is editorial in nature. Editorial content (for both videos and articles) should be clearly marked EDITORIAL: [original title of linked content]
  • OC threads seeking community engagement and debate (ex: DISCUSSION: How have anti-trans laws impacted you or people you know directly?) - the community space for these may be an "enter at your own risk" because I don't want to get caught in the quagmire of who has a shitty opinion versus who is a shitty person. For threads like this, I think the most moderation we should be doing should be removing/banning spammers and bots. If users want to feed the trolls in these spaces, then I won't challenge how you like to spend your weekend.
fearout , to Fediverse in Why some community's appear empty in kbin while if you go to their instance they have posts?
@fearout@kbin.social avatar

As far as I understand, to see the posts you need at least someone from your instance to subscribe to a given community, and only after that you'll see new posts going forward (fediverse pushes content to other instances instead of pulling all the content on request). And you won't see any pre-subscription posts anyway, since it's apparently a lot like actual irl magazine subscriptions — you only get the new stuff once you subscribe.

So, subscribe and wait for a day or two, and you should see new posts appear in your feed.

shepherd ,
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I feel like it would be nice to pull at least some content when the first person opens the box lol. Maybe the last 10-100 posts, or from the past 30-90 days, or whatever.

Maybe do this kind of smaller sync every time another user subscribes to it until it's fully synced up, 'cause that means we all really want the content lol.

Kbin could do that independently right? Or would ActivityPub need to change to allow that?

fearout ,
@fearout@kbin.social avatar

I'm pretty sure it's currently baked into the protocol. But instances themselves could probably add crawlers to fetch a few recent posts. You might want to ask @kbinMeta about that.

MoogleMaestro ,
@MoogleMaestro@kbin.social avatar

I think there are policies from some instances on Mastodon around crawling so it would have to be done carefully and preserve server sovereignty.

fearout ,
@fearout@kbin.social avatar

I kinda get it for microblogging platforms, the content is probably changing too quickly for that. Do any Lemmy/kbin instances have similar rules? Fetching something like top-10 posts of the week doesn’t really add any serious traffic.

But an api call made specifically for that is definitely a better option. I wonder if it’s being discussed between the devs.

HandsHurtLoL OP , to Politics in Speak up now: What should our community guidelines be?

To start, I would like to link this graphic to the community guidelines to illustrate where the cutoff is between heated debate and inappropriate bickering.

Curious_Canid ,
@Curious_Canid@lemmy.ca avatar

I haven’t seen that before, but it does seem useful. Having relatively clear definitions of those lines is a good start.

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

If it were up to be, I'd draw the line at Contradiction, if you're trying to cultivate a serious magazine for thinkers.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

What's the line you'd draw if I'm trying to cultivate a clown college magazine for trolls? Hehehe (saaaarcasm)

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

The line would be the same, but going in the opposite direction. :)

kaupas24 , to RedditMigration in Idea: Fediverse community/"subreddit" explorer

Check out https://sub.rehab

camr_on ,
@camr_on@lemmy.world avatar

This is sick

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