Lusamommy , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

An interesting video on the topic, that directly argues against a lot of what the article says

spaduf OP Mod , (edited ) avatar

ShoeOnHead primarily produces rightwing dogwhistle content. Her videos are generally not welcome here.

EDIT: More info for those curious: is that she’s pretty explicitly an antifeminist and has been for as long as she’s been in the public eye (since gamergate).

Lusamommy ,

Is that a mod warning, or just your garbage personal stance?

msage ,

Jesus since when is shoe right dogwhistle?

No1RivenFucker ,

There’s a large portion of the left that just absolutely loathes the idea that someone might not perfectly fall in line, and thus brands everyone who they disagree with as some right wing psyop

aBundleOfFerrets ,

If you are going to peddle such miserable drivel, at least have the common courtesy to make it a piped link

Lusamommy ,

Lmao you’re in the responses to someone who posted a fucking salon article. This is hardly the drivel here

SkepticalButOpenMinded ,

The video is not addressing the specific argument in the article. The main argument in the article is that the interest in tradwives is harming men’s ability to function in the real dating world. That seems plausible to me. There are probably not that many women who are into being tradwives so it’s an outrageous expectation to normalize.

The video doesn’t address that thesis at all. It’s making more of a libertarian argument: “tradwives aren’t hurting anyone so leave them alone.” But even if women should be allowed to be tradwives, that says nothing about whether men and other women are harmed by the promotion of these regressive gender norms. At one point, the video shows a ton of examples of men wishing violence on tradwife women, for e.g. not having dinner done on time. Somehow, this YouTuber still doesn’t see how promoting this view of a women’s place is harmful.

DerisionConsulting ,

I haven’t really heard anything about her since gamergate, and the anti-SJW/feminist days in the 2010’s. I have seen her pop up twice in a week, both times in places where anti-SJW beliefs would not be welcome.

Are her views/take fairly shallow and easily swayed, has she matured as a person and changed her politics, or is she just an online creator following where the trends are for views?

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

Are her views/take fairly shallow and easily swayed, has she matured as a person and changed her politics, or is she just an online creator following where the trends are for views?

I don’t think there’s been any significant change in her content. Notable that the person posting the video was a fresh account and that was their first comment.

Franzia ,

I continue to wash Shoe despite a few frustrations. She’s not easily swayed or stupid, but does have a uniquely liberal take on everything. That is to say, often telling people to be more permissive of right wing. She has matured, but its hardened her views into this weird, both sides, dogwhistle-y brand of opinions. And yet she continues to cover important topics, just… In a way that leaves more to be desired.

No1RivenFucker ,

Why is it a problem that she’s not just hostile towards the right? Is leftism an obligation in your eyes?

Franzia ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk. And Shoe has been pushed to the left before. I find her drawing this liberal line is one if the most important aspects to her content.

No1RivenFucker ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Compromise is only valuable when the positions the compromise seeks to find ground between are both equally honest positions. And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative. And just to add onto it, the guy who posted the video was immediately banned for it. Compromise isn’t the goal it seems. It’s to throw out and discredit dissent.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk

No, we’re on Just because the mod is on solar punk, it doesn’t mean that the community is. And makes no claims of being a leftist instance, just a Canadian one.

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative.

She’s been producing antifeminist content while calling herself a progressive for a very long time. I fail to see how that’s not right wing dog whistling that is largely incompatible with the goals of this community.

No1RivenFucker ,

For how much you hate her, you are as hell haven’t leveled a single actual point against her other than generic shit talking. Surely you can actually point to specific issues, no?

fckreddit , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

I just want to be loved. I am not looking a submissive woman. I don’t have a list of requirements. Is that so hard for people playing these stupid politics to understand. If the lady don’t know how to cook, I will. I am looking for a relationship, not a servant or slave.

TheAlbatross , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

O! foolish male lifestyle influencers
Woe to your machinations and merch stores
It is I who yearns to be the homemaker

SpacePirate , to Politics in Analyst on Don Jr.'s "stunning" testimony: "I cannot overstate how damaging these admissions are"

Classic stupidity isn’t fraud defense. It’s fairly effective, despite what this article is representing; if they prosecution can’t prove conspiracy or material fraud (smoking gun), they have an uphill battle proving their case.

Froyn ,

Conservative attorney George Conway called Trump Jr.'s claims "ridiculous" because "Management representation letters are called management representation letters for a reason: They contain representations made 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 and it’s the 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 who are entitled to rely upon them."

From the article, with their own emphasis.

Jr's version sounds a lot like "I didn't read the terms before I clicked Agree to install iTunes". Except the Terms for iTunes are the same for everyone and the documents he was signing her specifically made for him (in his position with the company).

ConsciousCode , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue"

I’m not sure it even matters if he was “really” referring to Cohen, the fact that he’s under a gag order to protect people means he should STFU. Every word he says, intentionally or “not”, is potentially dangerous to the people involved. Isn’t that the whole point of a gag order? Don’t talk about the specifics of the trial, you can say it’s unfair or whatever but the specifics are too dangerous to reveal. Why aren’t his lawyers stopping him from saying this stuff? They’re going to lose by contempt of court or something at this rate. Come to think of it, Alex Jones did the same thing in his trial.

HumbleFlamingo , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue"

“I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you!” the child screamed… But the yard duty was not fooled.

UFODivebomb , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue"

What a child

storksforlegs , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue" avatar

Thats his whole deal. Sums him up perfectly

ram , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue" avatar

Very happy with how Engoron’s been handling the case. He’s not done anything unceremoniously harsh, but has been very firm in how his court will be conducted. I’m glad to see it after 3 years of judges treating Trump with tender care.

Floon , to Politics in "Attempting to intimidate": Jack Smith filing cites Trump's Truth Social post targeting Mark Meadows

I can’t believe how much he gets away with. He has zero shame, and seldom pays the smallest price for it. Sane people making sane observations about him are called deranged, and attacked over and over.

He’s a stochastic terrorist, worse than Henry II, and society has to hold him to account.

bquintb , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor avatar
Pistcow , to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight

Dems should side with him and vote not to expel if they bring it to a vote. Womp womp

qooqie ,

Why would they? This man is a scourge in the house

gullible ,

Would the next guy be better or worse?

Nougat ,


Hegar , avatar

Even for Florida Republicans, a child sex trafficker with public receipts is a tough act to follow.

popcap200 ,

Yeah, for real. I feel like people don’t mention he’s literally a child sex trafficker often enough.

Taleya ,

Not to mention have thr libbbbruuuuuuuls side with him would destroy the political career he worked so hard to polarise

jonne ,

Can’t imagine worse, but US politics keeps surprising me in its race to the bottom.

crusa187 ,

Gaetz doesn’t take corporate pac money, so he’s beholden only to MAGA. This makes him interesting, but is also why the corpos on both sides of the aisle will absolutely expel him if given the opportunity.

Pistcow ,

He is a scourge. Just to troll the GOP with the boat anchor that this piece of shit is.

Observer1199 ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Pistcow ,

    It is a horrible idea, but I love seeing the Republicans implode.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Second Thought has a video about this. That’s a tactic used by the center right to push the Overton window towards nazism.

    Omega_Haxors , to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight

    Turns out even pedophiles have a limit.

    baronvonj , (edited ) to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight avatar

    That would probably play well to the MAGA base in Florida, for a 2024 2026 run for governor.

    root_beer ,

    Which will probably turn into a 2028 run for the Oval Office

    TranscendentalEmpire ,

    Nah, Florida is too important to the gop. Ron may seem like a complete imbecile, but he did a lot of hard work to win a lot of favour before his governor run. They basically gave him the governorship as a reward for backing out of a Senate run when Rubio failed out of his presidential bid.

    If Gaetz is actually messing with the cohesiveness of the gop like it’s being projected and they turn on him… he’s done. Like, thrown to the wolves, release the dirt done.

    baronvonj , avatar

    Oh it seems the next Gubernatorial election in FL is 2026, so DeSantis won’t have to chose between his VP campaign and the Governorship in 2024. I thought he was going to have drop one and Gaetz was posturing to succeed him. But DeSantis is also term limited and can’t run again in FL in 2026.

    captainlezbian ,

    Desantis won’t be vp. He went against trump and trump is that petty

    Jackcooper ,

    Yeah there is no I respect what you did for Trump, he’s an egomaniac

    Alto , avatar

    Florida has limits on consecutive governorships. DeSantis can't run for governor in 2026 regardless

    ViewSonik , to Politics in "No one can stand him at this point": House GOP plots to expel Matt Gaetz amid McCarthy catfight

    If republicans actually oust Matt in the house, that will be some of the best news from republicans since 2016. I highly doubt they can right their ship at this point but this would certainly be a good signal to Americans that they’re through with chaos.

    Argonne ,

    Through with chaos? Next year we have Trump running from a fucking jail cell

    ViewSonik ,

    “Through” was too strong of a word, you’re right

    Fixbeat ,

    What happened in 2016?

    ViewSonik ,

    Trump was elected in 2016

    Fixbeat ,

    I wouldn’t say that was good news but I guess it depends on your perspective.

    shalafi ,

    He’s my rep, so I have a close eye on this dirtbag.

    He’s young and already loaded with baggage. You can have one or the other, not both. He kept his mouth shut while his court case was in the air, since that fell off the radar for lack of evidence/testimony, and he gave it some time to blow over, he thinks he can get mouthy again. He cannot.

    He makes headlines and has an R in front of his name. Fair enough for the good people of NW Florida. Not good enough for the GOP leadership.

    Leadership has to be thinking, “If this young asshole would have piped the fuck down, we might have done something with him in a decade or so.”

    Like Boebert and Greene, he thinks anything goes after the GOP anarchy of the last few years. Nope. I’d wager he gets his ass handed to him, like that one young pup from NY.

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