fiat_lux , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

It's another "Russia, if you're listening". He's trying to call in the favours he's owed by Barrett and Kavanaugh. Probably Alito and Thomas too, although he didn't handpick them.

I wonder if they're willing to let him rot now they already have what they want. I have no clue if Trump has any leverage left there.

SkyezOpen ,

They’re keeping up a veneer of impartiality until the correct fake cases get to them so they can legislate how they want to. Trump was just the means to stack the court, they have their own role to play and saving trump isn’t part of it.

Bipta ,

What became of Trump?
To shreds you say?
And the Republic?
To shreds you say?

0110010001100010 , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor avatar

Cry some more snowflake.

gravitas_deficiency , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

This is hilarious. But also, he is probably gonna keep this shit up until someone gets killed. And then he’ll keep going, unless some judge somewhere has the stones to actually put a real leash on him.

Vode_An ,

The dingus who tazed his balls until he died at 1/6 probably counts as getting somebody killed. So yeah, he’s not going to stop.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Wait who did what?!

FARTYSHARTBLAST , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor avatar


nkat2112 OP , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor avatar

Won’t someone think of President Drink Bleach, whose lawyer accidentally checked the wrong box on the paperwork, resulting in it being a bench trial?


Bipta ,

Fake news. He only suggested:

““The disinfectant knocks it out in a minute. One minute,” he said. “Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside?”

...which is obviously much better...

Bonus quote:

Suppose we hit the body with a tremendous ultraviolet

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in President Drink Bleach says he beat George W. Bush and Barack Obama avatar

President Drink Bleach. LMAO

The gift that keeps on giving.

Whisp ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Nougat ,

    Idiocracy was a cautionary tale.

    Pratai ,

    It was a documentary.

    CADmonkey , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

    My wife works with the elderly, and has since 2014. I distinctly remember her words when she saw trump speaking on TV:

    “That man has dementia.”

    I believe her because she would know.

    Chetzemoka , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

    For the record, my grandmother with actual Alzheimer's continued to ace the MoCA tests long after we had taken her keys and checkbook away. Not all mental deficits are revealed by those tests.

    cabron_offsets , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

    All presidential candidates should have to solve a series of challenging sudokus live on TV. If you can’t do a logic puzzle, GTFO.

    adespoton ,

    But that’s only of value to people who can solve them. To everyone else it’s pointless.

    And there’s always a sizeable chunk of “everyone else”, especially when education is a low priority.

    fiat_lux , (edited ) to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

    I am so sick of health condition speculation of politicians. If they have a formal dìagnosis and release it publicly, fine. But this article is just pure conjecture.

    1. Not all memory issues are age-related or dementia or degenerative. While US politicians do trend extremely old and this increases the likelihood of having a disability, plenty of younger people have memory issues too that can get better or worse randomly. Covid fucked my memory hard.
    2. It's ableist to require peak health 24/7 from people, even your leaders. They have teams of people around them for a reason, to collect and provide accurate information. There are briefings and reports. Redundancy is built into the system, the President isn't the only source of truth. If a President becomes unable to perform their duties in a timely manner because of these problems, like Dianna Feinstein, then we can worry about that problem.
    3. Disability is an increasing issue, and climate change and future pandemics are going to increase the rates at which everyone experiences chronic health problems. 15% of all people globally self-identify as having a disability. If you live in a country with a life expectancy over 70, you can expect to spend an average of 8 years of your life with a disability. Globally, 49% of people over 60 have a disability. Protection of society from a single point of failure requires systemic change that builds in failsafes and enforces them. Build accommodations

    Trump isn't dangerous because his father had Alzheimers and he's (understandably) afraid of developing it. He's dangerous because he has a habit of making absurdly malicious power-hungry selfish decisions.

    hitmyspot ,

    Peak health 24/7 is unrealistic for anyone, but even with a chronic health problem of any kind, you need to be able to perform the functions of the job.

    We don’t have a diagnosis for Trump, but there is clearly something deeply wrong with him. If he willfully provides misinformation about his health, all we have is conjecture.

    Disability should not preclude you from work,but just like people without a disability, you seek roles you are suitable for. It’s not ableist to say someone with alzheimers and associated cognitive decline is not suitable for president.

    fiat_lux ,

    perform the functions of the job

    After attempts have been made for accommodations and they have failed or the job description itself cannot be altered. Yes, in that situation it's fine.

    We don’t have a diagnosis for Trump, but there is clearly something deeply wrong with him

    We know what is wrong with him. He's extremely selfish and greedy. That is what disqualifies him to be a leader. Our speculations about his medical situation are unnecessary.

    Disability should not preclude you from work,but just like people without a disability, you seek roles you are suitable for. It’s not ableist to say someone with alzheimers and associated cognitive decline is not suitable for president.

    It's not ableist to say that someone with a predictably degenerative disease which is affecting their ability to make logical decisions, that we have no workarounds or treatment for, may be unable to fulfil the job requirements.

    It is ableist to suggest that any incidence of memory loss or shitty rhetoric or bad writing or family history is evidence of a degenerative disease and that they should not be eligible for a role because of it. Especially when that conjecture comes from people with no medical background or relation to the person in question.

    hitmyspot ,

    Selfish and greedy is just part of it. He is unfit on many levels.

    Any incidence of memory loss is not automdisqualifying, but I’d want to know the medical reasons before electing someone to such a high office. Again, in the absence of accurate information, we only have speculation.

    Discussion about these topics is not ableism. Some are suggesting an upper age limit. To me, that’s just using age as an allegory for health. We should just set minimum standards for health of these offices, if we have an aging population with increasing health needs.

    FoundTheVegan , (edited ) to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling avatar

    Dementia didn't stop then president Regan, hasn't even stopped modern republicans from loving him. The failure of "Reaganomics"/War on Drug/Long-term-International-problems doesn't ever factor in. He's still the best. Don't see how it would change anything here.

    It's not hyperbole to say conservatives don't care if their politicians have a functional healthy brain, it's literally just a fact. Mitch McConell is another great example of this.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    It didn’t stop Reagan, either.

    spaceghoti OP ,

    However, at that point Reagan wasn’t so concerned with his public image. Trump is as insecure as they come.

    FoundTheVegan , (edited ) avatar

    The a is for alzheimer's. It's on brand for me to forget.

    (I love that I got his name wrong but nailed Reaganomics 😂)

    Vaggumon , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling avatar

    I know this diarrhea smoothy will never spend a single second behind bars, even if convicted of every crime ever in the history of crime. But I really wish Marmalade Hitler would experience a fraction of the justice he deserves.

    ForgetPrimacy ,

    Marmalade Hitler is so satisfyingly condescending…

    SilverFlame ,

    I can’t believe it’s not Hitler!

    Pratai , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

    This isn’t an age thing- it’s an intelligence thing. He’s a huge dumbass. His college professor even said he was the dumbest kid he’d ever seen.

    It’s no wonder he’s the front-runner for the Conservative Party- because only morons would think that ignorant pissfart has a viable wagon hitch.

    Geek_King ,

    The phrase “A useful idiot” comes to mind. He’s a dangerous mix of stupid, lack of empathy, with a massive dose of narcissism.

    Pratai ,

    Just what a bunch of half-evolved brainless primates need in a leader. Someone who is just barely smarter than they are.

    mister_flibble ,

    Honestly, I think it’s both. Watch pretty much any interview with him from the 80s or 90s. He was still an egotistical dumbass, but he was far more coherent.

    Yearly1845 , to Politics in [Opinion] Trump's plans to become a dictator: It's time to get real about Project 2025 - Chauncey DeVega - Salon

    Every day I become more and more convinced we are close to a societal collapse.

    RickRussell_CA , to Politics in [Opinion] Trump's plans to become a dictator: It's time to get real about Project 2025 - Chauncey DeVega - Salon avatar

    On the other hand, "idle threats or empty acts of ideation" is pretty much Trump's brand. Everything he does is half-assed and never comes to fruition.

    But I concede that he might hire underlings capable of sustaining a dictatorship.

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