
Mongostein , (edited ) to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

The law is a ten minute break every four hours?? That’s fucking bullshit already!

Where I live it 15 minutes after 2.5 hours if you’re only working 5 hours or less. 2 hours if you’re you’re there all day, but you get your 30-minute lunch after 4 hours, then a fifteen minute break every two hours worked after that.

masterofn001 ,

I worked at a concrete yard in Ontario, Canada for a few years. Breaks due to heat were given based on temps. At one point it was 15 minute breaks with Gatorade provided - every hour.

Americans desperately need to reestablish the proper hierarchy of power.

You have removed child labor laws across a number of states, human rights are basically done, labor has returned to 19th century standards.

So much blood was lost for nothing.

Shinhoshi ,
@Shinhoshi@lemmygrad.ml avatar

vaguely gestures at communist revolution

Americans: But my freedumbs!

toasteecup ,

I don’t think communism is the solution, but I’m upvoting because I miss the vaguely gestures meme

dangblingus ,

Fuck communism. Socialism is fine. You don’t need the government owning every single business and paying people out income equalization and food vouchers. Put the power back in the people’s hands.

Shinhoshi ,
@Shinhoshi@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Put the power back in the people’s hands.

Isn’t that what the literal goal of communism is? Under capitalism, it’s in the bourgeoisie’s hands.

A socialist state would be great though! :)

Soggy ,

Communism is the power in the people’s hands. Classless, stateless society in which the means of production are controlled by the workers and used for the benefit of the many.

dangblingus ,

That’s not communism. Communism is when the state owns the means of production. Socialism is when the workers own the means of production.

Soggy ,

Socialism does broadly encompass “social ownership” but there are many interpretations of that idea. Communism is under the umbrella of Socialism. If you’ve got a problem with Vanguardism that’s understandable, but saying “communism is when the state owns the means of production” betrays a pretty deep ignorance of the political philosophy.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Tell me you don’t know what communism or socialism is without telling me you don’t know what communism or socialism is…

Mongostein ,

I see the same rhetoric moving in to Canada. It’s disheartening to see our closest friends and allies suffer while the disease causing it tries to creep it’s way in here.

onionbaggage , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

If an employer doesn’t allow you a water break in this heat then it’s time to leave them without employees.

dangblingus ,

This should be an absolute no brainer of an issue to unionize over.

livedeified , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements
@livedeified@lemmy.world avatar

so much “prolife” sentiment coming out of Texas! /s

Kodemystic , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements
@Kodemystic@lemmy.kodemystic.dev avatar

Oh man… what sort of people come up with these laws? It’s already bad enough to only have 10 minutes every 4 hours, now they want to take that away too? Wtf is happening.

Zron ,

A governor who made his millions off of suing a property owner when a tree fell and broke his back.

Never worked a hard day in his life, let alone worked outside.

Someone should wheel him outside on one of these 100+ degree days and tell him he can’t drink until his 8 hours are over.

PhoenixRising ,

And now medical malpractice awards are capped.. This coming from the state that had “Dr. Death”.

GizmoLion ,
@GizmoLion@kbin.social avatar

Have him lay some bricks, water or no, and he can't stop til he's done so for 8 hours.

InternetCitizen2 ,

what sort of people come up with these laws?

People who don’t work… and certainly never outside.

Nocuras , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

And here I am contemplating what kind of world we live in where people working a regular job can’t just get up and go drink as much as they need whenever they need… I mean ok sure don’t drop the heavy steel beam you carry with a coworker until you have it in place, but after you finished a task it shouldn’t take more than a “I’m going to take a drink” and off you go. Also sure be prepared to face consequences if you don’t get anything done… But it surely can’t be more detrimental to your work output to drink for a minute every so often than not drinking at all and getting fatigue etc.

MagicalPanda ,
@MagicalPanda@lemmy.world avatar

In most parts of the USA most children are taught to ask for things such as water and bathroom breaks at school, up til senior year of highschool. When the kids do not listen they are reprimanded/punished. This leads to brainwashing. Some young adults never do break out of the habit of asking. This leads to situations of dehydration and death.

It’s straight up bizarre having a 25 year old man walk up to me(30F) and ask to use the restroom or get a drink of water. Granted I was also brainwashed til about 22. It dawned on me one day it was straight up dumb to ask for water or to use the restroom.

OwenEverbinde ,
@OwenEverbinde@reddthat.com avatar

Yeah, in modern American schools, the students are the product and billionaires are the customers.

AA5B ,

I don’t see how school is the same scenario at all. In school, you have a natural break every 45 minutes or so, and can choose to do your business then, rather than disrupt class for everyone. Also, kids do need to learn some control, to pick appropriate times when you can. Most importantly, too many kids abuse the freedom to disrupt or skip class: they have no reason to care about a reprimand whereas an adult probably has their income on the line.

Of course, after saying that, I do have to add that my ex is a teacher who does not want kids to ask. She controls the potential for abuse with a token (beanie baby) allowing only two to go at once, and she has the privilege of a private school with higher standards for their kids

MagicalPanda ,
@MagicalPanda@lemmy.world avatar

We definitely went to two different school systems. I went to a school where one of the teachers told my brother he couldn’t use the restroom so he had to use a bucket, in his emergency. He got detention for it. My mom with 10 kinds of pissed off.

kite ,

By “natural break”, ate you talking about the times between classes? If so, I do not know of a single school around the area that I grew up in that gave their students more than 3 minutes to get to the next class. That wasn’t even enough time for us to go to our lockers to get the next classes books; we all had to carry enormous bags that would fit all of our morning, and then afternoon classes books. There was absolutely no time to use the bathroom during that time. Even lunch time wasn’t enough, because they didn’t give us enough time to eat, forget about doing anything else. If you chose to use the bathroom at lunch, you were choosing not to eat that day.

teamevil ,

This reminds me of the Chain gang in the Paul Newman movie Cool Hand Luke. They are working on roads in hot Florida weather and have to ask the boss for water or to take their shirt off or basically to do any autonomous function.

tieme ,

Drinking it up here boss.

Saneless , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

If the politicians can do those jobs under those conditions for a week, have at it

The actual benefit would be some state reps would die during the exercise, and well, that’s enough

thepianistfroggollum ,

Please make Abbot participate.

originalucifer , to Texas in Financiers plan to launch a Texas-based stock exchange
@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

it worked so well for their electrical grid, why not

j4k3 ,
@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Envestron - as Texas as razor wire deathtraps in a Saw franchise film

gum_dragon ,

The only stock exchange to open and close based on power outages

scottywh , to Texas in [Texas Tribune] Kyle Rittenhouse launches nonprofit with far-right Texans as he ramps up political engagement in the state

Let’s ignore that stupid ass kid.

Infynis , to U.S. News in At Texas GOP convention, Republicans call for spiritual warfare
@Infynis@midwest.social avatar

“People that aren’t in Christ have wicked, evil hearts,” he said. “We are in a battle, and you have to take a side.”

So much for "Love thy neighbor."

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

These fuckers have never read a word of the new testament. They're literally the antithesis of everything Jesus stood for.

Cuttlersan ,

True that! It’s ironic how they think they’re the “Lord’s Army”, when if we used their own obsession with Revelations as a comparison they’re clearly the false christians worshiping their false prophet that’s preaching the prosperity gospel, and following their anti-christ leader Trump.

Now they’re just waiting for their Third Temple so Jesus can reappear, completely oblivious to the fact that if they ever got their deluded wish they’d immediately just try to lynch him for being a “woke” liberal. Or that he’s supposedly supposed to come back “like a lion” instead of “like a lamb”, which I take to mean he theoretically wouldn’t be as gentle the second time as he was his first time around. And they’re specifically blaspheming in his name. It’s just dumb at every level, even if you do believe in the Bible’s teachings literally.

makuus ,

That these people think they are “in Christ” is a massive act of self-delusion. There is nothing Christ-like, or even godly, about their speech or behavior, even judging by the books they hold sacred.

drwho ,
@drwho@beehaw.org avatar

People lie best when they lie to themselves.

_sideffect , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

Wtf is this shit… If you’re overheated and dehydrated, stop, drink water.

It’s pretty simple

BoopsieBoop ,

Sure, to a reasonable human, it’s simple. But take into consideration terrible bosses and ceos that only care about profits and you get businesses that threaten you if you sit for 5 minutes.

_sideffect ,

It’s why they want people to stay poor as well, because then you can’t leave the job or strike without pay, as you can’t afford it, so you have to keep working and hope change comes through laws (which if it ever does, it takes years)

sin_free_for_00_days , to Texas in [Texas Tribune] Kyle Rittenhouse launches nonprofit with far-right Texans as he ramps up political engagement in the state

When your party is so awful that a murderer is recruited to stomp for you.

DTFpanda ,

They’re happy he took out some liberals in cold blood

UniDestroyer ,

Do you mean the sexual predator that attacked him because he put out a fire?

Pratai ,

Lol… cope.

UniDestroyer ,

You are spreading lies.

SighBapanada , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

“we are dying”

Oh please, stop being dramatic


Noetic97 ,
@Noetic97@lemmy.world avatar

A little death never hurt anyone.


ThrowawayPermanente , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

I get where they’re coming from with this, but if I’m out doing physical labor in the hot sun I need water like ever 20 minutes. Four hours is an eternity.

thepianistfroggollum ,

It’s the break part, not the water part. I doubt they’re not allowed to carry water bottles, but they need a chance to refill.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

I get where they’re coming from with this

I really don’t. What is the point of this law?

Gaywallet , to U.S. News in Supreme Court permits Texas police to arrest people who illegally cross the border as the SB 4 legal clash continues
@Gaywallet@beehaw.org avatar

Another day another ruling by the supreme court to erode any confidence in their ability to do anything correctly. Rather than addressing a problem head on, we shall instead hyperfocus on the way it worked itself through our court system to avoid any responsibility at this time.

DeltaSix , to Work Reform in [Texas Tribune] “We are dying”: Houston workers protest new state law removing water break requirements

So how fucked up we want to make everything for the backbone-industry everyone is needing:

US: Yes

Seriously, I can’t even understand how people allow this to happen in your own country. It would be political suicide to try this in any place of Germany.

Crismus ,

Individual votes don’t count nearly as much as corporate cash.

This is the epitome of late stage capitalism in the US.

buttsbuttsbutts ,

Your first sentence is absolutely accurate, but I think this specific case is more about sticking it to the libs in the cities that passed these laws, with the side benefit that most of these workers are minorities that the state reps don’t like.

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