Kolanaki , (edited ) to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade avatar

Are they protesting the actual burning of the wooden man, like that’s a huge environmental hazard? Have they not heard of forest fires?

Ton of the people blocked are in trucks and off-road vehicles in a desert. Go around the dipshits? Surely your trucks can handle being off road for 10 feet.

wesker , (edited ) avatar

I can’t speak for the sand in that area personally, but it’s quite possible that trying to drive in it won’t get you far before you need to be towed out of it. Maybe someone can chime in, that’s taken that route.

Scary_le_Poo OP , avatar

They started blocking the way around too. Additionally, why should people risk damaging their own vehicles just because of the selfishness of a few assholes?

BennyHill , avatar

Man that reason I made up for why they are protesting sure makes these protesters dumb.

Maybe it’s because you got 80.000 tech bros and other rich assholes driving hundreds of miles in gas guzzling trucks and RVs to have a bourgeoisie orgy and leave a huge mess behind.

nvermind ,

The protesters were actually focusing on the people who fly their private jets into burning man. IIRC Burning man has a private airstrip and celebrities will fly in on the jets, which is environmentally terrible and goes against the ethos of the group.

The protesters were blockading the road calling on BM to ban private jets from the event. As well as a few other demands.

Kolanaki , avatar

Man that reason I made up for why they are protesting sure makes these protesters dumb.

You understand that a “?” means it’s a question, right? It wasn’t posed as a fact. 🤦‍♂️

jarfil , avatar

Use the /s man, use the /s!

Or this, either works:

… /s

Scary_le_Poo OP , avatar

It isn’t flat in that area. Lots of small embankments.

jarfil , avatar

Maybe they’re “city” off-road vehicles… for show, not for actual use off-road… /s

Yepthatsme , to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade

Largest gathering of fake progressives in history. Fuck em.

theKalash , to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade

Usually not a fan of road block protests, but since it’s only assholes going to burning man, I’m cool with it. Unlike them.

BigTrout75 , to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade

What a mess. Glad I’m nowhere near that crap.

Shunned_Marble4378 , to U.S. News in Climate Protesters blockade the road to burning man, stranding miles of cars in the middle of nowhere in the heat of the desert endangering lives, Indian Reservation Rangers ram blockade avatar

solidarity with our US sister organisation! ✊

CancerMancer , to Work Reform in Why Managers Exist (It's Not Why You Think) - Second Thought

OPs should have to post a summary of video links because I’m not watching a bait question video without a good reason.

oshitwaddup , to Men's Liberation in The Red Pill Lie

I’m interested to know why people are downvoting, i thought this was pretty good

gapbetweenus ,

Redpillers? But also too long for me.

oshitwaddup ,

The video is called “the red pill lie” and if you watch it he’s bashing the red pill folks misleading young men pretty hard. He’s definitely not a red piller himself

gapbetweenus ,

Your question was:

why people are downvoting

My answer:


oshitwaddup ,

ohhhhh right. Thanks 😅

godfree2 OP , avatar

cos of lack of thinking understanding

godfree2 OP , avatar

strong, character, compassion, wisdom … a good role model

godfree2 OP , to Men's Liberation in Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All avatar

Am I at risk for a ban?

godfree2 OP , to Men's Liberation in Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All avatar

glad to see ignorance of down voting without cluing into the video mocking JP, well done non-thinkers

spaduf Mod , avatar

People here very rarely click through to videos (I’m working on that). In the future I recommend putting comedy or satire somewhere in the title so people don’t assume it’s an endorsement.

godfree2 OP , avatar

damn the ignorance is strong

bigbadmoose , to Men's Liberation in Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All

You know bitmojis? Make the thumbnail look like that but worse, and made in mspaint

godfree2 OP , avatar

stunningly brilliant assessment, GOAT

the_q , to Men's Liberation in Dr. Pordan Jeterson: Answering the Toughest Question of All

I’d like to be liberated from Jordan Peterson and the whole business behind defining men.

Mr_Blott , to Work Reform in Why Managers Exist (It's Not Why You Think) - Second Thought

Will number three shock me?

Your title makes me 🤢🤮

cecilkorik , avatar

But does it make you want to buy shaving supplies? Oh. How about that, me neither!

CatZoomies , (edited ) avatar

Feeling sick? Before you violently expel the contents of your stomach, check out our sponsor - Raid: Shadow Legends! By playing, you’ll unlock a special code at checkout that you can somehow use to get 100 free blades for shaving your face! Buy our wasteful crap!

And don’t forget to stick around and watch the entire video. We have a secret you don’t want to miss out on - #3 shocks you, but #7 will definitely be the shockiest!

Basically we just need you to watch 10 minutes enough of this video so you’ll watch our ads. Thanks, supporter!

Also, click our Amazon referral links pretty please, like comment and subscribe, and here’s another video you can watch. It 👏 really 👏 helps 👏 us 👏 out.

JustAManOnAToilet , to Frasier in [Minor Spoiler] Kelsey Grammer sings new series theme in reboot trailer

No more callers? I always like the one from Tacoma.

HaKeNdoR ,

Which one?

cybermass , to Men's Liberation in Discussion about „the Left has failed men“

It also doesn’t help that there’s a portion of feminists who are super extreme and basically just use feminism as a cover for man hating, which tends to push away young boys from real feminism.

I think there are a lot of layers to it tbh, the right promises young boys all of these things (that are bullshit) and tells them they are #1 and they matter most while in general left people tend to say that men (even moreso cis white men) are the problem, which tends to alienate those people.

As a very left leaning cis white male it does feel extremely lonely, I am very depressed and never feel like my feelings are valid. I can’t point to a boogeyman and say “that’s the reason my life sucks” cause I’m the boogeyman and the only reason my life sucks is because I suck.

It’s right wing option is just earlier mentally for boys to handle.

cmbabul ,

The upper classes are the boogeyman that made everyones life suck to varying degrees using the made up subdivisions they’ve designed to keep themselves in control. Blame those at the very top of the hierarchy, you may be higher up on it than others in more marginalized groups but unless you’re worth billions you still aint close to the top

Akasazh , avatar

I am very depressed and never feel like my feelings are valid. I can’t point to a boogeyman and say “that’s the reason my life sucks” cause I’m the boogeyman and the only reason my life sucks is because I suck.

At least that’s the better attitude. If you are depressed and you cope by hating on whatever minority you get told to hate, it won’t really cure your depression.

The only thing that helps is learning to love yourself and doing things, however small, to love yourself a bit more. It’s very hard to do, and it wont reward you as instantaneously as drugs or cash. I hope you find that and wish you luck.

Alas the internet thrives on rage funneling. Hard to avoid, but very toxic. There’s also an extreme left flavor of funnel, though.

cybermass ,

Thank you for the kind words, I’m working on it

Anything is better than hating someone else for no reason, I’ve got enough hate in my heart as is, and one of the best ways to make me (and most people) feel better is to spread love.

Akasazh , avatar

GL bro, I know how hard it is, so keep on keeping on, you hear? Baby steps

valentinesmith OP ,

As @akasazh says baby steps for sure and you got this!

I would argue however that there is a boogeyman that you can blame and that is capitalism, so there is always that.

Additionally as you have yourself mentioned just because we live in a partiachial society that doesn’t mean that cis white men are always just winners, so I think the feeling of being overwhelmed and on your own and downtrodden by the system can be totally valid. Similarly to what @cmbabul mentioned, sure you can be a little bit more up the ladder but we are most likely all quite far away from the top :)

I hope that you feel empowered to reach out to others and connect. I am sure others share your sentiment. I think Lemmy has DMs so if you ever wanna just chat feel free to write me :)

Thank you for sharing!

Hacksaw ,

First, man hating feminists aren’t feminists, they’re just assholes who use acceptable rhetoric (feminism) as a cover for spreading hate and bigotry. Feminism is about equality and taking down patriarchal systems that harm everyone. Although it is female centric and tends to deal with aspects of the patriarchy that affect women and gender minorities. Feminism is VERY effective, and we’re now in a situation where the harmful effects on men of patriarchal ideology are becoming more and more obvious. I believe men’s lib is a GREAT banner for men to take down the patriarchy where they’re the most affected. Working with feminism, LGBT+ and anti-racism we can ensure all harmful aspects of patriarchy are dismantled.

Second you’re not To blame. You’re not the patriarchy and you’re certainly being hurt by it in meaningful ways. If you’re not reinforcing the patriarchal systems that are harming you, you had nothing to do with the pain you feel.

You do have places to point the finger. The patriarchy and right wing ideology harms young men. Fiscal conservatives who gut education budgets, and force a focus on STEM at the expense of physical education, cooperative group sports, and recess time. Librarian educators who put all the physical activity budget into competitive sports so that “the strong rise and the weak perish”. Pearl clutching conservatives who accuse male teachers of homosexuality, grooming, and pedophilia when they try to connect with students or introduce acceptance of LGBT+ ideology ruining the careers of male teachers and robbing boys of positive role models. Men and women who spread toxic masculinity and ridicule young boys who express their feelings or emotional needs. I could go on to show the ways right wing ideology robs boys and young men of their life satisfaction and societal prospects.

Therapy is great for personal growth. For growth within your friend group and family, you can also start looking at how toxic masculinity and regressive gender norms harm you and those around you. Most young men and women parrot these views but don’t understand them. Occasional calm, polite, assertive explanations about the ideology they’re spreading is enough for most people to realise what they’re doing. You can improve your friend group over time, as well as help you encourage good supportive friendships and trim harmful ones. That will also help your emotional and mental well-being.

Pointy_Dorito ,

Just want to say, the fact that the right capitalizes on those topics makes me automatically cautious when I come across those discussions. Even reading through this community, I had to be defensive about getting hooked into something that is good on the surface but not so much underneath. My point is, its hard to talk about these topics now that its essentially associated with the manipulation tactics used by those influencers. Not sure how we can reclaim the positive while separating it from the negative.

Bryony87 Mod , to Frasier in [Minor Spoiler] Kelsey Grammer sings new series theme in reboot trailer

I’m so psyched for the reboot! Countdown to 12 Oct!!!

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