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abff08f4813c , in How do I delete all comments from Reddit data export csv for free??

Recommend giving a try - it supports using the GDPR archive out of the box, no code changes required.

e_t_ Admin ,

I recently got my export from Reddit and did exactly this. It took shreddit the better part of two days to delete all 18000-odd of my comments.

Jon-H558 OP ,

Thanks I think I can work with that. I didn't realise there was an open fork of shreddit. I was just thinking of

SpaceCadet2000 , avatar

Thanks for that. It seems to be working for me. I just set it to work on my 12 year old, 13000 comment history.

TechDiver , in Fuck Reddit u̶p̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ boost party!

fuck /u/spez
how can i as a simple user contribute to the growth of kbin?

zcd OP ,

Post, comment, boost, vote?

minnieo , in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else avatar

this fucking sucks. i am very disappointed that the protests lost steam and everything is just back to normal, swept under the rug. they showed their hand, acted like fucking dictators, and everyone is just like "welp thats it!" and gives the fuck up. it's just sad. it feels like 90% of the people who said they were in this were all just being performative.

so many of us dedicated a lot of time to the protests, left our communities, migrated, all for everyone to just go crawling back. i won't go back. i am staying on kbin. but man, it fucking sucks to see reddit face 0 consequences because Spez was right, "this will blow over"

jon , avatar

I think this has done damage to Reddit, but it'll be death by a thousand cuts rather than a big instantaneous failure.

To be honest, I really don't care what happens to Reddit at this point. I'd rather have Kbin be a smaller, more dedicated community than have it "kill Reddit".

Big_Boss_77 , avatar

I don't necessarily know if I agree with your take on "smaller" but it definitely would help stem the tide of enshitification. We could be that glowing bastion on the hill that always pops up in zombie flicks.

jon , avatar

Most social networks have this "growth at all costs" mentality that is usually the root cause of enshittification. When I say 'smaller', I mean it more in terms of fostering a healthy community of dedicated contributors rather than trying to make the fediverse grow as much as possible as fast as possible. This is why I mostly support the notion of preemptively defederating from Threads. While it would help the fediverse 'grow', that's not necessarily what I want out of it. I don't want us to win, I want us to be good.

Nicenightforawalk ,

As the article mentioned and there is a post about the people who fight the bots are shutting down on reddit so it’s about to get messy.

Robotoboy , avatar

Yeah, this. It often takes a lot to kill titans of any particular industry... and like it or not, the old tech bro sites like Reddit, Twitter etc. have grown too large to kill with a single arrow or a single trip of their own.

Instead their death often has to happen as a slow and gradual reforming of opinion. The most popular media sites have been thrown into chaos, and have lost most all of their goodwill (or what amount they may have had of it anyways) leaving them gasping for air. Facebook didn't become "a place for old people" over night. It was a gradual thing.

Reddit will die off. Them locking the API behind a huge paywall will hurt them, not help them. VC's have already lost a lot of faith in the tech industry including social media. They'll have to find a way to make money... and I'm sorry to say, but if they couldn't make money all this time, they probably won't really ever be able to.

The age of high valuation with promises on return are gone.

big_slap ,

and so the cycle continues… I’m much happier here though!

ScrumblesPAbernathy , avatar

There's always some people walking around dead malls, even if the mall died years ago. Reddit will be around for at least 5-10 more years but it's overall influence will start to decline. It will be slowly at first but I'd bet three years from now reddit will just be seen as a forum site for scammers, bots, incels and alt-right lunatics (more than it is now).

MegaUmbreon ,

Let’s be real, Joe Public doesn’t care about the changes that caused the protests. They just want somewhere to go to see content, and reddits algorithms serve them content. If they have to scroll past some apps on a less-than-ideal app or the regular website, so be it. Most of the internet is shit anyways, reddits clients aren’t much better or worse in that regard.

It’s introduced a lot of people to the fediverse, which is awesome. And will probably have done a non-zero amount of damage to Reddit. But it’ll survive so long as Joe Public is willing to put up with it to see their cat pictures.

raze2012 ,

You get used to it. Change is slow and a website like reddit won't die overnight. Much better and productive to focus on building up a new community than tearing down the old.

The goal here shouldn't have been to kill reddit. The goal is to start fostering the next community for the inevitable next meltdown. Start the fire, not set the toen ablaze. Which I feel is a when, not if.

I'm betting before the end of the year they start to make a big hit on sexual content on reddit. THAT is going to make the fire really rise.

chairman , in BotDefense is wrapping up operations : r/BotDefense

It’s sad this is what Reddit has become.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

The saddest part of all this is the countless hours of work unpaid people have poured into the site, moderating, developing, and content creating only to see it end the manner it has.

I'm okay leaving it behind. I didn't contribute much over the 12 years I was there. I mostly lurked. I'm just sorry for all the people that worked hard to make the community better.

Contend6248 ,

True, but the communities are built around people not the platform. We are once again learning that no platform will be around forever, older people have seen it plenty of times already.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

older people have seen it plenty of times already

Spot on. My journey is Usenet->various early web forums->Slashdot->Digg->Reddit, and now I'm here. Been doing this for over 25 years haha.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Since 1994 here.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Going to guess you were cruising BBS, FTP, and Telnet sites? I was just an ignorant preteen coding Qbasic garbage trying to learn programming on my Dad's PC that year. When I read back on Internet history I was a little surprised it was already so active when most people weren't even aware of it yet.

At least now I know how Dad got all them free DOS games.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I did interact with a BBS site or two, but then got caught up in the AOL wave. I used their platform, Geocities, and a few other chat sites. Once ditching AOL around 1999 I ended up on a local forum we used for electronic music, and then in 2003 made my way to a Star Wars fansite forum called BlueHarvest (I moderated there the last couple of years before the admin shut it down in 2008 or 2009). A couple friends and I then communicated via a forum we made for ourselves. Then Facebook, then here.


I also had accounts with MySpace and Friendster too...Twitter for a few years around Arab Spring, but I didn't like it. Even back then The Bird was a toxic mess with rare moments of humanity. I think my avatar is still shaded green...if my account still exists.

livus , avatar

Friendster was the OG! There was also Petster for people who were disappointed that Friendster didn't allow profiles of pets.

SickIcarus , avatar

Shit, I used to run a WWIV 4.23 BBS back in the day. First modem was 9600 baud. Then 14.4k, 28.8k, and lastly 56k - screaming fast! Nothing like watching boobie pics loading one line at a time…

Edit: I remember signing up with Prodigy and participating in my very first AMA, with Quark and Dax from DS9. Good times.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I remember how excited I was to download the trailer for The Phantom Menace in 1999. Took almost an hour on a 56k modem. Or how it took under 10 minutes to download a 8 megabyte song off Napster on DSL.

SickIcarus , avatar

Lol, man I remember in ‘99 having a stack of 100Mb Zip disks, using the college’s computer lab to do all my downloading on their T1 then walking my goods back to my dorm room. I’d load up a queue in the morning, then swing back by in the afternoon after classes. Such simpler times.

originalucifer , avatar

i just shut down a worlgroup server a few years ago... mostly up for majormud.

i with those asshats at the majorbbs restoration project would just release all the source code. they clutch those pearls like theyre valuable in some way

KalChoedan ,

Man, the nostalgia is real. It was Gopher and Usenet via CIX and Compuserve for me from around '88, and eventually "proper" dial-up via Demon Internet (in the UK) in '92. 9600 baud, 14k4, 28k8, 56k and eventually dual ISDN. I still have a 28k8 modem in a drawer in my PC parts graveyard.

SickIcarus , avatar

Lol I remember trying to get my parents to get an ISDN line installed back in ‘95 or ‘96 - the price was ridiculous. I was stuck on 56k until 2001 when I went to work for an ISP and was able to get a 1.5M SDSL line and was fucking ecstatic. Used it to run a CS1.6 server from my closet.

Edit: actually I did have a 1.5/128 ADSL line somewhere in there for a little bit.

originalucifer , avatar

aol/prodigy were 'the net' to the general public by 94. i remember writing xmodem scripts to download boobie picks from single line bbs' ~89.

Splount ,

Does anyone remember I believe it used the Slashdot engine but was more focused on news and interesting internet stuff. I never see it listed when someone waxes nostalgic but I lived on that site until one day it just died.

blivet , avatar

Yeah, I used to work at a university, so I've been around since the earliest days of the web. It's kind of ironic that from the very start one of the big misgivings from academics about the web as a research tool was the ephemeral nature of its content. One of the examples given back in the 1990s was that a lot of websites that people had begun to rely on were really just some grad student's pet project, and when they moved on someone else might or might not pick up where they left off.

The scale of things has certainly changed since then, but nothing seems to have become more permanent. Just the other day I went through my list of bookmarks on a topic, and easily half of them now lead nowhere, even URLs for major news outlets and blogging platforms that are still extant.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I've seen a few Wikipedia references do exactly the same thing.

Have you tried using Wayback Machine to see if there's an archive of the sites you have bookmarked?

blivet , avatar

I've noticed that some Wikipedia references now link to a Wayback Machine archive instead of directly to the original page. That's probably the smart way to do it.

In my case none of the dead links I had bookmarked were all that important. I had actually decided to try to check them in the first place because I couldn't remember what a lot of them were.

fishos ,

Yeah, but people move on too. Do you expect every single person who ever contributed to repost their content when a migration happens? Of course not. It's just not realistic. But actual info gets lost. Old game faqs vanish. Answers to niche questions poof out of existence. Yes, the world isn't over and things will move on. But actual, tangible value was lost with the death of reddit. A large portion of the internets "How To" guide just went up in flames. And a lot of that won't ever get rebuilt. Many of us who have been around long enough have also seen that dark side to these things.

It's a shame, is all. But time keeps moving and so will we.

Robotoboy , avatar

The internet is eternally cyclical. Happens so often. Been seeing people catastrophize and I'm just like "first time?"

gravitas_deficiency ,

Honestly, spez and the Reddit C-suite and board are in the process of finding out that a lot of what made their platform so good and popular was run almost entirely by community power users, enthusiasts, and developers, in addition to all the obvious utility and value that mods provided.

Pandoras_Can_Opener , avatar

Why did I just notice reddit was good despite it’s leadership?

gravitas_deficiency ,

To be fair, I think a lot of people, myself included, are just now realizing precisely that.

FaceDeer , avatar

Well, things always end eventually. The important thing is that Reddit was good while it lasted.

BlackCoffee , in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

"the mods decided to revert the NSFW designation because the community is a helpful resource for veterans experiencing mental health crises. The mod said that if Reddit removed the team, it could put the community at risk."

Bitch fudging please.

Please tell me again how these people are not power tripping their eyes out.

Imagine having no Reddit community to fall back on or having different mods into your community.. The horror!

Can these people;

  • Stop acting as if they really want change to happen.
  • Just start to bent over further for Reddit.
  • Get on with their life.
  • Admit that they really like their little power trip.
musicalcactus , in BotDefense is wrapping up operations : r/BotDefense avatar

On mobile, the link kicked me to a different post.…/botdefense_is_wrapping_up_operations…

From the post: TL;DR With the API changes now in place, we no longer believe we can effectively perform our mission so we are sunsetting BotDefense. We recommend keeping BotDefense on as a moderator through October 3rd so any unbans can be processed.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

The link is fixed in the post body. I don't get this at all. I only copied the BotDefense link which is available through clicking the title, yet it pasted the next post from Reddit in the post body? Weird, but the link is fixed.

Thanks for mentioning it!

SpaceMonk , in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Reddit has been done since 2016 quit crying. Dump it and move on.

Kwik ,


You're in RedditMigration...

SpaceMonk ,

Crap. Is there a Wendy’s nearby?

CMLVI , avatar

No, but there is a Carl's Jr

JonEFive ,

Is this particular individual the unfit mother?

ambrosia , in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Adding more porn would fix this

mcgravier ,

AI porn to the rescue. With locally installed toolkit, you can spam this shit by the thousands :D

lobster_irl , in Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. avatar

Ahhh yeah me too :( Incidentally I also swapped to Pathfinder 2e only a few months before leaving reddit and we’re having a lot of fun in our campaign!

dumples OP , avatar

I played a few sessions of PF 2e. It's fun. If we weren't 2 years into our campaign I would switch. Next one I think we are going to do pathfinder

lobster_irl , avatar

We switched mid campaign, but we luckily had a good reason for the changes as we just ended up in the feywild so whenever anything weird comes up we can wave our hands at the fey 😂

Lells , avatar

Could you not convert your characters over? I don't play either one (I was more into Palladium games like TMNT and Heroes, or the old Westwood Star Wars), but I feel like it could be doable?

dumples OP , avatar

You can but nothing is ever directly equivalent so it's easier to do earlier. Besides we're already this deep and it's not like we are paying anything since we're using static source books

NOT_RICK , in /r/NonCredibleDefense recieves automated notice from the admins to remove its NSFW designation, or else. Mods respond by messaging the admins a bunch of death and porn. avatar

The faux Chinese censor trigger at the end is fantastic lmao

The Janny Massacre

dumples OP , in Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. avatar

I want to shout out to for setting up my new DnD forum. It's been good to be on a new place to discuss the game at it's new onednd location

Neato , avatar

The dozen or more subs I had on Reddit is what I miss most of leaving. I found so many map makers, item crafters, homebrew writers, and so much interesting rule debating that I lost overnight.

dumples OP , avatar

Of course. People just want to connect with other people

Domille ,

Good thing we (map makers and other creators) are migrating to Lemmy too! I started posting my maps on various battle map communities here, and I’ve been chatting up some of the other creators to make the move as well!

Neato , avatar

Thanks! I forgot to search for battlemaps when subscribing. I hope more content gets posted on these instances. Do need to figure out why dnd content never hits my subscribed feed when I'm a member of life 2 dozen dnd channels.

dumples OP , avatar

I'm sure you can join with a battlemap community. It's suppose to be a one stop shop for ttrpg

Anomalous_Llama ,

Some things about the fediverse still escape me. But I’m trying to learn.

I’m on memmy (iOS client) and clicking that link takes me to the apps browser rather than just navigating to the community. I’m guessing because it’s another instance? So I tried searching for the community in memmy’s search bar and I’m finding a bunch of tiny TTRPG groups but not that one from that instance

Still trying to figure out navigation here

EnderWi99in , in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

The difference was Reddit had already built up a reasonably comparable audience when Digg imploded so the migration was easy. If you look at a similar graph of Reddit today and Lemmy/Kbin, you probably wouldn't even see these tools register with the active user base of Reddit so high. I think "rhyme" of history is that another service will eventually win, and it might be ours, but it's more akin to the fall of the British Empire than an overnight event.

Paesan , avatar

Digg had bled users to reddit over the course of a few years before the big one. Many users had accounts on both for that period as well.

"This was on reddit yesterday" was a top comment on Digg often enough.

rafoix ,

Yeah, Reddit seems like a place where TikTok videos live on forever.

Piogre , (edited ) in Is there a way to have the top bar display only Magazines that I'm subscribed to? avatar

I posted a similar question a couple days back, responses indicated currently not doable. There is an open pull request for it though, so someone's working on it maybe

fiat_lux , in Inside Reddit's path to an IPO, where employees see 'thrash' from constant pivots and say more managers may leave amid a flattening

A bunch of the complaints sound like the same complaints I've heard from many companies. But it also sounds like a shit place to work, with some arrogantly poor leadership decisions.

Pretty predictable stuff from spez. If I were one of Reddit's seemingly innumerable VP's, I'd be questioning if my total compensation package is worth much anymore.

Xeelee , avatar

That fucker really personifies everything that's wrong with tech-bro culture.

IninewCrow , avatar

My guess is that most of them are probably preparing to cash out soon ... because the whole thing is hanging on faith and promises that no one is sure will be kept .... it's like dating that hot girlfriend/boyfriend and hoping that some day soon, you'll go to bed together and they just lead you on leaving you to wonder if anything will ever happen or not

egrets , in Never Forget

Beatings will continue until morale improves.

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