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ono , in Damn, the ads…

On old.reddit, ads were being inserted as regular posts when I last visited. It’s like they’re trying to drive people away.

52fighters , avatar

Were you using an ad blocker?

ono ,

I use uBlock Origin, but I guess it’s possible that it malfunctioned that day.

Clovermite , avatar

I use an adblocker, and the ads disguised as posts appeared for me.

abff08f4813c , in What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing?

Like how the article points out that "landed gentry" revolts against royalty tend to be more successful.

southsamurai , in Yet another article about Reddit vs. Lemmy vs. others: "Discussing Three Reddit Alternatives After Reddit's API Decisions" avatar

They included beehaw. But not as a lemmy instance. Facepalm

fearout , avatar

No mention of kbin either

Nemo ,

or tildes

OpenStars OP , avatar

Or Discuit.

OpenStars OP , avatar

It almost seemed like it was written as a favor to Squabbles, except the owner of Squabbles himself did not seem to know about it until today.

I strongly hesitated posting such shoddy journalism. Maybe I should have hesitated more strongly still:-). - e.g. no mention of Meta also? :-P

Except I do find it interesting to hear more people discussing Reddit alternatives outside of Reddit and those alternatives themselves. The wider world may still not be aware of what Reddit even is, much less recent issues with it, but then there is the occasional article that mentions Lemmy and I think that is cool!:-D (even if as @fearout mentioned, it fails to mention Kbin, which I posted this from)

fearout , avatar

I’m still waiting for some major news outlet to write a piece about Fediverse in general. It’s odd that it’s either glossed over in one sentence or not even mentioned at all.

OpenStars OP , avatar

Step 1: brace yourself, go get your puke bucket.

Step 2: (wait, are you sure that you have your puke bucket handy? warning, there are PICTURES in this thing!) Now, read this.

Step 3: go clean your puke bucket. You are welcome.

Warning: those who may be offended by seeing a picture of the Zuck and the Musk - combined with NO MENTION WHATSOEVER OF LEMMY (or Beehaw, or Kbin, etc.) on an article ostensibly explaining "the fediverse", may be advised to not read this little gem.

Edit: but it is CBC News, which iirc is mainstream?

fearout , avatar

Yeah, not mentioning even a single instance when writing about Fediverse is pretty shit journalism. I was expecting something much worse after reading your preparation steps though :) At least factually it’s not really incorrect.

OpenStars OP , avatar

(It was the pictures that made that effect for me - yup, Zuck & Musk are all that matter, in the end)

Nemo ,

And they definitely meant risqué in that last paragraph, right?

OpenStars OP , avatar

I would not go that far as to say that with 100% certainty. The tagline says:

Information Security Analyst at Bank of America who enjoys writing, programming, and running in my spare time.

So they legit could have meant risky as in piracy or security considerations, like maybe Torrenting? On the other hand, is Beehaw not welcoming to those, like somehow being friendly means not being able to discuss more technical security issues?

So I suspect you are correct:-).

thingsiplay , avatar

@southsamurai I'm currently cringing.

Lennvor , in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time

After giving it some thought, I think you should indeed do that. For Lemmy AND Kbin and more.
tl;dr: Advertising the existence of kbin and lemmy to random Reddit users is exactly what you want to do if you want to go against Reddit, and r/place is an excellent way of 1) telling people who don't know about it that these platforms exist, and 2) showcasing the vitality and size of the communities on these platforms

The major objection is that going to r/place gives Reddit the engagement and numbers they want for the IPO, and I think that's a compelling point but I don't think it's as obvious as the people making that point seem to think. The idea of "don't go on Reddit to protest Reddit, that's just helping Reddit" has some "But you live in a society, curious" vibes to it; I think the question of whether to protest vs abstain and how to best protest is always going to depend on the details of what you're protesting or abstaining from.

In this case I think Kbin and Lemmy users should put their names on the r/place board according to the following reasoning:

  • The argument that you shouldn't go on r/places is essentially saying that the best protest against Reddit is people leaving Reddit, which I agree with
  • Like all protests however it's not that impactful if it's a few isolated people doing it, you need to find a way to have users do it en masse. Coordination is key.
  • Same thing for going on Kbin and Lemmy and others - these platforms become good if they have enough users to sustain vibrant communities, they rely on network effects.
  • r/place as an event is a showcase of a community's coordination. It both requires a community to be large and well-communicated and it gives a very practical, visible way of advertising that coordination to both rivals and random observers (there's a paper out there proposing that this is why music evolved btw, hmmm that's pretty cool)
  • what ultimately made me decide to post this is going on the thread for r/place's first day. Look at the conversations, this is exactly what they're doing: discussing the communities participating, commenting on what they draw and explicitly talking about what it means for those communities' size and coordination
  • These comments also included people asking "why fuck u/spez ?" and "the only reason I'm still on Reddit is that there aren't any alternatives"
  • This means there is a pool of normie users who aren't aware of the protest, but are following r/places, and the "fuck u/spez" movement is effective in bringing their attention to it
  • By the same token there are tons of users who aren't aware of existing potential Reddit alternatives (one of those comments got "Lemmy" as a recommendation in replies and said "interesting I'll check it out" - they legit hadn't heard about it).

In conclusion:
Advertising the existence of kbin and lemmy to random Reddit users is exactly what you want to do if you want to go against Reddit, and r/place is an excellent way of 1) telling people who don't know about it that these platforms exist, and 2) showcasing the vitality and size of the communities on these platforms.

Now in practice I don't know that these platforms actually have the size and coordination to showcase that on r/places and that's fine, clearly a huge percentage of people here believe that boycotting Reddit entirely is more effective or more convenient. But if the question is "which hurts Reddit more, promoting Lemmy/Kbin on r/places or avoiding r/places", I've come to believe the answer is the first.

EDIT: oh right another objection I saw was "but the admins will just erase it", and there again look at the comments on r/place. Clear streisand effect on the guillotine, if there's stuff for lemmy/kbin/squabble that's visible enough and admins erase it it still works fine from a comms perspective.

MrTru ,

Unbelievably based.

metaStatic , in Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma

Literally couldn't pay me to go back

NearSightedGiraffe ,

They won't be paying you or me. They will be paying influencers and celebrities who already have a following, and bot creators.

0x4E4F , in Reddit is a dead site running avatar

Yep, I can confirm, I visit it about once a day, the content is… boring, to say the least. IDK, it feels like it lost it’s soul. I still need it, cuz of Void, but other than that… no. I’d drop it completely if it wasn’t for the Void sub.

db0 OP , avatar

What is the void sub and why don’t you just start one here?

Black_Gulaman , avatar

Uh… a sub about nothing.

*Badum tisss

snooggums , avatar

Sounds like a ripoff of r/amish

bvanevery ,

Rule #1 about amish. You don't talk about amish.

Rule #2 about amish. You don't talk about amish!

0x4E4F , avatar

r/voidlinux. Someone already started one (says unofficial, since the one on reddit is official, run by the Void maintainers), but there are very few posts there. Not enough content to actually get engaged. Plus, the maintainers were the ones that always gave the best advice over at r/voidlinux and they’re not here with no plans to move whatsoever (there was a post on r/voidlinux about what the Void community is going to do in the blackout, it got deleted). They see the subreddit as a means to an end (they just don’t wanna hassle with maintaining a forum, so they use reddit).


db0 OP , avatar

be the change you want to see in the world :D

I understand it’s difficult, but I expect eventually they’ll read the writing on the wall.

0x4E4F , avatar

I hope so, I really do, I like this place :).

And I think they will eventually see that reddit is not what it used to be. But, we’ll see.

I was thinking of posting any problem here first in the unofficial comm first, see if I get proper guidance. If not, hey I can always post on the sub.

B1naryShad0w ,

I’m thinking of starting my own community here analogous to a subreddit that has not migrated. Do you have any tips or advice for someone starting out? My biggest fear and the only thing holding me back is nobody showing up :(

edit: I think it’s important to mention I don’t have moderation experience, but there’s a first for everybody and I’m willing to commit the time and effort to maintain a community.

double edit: looks like I confused your OP tag for a mod tag. In either case, I am open for anyone that might have any type of advice.

Contramuffin ,

It’s really fine if nobody shows up. If anything, you could always just post or cross post something every once in a while to help the community pick up steam. What you should be concerned about is too many people showing up. The reddit admins (as well as certain sections of redditors, it seems) have forgotten that moderating is pretty tedious and not everyone has the time or energy to spend on moderating. If I were you, make your moderating policy clear from the start and stick to it as objectively as possible. When changes to that policy has to be made, clearly communicate to your community what changes are made and why. Some changes will not be accepted by the community, and you should do your best to remind yourself that it’s not a personal attack on your values if they disagree.

db0 OP , avatar

The only tip is, be an active poster. If you start a community, you have to be the one regularly posting content until you get above like 1000 subs and others start posting consistently. If you can’t dedicate yourself to that, it won’t go anywhere

ImaginaryFox ,

Treat it like a personal blog maybe? Like Tumblr or a journal. Might help get over the mental hurdle of people not being present, and viewing it like your own private web page just for you. Posts also help it show up in all so eventually someone will see it.

tentphone , in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?

Zero regrets. So far the content has been better and people have been nicer, the experience on Lemmy app I use is very similar to the 3rd party Reddit app I was using, and the official Reddit app is so much worse than both of them that I am not at all tempted to use it.

elscallr , avatar

Ngl I miss all the niche communities from reddit that actually had content. Like there's nothing for The West Wing or The Wire on the lemmybin. Last hype shit for Starfield on the largest Starfield Magazine was like 3 days ago.

Not that I really need or get that much out of that content but it's shit I like to talk about. And sure I can create the communities or post the content, but it's like yelling into an abyss right now.

That'll change as more people join, of course, it's just a part I miss.

RheingoldRiver ,

I've joined a ton of new discords in the past few weeks. they're keeping me together until the threadiverse takes off.

Nollij , in Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees.

The number of people willing to die on this hill is actually quite surprising, and in a good way. So many people have made peace with leaving their subs, their mod powers, and even their entire Reddit accounts behind to fuck over that piece of shit running the place.

stopthatgirl7 , avatar

Never underestimate the power of spite.

greatwhitebuffalo41 , avatar

My mod team and I are basically not doing any modding. Whatever was in place is still in place, about once a week I clean the mod queue. None of us really login anymore. It’ll eventually become a dumpster fire but so far, it’s not too terrible from what I can see. We used to all be on there checking the top posts and making sure they didn’t violate the rules but, not anymore.

BarbecueCowboy ,

A lot of us had kind of been looking forward to it honestly.

One common thread I've seen with nearly every mod post stating that they're probably going out is a general sense of relief.

samus12345 , avatar

I’ve been wanting to leave Reddit since the fascists were allowed to have a platform there uncontested. This naked utter contempt for the users and mods of the site was the push I needed to finally do so. And whaddaya know, it’s people who have similar values to me that left, while the bootlickers stayed. Win-win!

OpenStars , avatar

They'll vent their frustration at the world bots, who'll take it and engage right back at them, giving them as much attention as they want. Reddit = babysitter service, wha-hoo! :-P

samus12345 , avatar

Oh, bots that act offended and angry to keep them entertained (and away from the rest of us) would be awesome!

OpenStars , avatar

Spez is probably working on it right now as we speak! :-P

samus12345 , avatar

It would honestly be a brilliant way to keep the trolls engaged with the site!

foggy , in I can't cancel Reddit Premium

Just call your credit card company and say that you do not authorize any further transactions with them, and any that are attempted are illegitimate.

That’s what creditors are literally for.

mysoulishome , in Never Forget avatar

How the fuck is he a CEO. So fucking stupid.

Timwi , avatar

He's a CEO precisely because he does things like this. CEOs are selected for maximum profitability at the detriment of literally everything else. That's also why psychopathy is way more widespread among CEOs than the general population.

SpicyPeaSoup , in Never Forget avatar

"If you think the API changes are bad, just wait and see what else we have in store."

Mautobu , in Please ignore this. I'm just still trying to wrap my head around this federated social media.

This is the equivalent post to, “don’t upvote this post.”

abff08f4813c , in Maybe it's fine to leave some people behind...


Though perhaps the redditor should have mentioned kbin instead of lemmy - that would have totally worked.

DarkGamer , avatar

lol, isn't a kbin instance.

abff08f4813c ,

Not the OP redditor but the replying redditor.

Kichae ,

They probably won't like the communists here, either.

abff08f4813c ,

I can't argue with that!

sbv , in Reddit refugee with a question

Reddit’s product is the ad sell on their site. People visit the site because of the user generated content. If you’re interacting with other users on Reddit, you’re still contributing to the company’s income.

I’m assuming they don’t charge advertisers for blocked ads, but you never know.

Little8Lost , in r/Place 2023: The Good Ending avatar

it is funny but is it true?

Edit: seems true, here is a pic from wikipedia

atocci , avatar

I'm pretty impressed this occurred so quickly, I wonder if it was bots at all.

Look at the serif on that F, dang.

genoxidedev1 , avatar

There were most certainly bots but I'm pretty sure (and I'm speaking from experience since I was there) that there were more than enough real people helping.

Especially the Germans were probably a driving force as usual and then there were the other communities that united on their Discord servers as well, I was part of one that had ~3k members I think (Fuck Spez Coalition 🫡).

PropaGandalf , avatar

Germans do like invading things…

genoxidedev1 , avatar

Wie die guten alten Zeiten! /s

PropaGandalf , avatar

Jawohl Kamerad!

aeternum ,

And yet, people keep using reddit. Weird.

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