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Manifish_Destiny , in Minecraft is leaving Reddit

Welcome to the 'find out' phase, which should wrap up nicely by around the 7th.

Newo ,

I’m out of the loop here, what happens on the 7th?

cazzodicristo OP ,

total reddit death. TRD

Dav , avatar

It’ll take about a week for the ‘find out’ phase to wrap up, then we’re onto the lesser known ‘baby please come back I can change’ phase.

BlendedRacer , avatar

And like a gaslighting abusive ex they won't change!

DreamyDolphin , avatar

The 3rd party apps are closing at the end of this month, which means there'll be somewhere around a week or so of people realising just how bad the official app is, plus decreased quality content as the actually-motivated people who post things continue their gradual migration away from reddit and driving redditors to seek other places to gather.

TaygetaDuck ,

Meanwhile all of the repost bots can post and comment on each other’s threads keeping the Reddit server humming away.

Good riddance.

Hyperreality ,

It's kinda funny in a dystopian way.

A lonely guy playing a creepy hentai game gets some sexual gratification from his time spent interacting with a piece of software and is at least somewhat self-aware. He knows it's just software, even if he 'married' his bodypillow.

Meanwhile there are increasing numbers of people unaware they're regularly interacting with bots online, not realising one of the reasons social media is making them sadder is because they've atttempting to fulfill their need for social interaction with a facsimile thereof.

It's not unlike Idiocracy, where they give the plants Brawndo instead of water, then wonder why the plants are dying. Vast swathes of the world are feeding their social needs with social media brawndo.

RoboRay , avatar

Conversational masturbation.

Deceptichum , avatar

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a bot

Also you’re blaming the medium, rather than the malicious actors.

If AI text generative technology was around a century earlier you’d have people being penpals or print newspaper write-ins with a bot instead. Communicating through text is inherently risky, so best to blame the people who abuse that fact instead.

cyberian_khatru , avatar

you’re blaming the medium

I don't think that's implied in the post. Also reddit inc is complicit in the bot farming since it boosts their engagement metrics.

killick , avatar

But, Brawndo has what plants crave. It has electrolytes.

tuxrandom ,

At some point, it will just be repost bots having conversations in the comments of posts "created" by other repost bots.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

/r/subreddit_simulator wasn't just an experiment, it was prophetic.

Anarch157a , avatar

It ended up as /u/Spez’s roadmap for the future of Reddit.

Kbin_space_program ,

I realized that after deleting my oldest reddit account I should have sold the damn thing.

Might work out how to do that yet for my remaining accounts

curiosityLynx ,

I like my username too much to have a hand in making it shill ads and misinformation.

Anarch157a , avatar

Yup. I’m Anarch157a everywhere (except Mastodon, for reasons), Steam, Lemmy, Discord, etc. Having my old - now deleted - Reddit account as a bot could spill over my identity in other services.

joelfromaus , avatar

I won’t miss checking the post and top comment accounts to see if they’re bots. I’m hoping the same doesn’t start occurring over here.

sliceable_aspirin ,

Its gonna be interesting when Reddit turns into r/SubredditSimulator

bobs_monkey ,

Yup, just got the notification from BaconReader this morning that they’re throwing in the towel

Gordon_Freeman , in Is there an r/all equivalent? avatar
Nicenightforawalk ,

How do I add that to my list as I have to keep scrolling and scrolling trying to get to the bottom to follow that channel and given up. Surely there is an easier way of following something

Gordon_Freeman , avatar

Press the cogwheel next to the federation icon (by default is on the right, under your username)

In the options select "Show Top bar"

Top right there is a link to "All"

catahoula_leopard , in Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive

I really love Tildes, but the comments in this thread are fair enough criticisms, and pretty accurate.

The only thing I'd clarify in the comments here is that there's not really a "waiting list" for invites. Deimos accepts emails requesting invites, and people receive access as he responds to each email. Users also get 5 invites every few weeks, so you can ask people for one here or on /r/redditalternatives. Or in the invite threads that are posted in /r/tildes. And the invite system isn't used to make it feel "exclusive" (especially since it's pretty easy to get one,) it's used because the site has been around for years with an existing userbase, so there's an effort to gradually add users to Tildes so the site doesn't just turn into 99% disgruntled redditors.

Tildes simply doesn't have the goals of "reddit alternatives" that are hoping to launch a new, popular site. It's just doing its own thing. Personally I find it refreshing, but it's definitely not for people who want to be part of the next "reddit" with millions of other people.

Actually, since you all aren't being assholes about your criticisms of it, this gives me a good feeling about kbin. I was going to try this site as an alternative before I found Tildes and have been spending most of my time there, but I'll probably hang around here eventually, for content that doesn't belong on Tildes (image posts, memes, and other silly stuff.)

HipPriest OP ,

Tildes simply doesn't have the goals of "reddit alternatives" that are hoping to launch a new, popular site. It's just doing its own thing. Personally I find it refreshing, but it's definitely not for people who want to be part of the next "reddit" with millions of other people.

Sure, I definitely respect that and it is one of the things I like about it. I like the way it's focused on conversations over cut n paste memes.

But I think I've found a similar experience here on Kbin by blocking meme heavy groups and joining more specific communities. I'm still going to check out Tildes every now and then though

HipPriest , in You know what I DON’T miss from Reddit? Having a 75% chance of having your submissions immediately removed anytime you post something.

I don't know what you were posting but I don't think my odds of having things removed were ever that high, lol

But it is nice to not have that feeling yeah

AmidFuror ,

Didn't have enough comment karma.

HipPriest ,

Ah, one of Reddit's more annoying rules.

Neato , avatar

It's mostly people who keep getting banned or keep making new accounts for some reason that fall into this. Or bots posting to generate tons of link karma but never posted comments and never got comment karma. It's to prevent those who get banned or bots from being able to flood a sub.

Titou , avatar

I had the same problem with account age, i was like “bro my account is 1 month old, how many time i’ve to wait ?”

quirzle , avatar

Depends a lot on where you were posting.

/r/nfl was notorious for deleting posts from unknown users when new broke to repost it from a mod's account. Had nothing to do with ban evasion or bots, just leveraging the control they had to make sure they had all the biggest posts.

abff08f4813c , in does anyone regret deleting their Reddit accounts during the failed protest?

Who says they failed? They look like a stunning success to me, considering how much growth the fediverse and alternatives like squabbles got during that time, and the momentum has kept up after.

Even now more and more groups are moving off reddit to something else.

And I guess you didn't see this year's final r/place picture.

From a monetary point of view, spez will probably win. He'll destroy reddit completely in his quest for the IPO, and get to the point where the numbers are juiced up enough that he can sell high, make a huge chunk of money, and take his exit. But that doesn't negate our success.


how does it feel knowing that you looked like

Please don't confuse us with your mirror.

Karlos_Cantana , in Reddit Tests is Own Verification Markers with ‘Official’ Profile Tags avatar

The point of Reddit was to be anonymous. Now I don't even understand what the point of Reddit is.

Pandoras_Can_Opener , in Reddit Tests is Own Verification Markers with ‘Official’ Profile Tags avatar

Not that I ascribe any sort of reddit awareness to Huffman but even then it’s a new level of not understanding his own product. Twitter had oodles of celebrities, politicians, journalists, activists, government accounts, companies and so on and the verification was important before musk ruined it. I’m not sure reddit has actual entities of public life that regularly post. I’ve seen a stray Arnold Schwarzenegger mentioned somewhere and I think a YouTube video about tenacious D responding to fans but that’s it. Who on earth needs verification on reddit as a user?

quirzle , avatar

Yeah, a big part of the appeal of reddit was being anonymous. I signed up without even using an email address, and being able to do that was a most of why I was willing to create my account in the first place.

nicetriangle , avatar

This. Reddit is a sea of whoever and that’s why I liked it. This is a major misunderstanding of the community on their part.

spookex ,

Reddit had a nice balance between being anonymous, but also making you care about your reputation enough to not turn completely into 4chan

TheLowestStone , in r/Place 2023: The Good Ending avatar

Congratulations on giving Spez exactly what he wanted.

Cylusthevirus , avatar

I mean, I doubt it's exactly what he wanted. The traffic is nice and all, but it's not like investors don't have eyes. They know he's hated, it's just a question of what that means for the IPO and ongoing profitability of the business.

devious ,

Well longer term allowing the community to focus all it’s hate on the CEO, rather than the platform (and it’s direction e.g. the API and gold changes) allows for an easy PR fix in future - when spez is replaced all the bad press goes away, but all the changes remain intact and forgotten.

Ferk , avatar

Sure, but if the hate was focused on the platform and not on its leadership I doubt there'd be as many reddit users willing to protest.

Anyone who truly cares about the openness of the platform would have already been using a more open alternative by now.

SpeakinTelnet , avatar

A sudden surge and as sudden drop of users is not what investors want to see prior to an IPO.

They can’t even use rage bait as efficiently as the other social media platforms, it’s just a bad show through and through.

itsyourmom , in Reddit app score changed dramatically avatar

This is crazy…I just now checked my iOS App Store and it says it’s 4.8/5 stars. I left a 1 star review 3-4 weeks ago and it never showed up in the reviews. I checked for over a week and either they didn’t post it, or it was removed quickly. And trust me.. it wasn’t filled with obscenities or specific names “spez” or anything like that. (Unlike some I can see that actually made it in the reviews)

Strangely enough the “newest” review gave Reddit 5 stars but is titled..”Reddits API changes are killing it” and goes on to complain about bots, NSFW, Admin Abuse, and “spez is letting it happen “ umm does this reviewer not know how stars work???

I’m also in the USA. But it’s making me upset that I clearly can’t trust the App store’s reviews now. Since in my experience… they’re misleading/erroneous/deleted/ or in my case omitted. 😡

density , avatar

do your reviews reliably show up for other apps?

itsyourmom , avatar

This would be the first app review I’ve actually done…

density , avatar

hm maybe not enough data to draw conclusions

ezmack , in Reddit Refugee here venting

I say this with all sincerity; log off. Just for a bit to reset your relationship with sites like reddit. If you do you won’t care what happens on reddit

MonkeyScryer OP ,

Thanks. You’re right. I don’t have much of an option since I got the 7 day ban for calling the mods “pigs” and “cowards” for permabanning me from a subreddit. I need to touch grass, delete that account so Spez has less numbers, and then build up stuff on here.

ijustdoeyes , avatar

I think we're missing a bit of context here.


Mods may “work for free”, but they sure get a kick with powertripping. Fuck them, just like admins and Spez.

Bizarroland , avatar

I left the site when they announced the API changes and honestly it's kind of like coming down off of a drug. I was so used to filling my free time by just Doom scrolling through Reddit and without rif to make it easy for me it just isn't worth the effort. I'm not going to use their shitty app, I'm not going to browse their mobile site, and I'm not going to support a company that doesn't listen to its users.

I don't use Facebook or any meta products for that reason.

I don't shop at Walmart for similar reasons. I don't shop at Amazon for similar reasons. I don't shop at home Depot for similar reasons. Vote with your wallet, vote with your time, and that's not just at the polls but in your daily life.

You may be a drop in the bucket but don't be a drop in a bucket of gasoline when the world is already on fire.

siewyuk , in What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing?

I’ve never seen his face, but now I have, I have to say he has a really punchable one. Right there with Skreli.

flathead , in Still yet another article listing Reddit alternatives, but surprisingly this one mentions both Lemmy & Kbin avatar

It’s good to see Lemmy getting some love, athough I did get a chuckle at the “this whole fediverse concept is so hard to get your head around” stuff. They are so used to being fed what the algorithm delivers that they are lost without it. It’s so touchingly Orwellian.

OpenStars OP , avatar

Tbf, it is a bit difficult for the average person to wrap their head around.

For instance, did you know that water can come in multiple forms!? Woah... :-P

Sinnerman ,

“this whole fediverse concept is so hard to get your head around”

Respectfully, I think this is because is confusing. Here are the simple instructions I give people:

  1. Go to and start reading.
  2. If you want to join, click "Log In" at the top, and then "Register"

Everything else they can figure out as they go along.

YALE70 , in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time avatar

How many drawings of John Oliver can we anticipate seeing?

abff08f4813c , in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

I have a very bad feeling about this.

I have a feeling that it will really go like this:

A: So here's our feedback as admins to you, the mods, on how you've been running the subs.

M: Actually, we'd like to say ..

A: No, your feedback for us is that you're happy and we're doing great listening to you.

M: Actually, that's kinda the opp...

A: No, that's definitely YOUR feedback to US.


A: Goodbye, ex-mod.

dipbeneaththelasers ,

You left out the last step.

A to users: The feedback we've gotten from the mods has all been positive.

TragicNotCute , avatar

A to users: It seems like actually you are the problems soooo

Balios , in Reddit may be tricking users to buy awards/coins avatar

Firstly, you no longer can buy coins and awards. Three days ago they posted this:

Starting today, you will no longer be able to purchase new coins, but all awards and existing coins will continue to be available until September 12, 2023.

So currently they can not make any quick bugs with coins and awards as they no longer are buy-able.
Additionally, since all coins/awards expire on that date, there is zero reason to get more. Right now you want to get rid of what you have, not stock up just so Reddit can delete your inventory of coins.

This would be different if they announced some beneficial exchange rate for real money or their new system or kept coins you own available indefinitely (or at least way longer), which indeed would trigger some people to stock up "just in case I want to award someone later on".

This is a clean cut, meant to renew the system by first tearing down the old one completely, without leaving anything in place, and then introducing something entirely new. I don't necessarily agree with their communication and deadlines but I don't think there is anything foul at work here. They just want a new system and follow their current trend of rushing everything.

PabloDiscobar , avatar

I still have coins. Do you have any advice on how to use them? Is there any word out there about it?

Amir , avatar

Give them to people commenting “fuck u/spez” lol

Nepenthe , avatar

Someone advised me half an hour ago to award them to comments talking about other platforms, and I think I'm gonna go with that one for myself

PabloDiscobar , avatar

Or give all your gold to a [deleted] account

Or give is to u/spez, so he can enjoy all the features of his own platform

Nepenthe , avatar

I'll give it to spez if he says the line first

athos77 ,

That's what I did with my coins too.

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