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Roundcat , in What’s with social media companies trying to destroy themselves recently? avatar

We are at the end of the "free lunch" era of tech. Before, there was a lot of investment in tech because it was very easy for rich people to get loans, and sink it into tech companies or startups. With inflation at its high pace, banks failing, (esp. CV bank for our case) and the hike of interest rates, many tech companies are trying to make up the loss of revenue in anyway they can. Either by cutting staff and laying off people, or squeezing every dime out of every customer they can.

Before it was just accepted that some users would not monetarily engage with a platform, either by just lurking, blocking ads, mooching off a friend's account, or never buying any of the monetary perks being offered. Now they are doing their best to apply pressure to these people. Either they will go away entirely, and not expend anymore of the company's resources, or they will cave and put some money into the system by making purchases and consuming ads.

This has been growing trend since late last year, but this year in particular has caught many tech companies with their pants down. The days of burning free money for tech are over, and they are trying to scrounge together cash by any means necessary.

Bendersmember , avatar

Solid point. One thing that these companies will realize quickly if they plan to move from ad based to subscription services is that a lot of them won't make it. Especially when the price of everything is so high. It no feasible for people to sub to 8 streaming services between film and music, add on a VPN, the odd Patreon, lots of people with ring and other camera and security subscriptions. I get that people will shuffle between services, but that might not be enough, and the more they go for the customers throat, the more likely people will realize it's a want and nowhere near a need.

thehatfox , avatar

Successfully monetising a platform means doing it in harmony with the the user base though, at least to some degree. A platform can't make money from users if it scares them all away. Social media platforms are especially vulnerable too because they rely on users to create their content. Nobody comes to Twitter to marvel at the system infrastructure, they come to read tweets.

The way certain tech companies are behaving currently is too knee-jerk and heavy handed. They are panicking and damaging their platforms in the process.

May , in What’s with social media companies trying to destroy themselves recently? avatar

I rlly feel like 2023 is a year of a lot of things coming to light. Not just because of this but there was some stuff that happened earlier in the year and i got the impression that that'd be the 'theme' for this year (it feels like since 2020 every year has a 'theme' in some way.) This isnt super related tho but i feel like if there was any doubt that these companies are profit driven and WILL put that above user experiences, even if only for pennies, is largely been confirmed this year.

Chozo , in They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub - r/Blind

they did not respond to a request to use the app with screen curtain on.

That's pretty damning. If they can't even demo it while simulating a real world use-case, then that tells me how little faith they really have in their product.

OpenStars , in I was so hopeful that Reddit might see reason, but at this point, pigboy can take reddit and stuff it up his spez avatar

HE will not concede - it's jut not in his nature. There is a remote chance that he could be forcibly evicted by those that he must report to, but it would take a sudden and rather dramatic drop in the quality of content (hahaha I can't even say that with a straight face) amount of money they receive from advertising to make that happen. Thus that is unlikely to happen either.

In any case, does it matter? Now that we've all woken up from the spell - the illusion that things could be both "easy" and free while still being controlled by a for-profit company, just like with wikipedia but without the hassle of it needing donations to continue going forward - why would we ever want to go back, regardless?

HappyHarryHadron , in So IAMA is practically dead... avatar

Running and maintaining a website for scheduling of AMAs with pre-verification and proof, as well as social media promotion.

This is the big one - as it's off-reddit, any new mods will have to set their own up from scratch.

Elkaki123 OP ,

Foe me the biggest are 6 and 4, reason being IAMA is going to go back to just being random AMAs, lots about average workers/people, without verification by the mods nor any big events that everyone knows about ahead of time, it will literally turn into the same as r/ama wich is kind of ironic since they had splitted such a long time ago.

UnhappyCamper , avatar

There's already r/casualama or whatever for that as well

exohuman , in While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities avatar

It just takes time for these communities to form.

donuts , avatar

On top of that, we can't expect communities to POOF into existence.

We have to be part of them to build them, which means making them if they don't exist yet as well as posting and commenting in the ones that do exist. I hope that people who are used to lurking on Reddit will go out of their comfort zone a bit and start to participate in fediverse communities so that we can build things up more quickly.

sadreality ,

Yesterday lurkers are going to need to be today's commenters and posters!

I see y'all lurkin'
Not postin'

defeater ,

I feel attacked

sadreality ,

You are being drafted. We are sending you out to colonize the fediverse!

metaStatic ,

I'm doing my part

Usually_Lurker , avatar

And my axe! something something name checks out.

TechDiver ,


NotTheOnlyGamer , avatar

They're just following rules, man:

Rule 33. Lurk More - It's never enough.

And yes, the pool is still closed.

samus12345 , avatar

Patrollin’ and tryna catch me lurkin’ dirty

TechDiver ,

i was a reddit lurker for 10 years. i didnt even have an account. today i made my second comment here. hello world

sadreality ,


Orbitrix ,

Yea I was a prolific commenter but I think I only created maybe 6-8 posts in 14 years on reddit, and certainly never created a community. So I might have to step up. Regardless of reddit, I absolutely love the idea of the fediverse and the decentralized nature of it, so I really would like to see it succeed. It really does have to be the way forward on the internet to avoid corporate interests.

warden , avatar

Same here. The voice in the back of my head says "be the change you want to see in the world", then I'm like "nah that's too much work"...

DrNeurohax , avatar

Same. I think we need some way to coordinate the initial burst of content for some of the smaller subs. I hate to say it, but maybe we need to assign "homework" - Request (not require) new subscribers to contribute unique stories or info relevant to the mag/comm on some type of schedule.

Something like:
"As we try to grow this new community, we want to hear from you. We're asking (not requiring) all new subscribers to start a new post within their first week covering some aspect of the topic they find personally interesting or that they feel could help others. Just add "(1P)" to the title of the post. It doesn't matter if it's something you said elsewhere, if you're new to the entire topic and just want to post a bunch of questions, you have a funny story to tell, or have a super niche specialty.

Also, we should consider having more moderator-level users in subs to reduce the burden of moderation. It's more daunting if you're asked to be one of 3 mods than it is to be one of 15. We should also look into incentivizing moderation duties, but there's probably a much longer discussion to be had about that.

Izzgo ,

This sounds like a great tradition to encourage and support. On Reddit I was pretty danged chatty & responsive, but almost never started my own post. Maybe at most once a year. I hereby commit to upping my participation game to include some actual posts to some of the quiet magazines I've subbed to. Thanks for the push.

DrNeurohax , avatar

And YOUR exuberance has inspired me to commit to upping my post game. I was never a big poster on Reddit, but mostly because I just didn't want to deal with the contrarian and amateur professionals fallout. It might be best to focus on the niche communities, since that's where the real valuable stuff exists on Reddit.

Good luck out there!

NomadJones ,

What is the consensus on the etiquette of creating new communities/magazines with the names of the still extant old subreddits (particularly when you're not a mod of the old subreddit)?

donuts , avatar

I'm not really sure... but the way I see it it's probably fair game.

Communities aren't something that somebody (reddit, specific moderators, etc.) owns, they are just concepts that people latch onto. And, for me at least, I would rather see popular communities exist here if people want them to, especially since you can have multiple communities under the exact same name on different servers in the fediverse.

In other words, if you want to bring over a specific reddit community I think you should just do it.

flta ,

I was on Reddit for over 10 years and it only became a place for niche communities when they got rid of defaults. Kbin/Fediverse will get there in a few years.

SunburyStudios ,

I personally think that's when the front page turned to crap. It was nice, curated, not insanely covered in alt-subs with bad actors.

hariette , avatar


adonis , in Did Karma really matter that much in Reddit? avatar

I was a karma-whore, now that Reddit is dead, I'm just a slut.

Motecuhzoma ,

Here, have some internet points you slut

adonis , avatar

ohh yeaaaah.... mhhhmmm... grlgrlgrlgrlgrl

bluGill , in Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted

I recommend kbin just because some of the people behind Lemmy are vocal far left wing. I want to support more moderates in the world.

Hondolor , avatar

agree. Part of why I liked reddit was that I could customize my feed to ignore political diatribe (left and right) and just read the feeds that interest me. Lemmy is so infested with leftists that it spills over into every part of their community

hackitfast ,

One is the instances is owned by people who praise Stalin. is not. And the code is open source so Lemmy is not really owned by anyone. All you have to do is switch instances.

Gull ,

The creator of Lemmy, dessalines, is a tankie, and is also the main admin of

hydro033 ,

It worries me that you get a bunch of downvotes for this. People are way too accepting of political biases if they're in the direction they prefer.

VectorSocks ,

Because it implies that basic, milquetoast progressive values are "far left".

Chetzemoka ,

No, no there are literally tankies. the ml means marxist-leninist and is just straight up tankie CCP apologists

Crankpork ,

What's left wing about simping for dictators? Just because they called their countries "communist" to keep people from realizing, they were both effectively totalitarian dictatorships, and that's about as right as it gets.

honorfaz , avatar

@Crankpork they're left wing dictators? The wings are about economic policies. Communism is an ultra far left economic system like pure laissez-faire capitalism is an ultra far right economic system. You can be authoritarian or libertarian in either group. Or you can have more moderate economic views and still also have more authoritarian enforcement or extreme libertarian/anarchic lack of enforcement

Chetzemoka ,

I mean, that's exactly my point though. People seem to be knee jerk assuming that the "leftist" accusations against the .ml instances are standard issue right wing hyperbole against progressive liberals and that's not the case. It's just as much that progressives are complaining because we have no interest in associating with tankies.

BarbecueCowboy ,

I think the only real way for anyone to get it is to experience it. I thought it was bullshit propaganda too and I also thought I was relatively far left before first arriving at the .ml domain and further lemmygrad. I am still kind of surprised that we have a community out there that large that seems to legitimately identify with the 'tankie' ideology.

It's a bit of a culture shock realizing that you might just be a progressive moderate.

cowvin ,

That's actually really good thing. In the U.S. not wanting to kill trans people makes you a "far left" person according to right-wingers. real "far left" people are pretty nuts, man. The vast majority of us are moderates who are now labeled as "far left" in the U.S. political discourse.

Mateng , avatar

In my experience, and (for example) are in more left wing then milquetoast progressives. It's faszinating and refreshing, and I don't mind people speaking their minds. But I prefer moderate, too.

I would rather say that the average Redditor is milquetoast progressive. Heck, I start to really enjoy this phrase 😉.

LordR ,

As my feed is populated by a lot of German threads it is worth to note that moderate depends a lot on the country you are from. Bernie Sanders would probably be considered part of the moderate left in most of Europe while he is considered to be far left in the USA.

Ferk , (edited ) avatar

It also depends about what specific topic we are talking about.

In many places in Europe, being a social democrat when it comes to economy (like Bernie) might be considered pretty moderate. But then certain attitudes about non-binary pronouns or supporting special considerations for specific groups of people, are seen closer to "far left".

You don't see the amount of virtue signaling in Europe that you see in USA media productions, for example.

Bilbo ,

You need to do a little research before you get up on your high horse. They’re literal, self proclaimed communists. Lemmy was made because Reddit wasn’t left enough. They enjoy censorship and deny basic human right violations, and parrot CCP propaganda. They’re tankies. That’s why the devs instance isn’t federated with many of the major ones.

This is partly why kbin exists.

Wtf. I accidentally deleted my comment two times. Lemmy mobile UI fail!

The_Tribble_Juggler , avatar

I'm liberal, but I'm not at the "censor users criticizing the Chinese government because they're communist" level. I was also skeptical of what people were saying about the admins (the original lemmy devs), but they're anything but miquetoast progressive.

That doesn't represent all of Lemmy though. I just wouldn't recommend joining .ml

Kantiberl , avatar

Oh don't even get me started on the downvote brigades from angry leftists around here. Don't you dare hold a moderate opinion around them, or they call you a nazi and tell you to go back to 4chan. You can read my post history. All I've ever expressed is the same sentiment expressed here, and I've been met with nothing but absolute vitriol.

SoupOfTheDay ,

Because we saw what happens with Reddit. People come in claiming to be “moderate”, and very quickly shit like T_D starts popping up. Also center of the road politics in the US has had rights taken away from millions of people in just the past year, and it’s going to continue to erode them from more. I’m not telling you to change your political stance, but I am telling you that people see them as an attack because they have literally been attacked by “moderates”.

Melpomene , avatar

It's fair to want to ostracize those who claim to be "moderate" who are anything but, absolutely. Concerning civil and political rights, there should BE no moderate. Either you support people's fundamental rights or you do not. Either you support everyone's right to love, sex, and associate with consenting adults or you do not. Either you support people's right to choose what to do with their bodies or you do not. There's little left to discuss.

Having said that, the US (and the world generally) has a terrible record, left or right, in supporting people's civil and political rights. I'm overjoyed that at least left leaning folk now support those rights, but it wasn't a decade or two ago that those on the left of the political spectrum were parroting many of the same things that the right now parrots. "Marriage is between a man and a woman." "Don't ask, don't tell." So while I am glad they've shifted, I'm always concerned that if the political winds shift again, those in power will sacrifice individual rights in the name of maintaining said power as they did before they decided that advocating for our rights was going to keep them elected.

Zorque ,

"Moderate" doesn't necessarily mean centrist or unalienable, it's antithesis is extremist. Being moderate and supporting peoples rights to be who they are just means taking a more practical and slow approach.

You need both moderate and more extreme views of progressivism, otherwise you get drowned in either. They support each other, they don't necessarily oppose each other.

PM_me_your_vagina_thanks ,

What you call "moderate" is likely viewed very differently by other people, since I assume you're from the US, and US politics has become a far-right fucking shitstorm. The overton window has shifted so much over there that "moderates" are degenerate cunts to more reasonable people.

snooggums , avatar

Your post history shows you are solidly on the right end of the spectrum based on your expressed opinions while trying to justify yourself as moderate.

Kantiberl , avatar

How? Why would you resort to lying? I'm pro choice, I despise Trump, I'm pro gay and trans rights, I believe in UBI for everyone (as well as keeping the free market in place), pro legalization (of every drug), pretty anti gun but I still believe it's peoples right to own them, I think police should be completely reformed and prisons fundamentally changed to be places of rehabilitation. What opinion of mine shows I'm on the right end of the spectrum? Because I believe in nuance and civil discourse? That I think all humans deserve forgiveness and a chance to grow and become better? Please, do enlighten me.

FaceDeer , avatar

The forced distillation of every single position to being somewhere on this "left" to "right" spectrum is the single worst thing to happen to modern political discourse, IMO.

I'm a fan of the "8 Views" test, which tries to position views along four different axes instead of just one. Four is still too few but it's way better than what we've got now.

fenndev , avatar

You have the freedom of speech, not the freedom to be free from the consequences of that speech. I read your post history and couldn't really find a 'moderate' position, mostly far-right talking points and splitting hairs about semantics. If the shit that you're saying is indistinguishable from Nazi and fascist rhetoric, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that you may have to reexamine the people you caucus with.

I also saw that you claimed downvotes and disagreements are an important part of online social interaction, and yet you're here complaining about "downvote brigades." I thought that was pretty funny.

Kantiberl , avatar

Pretty insidious of you to imply that what I have expressed here is far right, nazism, AND fascism. Do you have any examples where I haven't been moderate? This is what I meant by downvote brigades, it's not just the downvotes. It's the snakelike way in which people (such as you) are arguing with me that I'm disturbed by.

It's not splitting hairs about semantics when I've been called a nazi (multiple times now) for espousing NOTHING in the realm of nazism, and have in fact only condemned it. That's a huge problem, and it's my current focus here.

I'm against authoritarianism from any side and I'm also against the deceptive bullshit you're trying to pull.

cacheson , avatar

I think part of it is that leftists (myself included) don't like being lumped in with tankies. I didn't downvote though.

The lead devs of lemmy are tankies, basically meaning authoritarian communists of the genocide-apologist variety. They also run the and instances.

This is also why I signed up on kbin instead of on lemmy. The other lemmy instances are fine, but I don't want to contribute to the influence of the lemmy devs any more than necessary. Hopefully they try to pull something stupid and get forked off the project.

exscape , avatar

Why would anyone downvote for that reason though? That reason is why I upvoted. I'm firmly left-wing but absolutely not far enough that I can support their BS views.

blightbow , avatar

Most likely because American politics frequently pound the talking point of "far left politics" when talking about the political opposition (moderate left at best from an overseas PoV), to the point where American liberals have been conditioned to assume that they are being spoken down to when this type of language is in play. American leftists are also very anti-authoritarian on average and do not appreciate being lumped into the same category as tankies by simple virtue of people only discussing left versus right.

JamesGray ,

What's the moderate position between "trans people should not be allowed to exist in society" and "trans rights are human rights"? You have to understand every time you or anyone else says some shit like this you're basically crying that people are taking a position instead of just watching the right wing try to ruin peoples lives.

The supreme court literally ruled to allow businesses to discriminate against people based on sexuality yesterday.

Crankpork ,

This. While things are new, and nothing has taken the place of "service that everyone uses", LGBTQA+ people are going to avoid the unsafe places which is going to push discussions further and further right. A "moderate" position that treats the bigots the same as people who just want to live and feel safe isn't moderate at all.

Briguy24 ,

An actual moderate position there is to just not go out of your way to be an asshole. But some people want to be assholes and vilify those who may not be able to protect themselves. I can't stand the people who want to 'debate' human rights. No, that line of thinking isn't welcome going forward.

Kantiberl , avatar

I firmly believe everyone has the right to live freely and to find their own path, provided they don't harm others. Hate speech and violence have no place in our society, and I wholeheartedly stand with the trans community in advocating for their protection.

Nonetheless, here's a viewpoint I have that I know is not accepted, but I'll share it anyway. I believe the compulsion of speech, particularly insisting that all of society adapt their language to accommodate individual identities, is a terrible approach. The notion of forced speech is problematic to me, and worries me greatly.

That said, I believe it's important to work towards a society that respects every person, but without mandating how we perceive them. Life's journey is all about confronting adversity, and part of this involves learning to navigate the world as it is, not necessarily as we'd like it to be. Instead of dictating specific definitions, it might be more beneficial to cultivate a culture of empathy, understanding, and open dialogue around these issues. This perspective is unpopular and contentious, but it is a conversation that we should be willing to engage in.

Anyways that's what I see as the moderate take, and it's what I believe. I had to tiptoe pretty hard there and I'm sure what I said still comes across as hate speech to some but I don't feel it is. It's just my opinion. I wish there was a place I could express it and have an open debate with people about it. We can't eliminate half of society, and we're going to have to learn how to empathize with people we disagree with in order to actually see where they are coming from.

JamesGray ,

Nonetheless, here's a viewpoint I have that I know is not accepted, but I'll share it anyway. I believe the compulsion of speech, particularly insisting that all of society adapt their language to accommodate individual identities, is a terrible approach. The notion of forced speech is problematic to me, and worries me greatly.

Is this the fucking Jordan Peterson position? Whose speech has been compelled? A man walked into a Philosophy of Gender class this week in Canada and stabbed three people, so sorry if I'm a lot more concerned with the constant hate speech being levied against LGBTQ+ people than I am with the anomalous concept of "compelled speech" which has not as of yet been an issue and only exists in the fever dream of transphobes who want to actively misgender people while working in public positions in Canada.

nanoobot , avatar

I agree with you, but this is a really bad counterargument to what they said. Even widely agreed politeness conventions to a degree 'compel' speech, so the debate is really around what speech is acceptable for society to encourage/suppress, rather than whether cultural changes are changing what people are compelled to say. Also, I don't think they said anything that suggested they are more concerned by that than hateful violence?

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

I believe the compulsion of speech, particularly insisting that all of society adapt their language to accommodate individual identities, is a terrible approach. The notion of forced speech is problematic to me, and worries me greatly.


Instead of dictating specific definitions, it might be more beneficial to cultivate a culture of empathy, understanding, and open dialogue around these issues. This perspective is unpopular and contentious, but it is a conversation that we should be willing to engage in.

Anyways that's what I see as the moderate take, and it's what I believe. I had to tiptoe pretty hard there and I'm sure what I said still comes across as hate speech to some but I don't feel it is.

If you had to tiptoe pretty hard then what you wanted to say was worse.

What, exactly, is the harm in calling someone a "He" who considers themselves a "He" or a "They" if they prefer, or "She" if they prefer?

Do you consider all social conventions about how we address people to be "dictating specific definitions" or "compulsion of speech?"

Can I decide to call you the opposite gender of what you know yourself to be, and you have literally no feelings about that? What about using words like "Sir", or "Ma'am?" Have you felt unfairly compelled each and every time you've had to use them? How about "Doctor?" "Mr.?"

jcrm ,

That's a lotta words for "I don't respect what people want to be called". When you call someone by the wrong name and they correct you, is that also compelled speech to you? Because that's all pronouns are. By your definitions all of language is compelled speech, because you're being forced into using specific words to communicate.

It can be your opinion all you want, but it's one you should evaluate and change, because it doesn't make any goddamn sense.

Metaright , avatar

The problem is that nobody (or at least very few people of actual influence) are legitimately saying that trans people shouldn't get to exist. I have yet to see any politician, for example, express such a belief.

JamesGray ,

Michael Knowles called for the "eradication" of transgenderism at CPAC this year. Please shut up (E: corrected the wording he used, because he said "eradication" not just that it shouldn't exist)

Metaright , avatar

Was he talking about the people themselves, or the phenomenon of being transgender? That is a very important distinction.

JamesGray ,

No, it's not an important distinction. If you remove the ability of trans people to transition to their identified gender then you're relegating many of them to suicide.

Metaright , avatar

What if they never wanted to transition in the first place?

JamesGray ,

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Trans people exist, so "eradicating" transgenderism only really has a couple options:

  1. detransition all trans people and do not allow any other trans people to transition, socially or medically
  2. kill all trans people

Maybe if you're really stretching the definition of "eradicate" you could add an additional option:

  1. remove all trans people from public life, do not allow the discussion of transgenderism or the presence of trans people in public spaces
jcrm ,

Then they don't transition. Unless you want to make up some imaginary enemy to validate your hate.

bane_killgrind ,

You haven't been listening.

Treedrake , avatar

I mean, you don't have to be a tankie that defends North Korea or the uighur genocides, to respect those values? Which is the main problem with Lemmy devs and main instances.

JamesGray ,

You're gonna need to be a bit more specific than that, because "defends" often does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to issues like that being discussed from a leftist perspective. Did they outright say North Korea is perfect or there was no human rights issues with the treatment of the Uighur people in China? Or did they say the situation in Korea is more complicated than is presented by the west because we've embargoed them for more than half a century at this point and point out how the Uighur genocides are not that different from what happens in ICE camps in the US to this day?

Bad things happen all over the world, and I don't think China or DPRK are perfect by any measure of the word, but presenting them as the axis of evil and ourselves as the good guys is just silly. It's not that they're good, it's that we're cartoonishly evil too.

Anna , avatar

What rights do trans people not have?

The Supreme Court ruled to give businesses the choice to turn down customers. I thought you guys were all about choice?

Alleywurds , avatar

Trans rights are human rights because trans rights are rights to bodily autonomy.

If you think bodily autonomy is a human right, then you think trans rights are human rights.

If you don't think bodily autonomy is a human right, then I guess have fun licking boots.

LordR ,

What is your definition of moderates? As I see it a moderate in Europe is vastly different to a moderate in the USA.

I think it is hard to figure out what you understand as moderate without seeing knowing about what you political opinions are.

AlternativeEmphasis ,

You're being downvoted because people don't understand you're not talking about "far left" like some Trumper. You mean literal tankies, which absolutely yes some of the Lemmy Devs are as well as It's also a reason I selected Kbin.

Treedrake , avatar

While I'm quite left wing, I have huge problems with them (as well as the main dev) being authoritarian, genocide-defending tankies. That praise China, Russia and DPRK. It's maddening.

smellythief ,

Then pick a server that’s not run by “the people behind Lemmy”. Solved.

anteaters ,

Turns out people who work on open source in their free time to make the internet a better place for all are usually left wing, while the righties try to make money and fail.

sheepishly , avatar

I came to kbin hoping for exactly that, a moderate platform, and these upvote-downvote patterns are extremely concerning.

NotAPenguin ,

This you?

Niello , in Reminder: reddit may be dead, but trolls are not.

Actually, they should be reported. Don't just scroll pass if you see harassment or hate speech.

Ostermac ,

Is that all it takes to trigger you?

Chozo ,

Thanks for providing a comment to test the report feature with.

Frog-Brawler , avatar

Not sure there’s anything to report with the previous comment; yet I don’t disagree with it being a dick thing to say.

BurntPunk ,

Way back in the way back we used to call comments like that “flame baiting”. It’s trying to start a fight, nothing more. Forums and BBs I moderated used to technically ban it, but generally the rule has always just been “don’t feed the trolls”. Meaning: don’t comment, don’t downvote, don’t bother reporting. They just want attention, the only thing that hurts them is realizing that this board will ignore them just as completely as their parents already do in real life.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Yes. Back then there wasn't any upvoting or downvoting, so the only way you interacted with a troll is either engage them or ignore them...preferably the latter.

Images like this were typical...yet helpful.

jherazob , avatar

Holy crap this is an image I hadn't seen in ages! 😃

Kichae ,

The k-soc terms of service state:

Harassment, hate speech, or any other form of harmful behavior will not be tolerated.

Now, I can't read ernest's mind to determine what he meant by this line exactly, but this kind of mean spirited, bad-faith jab falls under "harmful behaviour" in my book.

tikitaki , avatar

i think it's dangerous to be too broad with this definition

harmful in my mind is saying explicitly racist, homophobic, promoting violent, etc type of stuff

i think freedom of expression is something we should not give up easily. in actually harmful speech, i think the pros outweigh the cons. but him saying the word "triggered" is not harmful

Crankpork ,

but him saying the word "triggered" is not harmful

It implies that being against hate speech and harassment is a wrong opinion and while completely isolated and out of context it might not seem harmful, it's part of a cultural shift towards normalizing those things, and implies that anyone who cares is wrong. Seeing that go unchallenged just emboldens buttholes like that.

tikitaki , avatar

yes, of course. it's indicative of that type of worldview and it's demeaning

however the key important part is that it isn't hate speech. being pro-hate speech and using hate speech are two different things

sadreality ,

Term harassment gets over used in online discourse to silence others and shut down discussions.

Legally it means actor A goes out of their way to bother actor B, and has do so on more the one occasion.

samus12345 , avatar

Nah, that’s a block user comment, not anything ban-worthy.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

If you want to be neck deep in that bullshit, you're more than welcome to join Can we have ONE space online that isn't infiltrated by assholes?

You don't have to be a dick to others on the Internet. You can make that choice. Just because you CAN post hateful shit anonymously and not have to face real life consequences doesn't mean you HAVE to.

RemembertheApollo ,

Some people literally would prefer to see the world burn. No idea what’s up with that form of psychological gratification from destruction, but fuck them.

Hellsadvocate , avatar

Guys that think the joker and homelander are the best role models.

stopthatgirl7 , avatar

How exactly do you report them? I tried to report one troll I saw, but couldn’t find the option.

a-man-from-earth , avatar

more > report

Tashlan , in Fuck Reddit u̶p̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ boost party! avatar

Fuck u/spez

FaceDeer , in Ordinary redditors are feeling the pain as well. avatar

To some degree it's hard to be sympathetic, because the people complaining about this are seriously lacking in sympathy themselves. They just wanted to see the content that those users produced for them, they didn't care about the difficulties or preferences of the users themselves. So when those Spez-opposed users took their ball and went home the Spez-friendly people got angry at them for taking their comments away with them rather than at Spez for having driven them to that in the first place.

Sarsaparilla , avatar

Exactly. My sympathies are with those creators & moderators who have received awful comments from reddit users that are too naive and impatient to understand the protest actions.

sadreality ,

Too stupid understand who butters their buns also...

OpenStars , avatar

They seem to assume that new mommies & daddies mods & content creators will rise up to take their place. Like all that effort grows on trees or something.

awsamation , avatar


Most of us on the fediverse can sympathize with the idea that "its really frustrating not being able to use Reddit as a reliable spurce for obscure knowledge."

The difference is that we feel "its really frustrating that I can't rely on Reddit, because even if the answer is there I can't in good conscience support spez." Instead of "all the answers are gone because of these stipid protests."

Baylahoo ,

Yes exactly. What’s the root cause? The good info is gone. Why is the good info gone? The people making it were pushed beyond their limits. Why were they pushed to far? Spez wants to make reddit publicly profitable (sure that’s not crazy by itself). Now we split up the next level. Either he wants reddit to live on foreverish and be self sustained or he wants to go public and dip the hell out of there. Going public is clearly bad when it is entirely valuable based on voluntary work and user based content. Fuck over all of the value and it’s not about keeping reddit alive foreverish, it’s about going public and fucking off. Whoever gets stuck with the bag when corporate dips is screwed.

RemembertheApollo ,

Very much the truth. I cautiously suggested that people leave their content up simply as an archive of useful knowledge, but fbfw was downvoted to oblivion. I understand people wanting to depart and take their ball home with them because fuck you spez, but I still have a hard time with the destruction of the knowledge base.

brianshatchet ,

Same here. I've left all my posts and comments up on Reddit. I'm sure it's made it's way in some form to Bard or ChatGPT. Just never know when some information would be helpful in a pinch, especially if it's tech or programming related.

The loss of /r/homeautomation has set me back a week at least with respect to home maintenance. The loss of knowledge is crazy.

keegomatic , avatar

Funny you mention /r/homeautomation, I’m in the same boat. Pro tip, though: if you found the Reddit result using Google, you can always look at the cached content.

If you’re on mobile, first open the search results page as the “desktop” version (for some reason it’s not an option in the mobile view). If you’re or after you’ve done that, click the three dots next to the result. When the modal pops up, click the dropdown arrow under “More options” at the top. Then click “Cached”.

Voilà. Read post and comments despite it being private/in protest.

iamsgod ,

yup. if they deally care, they would either join or make the content themselves, yet they do neither and make it about mods

mochi , avatar

Are kbin or Lemmy posts being indexed by search engines? If the content was created, would anyone be able to find it?

FaceDeer , avatar

If we build it, they will come.

HidingCat ,

I think Kbin isn't, because of bandwidth/CPU concerns.

tal , avatar

Shows up in site searches on Google, as the other response points out.

I don't know about the update frequency.

mochi , avatar

To clarify, I meant posts on kbin/Lemmy, so that someone would land on kbin/Lemmy when searching for things, like people do now with Reddit.

abff08f4813c OP ,

FWIW, when i go to duckduckgo and search for " google fediverse" I get a couple of good results, such as and

There's quite a bit of noise as well atm but i figure this will get better as we get more content on the fediverse and more stuff gets indexed.

eliz ,
Kichae ,

People love to blame the victim for defending themselves over the problematic person who is abusing them, because if they acknowledge that someone is being abusive that kind of morally obligates them to step in.

And they very much don't want to do that.

And obviously the exploitation of users for their knowledge and content so that the owners of Reddit Inc. can gain wealth for sitting on their thumbs is different from the kind of abuse one's mind might go to when the word is raised, but it's the same dynamic.

Someone is claiming mistreatment, those around them are annoyed by the claims, not by the mistreatment, because the person standing up for themselves is putting onlookers in the dangerous position of examining their relationship to that mistreatment.

And they don't wanna.

RavenFellBlade ,

Vicious, but true. I'm still struggling with whether or not I'm going to astroturf my comment history and delete my account. I see a lot of folks saying their comments were restored and then they had no way to log back in to delete them again. For now, I'm just going to leave my Reddit account dormant. I suppose it isn't super effective to leave my content there for Spez to benefit from, but I kinda feel like it does more harm to people just looking for answers than it ever will to Spez if I were to remove it. All around, this is just a ridiculously stupid situation we all find ourselves in over the whims of small minds chasing after big money. Again.

bnuuy ,

i do not like what reddit is doing one bit, but please stop. what reddit is doing is not anywhere near equivalent to real actual abuse, and implying it is is a little offensive. have some perspective

Thorned_Rose ,

I totally hear you that comments like this can feel insensitive of people who have been abused. I'm an abuse survivor so I get where you're coming from and appreciate your intent.

What I disagree with is that we shouldn't make this comparison at all. The same relational dynamics and structures that give rise to mental, emotional, physical, sexual, etc. abuse and exploitation give rise to this behaviour too.

It's like the pyramid of rape culture ( The stuff at the bottom isn't one for one equal to what's up the top. But the underlying structure and foundations are the same no matter how far up you go.

The same as any form of abuse, no matter how big or small, is underpinned by the same thought patterns, behaviours, power dynamics, culture, societal attitudes and practices, etc.

EDIT: removed preview of pyramid so no one gets smacked in the face with unpleasant descriptions scrolling down. Typos.

Strangle ,

It’s just a stupid website

abff08f4813c OP ,

I think it's the behaviour of a certain ceo and that ceo's apologists on said website that's at issue, here..

sour , avatar

what about that

ColonelSanders ,

I posted a similar comment elsewhere but along the same line of thought: The sad thing is that the masses that are still on Reddit at this point dgaf and will likely stay on Reddit forever. There's a real problem of Apathy in today's culture when people are just jonesing for their fix of daily content/memes, or at the very least nothing that disrupts the status quo. They don't give a fuck about "ideals" or what corporations do or farm from them so long as their instant gratification and daily intake of said content remains unchanged.

Radiant_sir_radiant ,

The sad thing is that the masses that are still on Reddit at this point dgaf and will likely stay on Reddit forever.

I actually consider this to be (mostly) a good thing. Within those that walk away from reddit, I expect the ratio of content creators vs. content consumers to be way above average. So if we get most of the people who used to make Reddit a great source of food for thought, and spez gets to keep the vast majority of cat video watchers, that's not a bad deal at all.

Nicenightforawalk ,

I noticed this is in r/apple. It is now populated with hate filled spez apologists

sudo , avatar

lol I have to imagine a lot of the people active in Apple are pretty used to eating corporate overlord’s assholes so that doesn’t really come as a surprise…

Calcharger , in RIP RIF avatar

Welcome. It's gonna take everyone's effort to make KBIN fun. Upload content daily, and interact with other people's content that you have something to say about. It's gonna take effort from all of us.

EnderWi99in ,

We need to quickly move past Reddit. We cannot be consumed by it or we will repel newcomers. This needs to become it's own special place with it's own character. It'll take time. Be patient.

zurohki ,

Okay, but for now all the “RIP Reddit” posts give migrating Reddit users a feeling of, “So this is where the other people like me went.”

abff08f4813c , in r/TIHI has been banned for being unmoderated.

To all the folks saying that reddit couldn't replace the mods, that it was too big an effort, that they couldn't run a big sub all by themselves, I have only one thing to say to you.

You were right.

bionicjoey ,

Thanks, I hate being right.

NotTheOnlyGamer , avatar

I'm sure users will step forward if they care. Otherwise, it's just a campaign optimization at work. Limit the breadth of organic content to deepen the brand-friendly content and push more paid media into the feed.

abff08f4813c ,

I'm sure users will step forward if they care.

This is the part I didn't quite get. Like I am sure that there were users who requested this sub in r/redditrequest after r/TIHI became unmoderated.

For some reason I don't understand, these requests did not pan out and it ended up getting shut down instead.

At the very least, users stepping forward doesn't seem to be enough on its own.

CrazyEddie041 , avatar

If I had to guess, there are too many users who would become appointed as moderators, then just shut down the subreddit again. The admins need time to filter through the applications to find the genuine bootlickers.

CarbonIceDragon , avatar

From the one time I tried requesting a sub there, they don’t just let someone have a sub if they ask and it’d be banned otherwise, they probably won’t give it to you if you don’t have mod experience for example (the reason I didn’t get the niche sub I was trying to revive, which is reasonable enough), or if they feel that what experience you do have isn’t enough that you’d likely be able to handle the particular sub. TIHI is a big sub, so they’d not just be looking for any random volunteer, it’d have to be someone experienced with moderating sizable subs, probably. And those people are, well, exactly the kind of people angry with reddit right now.

hypelightfly ,

Reddit gave the snackexchange subreddit to someone who had no mod experience and hadn't participated in the sub for years. The person claims they didn't even ask for the position and only asked for the head mod to be removed. Reddit removed the top mod and made the person top mod.

FriendOfFalcons ,

Reddit is really on their way to become the next facebook.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

Thing is, people stay on Facebook because their friends and family are on Facebook. Reddit is far more anonymous and therefore has far less inertia.

Thorned_Rose ,

I would drop kick FB in a heart beat if it wasn't for that shitty platform being my only means of communication with some family and friends. WTF happened to email and phone calls/txt jesus.

maxxxxpower ,

If any of my friends told me they’d only use FB for communication, they would be my friend no longer.

Thorned_Rose ,

I wish I could do that. But I'm disabled which is isolating by itself but also makes maintaining friendships difficult let alone making new friends.

So unfortunately the few friends I do have are firmly entrenched in FB and I have little recourse to make more friends. They're good people. Genuinely good people so I don't want to ditch them anyway, they've just been wicked into social media addiction and entrapment the same way many have been.

Thorvid_botlakhan , in Minecraft is leaving Reddit avatar

Reddit behaved in such a horrible way, that I feel like API pricing was the least of the bad...

One could argue about their fairness and aim to destroy 3rd party apps, and I had already closed my accounts at that very step.

But the way they treated mods, forced subs to open and behaved like pure evil assholes, I really see how companies or more "official" subreddits with a touch of interest in their users, would feel the desire to leave and close bridges

Limitless_screaming , avatar

I don't even care about the API prices and I used to use the official Reddit mobile app before migrating.

I've been looking for an open source Reddit like platform since the Twitter drama started and people started migrating to Mastodon, but there wasn't much content on them, until now, so I jumped on the band wagon.

Yasuke ,

I felt this. I just honestly needed another option and so star this seems to be it. I don’t understand the difference between kbin and lemmy. I’m hoping apps just end up supporting both platforms/instances.

mxjzm , avatar

I feel the same way.
As an Apollo user, I didn’t immediately leave since I wanted to see if some agreement would be done.

But the way they treated the devs is insulting, I work on IT and know a bit of how complex and time consuming this is; doing all this work just to be considered a parasite to be cut, and seeing how horrible the AMA was; really showed Reddit’s true colors.

Currently liking this federated initiative, big potential and less company ruining agenda. Very comfy here.

MsPenguinette ,

If Apollo works things out with reddit, I'd be willing to consider keeping reddit as a secondary source of content. But I think that bridge has been burnt so bad that that is highly unlikely

Pixelologist , avatar

The Apollo dev (Christian) is understandably not interested in working with reddit at all at this point.

As an aside is a fediverse web app that's heavily inspired by apollo

donald , in I definitely think r/gaming has the biggest banger of a privated notice avatar

If this is how the admins choose to act, so fucking be it. I'll deltree my 12 year old account and never go back. As it stands, the fediverse is already my new home, and the users who decide to remain on reddit can explain to all the new users what the fuck went wrong.

Bostondrivingisworse ,

The only people on reddit who are against the blackout are conservative assholes who hate picket lines. They're going to be the majority of remaining users.

JasSmith ,

Nah I’m “conservative” (at least that’s what they call me on Reddit now), and most of us support this blackout. The site has been hostile to diverse political opinions for a long time. Note how one of the largest subs, r/Politics, remained open the whole time. They are, by every metric, very left wing.

Don’t let the silly culture war divide us on this one. We all think Reddit has jumped the shark.

Trebach ,

I think r/Politics is owned by admins so they were never going dark.

JasSmith ,

It's all rather opaque, isn't it? I suspect you're correct, but if Reddit is actually paying for and controlling the moderation of /r/Politics, that raises a number of serious questions; both ethical and legal.

djmarcone ,

What they did to The_Donald where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it, is a prime example and should be a red flag regardless of someone's politics.

The banning from several subs automatically of people who joined joke subs like "ChurchofCovid" is also a prime example.

Very hostile to differing political opinions.

I don't think it's a social media site any more, I think it's a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.

kestrel7 , avatar

I don't think it's a social media site any more, I think it's a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.

I agree, but I also think that most social media has been propaganda and data harvesting all the way down from day one.

Like, the internet was not made by accident, or for no reason. It was developed at public universities with military funding.

Rabbithole ,

where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it

Not what happened. Spez, fuckwit though he is, actually managed to do a halfway decent trolling there.

A bunch of t_d people were slagging him off and insulting him in their comments. Spez got drunk as shit one night and edited their comments, swapping his name with Trump's so that it made them look like a bunch of anti-trumpers. Much gnashing of teeth ensued.

Absolutely shouldn't have done it, especially as CEO of Reddit FFS, but definitely funny as shit.

Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely a mark against him, but he didn't get them banned. They thouroughly got themselves banned on their own.

BrambleDog ,

You only think /politics is left wing because they banned all the left wingers.

Also, liberals aren't left wingers. Have you ever heard an anarchist or a socialist talk about a liberal?

JasSmith ,

I hear what you’re arguing. People are much more complex than “left” and “right.” But, colloquially, the people on r/Politics, are left wing. They support abortion, and gay marriage, and trans people, and universal healthcare, and higher taxes, and a hundred other values typically shared by those on the left.

Old school liberals are certainly different to what we see on the left today.

AnonymousLlama , avatar

Also the people who say "well I'm not using third party apps so who cares anyway"

The thing they should care about is how reddit has handled this situation. Imagine what nonsense they'll come up with next if they're willing to turf away some of the oldest and most dedicated users

mabd , avatar

Exactly this. I've used RIF since forever, so RIF is Reddit for me. Even if they take it all back and everything goes back to normal, there's still a bad taste in my mouth. Reddit is clearly against the community, literally fighting it. Not even trying to find some sort of compromise or anything. So screw it, kbin seems pretty cozy so far, to be honest.

Varyag , avatar

Honestly, even if they walk everything back, I still know they want to kill it eventually. Might as well already make my way over to other places like here, and stay with them.
I don't know, but I already think I like it here.

Lells , avatar

I actually used the newer official desktop site, and really didn't mind it at all. What I minded was Reddit acting like their company was Reddit. No, you just provided the website and infrastructure. You were not Reddit. WE were Reddit. And we liked Reddit as it was, not what you are turning it into to make a quick buck on your IPO. We didn't appreciate providing ALL the value and then being treated as if we weren't important or to be listened to. I'm tired of good sites being whored out for mega-bucks and then transformed into another sub-par lowest common denominator that is a ghost of its former self. I'll skip the wait and pain of watching that happen yet again, and leave now.

So yeah, I wasn't a third party app user, but in the long run I'll still be effected by everything corporate management is doubling down on right now.

killick , avatar

You're completely right from a user's perspective. I think this post from Cory Doctorow helps explain what we're seeing. He doesn't talk about Reddit specifically, but it should be easy to infer the implications for Reddit from what he writes:

killick , avatar

Here's the first paragraph from Cory's post:

"Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die." Reddit is in step 4.

Lells , avatar

Yeah, the "enshittification" concept, I've read this, and definitely agree.

Nomecks ,

It almost feels like that's by design these days.

kestrel7 , avatar

JUST LIKE TWITTER! I love that the new internet comes in two flavors, "open source hippie (doesn't work well)" and "vaguely fascist (also doesn't work that well tbh)"

killick , avatar

You made me chuckle.

chickeni3oo ,

I replaced every comment I had with a rant about how Reddit has become corporate shills and none of their actions are about profitability and all about easing corporations with the ability to targeted advertise to users while being openly hostile to all their volunteer labor and users.

12 years and 75k of comment karma worth.

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