Men's Liberation

Hazdaz , in Where did the construction workers go?

Why should men go into construction which is a job that requires skill and actually working hard, when CA is now going to be paying skill-less fast food workers $20/hr?

Doing a quick search shows that even within CA the average pay rate is just $23/hr for construction workers and yet that job requires much more skill than someone flipping a burger.

Yearly1845 ,

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  • Hazdaz ,

    OK. So housing just went up in price then too. Luckily no one has been complaining about the cost of home prices!

    Yearly1845 , (edited )

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  • Hazdaz ,

    LOL this is bloody hilarious. The skill free labor that a burger flipper provides is exactly reflected in their low wages. So you seemingly want housing prices to go up because you think they are somehow artificially deflated already… but you can’t see that simply waving a magic wand to increase wages for a skill free job is simply artificially inflating that job’s worth.

    The disconnect with reality is strong with this one.

    grilledcheesecowboy ,

    You don't seem to understand what's going on in the world. Everyone would be a lot better off if you stopped posting a for awhile and took some time to educate yourself.

    Yearly1845 , (edited )

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  • Hazdaz ,

    It’s hilarious that you think you actually have a “solution” there when all you just created is inflation. Skill free wages go up, construction wages go up, house prices go up. Just print more money… what could go wrong with doing that?!

    stepan OP , avatar


    Huxleywaswrite ,

    There is no such thing as unskilled labor. I promise you, without training, you would fail miserably when asked to crank out big macs all day for a living. Just like you would if you were tasked for any other “unskilled labor” that you haven’t been trained to do. That means there is skill to it.

    Unskilled labor is a myth created to justify paying human beings less than a living wage to line rich men’s pockets.

    Remmock ,

    I challenge you to be a “burger flipper” for a year and tell me how easy it is.

    stepan , in How the patriarchy contributes to climate chaos avatar

    Alot of assumptions made in this video and it’s attempting to draw causation from simple correlations.

    A few good points but alot of conjecture on this one.

    CaptObvious , in The Performance of Masculinity: Beyond Postures and Gestures - David N Johnson

    This idea of masks is intriguing. It comes up from time to time in other domains: theater, art, nudism, paganism, etc. I wonder if, at least in part, the idea of shedding societal personas in favor of authenticity or of trying on different masks accounts for occasional surges of interest in those communities.

    dumples , in Men In The US Are Peeing Incorrectly According To Urologist avatar

    Ironic that the surveys said that older men say down less to pee while it's more beneficial to them.

    Hillock ,

    Sitting down just becomes harder as you get older. Especially with toilets as they are relatively low.

    Installing an elevated toilet seat and some handrails next to it can be a significant life improvement for older people.

    mrbubblesort , avatar

    Ah that's a good point. I was thinking it'd be the other way around and they'd sit down because it's too much effort to stand

    jadero ,

    Add an elevated platform for the feet to get the knees up a bit and you have the best of both worlds.

    RaivoKulli ,

    A proper throne

    GandarfDeGrape , in Men In The US Are Peeing Incorrectly According To Urologist

    I really like the photo’s description.

    evranch , in [DISCUSSION] Weekly Discussion Wednesday - Do you feel pressured to be a useful man?

    No pressure required… Being useful is what I am and what I’ve always been. I’m a farmer and tradesman and almost completely self-sufficient in a rural area, so it’s rare that I even sit down. Everything I have I’ve built or repaired myself. If I do sit down it’s usually because I’m learning new skills or knowledge, or sharing mine with others.

    I try to have a surplus of everything so I can give it away to people who need it, I’ll fix appliances or vehicles or infrastructure for anyone who needs the help. If I’m truly bored I’ll go down to the dump and pick through the steel pile for something I can fix up or use for materials.

    I’ll admit straight up that I don’t think much of a man if he isn’t useful in some way. Men evolved to be strong and driven so that we can build and support others, IMO. Personally I don’t associate with useless people of either gender, I don’t have time for them. Better pitch in if you want to be a part of the community where I live.

    arf_arf , in [PODCAST] Can Masculinity be Truly Non-Toxic? feat @FDSignifire

    Asking that question at all is misandry.

    It presupposes that masculinity is inherently toxic, that action is needed to detoxify it, and fear that this might not be possible.

    arf_arf , in Framing men as the ‘villains’ in relationships also frames them as unable to change

    Before we can have any nuanced discussions we need to agree on a fundamental principle that being a bad partner (male or female) is neither illegal nor abuse.

    Some people are incompatible, some are immature, some have mental issues, etc.

    The fact you felt neglected or insulted at certain times doesn’t make you a victim of anything (expect maybe your bad choices).

    So, when we stop with the cancel culture where a woman is a victim because her boyfriend was mean to her one time 10 years ago and now this is reason to cancel him and ruin his life… then we can have all other discussions.

    punkisundead , in [DISCUSSION] Would you feel comfortable using a male contraceptive medication?

    I think calling it male contraception would make it weird for me because i am not male/a man. Still, I would have definitely used in the past, but know i dont need it any more.

    EhForumUser , (edited )

    Why is that? As someone not a female/a woman, I never found “female contraception” to be a weird term. It always seemed like a useful term to bring attention to the fact that it is not applicable to my circumstances.

    As the word male most commonly refers to those who produce motile gametes, which is what such a product seeks to impede in some way, semantically it is quite aptly named.

    I take that your gametes production facilities have been damaged in some way and you are still coming to terms with that?

    spaduf OP Mod , in Despite rhetoric, anti-trans sentiment higher amongst cis men in Britain avatar

    I’m locking this thread as it has been completely derailed by conversation about the title of the article. See my post here for how this should be handled in the future:

    peanutbutterjams , in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

    I’m so tired of this myth:

    As a man, you get to feel safe,

    He feels safe because he thought that men feel safe.

    I’m a man and I’ve NEVER felt safe at night. It’s a myth perpetuated by (feminist) women who don’t understand men’s experiences but just assume they do anyway.

    And I’m not afraid just because men are twice as likely to be attacked or murdered by a stranger. I was beaten at home and I was beaten at school. These leave an indelible impression upon your soul.

    Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I feel safe and assuming it does hurts men.

    But I guess this is no surprise that’s just a bundle of stereotypical attitudes towards men.

    For example,

    If I could advise men, it would be first to look inward.

    Ah, men should “solve their own problems”, only exactly what we’ve been told for thousands of years. Interesting, this, since it’s also all men’s responsibility to help women’s struggle against the “patriarchy”.

    This attitude is also expressed in his use of the word “broken”. Men aren’t victims (they as a whole can never be allowed to be victims) but they are broken - malfunctioning humans - and it’s up to each of them to solve the problem foisted upon by society at large.

    Finally, it’s interesting that he never realizes that much of what he’s lost is female privilege (the hugs, the concern, the interest, the positive attention) but insists upon talking a supposed male privilege anyways.

    DONTBANTHISACCOUNT , in The Taliban’s war on women in Afghanistan must be formally recognized as gender apartheid

    I'll try and not use eclipses all the time

    ILikeBoobies , in Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules (Published 2018)

    This is why leftists reject gender roles and are trying to redefine gender as just xx or xy

    jonsnothere , in Yikes

    There’s only one context “Be a man” should be used in…

    mojo , in Yikes

    Females aren’t in any better of a situation. Mental health support funding is non existent and fucking me over right now :(

    snooggums , avatar

    When discussing men's experiences the most important thing is switching the conversation to women's experiences.

    High fives all around!

    mojo ,

    I’m saying it’s not a gender specific issue, but I guess you’d rather play a victim. If you want experience from a men’s perspective, I have zero issue with emotional support when I’m talking to girls I can trust.

    snooggums , avatar

    Guess which hand you are in the picture.

    mojo ,

    I’m saying the complete opposite of “be a man” that support is out there for men. Are you even attempting to read comments in good faith, or are you reading some completely different text that isn’t there?

    snooggums , avatar

    So you disagree with the premise that men who reach out are told by society to be a man instead, and want to bring up women's problems instead of acknowledging the problem because you have 'girls you can trust'. To top it off you respond to someone pointing out your whataboutism by accusing someone of 'playing the victim'.

    That is what I am responding to, you dismissing the issue while claiming that are aren't and doing the exact thing being discussed in your responses.

    mojo ,

    Alright I think this convo is done since you are clearly taking this in bad faith after I clarified multiple times that is nothing close to what I said. Find a strawman somewhere else to argue against.

    nickwitha_k ,

    I think that you are both wrong and right. Societal treatment of mental health issues is indeed quite poor regardless of gender. However, it is important to realize that there ARE differences that relate directly to one’s presenting gender.

    Just as women are not taken seriously by health professionals, men are frequently treated as less-than by western culture at-large, if we show anything but chauvinistic bravado. This lack of care has had a profound impact on both young and old men who have any mental illness, leading to isolation, and becoming vulnerable to radicalization by those actively preying on them and using them as tools of violence or suicide.

    It’s a real, gender-specific problem that is well-encapsulated in the proverb “A child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”

    atyaz ,

    I think you’re being a little disingenuous. The two conversations are not only both important, but they’re both closely related to each other. It’s impossible to talk about the mental well being of half the population without the other half coming up, since a lot of the problems and their solutions are the same.

    snooggums , avatar

    It is very possible to focus on half the population being told to 'man up' and the gender specific meaning that phrase has since it does not apply to the other half. Just like we can focus on women being told to smile more without needing to drag men's vaguely related experiences into it.

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