Men's Liberation

Fiivemacs , in Want to Fix America’s Broken Sexual Culture? Ditch the Myth That Young Men Don’t Want Love.

No, let america fix their own problems.

tacosanonymous , in I Interviewed Hot Guys About ‘Pretty Privilege’ For Men - "According to new research, being an attractive man improves your socioeconomic position more than being a good-looking woman."

Well, yeah. We start higher anyway.

the_q ,

Lol humble brag.

wagesj45 , avatar

That might not be entirely the case here. If you are far enough up the looks-ladder to be considered "good looking", that puts you in a much higher starting position relative to everyone else, especially other men. Because according to women, most men are ugly (or at least "less attractive than average"). I'd assume that if you're that conventionally attractive, you're going to get better treatment from other men too, even straight ones.

"Good looking" men are just very rare, it seems. It makes sense to me they'd get a bigger boost in socioeconomic rating from that alone. Less to share the spoils with, as it were.

DerisionConsulting ,

I don’t think that attract men are rarer, societally it just seems like we’re being judged on different scales. Something I’ve noticed, although only anecdotally:

If you get a group of people attracted to women to describe what an attractive woman is, you’ll get a fairly similar answer.
This makes it easier to know where you stand, and also easier to become “more attractive” easier, because there is a fairly consistant goal to be achieved.

If you ask a group of people attracted to men to describe what an attractive man is, you’ll generally get a few different archetypes.
A guy with a beard will get an instant 0 from some people, but it’s a positive for others.
A guy with abs will get an instant 0 from some people, but it’s a positive for others.
A guy with little/no hair will get an instant 0 from some people, but it’s a positive for others.

Akisamb , in Discussion on moving to another instance

Seeing as most of the replies come from other instances, are you really sure about the negative impact of being on this instance?

valentinesmith , in The Unexpected Wholesomeness of the Boys’ Chat

Interesting article!

I haven’t been in a dedicated men only group chat but I can imagine that if you get the right guys in a group it might just be „that easy“. I think it’s a great space to try and model how you want to interact with your peers.

And I’m glad to hear that the author has that support group in his life :)

I personally also find it a bit easier to share heavy topics over texting rather than talking.

autotldr Bot , in Benevolent sexism: a feminist comic explains how it holds women back

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The Emotional Load by Emma (Seven Stories Press,U.S., £14.99).

To order a copy go to

Delivery charges may apply.

The original article contains 20 words, the summary contains 20 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

cactusupyourbutt ,

you tried

stepan , in The Crisis of Masculinity, Explained - Alexander Avila [1:15:57] avatar

Warren Farrell and Scott Galloway went into this

bigboismith , in "Women/Girls love a man with confidence"

The way I’ve always seen it is as a general rule for both genders. A confident women is AFAIK more attractive than a shy/timid woman.

No1RivenFucker , in Rescuing Men From Rage Rabbit Holes

Seems like they use a lot of money for very little effect on this. I mean, 700k in government money and 60k/year budget, and they get less impressions on their content than my second favorite pokemon showdown YouTuber? Seems like they either have shitty content nobody actually cares to watch, or there’s a lot of $$$ going into people’s pockets at the top.

And looking at their content, it’s obvious why. It’s the most fucking corporate activist looking garbage ever. Like 90% of it just redirects back to their website, which nobody likes, regardless of who posts it. In addition they have a non-existent post schedule, with only two in 2023. Nobody on earth is going to organically discover and interact with their message in a meaningful way except for their own crowd of activists, who they don’t need to reach in the first place. Overall, it just feels like out of touch activists who would rather keep their target audience at arms reach while sitting around talking up how great they are.

As a whole, they really need to shift to a much more human-first approach. While it’s contradictory to say they need to try and be organic and in the community, it’s ultimately what they would need to do to be successful. Because nobody just goes and looks for bland corporate content. There’s a reason opera gx has significantly more impressions on twitter X than Google Chrome, despite the latter being a far more successful product.

nicman24 , in Study suggest men refuse to ditch meat because it threatens their masculinity


WalrusDragonOnABike , in Study suggest men refuse to ditch meat because it threatens their masculinity

Meat is threatening their masculinity if they ditch it? /j

slacktoid , in Study suggest men refuse to ditch meat because it threatens their masculinity avatar

And so is heart disease. Nothing more masculine as dropping from a clogged heart.

ininewcrow , avatar

Or diabetes and GERD … nothing like frothing at the mouth with a diabetic attack or sleeping with a breathing mask and oxygen to make you look like a man.

AngryHumanoid ,

As a diabetic your example, well intentioned as it may be, is completely wrong in pretty much every way.

ininewcrow , avatar

I’m not diabetic … but half my family is (and I have a big family) … and I’ve seen my share of out of control diabetics who have full blown attacks because they are so chaotic that they don’t bother monitoring themselves or their disease. I’m Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario and I have a pretty dysfunctional family … I’ve seen young men in their 20s with out of control diabetes … people in their 30s with blood sugar so freaking high, you wonder why they are still alive … .people in their 40s with amputations due to diabetes … and people dying in their 50s from the disease. It’s terrible. On many occasions I’ve had to call ambulances and take family and friends to emerg because they were helplessly losing control of their mind and bodies due to diabetes … it isn’t pretty and absolutely terrifying.

As to the GERD … that disease affects mostly my affluent friends in cities and towns in the south … I have four friends who are in their 50s who have severe GERD to the point where they can’t breathe at night because the reflux is affecting their esophagus and obstructing their airway … and the only way they can properly breathe at night is with a mask and oxygen.

AngryHumanoid ,

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for 12 years and a director at a kids camp for type 1 diabetics for 5 years. There is no such thing as a “diabetic attack”. There is high blood sugar (because diabetics either don’t make or don’t process insulin) and there is low blood sugar (because an insulin dependent diabetic took too much insulin). What you are trying to describe is a diabetic seizure which 99% of the time is an accidental overdose of insulin (low blood sugar).

Now if you’re trying to talk about complications from uncontrolled diabetes from a lifetime of not taking care of it yes that is terrible, but that’s the minority of diabetics and you have to go to pretty extreme lengths of not taking care of it (literally years/decades) to get to that point, so let’s not act like the issue is the diabetes itself.

And even if we ignore all that what the fuck does that have to do with eating meat? Most diabetics prefer a high protein diet because it’s CARBS that raise blood sugar. If you’re argument is meat = fat = overweight then 2 things, overweight doesn’t cause diabetes (it’s a factor for type 2 only), and 2: the issue still isn’t the diabetes, it’s the complete lack of caring for a medical issue.

Missteric ,

Ok, real fast a couple of things. Hyperglycemia (that high blood sugar attack) can absolutely cause altered mental status, LOC and even death. It also doesnt take a lifetime to do that much damage. The person doesnt take their medication, eats fast food for all their meals and going to the bathroom is their daily exercise, it can happen as soon as the crow dude states. A vegan diet can be healthy for even a diabetic. Do a low carb high protein vegan diet. Also the carbs in a good vegan diet useally consist of complex carbs and fiber, so a low glycemic index. How do I know this? Heath care provider that is diabetic, vegan and now healthier than I have been since I was a teeny.

Lastly, dont dump on someone for calling it a diabetic attack. Unless they said they’re in healthcare, its fine. Sorry to the Canadian crow guy, its painful to watch family slowly kill themselves.

AngryHumanoid ,

I never said a vegan diet wasn’t also an option, but out of the hundred diabetics I talk with on a yearly basis many are on a high protein (meat) diet, a handful are vegan. It is absolutely an option but this is still completely irrelevant to the actual post.

I am very familiar with what high blood sugar can cause and never said it couldn’t cause any of the issues you listed, including unconsciousness. I experienced it myself just before getting diagnosed, not a lot of fun. But again claiming meat = diabetes = any of the things you said is wildly misleading and gives people the wrong idea about diabetes. All the issues we’re talking about aren’t because diabetes = problems, they’re because unhealthy lifestyle = problems.

chemical_cutthroat , in ‘I prefer women’s jeans – men’s lack design subtlety’: why men are buying womenswear avatar

Holy shit this is drivel.

SVcross , in [VIDEO] The Misogyny to Alt-Right Pipeline (25:48) avatar

Noone is.

JizzmasterD , in Perceptions of Perfection Part II: Men

Just don’t cover these lovely boys up or they risk going unappreciated!

LUHG_HANI , in Teenage boys struggle to control gambling habits as link seen between betting and heavy drinking avatar

Do they get paid to write this obvious conclusion? It’s been known since the start of alcohol.

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