Men's Liberation

UnpluggedFridge , in About the bear...

There is a book I will mention that will get me downvoted to oblivion, but it is very relevant to this discussion. It is called "White Fragility" and it discusses the following phenomenon: When vulnerable groups express criticism of societal problems, individuals will take that criticism personally and redirect the conversation towards their feelings. This has the effect, whether intended or otherwise, of shutting out the voice of the vulnerable group and forestalling any meaningful change. The book identifies this phenomenon in discussions of race, but I hope you can identify the parallels.

HauntedCupcake ,

Does it suggest any solutions? I totally see the parallel

kat_angstrom , in About the bear...

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  • TubularTittyFrog ,

    If you were a person you'd be allowed to be upset. But you're a man, men aren't people. They don't have feelings, only women do.

    gap_betweenus ,

    How about being better and validating others persons feelings instead of cheap sarcasm?

    AnotherDirtyAnglo ,

    Dude, get some therapy. The world isn't as harsh and bleak as you imply, and if your life experience hasn't already shown you that, you need to stop throwing yourself a pity party and start working on getting better so you can enjoy your life.

    TubularTittyFrog ,

    My life experience has show me people would rather scream and insult others than recognize and validate experiences and opinions that differ from theirs.

    case in point, your comment.

    AnotherDirtyAnglo ,

    You've got 25 downvotes. Take the hint: Your 'hot take' is crap, and you should work on getting better.

    All men have had shitty things happen to them. All of us have been treated unfairly. How we pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off matters.

    pmk OP ,

    What you write resonates with how I feel too. It's not fair, is it? I think there's a discussion that must happen, in the future. But right now, it's too inflamed, it's not possible. Then the question is, how do we get there? Can we get there without losing ourselves?

    UnpluggedFridge ,

    You hate the "man or bear" conversation. Imagine how much women must hate it, knowing that you and other "good men" will bemoan their feelings as soon as they express them. Think about how chilling that is to their concerns; how they have to walk on eggshells even around "good men" when they want voice legitimate concerns.

    You know who won't get offended? The bear.

    kat_angstrom ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • AnotherDirtyAnglo ,
    1. Bears are omnivores and mostly eat plants/seeds/berries.

    2. Few bears hunt mammals (but we've all seen photos of them hunting fish) but when they do, they hunt young deer/elk/moose, and are more likely to scavenge winter kills or fresh kills made by others (wolves/big cats/etc.).

    AnotherDirtyAnglo ,

    The solution to this problem is to be 'better than average' and bring up the average by leading by example.

    kat_angstrom ,

    Hear hear

    ArumiOrnaught , in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

    As long as the majority of people in the MRM movement thinks it's gay for a man to get pegged by a woman then the movement is doomed to fail.

    Jafoo OP ,

    That topic was never broached in any of the discussions I had with MRAs

    ArumiOrnaught ,

    If it makes you any better I also don't go looking for answers, the statements just falls into my ears. I hear a lot of people when they're behind closed doors. I think the funniest one I heard was when 2 people were chatting on a radio and they were told to quit it because "gossiping is what girls do". So I guess it's gay to talk to your homies too?

    It's not something people bring up in meetings.

    It's not a point that's needs to be said. It just "is".

    And as long as gay is a term used to insult people, as long as people care to be better than women, as long as being stoic is the only way to be a man, MRA movement will fail. People reap what their fathers have sown.

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    ArumiOrnaught ,

    Ngl, I started skimming half way through because what you posted seemed to be more taken from a video than your own words. I agreed with most of it "intersectionality is mostly upper class white people." But that's because it hasn't really escaped college.

    Then I paid attention to the end because a lot of people post their crazies there. "lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism" who? Where? No really, who?

    And also "Intersectionalisism [isn't] just harmful to men..." Harmful in what way? Maybe someone posted something crazy I don't know about, but my understanding of intersectionality is [women are more oppressed then men, black people are more oppressed then men, therefore black women are more oppressed than both] like a punnett square of oppression.

    So instead of using someone else's words I want you in less than 100 words describe what you're trying to say, the fumes have gotten to me and thinking is hard.

    Jafoo OP ,


    Relieved to read that you're Not Gonna Lie. This would complicate the conversation needlessly

    voracitude , in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

    Do you consider yourself a part of this movement? If so what rights for men are you fighting for, exactly?

    Jafoo OP ,

    -No, I don't consider myself an MRA and never did, even during the time I affiliated with them. That's one of the many factors which led to my expulsion from the clique

    -I'm more interested in enhancing the personal liberty of all Americans to be themselves and true to their consciences than I am in "rights". As such, I don't approach subjects like the dysfunctional state of our family and divorce courts, or the existence of Title IX star chambers on university campuses across The US as "gendered" ills

    These things are harmful to everyone, men AND women alike

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    better_world , in About the bear...
    jadero , in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

    I have always been suspicious of any "rights" movement among those with power. Whether it's "White rights," the "rights" of corporations, the rights of the property class and wealthy, or Men's Rights. It is not that such rights do not exist or that there are no grievances deserving of redress, it's that they too often are self-serving attempts to retain or increase power.

    I am of the opinion that the vast majority of legitimate male grievance against society would be better addressed by bringing to heel the corporations, the wealthy, and those who seek political power for personal gain.

    Jafoo OP ,

    I'm suspicious of anyone who speaks of "rights" for their own demographic, as opposed to civil rights for one and all, themselves included

    "...those who seek political power for personal gain"

    Why the hell else does anyone pursue political power?

    jadero ,

    There are people who, whatever they might gain, pursue political power to serve the best interests of society. I think of people like Charlie Angus in Canada or the former mayor of the village I once worked for.

    Jafoo OP ,

    You lived in a village, which had it's own mayor? Where on Earth was this?

    jadero ,

    Saskatchewan, Canada. To the best of my knowledge, all villages and even some hamlets have mayors and councils. Many hamlets, and possibly some villages, choose to operate as "unincorporated", essentially putting them under the control of the surrounding "rural municipality" (approximately equivalent to a county).

    Rural municipalities have their own councils and Reeves (approximate equivalent of mayor).

    The province has the authority to impose an adminstration in the event of malfeasance or lack of candidates.

    I think that things are similar across Canada, but I don't know for sure. This may be a historical artifact of pre-Confederation settlement or the exceptionally low population density in Saskatchewan.

    Jafoo OP ,

    I remain astounded that anyone lives in Saskatchewan

    jadero ,

    We used to have a saying regarding the many perceived negatives of Saskatchewan (climate, scenery, whatever). It keeps the riffraff out. Unfortunately, it turned out that the riffraff make up the majority of who stayed!

    I stay because of the low population density. It makes it easy to avoid the riffraff 😉

    Jafoo OP ,

    "I stay because of the low population density"

    To say nothing of the superb weather you all enjoy up there ;)

    iiGxC ,

    Yeah, I've understood this community and similar ones to be about social norms, not rights. Your rights aren't being violated if someone tells you boys don't cry, but that person sure is being an asshole spreading bs and we should tell them they're wrong and push for better social norms

    Jafoo OP ,

    That leads to an entirely separate subject... The most pressing challenges today aren't ones of "rights", but matters of human development and individual choice

    HelixDab2 ,

    I don't think that you can put any of this down to individual choices. Individual men aren't the ones making choices that it's 'gay' to cry when you feel sad, or that being a Real Man (tm) means that you bottle up your feelings and push through the suck until you can't anymore and eat a shotgun for breakfast. These are societal-wide issues that are guiding people into the 'right' choices based on their presumed gender. While there is certainly some biology involved in how people act, those expressions are heavily shaped by society, and aren't within the control of any single person.

    I mean, yeah, it's a patriarchal system, and that system causes harm to men also, and limits the ability that men have to express who they are as individuals, in the same way that it harms women, and limits their expression of self (and overall power within society).

    Jafoo OP ,

    "I don’t think that you can put any of this down to individual choices. Individual men aren’t the ones making choices that it’s ‘gay’ to cry when you feel sad, or that being a Real Man ™ means that you bottle up your feelings and push through the suck until you can’t anymore and eat a shotgun for breakfast"

    No one forces us to do such things. If these aren't individual choices, who's making us do them?

    bolexforsoup , (edited )


    Jafoo OP ,

    None of which is relevant to anything we've been discussing on this thread

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    iiGxC ,

    "7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… "

    wow, who would've guessed that they don't actually understand the ideas they're pushing back against. They're fighting caricatures and straw-people rather than actually trying to understand what's going on, so then when good ideas convince people of something that they don't understand (or ideas that are mostly good but get taken too far), they just see it as magic lies that offer a framework of heroism. Sounds like they might have been won over by the framework of heroism and noble rebel offered by mrm, and are projecting 👀

    and to be clear, I'm not saying lies can't convince people. But at least understand why the lies are convincing, what hidden premises they might be built on, what common bias they target, etc, instead of just treating them as magic words.

    Jafoo OP ,

    "wow, who would’ve guessed that they don’t actually understand the ideas they’re pushing back against. They’re fighting caricatures and straw-people rather than actually trying to understand what’s going on,..."

    This is a very human error to make, and also a fatal one, ESPECIALLY when one is trying to persuade several million people to support your own goals and desires. The temptation to concoct and cling to infantile, MCU-esque explanations("Me and those who agree with me on every last point are The Avengers come to life. Everyone who dares to disagree with me or : gasp : OPPOSES me in some way are real life equivalents of Hydra")is something we mortals are hardwired for

    jadero ,

    Thanks. I don't understand much of what points they're trying to make and disagree with some aspects of what I do understand.

    They seem to be saying that intersectionality is a dilution of power welcomed and promoted by the powerful. In fact, intersectionality as a philosophy of struggle was invented by the financialists in the 1970s as they struggled for their very existence. They applied a number of different labels over time, the most common of which is "big tent conservatism". It is how they gathered everyone from Christians to social conservatives into a battle against taxes, publicly funded social programs, publicly owned infrastructure, regulation of corporate activity, and the employee class.

    The usual thing is for the right to steal the language and symbols of the left and turn them into insults and symbols of their own power. It happened with the swastika, it's currently happening with the Canadian flag, and "woke" has been turned into an insult so egregious that the original owners now fear to use it.

    Intersectionality is, for a change, the left stealing from the right. Given that the financialists invented this philosophy, it should come as no surprise that they know how to twist it to their own ends. But that doesn't mean we should let them divide us for conquest.

    Jafoo OP ,

    "They seem to be saying that intersectionality is a dilution of power welcomed and promoted by the powerful"

    I'M pointing out that Intersectionalists/Feminists have proven themselves to be far more skillful propagandists and salespeople than advocates for "men's issues" have

    jadero ,

    That is just a natural consequence of the length of time spent in the struggle and in the study of the problems faced and the most effective strategies and tactics for addressing those problems.

    As men's movements come to understand their goals and the true causes of their problems, they, too, will develop effective strategies and tactics to achieve those goals.

    I only hope that as the variations rights movements mature, they come to realize that the problem is not who limits our opportunities for success on our own terms, but that anyone does. The intersectionalists get closer than "closed" groups, but many still make the mistake of trying to gain access to the halls of power rather than destroying the very halls themselves. The powerful don't actually care who finds their way into positions of power as long as the power structures themselves remain intact.

    Jafoo OP ,

    "The intersectionalists get closer than “closed” groups, but many still make the mistake of trying to gain access to the halls of power rather than destroying the very halls themselves"

    We only alter those halls by gaining access to them

    jadero ,

    We only alter those halls by gaining access to them

    To a first approximation, no person or group who has entered the existing halls of power has done more than cosmetic redecoration.

    We need complete renovation or destructive replacement. We do not get that by playing their game by their interpretation of their rules, but by forcing the creation of new interpretations, new rules, and even entire new games.

    We do that not by aspiring to join their club, but by exercising the power inherent in mass movements in opposition. We don't need to change who holds the reins, we need to discard the very harnesses that bind us.

    Jafoo OP ,

    "To a first approximation, no person or group who has entered the existing halls of power has done more than cosmetic redecoration"

    Alternate interpretation: Progress is incremental and imperfect. It's easy and pedestrian to view this as "cosmetic redecoration", and fantasize about an Apocalyptic overhaul of the existing social order, then setting up The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth

    We're still retelling Bible stories, even in the ostensibly secular age we inhabit

    Jafoo OP ,

    "I am of the opinion that the vast majority of legitimate male grievance against society would be better addressed by bringing to heel the corporations, the wealthy..."

    Crony Capitalism is a serious problem. As you say, given that this is harmful to not just men but to our civilization at large, the wisdom of approaching such subjects as gendered problems is questionable

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    HelixDab2 , in About the bear...

    maybe the real message is women saying: “We are scared of unknown men.”

    It's not unknown men, it's alone with men, period. Most sexual assaults are not stranger-rapes; they're sexual assaults being committed by a person that was known to the victim. Often it's an intimate partner, a date, a close friend, or someone that they went to class/church/etc. with. If people you know aren't safe, then how could you trust strangers?

    gimpchrist , avatar

    I mean in that case No One Is Safe

    HelixDab2 ,

    No one alone with no witnesses, at least. And there's the issue, isn't it? It's not, "would you rather be in a crowded bar with a mix of men and women, --or-- would you rather be in a crowded bar full of bears".

    mrcleanup ,

    Yeah, I think that's the point. If you feel unsafe long enough you become willing to risk the bear. At least it's a different danger.

    TubularTittyFrog ,

    Strangers are more statistically safe.

    Also, most folks are horrible judges of character and intention. Scumbags are usually the most charming, outgoing, and well-liked people, and yet most people think the awkward weirdo in the corner bothering nobody is the 'threat'.

    TexMexBazooka , in About the bear...

    What the duck is going on?

    refalo ,
    ShellMonkey , in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future? avatar

    Somewhere in that wall there's talk of 'the current Bush administration's which puts it at a minimum 16 years old, yet here's a question asking if there's a future to it today.

    Jafoo OP , (edited )

    Yep, I'm analogizing the shape Environmentalism was in during the late 2000s(And had BEEN in, since The Late 70s)to the shape The MRM/advocates for "men's issues" more generally find themselves/ourselves in today

    In '16, the most prominent figures within The MRM were speaking glowingly of the allegedly "Changing Winds", and the movement was attracting media attention, albeit mostly for their online theatrics and association with jackassery like GamerGate. Since '19 though, these same folks have spent most of their time lamenting so-called Blue Pill Normie society's alleged failure to comprehend their supposed genius

    Admittedly, the question in The OP's article is semi-rhetorical. I don't personally believe The MRM, as it exists today, is likely to gain the support of The 80% of America that's amenable to persuasion. Ya know, that 80% who's support ALL activists who wish to secure concrete, tangible gains must win. And that as such, it's wise for us to call time of death on the entire movement, and to start taking a more expansive approach, rather than continuing to pretend that "men's issues" exist separately from the difficulties which are foremost in the minds of most Americans. Talking here subjects like the economy, crime, access to upward mobility, and providing pristine, affordable neighborhoods to live in

    But I'm open to disagreement

    ShellMonkey , avatar

    So I'll prefix with a certain level of TLDR since that's a big wall of text that online forms like this aren't particularly conducive to.

    As a broad take though, I see two frameworks for men's 'rights' though.

    There are the sorts clamoring for a reversion to old ways of patriarchal orders, who look to see things in this working man supporting a household and holding a veto-wielding authority over social and domestic order as a golden era perfection. This form is dead, regressive, and a vestige of an imagined past that will not come back.

    There's another side though that fights against the still common perceptions that men must adhere to certain standards of behavior. The self-reliant, stoic, resilient sort that if they ask for help are considered failed in some fundamental way. This is speaking from an American standpoint since I have little context for other places cultural norms, but despite being publicly said (and in many places honestly held) that these norms are not the case there's still an underlying current that reinforces these standards. These challenges are quite relevant and alive today.

    It's something of a multi-generational battle to alter what's expected of men in the modern world. That's the kind of men's rights that we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss as an irrelevant.

    Jafoo OP ,

    "There are the sorts clamoring for a reversion to old ways of patriarchal orders, who look to see things in this working man supporting a household and holding a veto-wielding authority over social and domestic order as a golden era perfection. This form is dead, regressive, and a vestige of an imagined past that will not come back"

    Therein lies yet another parallel between The MRM and Environmentalism: A romanticized view of the past. Contemporary MRAs yearn to take us back to a White Washed view of Tge 1950s, which never existed anywhere outside of sitcoms from that decade. Just as Greens dream of taking our entire species back to a glorified view of hunter gatherer people who lived in perfect harmony with each other and the natural world

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    retrospectology , in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future? avatar

    'Men's rights' projects have proven to be successful gateway recruiting tools for the far right, there's no indication that they would stop fostering these sorts of communities.

    Jafoo OP ,

    The current iteration of The MRM is definitely an offshoot of The Skeptic Community on YouTube, which itself always had a fair amount of overlap with The Alt Right. Same way Environmentalism was an off-shoot of The Counterculture of The 1960s, and as such, always overlapped heavily with The Far Left

    retrospectology , avatar

    The comparison doesn't really work.

    Environmentalism has been around for longer than the 60s, and the only reason it has an association with the left is because the right abandoned it. Protecting the environment is an apolitical position since we all live on the same planet.

    'Men's rights' is purely manufactured by the right in response to the fall of conservative patriarchal norms that have traditionally placed men at the top of the social pyramid at the cost of other groups. The growth of social awareness and equity movements has forced the right to try and create counter-measures as their rigid heirarchy begins to fade and shrink.

    The fundemental basis of all men's rights movements is a lie, namely that men are disadvantaged and that the toxic symptoms of patriarchy that effect some classes of men negatively are the fault of women and equal rights movements.

    Jafoo OP ,

    Every human being(Regardless of gender)is "disadvantaged" in some way. I'm no longer convinced that approaching these subjects as either "men's" or "women's" issues(Rather than American ones, the likes of which invite the attentions and energies of all citizens who'd like to leave our descendants with a slightly saner world than the one we enjoyed)is either intellectually honest, nor politically wise

    Jafoo OP ,

    "Environmentalism has been around for longer than the 60s..."

    Modern historians have retroactively labelled events like Edward I outlawing the burning of sea coal as "Environmentalism". The movement we think of today arose in The 1960s. John Muir and folks like that conceptualized their approach as "conservationism"

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what’s said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to “men’s issues”

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots’s schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale… Societal dropout, who’s idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they’re goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they’d like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We’ve been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they’re acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters’s of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she’s off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly “traditional lives”. Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation’s executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They’re almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who’s still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -“Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight”

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: “The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story “$106,000 Blood Money” the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency’s clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed”

    That’s how I and most of my peers rolled… We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who’ve lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors’s iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it’s inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: “We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it’s prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain”. Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though… System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: “We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we’re also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time”

    Thus, it’s not surprising that The MRM’s dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC’s attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it’s face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There’s nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech “Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!” hasn’t been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren’t just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    Soup ,

    I dunno, the problem with saying that protecting the environment is “apolitical” is that it runs in direct opposition to the idea of maximum profits and less oversight.

    It isn’t that the right hates the environment but rather they hate the associated costs with not being able to dump chemical waste straight into the local groundwater supply and they definitely hate the fact that it’s the government who’ll stop them with laws and fines even if consumers can’t stay on too of all the shitty things the company does.

    Jafoo OP ,

    Another way of thinking about all of this:

    Much of what's said here Is equally applicable to turning the tide of public receptivity to "men's issues"

    7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism's proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

    Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga.... Powerhouse career women and their male allies, who successfully balance lucrative corporate careers with bravely campaigning for social justice, and thwarting the bigots's schemes to establishing world domination. Bombastic, yet highly seductive and exciting

    By contrast, The MRM really only provided our potential converts with one role, in an extremely dreary, unusually unattractive tale... Societal dropout, who's idea of fun is endlessly griping over all the shit in modern life he disapproves of, yet rarely if ever discussing his/they're goals and desires. Or a vision of the world they'd like to see

    9:50ish-12:00 We've been, dare I say, Blue Pill in our understanding of the way many Intersectionalists operate, especially in their speeches and writings. To a large degree, they're acting whilst doing so. We know this because the Susan Danuta Walters's of the world(An admitted angry lesbian slithering through the halls of academia, who leads a highly bohemian lifestyle, even when she's off the clock)really are a microsliver of the human race. The vast majority of Intersectionalists are themselves mostly upper middle class-all points beyond, leading highly "traditional lives". Including marriages to people of the opposite sex, and raising kids of their own. At first glance, these folks are indistinguishable from those who comprise The Heritage Foyndation's executive board

    Those gigantic crowds who erupt in orgies of virulent rage during Intersectionalist soeeches? They're almost certainly playing a role also. That Woke sympathizing grads of The New School like this chick 5:20-7:00 still yearn for a white picket fence house, kids(Plural), and a loving husband of her own is testament to this

    This misreading poisoned fatally the way most MRAs conceptualized the extrenal world. That in turn tanslated into their/us pursuing a strategy which failed to convince The 80% of the public who's still on the fence-and thus amenable to persuasion-to support us

    26:19-26:43 It may behoove those of us who are Post-MRM to imagine ourselves having similar conversations with our descendants, at some future date:

    -"Daddy, Mummy says you were an activist back in the day. Does that mean you were kinda like Iron Man or a Jedi Knight"

    -"No, sweetness: I was pretty much a real life equivalent to The Continental Op. Go Wiki that name, and pay close attention to this paragraph: "The Continental Op is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation. In his 1927 Black Mask story "$106,000 Blood Money" the Op is confronted with a dilemma: should he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and should he also allow an informant to collect the $106,000 reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency's clients? The Op resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into an armed confrontation in which both are killed"

    That's how I and most of my peers rolled... We used highly innovative tactics in the neverending quest that is enhancing and safeguarding the cause of liberty for one and all. Both you and every other child today enjoys a richer, freer life than those of who've lived prior, largely thanks to your predecessors's iron commitment to pragmatism and the pursuit of concrete, tangible objectives"

    29:56-30:43 The current iteration of The MRM similarly has, since it's inception, operated under an assumption which goes something like: "We need to provoke a psychosocial revolution in the human species, the likes of which rids Normie society of all it's prejudices and biases towards men. THEN, when can go about not simply changing laws and policies, but building A Red Pill Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth, free of all tragedy and pain". Such an assumption fails to take cognizance of at least one inconvenient reality though.... System Justification Or, as Morris Fiorana has observed: "We humans are hardwired to be politically liberal, and socially conservative. That is: We want to live our lives and pursue our desires without being hassled or impeded, AND we're also not automatically inclined for life to change drastically, in a very short period of time"

    Thus, it's not surprising that The MRM's dream of awakening The Revolutionary they believed to be asleep within an alleged silent majority found itself shattered beyond all salvation by 2019, just as The BBC's attempt to trigger a liberal democratic revolut against The 3rd Reich in Nazi Germany fell flat on it's face, never to get back up

    Severely diminishing the influence of not just Feminisism, but that of Illiberal Wokeness over the public is a far wiser and more achievable goal for those of us who are Post-MRM to pursue

    31:00-31:46 There's nonetheless a deep commitment to the principles of textbook liberalism(Equality before the law, unimpeded access to opportunity, and prosperity for one and all. Regardless of skin color, ethnicity, gender, creed,or sexual orientation)at the core of The Post-MRM. We just realize that continuing to screech "Feminisism/Gynocentrism/Hypergamy bad!!" hasn't been especially effective at winning widespread public support

    And that the way to do so is quite simple, even if not easy: Start hammering home all the ways in which many current laws and policies(Quite a few of them brainchildren of lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism)aren't just harmful to men, but actually hamstring the most basic ambitions of the majority of the female population:

    -Snagging solid, reliable husbands

    -Having kids of their own

    -Accessing a career which grants her the flexibility to split motherhood and work, 70/30

    -Acquiring affordable housing in a pristine neighborhood for her to raise her children in

    Jafoo , in The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke

    History has been rhyming yet again, from 2016-the present Note the date on that article

    Jafoo , in Justin Bieber broke down crying on Instagram. Men should pay attention.

    We all spent the entire fucking pandemic + the year after crying. Let's all take a break from that for awhile

    thesporkeffect , in About the bear...

    If you took it personally, you might be part of the problem

    Reddfugee42 ,

    Yeah, it seems the guys that heard this and just said "yeah, that tracks" have already done the thought process/critical analysis that this movement is trying to evoke

    kat_angstrom ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • jjjalljs ,

    I take it personally because I hate that this is the world we’re living in

    Literally not personal. It's not about you, specifically.

    kat_angstrom ,

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  • TimewornTraveler ,

    no, it's just not personal. unless the Q was "would you rather be with kat_angstrom or bear"

    jjjalljs ,

    You can feel sad. I'm also unhappy about how I'm often viewed as a threat.

    But it's not personal. They're not looking at me, jjj, and saying I specifically scare them.

    Maybe you meant something else by "take it personally"?

    Like there's a difference between not being allowed into the bar because it's full and because you got drunk and smashed a chair last time. The second is personal.

    funkless_eck ,

    depends - as a related question - do you feel sad about locking your door because thieves exist and people didn't lock their doors until about 80-90 years ago?

    would you and do you leave your door unlocked as a sign of solidarity with the victims of theft?

    like with the original question I'm not literally asking you - I'm saying there are accepted norms in society that change.

    I dont think this question really explores a lot of global or historical context either. Do women in the 1890s in Africa feel safe alone with men? What about women in 1620s France? 1200 Roman empire? 200 BC Jordan?

    ModsAreCopsACAB , (edited ) avatar

    Or just gay? You're being an ass.

    Downvoted for being gay. So now you're a misandrist and a homophobe. Are you collecting them?

    Default_Defect , in About the bear... avatar

    My take is that the people that would benefit the most from the introspection this hypothetical is meant to illicit are the furthest from being able to take it to heart. It works better as a way to make the worst people around you out themselves, so now you know to avoid them.

    Shalakushka , in About the bear... avatar

    My grandparents would say something similar to this TikToker about certain "kinds" of people, and I rightfully consider them fucking abhorrent for it. I consider someone who would unironically say this kind of shit to be the same kind of abhorrent.

    exocrinous ,

    Okay so what you're getting at is that this kind of speech is violent. It acknowledges a conflict and seeks to further a particular side through the adoption of defensive behaviours and attitudes. And you're taking a position that all violence is bad. But you're wrong. Violence, as you and I are defining it here, is a necessary part of self defence. Violence in self defence can put a stop to violence in aggression. A pacifist who is concerned with all violence, rather than just their own, has a moral obligation to defend the weak, using violence if necessary.

    Your racist grandparents were members of the oppressor class, seeking to do violence against the oppressed, and were therefore contributing to the cycle of violence. But the woman who wrote this article, is trying to stop the cycle of violence by engaging in a defensive form of violence against an oppressor class in response to violence by that class. That's not the same thing.

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