
mutant , in Ocasio-Cortez warns of ‘dangerous authoritarian expansion of power’ in Supreme Court
@mutant@kbin.social avatar

AOC for president, what a breath of fresh air

cultsuperstar ,

I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

cannacatman ,

In a more reasonable world, I would like to see her get at least 5 more years experience as a senator before running.

Yeah, this is not the reasonable world timeline so lets get her going!

blazera ,
@blazera@kbin.social avatar

legislators dont get better with experience

HeinousTugboat ,

Isn't that why there's a minimum age for president, though?

ahriboy ,
@ahriboy@kbin.social avatar

She could be the first female President of the United States, after the loss of Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.

admiralteal , (edited )

But not for at minimum one more cycle, which is a political eternity.

Generic-Disposable ,

I don't think so. She often stumbles over her words which isn't very good when you are running for president.

Also I still don't think the country is ready to vote for a woman president.

I mean I'd love to see it but I just don't think it will happen.

Midgitsu ,

Can you explain what she's done since she's been in office? All I see is her virtue signaling on social media. I wasn't a fan of her faked border pictures of her crying at a fence when it was proven there was nothing on the other side and she just did it for publicity. I've never seen her argue anything of actual substance and research beyond the usual Democratic dog whistles.

Please at least explain to me why you like her if you're gonna downvote me. Please be specific. Most people that like her just seem to like her because she's a Democrat but then she acts super sketch like when it came down to force the vote and her not voting in the direction that her supporters and constituents wanted. She just seems more like a typical neo-lib.

NecoArcKbinAccount ,
@NecoArcKbinAccount@kbin.social avatar


admiralteal ,

What is "virtue signaling" in this case? Proposing and advocating for progressive legislation? Refusing to vote on controversial policies that are endorsed by the party? Using her bully pulpit to try and push issues?

Voting no on the debt ceiling bill was not very "neoliberal". But I guess that "doesn't count" since it passed anyway?

Seems to me that "virtue signaling" is just a disingenuous way to discredit someone doing the job of being an elected legislator. Don't vote for her if you don't like her, but try to have an actual specific reason for it.

Midgitsu ,

Virtue signaling as in, making sure people knows she's progressive by when it came to force the vote, when she needed to vote progressively, she didn't. She makes sure everyone is progressive but when it comes down to it, she's hasn't seemed to do much, but everyone calls her an all star because she says the words that progressives want to hear.

Also, some people just don't agree with her world view, which is perfectly fine. We are so astronomically in debt that simply saying you want to keep allowing spending of money we haven't had in decades feels very reckless, at least without the caveat that there needs to be serious cuts. The government is incredibly bloated and we are going to default hard at some point if we don't reign it in. There's nuance to be discussed here but I'm afraid kbin is gonna be just like Reddit where anyone that tries to open discussion or get answers will just be downvoted and hated on for simply not going with the site's progressive leaning.

I'm still waiting for someone to provide me more than just "she is fighting the corporate rot" when I haven't really actually seen any proof of that from her beyond just lots of talk and grandstanding on social media. That's the virtue signaling I'm referring to. And please don't do the "whataboutisms" with Republican members of congress because they certainly do it too and I'll call them out for it, but the current focus is on AOC.

orcrist ,

Your take on the debt ceiling is at odds with history. When Democrats and Republicans pass bills that require spending, they are forcing the increase of the debt ceiling. This happened under Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, everyone. If Washington politicians were serious about limiting the debt, they would have not passed all of these bills.

If you think that politicians should care about national debt, then you need to be calling on them to reduce spending in ordinary legislation, not on debt ceiling legislation.

That being said, I don't know where you're going to find the savings. What does the federal government spend a lot of its money on? Social security medicare, medicaid, and the military. Which of those do you want to cut?

Midgitsu ,

It didn't bother you that she went to the border and took photos fake crying about immigrants that weren't actually there? It's super phony and it's exactly the kind of trash that fires up her base on social media. She's an instigator and has some super naive views about the economy and fiscal policies that sound nice in theory but wouldn't play out properly in practice because she doesn't seem to understand even simple math. You can't just keep promising people free money. Our country is already 10s of trillions in debt. It's my biggest issue with progressives... Endless ideas but no feasible way of paying for it. Look at the homeless problem in California. It spawned a multi-million dollar industry that only continues to survive as they get more funding that is overwhelmingly soaked up by the administration itself.

It's why people like me are resistant to progressive ideas they all sound nice on paper and the default is just "tax the rich" when in reality, you can't keep this kind of spending going even if you taxed the top 1% at 90%. The Covid stimulus cost taxpayers nearly 1 trillion dollars. That's a one-time payment and again, with money we don't have. Please make it make sense and not with idealistic hand waving and just insisting that richest people could (or would) be able to fix our gross debt and out of control spending. The bubble has to pop at some point. Republicans are just as much to blame for the debt. Trust me, I'm not Republican, I just can't stand the politicians that just call everyone else names and label them awful things for simply asking questions or having a different point of view.

admiralteal ,

Basically, if a progressive advocates for a policy position, that's virtue signaling and bad. If a rep doesn't have all the answers and hasn't already passed all the legislation they shouldn't be taken seriously. I guess you don't vote often.

So long as the GDP raises faster than the debt payments you can continue raising the debt infinitely. This isn't a radical Progressive Theory it's basic macroeconomics. I agree, it's a bubble that will eventually pop. The bubble called capitalism. When your entire economic system can only function on the principle of growth it cannot be maintained forever. So we better be preparing right now for what comes after capitalism. One of the best things we can do is invest now in building the things we need built to survive it, not just as a nation but as a planet. I bet you don't have any helpful ideas for that, though.

To be clear though, Republicans/conservatives are certainly not "just as much to blame". They're much much more responsible. They refuse to do the policies that are maintenance of society and instead push off those payments until there's an economic catastrophe that requires huge spending bills to address.

Go join Strong Towns. That's what it looks like when a conservative actually tries to solve problems around financial sustainability. They have the kind of answers you're looking for. The fact that most conservatives label that organization as far left really tells you the state of American conservatism in general though.

And next time you want to talk about how bad AOC is just keep the framing to how dangerous hero worship in general is. People aren't going to disagree with you there. Don't whip out all these disingenuous Reddit-style argument strategies. Say the thing you actually care about instead of making up bullshit.

slightgeist ,

Well said.

rebul ,

I am not aware of a single piece of legislation she has sponsored that got passed.

theinspectorst , (edited )
@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

AOC as the Democrat's candidate seems like a path to another Trump-type Republican in the White House. There must be few Democrats the Republicans would prefer to face in a national election.

It might not be inspiring, but for now I just want the Democrats to nominate moderate presidential candidates who will win. Even the worst Democrat is light years ahead of the best post-Trump Republican. There's too much at stake and the world literally might not survive the consequences of the next Trump or Trump-like presidency.

Deceptichum ,
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

The world is literally at stake and it won’t survive the Dems either.

Capitalists are going to be our planets death, who cares what letter goes in front of their name.

Eisenhowever ,

How exactly is AOC remotely comparable to trump?

Trebach ,

I think the point is that having a Democratic candidate that far to the left would push centrists towards voting for a Republican, and there are a fair few of them like Trump.

theinspectorst ,
@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

Did you not read what I wrote? I said that AOC as the Democratic candidate means the Republican candidate has a much clearer route to win - she's a candidate to appeal to the Democratic faithful, not one for the swing voters.

thatonedude1210 ,
@thatonedude1210@kbin.social avatar

She’d get my vote.

Xariphon , in Republicans Don’t Own Patriotism | Robert Reich

Republicans don't own patriotism.

They do own not being able to tell the difference between patriotism and nationalism.

SpacemanSpiff , in New, Conservative Push To Weaken Child Labor Protections Is Gaining Steam
@SpacemanSpiff@kbin.social avatar

I’m not surprised at three of the four states, but New Jersey? WTH.

Waryspice ,

I wasn't expecting New Hampshire either. Honestly surprised it's not any of the deep south states.

Drusas ,

Florida will probably be next, what with how they are deliberately driving migrants out of the state despite relying heavily on them.

pizza_rolls ,
@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

New Hampshire is becoming full of Trump worshippers unfortunately, outside of the heavily populated areas

bagelman ,

New Hampshire has always had a libertarian streak, so they sometimes push rightwards on economic issues.

Gargleblaster , in Republicans Don’t Own Patriotism | Robert Reich
@Gargleblaster@kbin.social avatar

True patriots respect fellow countrymen without bias against race, gender and/or sexual orientation.

True patriots respect women's rights to make decisions about their own bodies.

True patriots support education.

True patriots support reading, books, and libraries.

True patriots recognize people's right to choose their religion even if it means not having one.

True patriots know that it's patriotic to criticize your country.

True patriots do not marry child brides.

SnowboardBum , in Ocasio-Cortez warns of ‘dangerous authoritarian expansion of power’ in Supreme Court

SCOTUS has definitely shaped their opinions to give them the final say in just about everything the government does.

sadreality ,

The constitution did that...

Also, congress can legislate as they please as long as it doesn't violate the constitution.

Congress chooses not to do that for most things peasants care or need done.

osteoperosis ,
@osteoperosis@kbin.social avatar

we should abolish the constitution and start over. it's an outdated piece of paper that doesn't treat me like a human being.

borkcorkedforks ,

Interesting hot take. Would you like the current crop of politicians to write that when they have trouble passing regular laws?

blazera ,
@blazera@kbin.social avatar

no confidence in the current crop of politicians to begin with.

admiralteal ,

Typically you do a good, hearty round of invoking a french mechanism before continuing with anything major like that. Out of an abundance of caution.

These days, hard to say how you get yourself to a blank slate. The wealthy in this country are richer than any of the nobility our forefathers ever had to contend with.

sadreality ,

easier there, chief, u glowin'

13zero ,

Marbury vs. Madison did it. Judicial review isn’t explicitly in the Constitution.

Geometric7792 ,

That's only because our legislative branch is entirely ineffective.

Zorque ,

It's very effective, it's just we've decided to vote in a bunch of plutocrats to manage it.

sadreality ,

Indeed. They surely got no problems providing welfare, tax cuts and good policy for legal persons to develop and grow strong!

bedrooms ,

I think it's worse now. Even if the legislature gets fixed, SCOTUS would shoot down everything they don't want.

admiralteal ,

Proof of the legislature being fixed will include court reform bills getting passed.

SirEDCaLot , in Biden condemns ruling against race-conscious admissions: ‘This is not a normal court’ – live

I think this was probably the correct ruling.

If you are considering race as part of a college admissions, then you are NECESSARILY racist. You’re not picking the best applicants, you’re picking the best applications of a race mix you want.

Now, I’ll be the first to say that certain minorities are under-represented in colleges. But that’s not necessarily the fault of the admissions process. If the admissions process truly is race-blind, as it should be, then we should be asking why fewer people of whatever race are showing up as competitive candidates. And that brings us to the REAL problems- that a lot of minority applicants come from poor neighborhoods with bad primary education, crap high schools full of gangs and drugs, and few resources like books and computers and other opportunities to excel. And THAT is the problem we should be fixing.

Remillard OP ,
@Remillard@kbin.social avatar

I think that's basically the argument that just puts blinders on and assumes everything is perfect and why pretend otherwise. A comment I've read that I think has some merit is that they didn't put an end to legacy admissions, bias for donors, employee families, and other special recommendations. These are all systems that favor class and are predominantly white. So why did the justices pretend that admissions are all based around merit and achievement when they are not?

If more were being done about the systemic causes, then I think there would be less frustration with this decision. Since we clearly have quite a long way to go on the systemic issues, this ruling is pretty naive in my view.

cupcakezealot , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court
@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Just as soon as conservative justices stop being corrupt

flta ,

And stop engaging in political gamesmanship where they purposely tie their retirements to Republican Presidents among other GOP fuckery. John Roberts, if he actually cared about the integrity of the court, would resign now so Biden could appoint his replacement and try to reverse the politicization of the court.

sadreality ,

Are they they only ones taking kick backs?

tsac ,

Corruption should be weeded out by the root.

sadreality ,

Rich daddies and their legal persons feel attacked

Col3814444 , in Man cited in Supreme Court LGBTQ rights case says he was never involved

This is fucking bullshit, conservatives are openly cheating the system, be it voting or court decisions. Shit like this will 100% destroy a country,

scaredoftrumpwinning ,

I would like to know if now anyone that adds to or creates things can actively not sell to someone with a prolife hat, maga hat or someone else that identifies themselves as a trumpy grumpy.

I personally don’t fall in this category but if this is true we need to spread the word for anyone that can afford to do this.

Col3814444 ,

Do you have a strongly held personal belief? Go for it.

SpezCanLigmaBalls , in Majority of American Voters Shrug at Trump Indictment. 53 Percent Want Him Pardoned If Convicted
@SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world avatar

There is no way that 53% is correct. Is everyone really that fucking dumb

Hellsadvocate OP ,
@Hellsadvocate@kbin.social avatar

I mean, I tend to bet on the average person's stupidity. So I'd answer yes?

1019throw ,

Dems continuously win the popular vote, which means 0 Republicans would say no to this and some Dems would say yes? I'm not buying that.

Flaky_Fish69 ,
@Flaky_Fish69@kbin.social avatar

here's the actual poll

they sampled an incredibly small sample size. It's extremely easy to get fucked up results from assuming that you can make a poll representative of Americans as a whole. Like. where I live... most people in the state want him locked up (or you know. burned at the stake.) But, you go an hour out the cities and even the democrats there would be likely to express some hesitancy. Because it's trump country out there.

and that assumes the poll wasn't meant to get this result (for example polling in ways that get maybe more conservative democrats. or people simply lying and saying they're democrats.)

Frog-Brawler , in Fmr. Trump Press Secretary: I watched him show documents to people at Mar-a-Lago
@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

Huh… when is her trial?

wagesj45 , in Fmr. Trump Press Secretary: I watched him show documents to people at Mar-a-Lago
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

then why didn't you say something, you daft fuck?

RestrictedAccount ,

We want to encourage the rats to leave the sinking ship.

bryanuc , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

To borrow a phrase from Roberts, the best way to stop criticism that the court is “going beyond the proper role of the judiciary” is for the court to stop going beyond the proper role of the judiciary.

This, right here, is my favorite line of the article.

AllArk , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court


Elena Kagan and Stepben Breyer - jews - make up 0.2% of the US but have 22% of the Supreme Court. A 10000% over representation.

Jackson chick - affirmative action gone wild, crazy sjw appointed by the retard in chief who cries Racism every second word. And gets butthurt when the real G who overcame adversity tells her to stop BSing

If libs got more butthurt they’d be bleeding from both their pussy AND their butthole lmao

Yewb ,

Quit falling for identity politics its us versus the ultra rich

DeepFriedDresden ,

First of all, Jews make up 2.4% of the US. Second, Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected. They are not meant to be representative of population demographics. That's the entire reason they aren't elected.

Maybe you should retake your high school civics and US Govt classes, it's pretty clear your susceptibility to Russian troll farms has eroded what little understanding of the way the government is meant to work and replaced it with an irrational fear of anything that doesn't walk, talk and look like you.

darkmatterstyx ,

Don’t feed the troll. Report and move on 😉

skellener , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court
@skellener@kbin.social avatar

Conservative Supreme Court Justice doesn’t understand the 1st Amendment

Xariphon , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

Have you tried not being evil?

darkmatterstyx ,

They gave it the good Ole Google try!

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