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Anticorp ,

$36,500 per year was a decent income just a few years ago. They really need to do something about the price increases, not just continue raising minimum wage, or the American middle class is going to vanish. It’s already in steep decline and the out of control price increases impact every working American. Continuing to raise minimum wage without implementing any pricing regulations will fuel hyperinflation when the companies just immediately raise their prices to account for the additional expense. We’re going to be left with a country with nothing but extreme wealth disparity, moreso than we have already. People need to be able to afford to live if they’re working full time. This current strategy is not working, and it’s harming everyone. There is no free market when like 5 companies control everything. They’re free to price gouge as much as they want. People can’t just stop buying food, or paying for a place to live. We need a better solution.

Anticorp ,

$36,500 was a great income in the 90’s. There are a lot of cities in California where that was a decent income just 5-10 years ago. L.A., San Diego, San Francisco, and the coastal areas are considerably more expensive than the rest of California.

Anticorp , (edited )

Of course good ol Bernie Sanders is out there in the crowd with the workers. He’s the only authentic, legit politician I’ve ever seen.

Amazon sued the NLRB, arguing that the agency was unconstitutional and deprived the company of its First Amendment rights

Companies don’t have first amendment rights, motherfucker! They’re not people. IDC what some dumb ass Regan era law said. People are held accountable for their actions, and American companies are not. No rights without accountability.

Anticorp ,

WTF is the government doing loaning tax payer dollars to the richest man in the world?

Anticorp ,

Being fun has nothing to do with being productive. Do you know what’s not fun for everyone who lives on the Eastside? Sitting in dead stop traffic on the 520 for 2 hours every day, just so they can sit alone at a desk in an office in Seattle and telecommute with their team in other parts of the country. This lady can fuck right off with her bullshit lies that pander to the city’s sales tax, tolls, and parking revenue. She doesn’t give a fuck about vibe, she cares about the city income, and the profitability of the commercial real estate tycoons that pad her pockets.

This is probably a dumb question, but if we eliminate the hydrophobia caused by rabies, would it increase the survival rate of active rabies?

I’ve been learning some about rabies and learned about rabies causing hydrophobia. This is just a theory, I’m not saying I know anything about this topic to be knowledgeable, but if we could get someone with rabies to not fear water, could they survive?

Anticorp ,

Why can’t we just get a rabies vaccine when we’re kids, or every few years, like most other vaccines? Why does it have to be after the bite event?

Anticorp ,

What if you’re backpacking or something when you get bit? How long of a safety window do you have between getting bit and getting the vaccine?

Anticorp ,


Anticorp ,

Then what’s the point of getting it beforehand?

Anticorp ,

Thank you for the in-depth explanation! I appreciate it.

Anticorp ,

I’m satisfied to learn this. It answers so many questions I have that begin with “WTF?”.

I love gen-Z's attitude towards corporate culture ( )

i recently lost my job and it’s horrible being in the ‘unemployed’ class – you’re made to feel worthless, you have to take advice from people, perfectly well meaning of course, that are basically encouragement on digging your own grave - i love being in the position where i have to do some fake elizabethian courting...

Anticorp ,

That’s how networking works. Make good impressions on people and they open doors for you, both literally -like in your case- and figuratively.

Anticorp ,

“without doing much work at all”

Cool, why don’t you show us how easy software engineering is with some projects you whip up today without years of prior training and experience.

Anticorp ,

As one of her constituents, I hope she learns from her mistakes here.

Narrator: she didn’t

Anticorp ,

Because unlike our world, the Star Trek world actually respects people’s privacy. Ever noticed how people just vanish from the ship and the computer never alerts anyone until someone asks for their location? When Trek was written, the idea of constantly monitoring and reporting on individuals was abhorrent. It’s disgusting how willingly people just accept that now.

Anticorp ,

They can locate you. They don’t actively monitor you. That’s a big difference.

Anticorp ,

Be that as it may, he made some valid points talking to Bashir.

"The Federation needs men like you, Doctor. Men of conscience, men of principle, men who can sleep at night. You’re also the reason Section Thirty one exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn’t share your sense of right and wrong. "

Anticorp ,

The most awesome thing about those episodes for me is that there’s no clear answer. It’s thought provoking and leaves you considering the perspectives of both men. I didn’t say he was right, I said he made some good points. Star Trek of that era was generally idealistic and DS9 was the first foray into considering the harsh realities of idealistic perspectives in a universe that will violate any ideal against you to achieve advantage. What do you do? There’s not really a clear answer IMO, it’s a philosophical quandary.

Anticorp ,

I completely agree. I think that’s the closest they come to a conclusion on the matter. They recognized that sometimes they have to make choices they wouldn’t otherwise make, or that they’d condemn under better circumstances, but they stand ready to face the consequences once the choice has been made. They generally make them out in the open, or reveal them after the need for secrecy ends.

Anticorp ,

Route that cat5, or power cable, or whatever it is around the baseboard and over to the other side of the room. It’s a major tripping hazard right now and it just looks bad.

Anticorp ,

One reason is because young males bond differently when there are no females in the group. When there are females the males often compete with each other for the female’s attention, rather than building strong bonds together.

Anticorp ,

Tyler doesn’t exist, he’s an alternate personality. But Norton’s character literally says he has insomnia, and they show him unable to sleep in multiple scenes. He also has multiple personalities, possibly brought on by years of untreated insomnia.

Anticorp ,

Eh… Hot pink was very popular among males and females alike in the 80’s. I wasn’t even aware that they make hunting gear with hot pink instead of orange, and a lot of other people probably aren’t aware either. Besides that, they’d need to do a bunch of field testing to see how the deer react to it before any serious hunters would consider it. Even with field testing, there are a lot of hunters that don’t want to wear orange.

This headline could be re-written as “Additional colors approved for visibility while hunting in select states”, but that doesn’t have conflict built into it, which generates clicks and engagement.

Anticorp ,

Time to go get some free T-Mobile swag for use as hunting attire!

Anticorp ,

Seattle is a perfectly safe and beautiful city.

Anticorp ,

I present to you the Southern Viscacha, my spirit animal. He represents quiet discontentment and lack of sleep.

Anticorp ,

modern audiences seem to have a harder time trusting institutions or imagining Trek’s utopia.

Paramount doesn’t even want to write about the Utopia anymore. All of the Picard series is about corruption, greed, power, and the Federation failing on all accounts. I hate them for it. Star Trek is supposed to be a glimpse into a hopeful future, not a reflection of our current problems but with phasers added.

Anticorp ,

I just wrote almost the same thing right before seeing your comment. Picard is trash, and I hate them for what they did to the Federation.

Anticorp ,

We’re unlikely to colonate mars before we go extinct.

Anticorp ,

That’s true. It would be aliens, or a single scientist, or an admiral with a vendetta, but always the Federation sided with the objectively ethical viewpoint. They never showed absolute corruption or incompetence at the head of the Federation, and there were always more ethical people than unethical. The situations involving corruption, or fascism, or other similar themes never seemed hopeless. Perhaps because of the episodical nature of the previous shows. Everything would be neatly wrapped up by the end of 1 or 2 shows. In Picard the same struggles extend across 10 episodes, and it’s not fun. Not for me anyways.

Anticorp ,

A traditional job will tell you to figure it out or find a new job.

Anticorp ,

New Internet content is just old Internet content.

Anticorp ,

Ermergerd! The cuteness! Overload 2000!

Anticorp ,

My wife and I have been together for almost 20 years and we almost never talk about finances. She has her own bank account, and her own money, and I have my own bank account and my own money. We have a joint account that we both have auto transfers into on paydays to cover our joint household bills. I make more than her, so I contribute more to the bills, so that we have about the same amount of money after everything is paid. Then that’s it! She doesn’t need to ask me or talk to me before buying something she wants, and visa-versa. I even bought a car once and didn’t talk to her about it. She was excited when I brought it home. I highly suggest this accounting method for couples. I’ve been in a relationship before where we had all our money as a single household pool, and it fucking sucked! We were always arguing about things we each wanted. Anyways, the point is that it’s not only not impossible to be in a committed relationship without talking about money, it’s probably actually the preferred method (at least it is for us).

Anticorp ,

It’s possible to be in a monogamous marriage without talking about it too. I just outlined how that works for me and my wife as a response to the same comment you replied to.

Anticorp ,

She always worked, so I never had to answer the kid question. That does get tricky. As far as retirement goes, that’s also something we haven’t had to think about yet. We both max out our retirement contributions, and save some extra money on the side. I’m older, so I probably will retire a few years earlier, assuming either of us are ever even able to retire. Social Security retirement age will probably be raised to 100 by the time we’re retirement age. It’s a conversation we’ve had a couple of times, but never very seriously. I know we’re both treating it seriously though, so there’s that.

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