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[Analysis] Many transgender health bills came from a handful of far-right interest groups, AP finds ( )

Aaron and Lacey Jennen’s roots in Arkansas run deep. They’ve spent their entire lives there, attended the flagship state university, and are raising a family. So they’re heartbroken at the prospect of perhaps having to move to one of an ever-dwindling number of states where gender-affirming health care for their...

admiralteal ,

Discrimination on the basis of sex.

Care that is fully available to someone assigned male at birth is not available to someone assigned female at birth and vice-versa. The sex the state identifies you as having is used as the only basis to deny certain services and care. These antitrans bills ARE illegal. It's not just that they ought to be. The current law ALREADY bans them and only total corruption of the court systems stops them from finding as such.

Not to even mention the fact that medical freedom and parent choice ought to totally obviate any bigoted and unscientific beliefs about gender even in a philosophically conservative framework. But they don't, because hurting people is not a side-effect, it's the direct goal.

admiralteal ,

The same procedures that are being banned and reversed for trans kids are still completely legal and acceptable for cis kids.

It is literally discrimination on the basis of sex.

Be wary of spiteful Reddit users ( )

In the past week and a half, I've noticed Reddit behaviors starting to try and poison all of the places that people are taking refuge in to get away from the toxicity, myself included. They've started to DDoS Lemmy for a while, which is a Reddit thing to do and what they're notorious of doing whenever they feel they don't like...

admiralteal ,

This is the Twitter effect.

The more the engaging and respectful leave for greener pastures, the more concentrated the bile left behind is... the more someone trying to be engaging or respectful is compelled to leave.

The only way out of the death spiral for Reddit is to either totally revamp the way they engage the community (not going to happen) or else to completely give up to being a mil-deep platform primarily for advertisers, trolls, and bots.

admiralteal ,

No one wants this more than the GOP, unfortunately, because the moment she's out a number of bipartisan commissions will now have 1 more R than D and all the people the Dems nominate to fill the empty slots will get rejected by the Freedom Caucus members pulling McCarthy's strings.

admiralteal ,

Also, did they have no other use for those facilities? Is their occupancy really that low? That implies a huge failure of a hospitality establishment, having such high vacancy that you can give up these amenities.

News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech ( )

The bill, sponsored by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), would create a new agency called the Digital Consumer Protection Commission that would be empowered to go after giant tech firms for a slew of anti-competitive behaviors and failing to protect consumer privacy.

admiralteal ,

The alternative is trusting a bunch of billionaire tech sharks to police themselves swimming with us seals.

I empathize with your sentiment, but what's the alternative?

Seems like Big Tech wins no matter what happens. One way you have regulatory capture, the other you have private regulatory.

admiralteal ,

I mean, is Warren now among the crusty relics who don't understand technology? That's the implication here.

If you read the article, it sounds like a bunch of very sound and reasonable first steps being outlined. Seems like this is being torpedoed without a second thought based on pretty flimsy reasoning.

If the concern is they won't go far enough... the counterfactual is doing nothing.

admiralteal ,

Well yeah, she's a huge advocate for consumer financial protections and crypto has the potential to delete all forms of consumer protections in financial transactions. This isn't a surprising position for her to take and it doesn't imply a lack of understanding of the tech. Just tells you that her politics don't line up well with the Venn diagram of anarchists and libertarians that think there's no downsides to crypto.

admiralteal ,

This is terrifying. That material doesn't even pretend to be sincerely educational. It's overt propaganda for an extreme right-wing Christian position.

There isn't even anything like it I can think of on the other end of the political spectrum.

admiralteal ,

It's not another civil rights movement. It's the same one. It's been going since before the US was founded and has a long way to go.

Conservatives are obsessed with trying to pretend this is a new movement because it lets them claim the previous ones "finished" and the issues were all solved so now the stuff being asked for is new, different, and unreasonable. Because the alternative is acknowledging that they are the antagonists when it comes to civil liberties.

admiralteal ,

It's not clear if the officer responsible for directing the dog to attack Rose is facing any disciplinary action.

Of course not, any disciplinary action will wait until the department's PR department has established whether or not there is a significant media backlash. Bad publicity (potentially spurring ethical reform) is the only reason a cop ever gets disciplined, after all.

admiralteal ,

If you're deciding between not voting or voting for a third party that has no chance of changing any major platform or winning an election, absolutely vote for a third party.

Either way you are consenting to the outcome.

Whether you vote protest to an unelectable third party or vitre strategically, what you do beyond the ballot box matters far more.

But the idea that a vote for the lesser of two evils isn't a vote for less evil? I don't buy that. Especially when the progressive needle was moved significantly under Biden, especially for climate.

admiralteal ,

Only if both outcomes are equally undesirable.

If they aren't and you don't participate, you are consenting to the outcome. Even if that is the outcome that was less desirable.

Everything you write here is the exact kind of cynical, pessimistic motivation many need to hear... in order to convince them to not participate. To not vote. And the kinds of people you're going to drive away are the ones you need active and participating to further your agenda.

These people who tell you that the Democrats are perfect and great and have no issues that are being invoked don't exist. Pretty much no one thinks that. And I'm sure, push come to shove, you probably do vote strategically because only a true moron wouldn't.

But this position you're out here arguing for isn't one that is going to let politics get pushed left. It's going to push it right. You're achieving the opposite agenda by telling people not to vote strategically.

admiralteal ,

But the choice you're actually getting is gas chamber vs having to buy your own lunch.

Both outcomes undesirable. One of them tolerable. And you're recommending against doing either. And so when the gas chambers people win the election because you refused to vote for anyone who didn't promise you free lunch, yeah, you're complicit. And so much more so because you are advocating for people that want free lunch to stand by and let gas chambers win.

Fundamentally, the insanity you're espousing is the idea that ONLY elections matter. They're the smallest effort you can put towards shaping the world. A tiny piece of being an advocate for change. Use that vote strategically and put the rest of your efforts towards advocacy. Instead of advocating for people to not use their votes. It's genuinely heartbreaking to see someone so obsessed with moral absolutes that they're actually shaming people for trying to make things even a little better.

admiralteal ,

You can also vote for Biden because the IRA was a $1.3+ trillion climate package that is already dramatically improved all models for climate change using a carrot approach that is actually working. Permitting reform is a complex issue, but the best policy experts do think it's necessary because the same policies that make oil drilling easier ALSO make things like solar, offshore wind, and even things like geothermal or green hydrogen easier to get approved. The US energy permitting process was and still is holding us back. The free market is going to crush fossil fuels pretty fast under the current trends. Not nearly fast enough, but faster under IRA than anything so far. And even that chunk of permitting reform was a concession (to the coal-hearted monster Joe Manchin) because the counterfactual outcome was nothing.

Minimum wage cannot be raised by executive order. That's just not a thing. It wouldn't even make it past lower courts, much less the SCOTUS. The only place that can be done is for federal workers... which it was.

BBB contained tons of social welfare reforms before it got torpedoed. By Joe Manchin. It would've meant a lot to working class people.

A recurring theme. The fact is, the last time Democrats were able to get real power over all three chambers and free of conservative lunatics, the ACA got passed. Even then, they had to make big compromises to get the GOP to help sign on to do it, seriously watering it down and making it fail to be much better than a bandaid on the problem.

I can't reply to the inevitable conspiracy theory of "well they wouldn't have put more forward if they knew it could pass!!!~", but the fact is this stuff WAS put forward. And couldn't pass. So negotiation and compromise happened to get something passed because that's better than nothing.

You say the "Democrats aren't the answer", but you don't even know the question. You're an idealist, not a realist. A realist votes strategically and encourages others to do the things that will actually work. You have prejudged these politicians and are literally saying it is insane to vote for them in spite of the progress that demonstrably has been made, just because it didn't live up to your total moral standards. You're encouraging people to walk away from a winnable fight.

Arguing with bothsiders drives me fucking up the wall.

admiralteal ,

Abortion is not a good counterargument for the modern "medical choice" movement. Because the addition of another theoretical human life that is directly affected is enough to make the question more complex, at least in their minds. I'm happy to spell out why I don't actually think it should change anything -- why body autonomy of a pregnant person is hierarchically more important than any right to life the fetus may have -- but that's still a factually more complex argument.

A better counterargument is gender-affirming care. The same people that make all these anti-vax and medical choice arguments are the ones who are blocking parents, kids, and doctors from working together to come up with a plan for gender-affirming care. Who are insisting that the state needs to step in and slap parent and doctor-approved, safe treatments like hormone blockers out of the hands of adolescents.

It's the same argument for the "parental choice" policy advocates in education. They don't really want parent choice because they don't want parents to be able to chose to have their kids taught certain materials about race, identity, or sexuality. They just want the materials banned.

The "pro-choice" crowd -- of which I am one -- should be very wary of the "choice" framing in the movement. 99% of the time, "choice" as a concept is invoked disingenuously. Maybe that's why conservatives are so frightened by the idea. When they say they want choice, it means they want any other option from their "choice" banned. So I guess they hear "pro-choice" and assume they want the option of not getting an abortion banned.

admiralteal ,

Is it?

admiralteal ,

I meant the shocking part, not the infuriating part.

I am totally unshocked by this.

admiralteal ,

According to the SCOTUS, a bill that specifically gives the executive permission to modify or waive student loan terms during an emergency (like the national state of emergency brought on by a pandemic) does not give them permission to forgive $10k of those loans. That's too big to count as a "modification" but apparently too small to count as a "waiver". And it's fine to file lawsuits on behalf of people who do not want to file that suit and are not harmed by the matter. Standing no longer matters before the partisan legislative body known as the Supreme Court.

It's brazenly clear that the justices on the court are partisans, and the conservatives in particular are partisans who do not even attempt to justify making the rulings they want to rule. If anyone alive thinks there was any merit to this lawsuit, they're a fool, an idiot, or both. It's heartening to see young people are largely not being tricked.

admiralteal ,

That's what the Major Questions Doctrine is.

It is a bald-faced power grab from the court. It's turning themselves into a legislative body to rewrite and create new laws based on a completely capricious test. It is 100% fake and will NOT survive the historical record, but these chucklefucks are going to do a lot of damage with it in the meantime.

admiralteal ,

Watch how fast Barret code switches between textualism and purposivism depending on context. Suddenly making arguments about intent that conflicts with the text of a law (even ignoring the fact that there is clear proof that her claimed intent is false).

These people are honest-to-god monsters. They will say or do anything to achieve their agenda. Absolutely zero legitimacy. It's time to, at minimum, pack the court.

admiralteal ,

"I still think it would be the right move, but so long as it isn't the rules for the Dems I am not going to hamstring my base by following it" - some version of what he will say to handwave the hypocricy.

Going after conservatives for being hypocrites is not a winning strategy. The movement is about social hierarchies and identity politics. It just doesn't care about hypocrisy in service of the tribe and is totally credulous to any justification, no matter how tenuous.

Trump Says He’s a Target in Special Counsel’s Capitol Attack Investigation ( )

It would be the second time the special counsel has notified the former president that he is likely to face indictment, this time in connection with the criminal investigation into the events leading up to the storming of the Capitol....

admiralteal ,

If it happens in my lifetime, that's bad. We should remember him and how close he got to ending our democracy every day, especially as he continues to try.

Would You Try New Pastimes If Star Trek Level Medical Care Was Available?

Star Trek’s level of medical care is far more advanced than today’s. As Beckett says in LD, “Doc will wave a light over it.” Yet, in Star Trek people aren’t shown doing hobbies and pastimes that are much different from what’s done now. Still, I wonder about differences in a society where people know they won’t be...

admiralteal ,

What about the opposite of that, though?

Permanent injury and disability is unlikely. Chronic pain is likely a nonissue. Most of the unpredictable diseases can be sciencemagick'd away. Even old age, you'll still be mobile, active, and happy. Long, thriving lives are the minimum expectation.

In a world where medical technology is so good that only "natural" death will get you in the end, and one where there's no resource constraint forcing you to a stressful and awful life with no opportunity to thrive, everyone kind of has a lot more to lose. I might be more willing to do something "risky", but not if that risk contains "risk of immediate death" because there's no fixing that.

Though whether this is the way human psychology works... who knows.

It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages ( )

Donald Trump had recently finished a familiar riff about banning gender transition surgery for children when the former president, speaking to an audience of Evangelical voters, moved on to something new: a policy that would affect transgender adults. “I will ban all taxpayer funding for sex or gender transitions at any...

admiralteal ,

On the subject of trans civil rights in the US, we already have. It's explicitly outlawed in a variety of places including the Civil Rights Act and 14th amendment.

A non-corrupt SCOTUS would see these anti-trans laws for what they are: discrimination on the basis of sex. Already explicitly illegal. The problem is, conservatism has never cared about rule of law outside of when they can use it as a tool to get their way.

admiralteal ,

Star Trek is basically only available via streaming platforms or piracy these days.

One of the reasons studios have enjoyed such great profits on the move to streaming is because the contracts for the writers and actors cause them to get paid way, way, way less for a streamed show than with regular syndication.

Meaning the people making Star Trek are some of the ones who stand to gain the absolute most from the outcome of this strike. All power to them.

admiralteal ,

Some more biomass for the orphan-crushing machine.

admiralteal ,

Promotion is strictly forbidden. Interviews about the strike or about personal lives are a different matter

admiralteal ,

I agree. I'm not quite sure how it's kosher. I can speculate but do not know. For example, maybe some of this stuff was pre-recorded? Just one possible wild guess.

John Hodgman talked about it in his podcast. He cannot promote any of the TV projects he's worked on because of the strike even though he'd like to, but he is allowed to promote and do stuff for Maximum Fun because it's an artist co-op which is totally separate from the strike/contract.

admiralteal ,

Who would it even be? Bernie yet may, and has a lot of influence, but isn't going to stand a chance against a Biden reelection. Buttigieg and Harris are already in the admin. Yang is discredited pretty thoroughly at this point. Warren is at such a high level in the party that she'd be committing long-term career suicide by rebelling like that, and would likely worsen the outcomes for her causes in doing so. AOC is actually too young to run even if she wanted to make that big a stink. Who'd it even be?

I'm not criticizing the lack of competition here. Biden's running, the dems are going to go behind him. They know how terrible the consequences of not showing unity could be. It's going to be Biden, and sane people better hope he wins.

admiralteal ,

Threads as it exists now is poorly moderated in that it is 90% shameless self-promotional commercial content.

If your instance doesn't have a policy against horrible undisclosed commercial promotion, I want nothing to do with it. If it does, Threads already has hundreds of thousands of strikes.

admiralteal ,

No no no no no nope not even as a joke.

If you can financially gain from opting out, very poor people will have no choice but to opt out and risk it. Proven time and time again. People should not be allowed to waive their rights for petty personal gains. Your rights are unwaivable, that's what makes them rights.

admiralteal ,

If you're being compensated to waive them, you aren't waiving them freely. So it's being taken away.

admiralteal ,

"Free speech" is doing a lot of work there. As always.

For example, I think deliberate misinformation should be treated the same as harassment, fraud, and incitement. That is, a kind of speech that is not protected free speech. Just like defamation, you should have to reach an actual malice standard. But unlike defamation, there is not a clear "victim" to act as the plaintiff, so the state would need to step in on behalf of the people to act as one.

admiralteal ,

No, we cannot allow the current rise of fascism to be forgotten. We must be vigilant against it, always. Reminded that a slow burn of low-grade shit suddenly becomes a wildfire if you ignore it.

I just hope there is an opportunity to remember this as a near loss of democracy in this country, instead of a time we actually lost it.

admiralteal ,

Meta is public. A transaction like that could not be done in secret.

The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax ( )

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed published in 2021, two of the Moores’ lawyers also declared unambiguously that the lawsuit “stands to slam shut the door on a federal wealth tax like the one Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to enact.” They made a direct pitch to “the courts” to hear the Moores’ case “now” to make it...

admiralteal ,

The SCOTUS has been a force resisting civil rights and good governance for pretty much all of American history.

Too many middle-aged and older people these days grew up under the Warren court, but the Warren court was a fucking blip. An anomaly. An aberration.

They looked at the clock of the court, saw the sun high in the sky, saw the hands pointed at noon, and thought to themselves "Ah, everything is working fine." But the clock's dead broken and has been for centuries.

admiralteal ,

Desegregation, right to a defense attorney & Miranda rights, ending mandatory school prayer.

But also colloquially the era stretching a bit beyond where the court had a Liberal vision often including decisions in the 70s/80s decisions like roe v wade

admiralteal , (edited )

The argument is that legacy admissions are a criterion being used in lieu of race to achieve racial discrimination. Similar systems were an aggressive part of the Jim Crowe South to prevent blacks from voting when they couldn't make skin color-specific rules anymore, where you would have to prove literacy or your grandfather's ability to vote to get a vote in since they knew that no black person could pass those tests.

It's not the strongest case, but it isn't unreasonable and it has a rational basis. I'm skeptical that even a disinterested court would accept the logic on its face and know that the current court will just wallow in its hypocrisy, but I at least understand the principle.

The defense to it is that these elite universities actively desire diversity, so clearly they are not using legacy admits as a proxy for racial discrimination. There's plenty of evidence that there is a different, corrupt-but-legal purpose for these legacy systems that is not racially motivated.

edit: On the flip-side, if indirectly discriminatory policies like these ARE allowed, it gives the universities a clear path forward to continuations of their AA policies. They just need to replace the race of their applicants with proxies for race that are allowed. Theoretically, this logic could force a standoff -- either policies that indirectly have discriminatory outcomes (defined by who?) are illegal or they aren't. Or else you'd have to somehow prove intention to discriminate before you could find a policy illegal, which is another very complex can of worms that the elite universities could probably get around.

And so, like with everything around this case, it likely won't change any real behavior from the elite universities but will seriously fuck with less affluent ones.

admiralteal ,

There is and only ever has been a straight agenda.

No one tries to force people to be gay. But there's a concerted effort of trying to force people and society to be more straight.

New, Conservative Push To Weaken Child Labor Protections Is Gaining Steam ( )

A movement to weaken American child labor protections at the state level began in 2022. By June 2023, Arkansas, Iowa, New Jersey and New Hampshire had enacted this kind of legislation, and lawmakers in at least another eight states had introduced similar measures.

admiralteal ,

Why pay them $12.50 when you can pay $7.25?

Why pay $7.25 if you can pay less?

admiralteal ,

Basically, if a progressive advocates for a policy position, that's virtue signaling and bad. If a rep doesn't have all the answers and hasn't already passed all the legislation they shouldn't be taken seriously. I guess you don't vote often.

So long as the GDP raises faster than the debt payments you can continue raising the debt infinitely. This isn't a radical Progressive Theory it's basic macroeconomics. I agree, it's a bubble that will eventually pop. The bubble called capitalism. When your entire economic system can only function on the principle of growth it cannot be maintained forever. So we better be preparing right now for what comes after capitalism. One of the best things we can do is invest now in building the things we need built to survive it, not just as a nation but as a planet. I bet you don't have any helpful ideas for that, though.

To be clear though, Republicans/conservatives are certainly not "just as much to blame". They're much much more responsible. They refuse to do the policies that are maintenance of society and instead push off those payments until there's an economic catastrophe that requires huge spending bills to address.

Go join Strong Towns. That's what it looks like when a conservative actually tries to solve problems around financial sustainability. They have the kind of answers you're looking for. The fact that most conservatives label that organization as far left really tells you the state of American conservatism in general though.

And next time you want to talk about how bad AOC is just keep the framing to how dangerous hero worship in general is. People aren't going to disagree with you there. Don't whip out all these disingenuous Reddit-style argument strategies. Say the thing you actually care about instead of making up bullshit.

admiralteal ,

Proof of the legislature being fixed will include court reform bills getting passed.

admiralteal ,

You sweet summer child, how can you possibly think Obergefell isn't going to get challenged and killed by these same anti-queer justices?

Roberts, Scalia, Alito, and Thomas wrote the dissent to it. Gay marriage would still be federally unprotected if they had their way, and they have since netted 2 more allies to their cause to make it happen.

admiralteal ,

Sex is a protected class. There's no discrimination against gay or trans people that is not inherently discrimination based on sex. So no, it is absolutely a protected class.

Conservatives just allow their hatred of queer people to easily, easily, easily overcome their desire to appear to respect the law.

admiralteal ,

The conservative justices declaring which jobs do and don't show human creativity and expression was not on my Christofascist dystopia bingo card, but probably should've been.

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