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mindbleach ,

Okay, great. Can I have tab rows back? On top? Where the tabs go?

mindbleach ,

A tight grid beats getting lost in barely two dozen tabs at a time, scrolling horizontally and having no idea where it begins or ends. You'd need a thousand tabs in one window to take up even 500px vertically.

mindbleach ,

Sorry, that version of Firefox only comes on CD-ROM for Windows 98.

mindbleach ,

I was right there with you, a thousand miles away.

tommi , to Firefox
@tommi@pan.rent avatar
mindbleach ,

It was called Firebird in late 2003, and earlier that year it was called Mozilla.

mindbleach ,

I've been here the entire time and I have never been thrilled.

mindbleach ,

The rare wackadoodles proposing an asexual lesbian commune are simply not who most people are talking about, when they mention feminism. Those loons can wear the label. Nobody can stop them. But they're not relevant.

Feminism is gender egalitarianism with an archaic name. When people denounce self-proclaimed feminists who don't agree with that, it's not fallacious bickering, it's active gatekeeping, and it's fucking important. Some clear boundaries are necessary for a movement demanding systemic change. Any political label can have a complicated history, and it's not somehow a contradiction to point to the fringe weirdos and say they were just plain wrong.

mindbleach ,

The funniest form of this rampant underlying bigotry is transdudes recognizing something got easier because they pass.

The Tech Robber Baron who wants to take over San Francisco ( newrepublic.com )

Balaji, a 43-year-old Long Island native who goes by his first name, has a solid Valley pedigree: He earned multiple degrees from Stanford University, founded multiple startups, became a partner at Andreessen-Horowitz and then served as chief technology officer at Coinbase. He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly...

mindbleach ,

Oh, did you not notice? Diet Nazis are networking.

mindbleach ,

Poe’s law is a bitch - and either way, this guy is not good at comedy.

mindbleach ,

Not aided by putting their propaganda at the front of your headline.

God dammit.

mindbleach ,

Phrased differently, “it has been 50 years since a Star Trek show ended without a Jonathan Frakes appearance.”

mindbleach ,

“Son, don’t be a Nazi.”

“OMG literally 1984.”

Sex has gotten horrifically competitive with some guys getting laid loads and some guys not getting any.

Borderline incel horseshit.

Theoretically evening out that somehow is probably better for society

Nevermind, outright incel horseshit.

I am left wing, probably very left wing. But the way the left act is pushing a lot of people to the right.

I’ve heard this a lot - almost always from smirking fascists. The sort who think the left do anything but discuss. They talk so much they get nothing done.

Right-wing conversations are empty slogan contests, in a manipulative tone of voice. Like “original sin for being boys,” a fucking obvious strawman, commonly spat when someone describes toxic masculinity. Which is not a criticism of masculinity any more than “don’t eat poisoned apples” is a criticism of apples.

We need a party that is left economically but individually right.

Oh, like the Strasserites. Sincere anticapitalists committed to a strong national identity, right up until they were dragged into the street and shot on the Night of the Long Knives because they were fucking Nazis.

mindbleach , (edited )

You put “rightthink” and “wrongthink” in your first sentence. Don’t whine about an Orwell connection when you made it.

You don’t believe sex and money have gotten more competitive over time?

One, those topics are not related, and slapping them together is a tell.

Two, talking about relationships as nothing but sex, and also a competition, is depressingly transparent on a level I’m not sure words can convey. The fact you asked this question is damning. The answer is no, but the answer doesn’t matter, because it’s like asking about “Muslim birthrates” or “human biodiversity.” The framing itself is fucked. If you yourself are not a diet Nazi then you’re getting ideas from people who definitely are. Being human feels kinda broken, and someone offered a simple scapegoat that feels satisfying to hammer on, even though you know the implications are horrific: “I can’t even conceive of how that would happen.”

Describing access to vaginas as some kind of resource to be distributed is dehumanizing - and anyone suggesting you’re owed a woman is a fucking monster.

Three, concentration of wealth is intrinsic to right-wing economics. So congratulations on figuring out those suck. Shame your mouth’s still full of their dishonest takes about gender equality.

the left will say “it doesn’t matter about who is best what we want is more women, so all the male applicants can be ignored”

Arguments are easy when you just make shit up.

Toxic feminism is never talked about.

Because it’d be toxic femininity, genius. And of fucking course feminists address how stereotypes about women impact women - but the ranting Youtube manosphere dorks you seem to get your information from do not understand the concept. They think pushing girls toward pink and frills and cooking and babies is good, actually, even when it’s exaggerated to exclusionary extremes, and girls who don’t do that suffer ostracism and mockery. That’s the exact mirror of boys suffering when cliche masculine associations are twisted into unyielding demands… usually at the hands of other boys.

No feminist is out there telling boys to get laid or they’re a failure. That’s y’all. You do that shit - as you’re doing in these very comments - and you scoff at the label for it, because you don’t like how it sounds.

A rose by any other name would have just as many pricks.

mindbleach ,

Diet Nazis are the subject of the article. That’s what parents’ sons become, when they “slide to the right.” Your lack of clarity in pointless whining does not make my dismissal the problem.

Your lies about what you said in plain fucking English help nobody. You wrote: “you don’t believe sex and money have gotten more competitive over time?” You describe sex as a competition, in as many words. You directly conflate it with competition for money.

Regarding guys “getting girls,” you explicitly mused about “evening out that somehow.”

Stand by what you say or shut up.

I’ve never seen guys […] make out guys are pissy because they can’t get laid or because they are short.

You’ve been that guy, in this conversation. Examples in omnipresent media are so plentiful I’d be here all day slapping your face with them just to call you liar again. Have you ever watched a single action movie, boner comedy, or high-school drama? Try it some time, it’ll be a novel experience, if you’re not just obviously full of shit.

If you don’t care what words mean then I won’t care about you.

mindbleach ,

What an open wound of a comment.

And not in any of the ways you seem to think.

jlou , to Politics

If the Republican Party bans the UBI, what the fuck is their plan?



mindbleach ,
  • More money for us
  • Fuck you
mindbleach ,

If you’re not selling them, they should be free.

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  • mindbleach ,

    Some people think jokes are just insults you’re not allowed to get mad about. They still think yo-mama jokes are sincerely about their mother. But ‘it’s a joke, stop crying’ had the right observable effect, so nobody noticed… until they started defending outright bigotry and threats. ‘It’s a joke!’ ‘That’s satire!’ and ‘They’re being sarcastic!’ get pulled out at random, despite being wildly different concepts in-practice. All they know is, we used those excuses when they got mad at Jon Stewart, so if they’re not allowed to play it back at us then we’re not playing fair.

    They’re just shuffling cards.

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  • mindbleach ,

    ‘Fascist is just getting started ruining everything’ is sadly far from news.

    mindbleach ,

    Knowing Netflix? One more season, a cliffhanger ending, and bitter recrimination.

    mindbleach ,

    NDAs without a hard cutoff, maybe a year or two in the future, can get bent.

    Especially for artists. Holy shit, do artists get screwed by NDAs. Some people’s portfolios are fucking sparse despite years of doing art five days a week for years and years. If the business just kills the project - tough shit, it’s a secret forever.

    To the point we’re still seeing people hesitant to talk about failed games from thirty years ago, even though the company is dead, and the company that bought their corpse is also dead.

    mindbleach ,
    mindbleach ,

    NCAs are “slavery but with more steps” territory. You can’t quit because we own your degree now.

    mindbleach ,

    We need more doctrine based on argumentum ad fuuuck offff.

    mindbleach ,

    Pictured against a sparkly holiday jumper worn by your mum.

    mindbleach ,

    Episodic television from the linear broadcast era means you can jump in damn near wherever and it’ll be an okay time. Usually. Deep Space 9 has more ongoing storylines and every series has some episodes people just haaate. The Next Generation has half of its what-were-they-thinking episodes in the first season. Nonetheless I’d recommend TNG as the starting point, because it has the right mix of grandeur and restraint.

    The Original Series is technicolor sci-fi horror dressed as episodic space exploration. It’s campy and melodramatic and by god does it know it. Some episodes were blatantly “what’s available on the back-lot next month?” and are a coin toss between stupid and incredible.

    TOS had some movies (roman numerals) and they range from “what if an episode was three hours long” to “modern-day San Francisco zoo heist.” At their best they’re fun and at their worst they’re even more fun.

    The Next Generation is high-concept ethical debate framed as the experiences of naval officers. The cast is seriously talented and the writing is usually excellent.

    TNG had some movies (bald guy on the poster) and they were written by people who didn’t like the show for people who didn’t watch the show. You have to turn your brain off, but they’re well-directed.

    Deep Space 9 was a direct response to Babylon 5. it’s heavy on other species criticizing the openly optimistic and quietly human-centric Federation. It never goes full “revisionist western,” but it gets dark in places. It was also a deeply indulgent excuse to explore characters and cultures from prior Trek.

    Voyager did the opposite, by yeeting a ship to the ass end of the galaxy, where nobody’s heard of the Federation. They’re just trying to keep it together and beeline back toward home. It’s the same formula as most TOS / TNG episodes, but with fresh character dynamics and new rubber-forehead aliens.

    Enterprise is an origin story starring the guy from Quantum Leap, and the tone is just… weird. It’s not awful, but I’m not personally a fan. Apparently it had an ending even more disappointing than Quantum Leap, which is fucking saying something.

    JJ Abrams did some reboot movies replacing The Original Series, and they’re everything you expect when reading “JJ Abrams did some reboot movies.” Great casting, though.

    Discovery sounded like it got up its own ass a bit. There’s a point in any long-running franchise where the people making it grew up as fans of it, and it takes strenuous effort not to create a feedback loop of shallow fanfiction stupidity. See: RTD-era Doctor Who, numbered Star Wars sequels.

    Picard sounds like season one was written exactly like the TNG movies, which is pretty far from a compliment. Season two is apparently more of a 1990s Trek reunion and I still can’t care.

    Strange New Worlds sounds like it’s doing everything right, as a revival of TOS-era “wagon train to the stars” problem-of-the-week storytelling. The universe is big and weird and terrifying and we’re out there pencling in the map. Plus they pulled off a musical episode. That’s always a good sign.

    Honorable mentions to Galaxy Quest, an aliens-abduct-actors comedy that is accidentally one of the better Star Trek movies, and The Orville, Seth MacFarlane’s extremely Seth MacFarlane love letter that’s honestly a pretty solid realization of the formula and absolutely knows it. Also neatly illustrating the difference between parody and satire.

    mindbleach ,

    This depiction of the future feels impossible in 2015.

    Hey good news, buddy, that cynicism is about to get extremely vindicated.

    mindbleach ,

    Star Trek notwithstanding, we’re definitely living in the era of Transmetropolitan’s made-up website names.

    mindbleach ,

    One way or another, you won’t have to worry about it.

    mindbleach ,

    Vulcan dispute resolution being the snippiest academic back-and-forth.

    mindbleach ,

    Many scams are intentionally sloppy to filter out attentive or suspicious people. It saves time.

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