hbrgnarius , to Fediverse in So, I guess Threads is officially spyware... Not at all shocked, but, Jesus that's a lot of data they're wanting.

Might as well just hire someone to stalk you.

CIWS-30 ,

That's why I deleted my actual Facebook account, it really did give me the impression that the company was Cyberstalking me. They knew stuff I did not tell them or put down anywhere in any of the data forms they gave me to fill out. I didn't upload any pictures, I barely did much of anything, yet somehow they seemed to know everything about me anyway.

I eventually made a new "account" a few years later and left it completely blank and filled out nothing but my name... and yet they still guessed quite a few things correctly, including who I knew in real life. So damn creepy. I only use that new account for log in synchronization for games and apps that don't have any other means of access. I wish I could get rid of it too, but it's a necessary evil for certain edge cases.

0xtero ,

It doesn't matter if you post anything to Facebook, or if you even have Facebook account. Almost every commercial site in the world has a "Share this" button somewhere that is loaded directly from Facebook. IF you have a Facebook cookie, your information across the Internet is collected. IF you block Facebook cookies, but use somewhat static IP, you are still monitored.

Google and every other company that lives by datamining users for advertising purposes tries tier best to do the same. Aggressive adblocking in your browser helps a bit, at least you can tell your browser to not send the request, but it's VERY HARD to stay outside the data collection from these companies and adblockers are a constantly escalating war of attrition.

The End Boss isn't Meta, Google or Twitter.
It is advertising networks and the entire advertising industry.

quixotic120 , to Fediverse in So, I guess Threads is officially spyware... Not at all shocked, but, Jesus that's a lot of data they're wanting.

A Facebook owned app collects as much data as humanly possible? I am shocked at this unforeseen development

Remember this when they try to integrate into the fedeverse. Don’t be one of the people that says “meta will make it popular!” Be one of the people that will recognize that meta will use it as a tool to extract as much information from users as possible, amongst other nefarious things


Yeah I don't want it to be popular, I want it to be good and sustainable. Everything else comes after.

Practice makes permanent. Do it right, then get faster.

pjhenry1216 ,

I mean, Meta can extract from the fediverse already. Having a federated instance doesn't really change that. It doesn't provide them deeper access than before. Theyre either federating due to EU policies on interoperability or trying to position themselves as the best instance in regards to the fediverse. There's a lot of clamour as to how great the fediverse is for users, now they can say "choose us, we're fediverse." Other instances need to show them the benefit of other instances and point out that they can have all the "benefits of Threads" (really just benefits of fediverse) without all the disadvantages.

Little8Lost , to Fediverse in So, I guess Threads is officially spyware... Not at all shocked, but, Jesus that's a lot of data they're wanting.

and likely that is the reason why it did not come to EU on start

falconhoof , avatar

It's exactly the reason the EU shut the door on them.

dipbeneaththelasers , to aww in Too slow, so she booped you.

Joke's on her; I planned this THE WHOLE TIME.

Flaky_Fish69 OP , avatar

She knows. She’s old enough to know all the tricks….plays along anyways

thingsiplay , to RedditMigration in This has got to be artificial avatar

@Calcharger I saw that video on YouTube, where he said it. So at least that is true. But not sure about if he really got fired.

Thorned_Rose , to RedditMigration in This has got to be artificial

It wouldn't surprise me if the popularity was artificially inflated. Social media has known for a while now that encouraging outrage drives views and clicks. Coupled with Reddit using bots when it was first up to artificially populate the site, there has probably always been some bullshittery going on, it's just become more obvious now. I unsubbed to subs like r/facepalm and all the other rage generating subs because they were having a detrimental effect on my mental health and because it was obvious they were encouraging and driving outrage for clicks.

FixedFun , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it avatar

Ironically "Kbin app" is a hot topic on Google trends, I think people want a mobile app

mutant , to RedditMigration in This has got to be artificial avatar

the delivery guy thinks he's entitled to a better tip the same way api protesters think they are entitled to having reddit bend to their will

czech , avatar

This guy joined the fediverse just to lick spez butt. The post history is hilarious.


Lol, calls protesters feces smearing toddlers but makes a lemmy account just to talk shit

Nepenthe , avatar

But if everyone leaves reddit, who will be left to have a tantrum at? What's left for this poor user? Sitting with their own thoughts?

thingsiplay , avatar

@czech Wouldn't surprise me if it's spez himself. lol That's too good to be true.

Niello ,

He's on kbin, maybe he's collecting negative reputation.

JonEFive ,

Hey cool, my first opportunity to block a troll on the fediverse!

thingsiplay , avatar

@mutant The difference is, that the delivery guy already get paid.

nevernevermore ,

ste🅱️e huffman alt account

abff08f4813c ,

the same way api protesters reddit thinks they are entitled to having reddit bend to their will api protesters give them free money for nothing after taking away the apps that make reddit bearable

there, fixed that for you

Enkers ,

What are you even doing here? LMAO

breadsmasher , to RedditMigration in This has got to be artificial avatar

What makes you think it’s artificial?

Calcharger OP , avatar

50k upvotes for that?

breadsmasher , avatar

Ah gotcha. Thought you meant the contents of the post specifically.

Not going to bother checking reddit myself - not a user anymore. But what are the other posts averaging for upvotes in comparison? Just curious

Calcharger OP , avatar

Here is a post about people killing wasps with gasoline...don't see how it's that cringe. The first clip has the female AI voiceover which is kinda played out, and the final clip uses 'Back in Black' by ACDC. It's not that cringey, but 25k upvotes...

Calcharger OP , avatar

And here is an 11 year old video of Felix Baumgartner jumping from space. It's cool, but is it 34k upvotes in 13 hours cool?

JonEFive ,

New barely newsworthy post appears.

xc2215x , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

Reddit is more popular now than Digg was back then.

Robotoboy , avatar

The bad publicity hurts it a lot though. It's not something tangible that people are going to see results in for a long, long time. It's going to be more gradual than immediate.

Also Reddit will retain a huge majority of people, but the quality of it's communities will decline over time. People will find less of a reason to go there, and companies paying for data scraping will pay less as it will become much less efficient to use it.

Think more like Facebook. Still a huge mega company that has a iron grip in the social media sphere... but largely only gets used by tech illiterate older people. It's often quoted as the "place memes go to die" and "a place for grandma" or boomers in general. Reddit, and Twitter will essentially become similarly comparable.

Anyone saying otherwise, is goofy. Either trying to see an immediate result... or those trying to argue there will be no results.

EnderWi99in , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

The difference was Reddit had already built up a reasonably comparable audience when Digg imploded so the migration was easy. If you look at a similar graph of Reddit today and Lemmy/Kbin, you probably wouldn't even see these tools register with the active user base of Reddit so high. I think "rhyme" of history is that another service will eventually win, and it might be ours, but it's more akin to the fall of the British Empire than an overnight event.

Paesan , avatar

Digg had bled users to reddit over the course of a few years before the big one. Many users had accounts on both for that period as well.

"This was on reddit yesterday" was a top comment on Digg often enough.

rafoix ,

Yeah, Reddit seems like a place where TikTok videos live on forever.

Kosta554 , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it avatar

I really hope that Reddit is getting punished for being too greedy. But I’m afraid that it is too big too fail just like Twitter sadly. But I’m glad that I’ve found Lemmy.

GreatBigJerk , avatar

Jury is still out on Twitter. It very well could fail.

It just didn't happen the instant Musk entered the building. This type of thing usually happens on longer timeframes. Digg died unusually fast.

Kosta554 , avatar

You may be right.

EDIT: typo

Paesan , avatar

Digg failed fast due to people already using reddit. Many users had an account on each by the point of the big update. Enough were giving up on Digg for earlier changes.

Digg kept trying to find better ways to monetize, but eventually just gave up on keeping its own identity. By the time Digg released the big UI change, many users just stopped using Digg and used their reddit accounts. Many did have to create new accounts, but reddit was functionally better Digg by that point.

So what made Digg fail fast was due to it already being on the ledge. Digg chose to jump as opposed to get pushed off. Reddit didn't have a strong alternative coming up like Digg had.

I guess I'm mostly rambling, but Digg was set up to fall already. It just decided to go for it. And reddit was so good for so long that alternatives never built up a users.

EpicFailGuy OP , avatar

No that's a very valid point!

In a way I'm glad this time around we're building our OWN instead of jumping into another centralized platform. If it happens again, we can just shard off and host out own instance and still follow all our favorite communities etc ....

@Kosta554 @GreatBigJerk

Hubbelblubbel ,

It all depends on how reliable meta's thread will keep and grow their new user base.

ivanafterall ,

They were unprofitable BEFORE the debacle. Whether this sinks Reddit or not, they are absolutely not too big to fail. They haven't yet figured out how to succeed even.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Social media empires are like silent movie era film stars. They don’t abruptly stop existing. They just fade into obscurity whenever something newer and “sexier” comes along.

redditsucks , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

Sorry for the dumb question… what’s the history that’s repeating?

tal , avatar

I assume that he's comparing the migration of Digg users to Reddit when Digg rolled out its very unpopular v4 interface to Reddit making the current changes to their policies today.

In the past, Reddit has cited not wanting to be in Digg's shoes as a reason for keeping around the interface for users who did not like the new one, so not wanting to do a Digg v4 is a consideration that I believe has been on the minds of the company in past years.

Famborghini , to RedditMigration in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

A friend of mine was talking about this on treads today. Kinda forgot about it.

Roundcat , avatar

A friend of mine was talking about this on treads today.

Is that like twitter for shoes?

Famborghini ,

No it’s Facebook Twitter lol

ThatsOurLastBowl ,

Is there a c/whoooosh yet?

Famborghini ,

Oh come on the app came out yesterday lol I figured some people genuinely didn’t know lmao

neus , avatar

Double whoosh. It's your typo. You called it "Treads" but it's "Threads". Thus the shoe joke (which have treads).

Famborghini ,

Oh goddamn autocorrect

chordata , to Fediverse in Twitter users try to comprehend the Fediverse, they can't. avatar

All the people who could understand the fediverse probs already jumped ship to mastodon

Itty53 , avatar

The "difficulty" in signing up is a feature, I say.

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