captainlezbian , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

As an industrial engineer it’s amazing that this is proving effective in manufacturing environments. I’d suspected it would but much like with WFH, I assumed this was one of those things that had a chance of catching on for office workers but wouldn’t in factories.

The 40 hour work week was a massive success not because it was just right but because cutting hours so workers can rest was hugely beneficial

jordanlund , to Politics in The White House and some Republicans pan Johnson's 2-part plan to avoid a shutdown avatar

Didn’t they do something similar years ago?

Agreed to keep funding the military, everone else was on their own?

Lamb , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

I wish my workplace tried 6 hours day for an 8 hours day pay. I work as a QA tester and 8 hours isn’t humane. If you don’t know what QA work is, it’s basically banging your head against a wall. I’d be happy to do it for 6-7 hours a day, but 8 is too much for my sanity.

themurphy ,

It’s too much for everyone, unless your work is your life.

In jobs where 8 hours are no problem, you usually have some periods of time, where you can shut off your brain. Driving to a new location, frequent breaks in the office or practical duties for some variation.

Corporate desk jobs are awful longer than 6-7 hours.

Lamb ,

Agreed! I think all should do max 6-7 hours a day, but it’s really bad when you have an especially mind-numbing work. :(

HubertManne , avatar

In most of my jobs I like to use the last hour to lay out what im doing the next day

li10 ,

I’d say I only get 6 hours of work done a day. With WFH I just potter about and go on my phone for the rest of it.

I felt bad about it for a while, but the alternative is that I quit and leave my employer in the shit because the team is tiny and they struggle to recruit.

Steve , avatar

I work 12hour shifts. 3 days a week. I’m telling you, that’s way better. Sure the shifts are long. You won’t do anything else those days. But you get used to it in a month or two. Once you do adjust, having 4 day weekends each and every week is life changing. I could never go back.

Lamb ,

I used to work 10 hours shifts 4 days and 12 hours 3 days. It was not better. The days off I was a zombie.

Drusas , to Politics in Mike Johnson's speakership marks a new phase in the white evangelical-GOP alliance

There is no alliance between white, Evangelical Christians and the GOP. White, Evangelical Christians are a subset of the GOP.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Mike Johnson's speakership marks a new phase in the white evangelical-GOP alliance

Trump offers Christians all the kingdoms of the world if they will bow down and worship him.

dumdum666 ,

Trump is the Antichrist after all …

The Link leads to someone’s Blog that explains at GREAT length why he thinks that Trump’s is the Antichrist. It was an interesting read for me as an Atheist.

ArtVandelay , avatar

I’ve not heard it phrased using that analogy before, but that’s exactly it

oDDmON , to Politics in A federal judge says Georgia's political maps must be redrawn for the 2024 election

I would have thought an appeal would throw a monkey wrench into the works, is that not the case?

robsuto ,

Yeah I’m curious about that. My interpenetration was that they could keep drawing crap maps right before elections, get denied, but there not be enough time left to fix. That they could keep this up to get their bad maps to be used during elections.

Conyak , to Politics in A federal judge says Georgia's political maps must be redrawn for the 2024 election

Hopefully it helps to get rid of Margarine Tainted Green.

Jaysyn , to Politics in A federal judge says Georgia's political maps must be redrawn for the 2024 election avatar

Not actually mentioned in the NPR article for some reason but:

Jones ordered Georgia’s Republican majority General Assembly and governor to take action before Dec. 8, saying he would redraw districts if lawmakers did not, and that he would not allow the 2024 elections to be conducted using districts he has found to be “unlawful.”

Vodik_VDK , to Work Reform in The Big 3 automakers now have record offers on the table. UAW says they can do more

That’s what I like to hear.

This man’s a heckin’ chief.

wintermute_oregon ,

He’s been very strategic. It’s been interesting to watch compared to the strikes in the 80’s and 90’s.

Either he’s going to go down in history as a great leader who won workers more or the person who destroyed the UAW.

derf82 , to Work Reform in The Big 3 automakers now have record offers on the table. UAW says they can do more

Of course they can do more. Look at their profits. Look at their executive pay.

Hoomod ,

But won’t you think of the shareholders?!

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

You realize gm shareholders lost everything in the last bailout. That includes the workers who had stock as well.

Many people are myopic and forget the workers are shareholders. My dad was a uaw for most of his life. I lost all his shares in the BK. I only kept them for sentimental reasons but they’re gone.

Another thing to note, pension plans are some of the largest shareholders. So you’re literally mocking union workers.

Nudding ,

Do you think that’s who we’re talking about?

wintermute_oregon ,

Yes. Since pension plans are some the largest shareholders. People don’t understand who shareholders really are. They think they’re some mythical person when really it’s pension funds.

Nudding ,

No. We’re talking about controlling shareholders. Board members, executives, etc. Good try though.

wintermute_oregon ,

Is there a mouse in your pocket? We are not talking about anything.

The largest shareholders are pension/retirement funds.

I get you want to screw the unions but grow up.

Nudding ,

Uhh… No, I’m very pro union. We aren’t talking about the same thing. Have a nice day.

wintermute_oregon ,

Very pro-union but you have no clue how the system works. I’ll leave you with this to educate you on why shareholder value is important. Most my family is retired uaw and I like you they know their pension plan and medical plans are funded from shareholder value.

So instead of being an edge lord. Learn how the system works. Union families don’t find you wishing them harm so funny.…/2020SAR-gm.pdf

Nudding ,

??? Dude I don’t know what to tell you? When people say think of the shareholders they aren’t taking about mom and pop who were gifted shares with no ability to control the direction of the company, they’re talking about the scumbags doing buybacks, making short sighted business decisions which lead to the companies enshittification, etc. If you’re too stupid to differentiate between the two, then I’m sorry for you and your union family ✌️

wintermute_oregon ,

When people say that they just show they don’t get how the system works and they’re not union members.

I just cited you where their medical retirement fund is gasp funded by shareholder value.

I get you hate unions or just lack the knowledge to see how stupid phrases don’t help.

Buybacks help the union as it increases their funds for pensions and medical care. I’m against them but to deny they help the union is just stating you don’t get the symbiotic relationship they have together.

Nudding ,

Let me put it another way, fuck the shareholders. If you think that includes your union family members too, that’s your problem, as I’ve said. Again, goodbye

wintermute_oregon ,

So you are anti-union since that would remove their pensions and healthcare. I get being an edge lord is tough but I support the unions. Wishing for them to lose their pensions and healthcare is twisted.

Nudding ,

Great. Wonderful

btaf45 , to Politics in House Republicans reject Rep. Jim Jordan for speaker of the House, again

I bet if Dems started voting for Liz Cheney (after private negotiations with her), they could get at least 5 GOP members to go along. And just like that, Cheney would be the new Speaker of the House and Convicted Rapist Treason Trump would be fucked.

btaf45 , to Politics in House Republicans reject Rep. Jim Jordan for speaker of the House, again

This is the best part.

[Jordan lost a second vote in as many days as opposition to his nomination grew from 20 GOP defections to 22.]

hperrin , to Politics in House Republicans reject Rep. Jim Jordan for speaker of the House, again

Wait, again again, or just again? How many times has he lost now?

ram , avatar

This is only the second time he’s been a loser this time around. Voting began yesterday with another vote taking place this morning.

Of course he’s been a loser the rest of his life as well.

watson387 , to Politics in U.S. House pauses for the night before another attempt to elect a speaker avatar


themeatbridge , to Politics in U.S. House pauses for the night before another attempt to elect a speaker

Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., told reporters ahead of the vote that he planned to vote McCarthy, saying it’s “unacceptable” for a small minority of the majority dictating actions of the conference.

Selfawerewolf in the wild.

Bbbbbbbbbbb ,

Probably, yeah, but its more of a protest vote than anything else imo

krolden , avatar

I want to eat bacon

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