artisanrox , to Politics in Analysis: “She’s a Kyrsten Sinema Wannabe”: How a House Democrat Sold Out avatar

Methinks that fake Democrats are going to become the norm. We need laws that require donor's money back for false represntation.

gregorum , (edited ) to Politics in Trump’s Ploy to Evade Punishment for Jan. 6 Is Coming Into Focus avatar

What we’re seeing is Trump running down a Kubrickian hallway that just leads him right back to where he started. It’s delicious. 

If it were just one trial or set of charges he was facing, it might succeed, but the sheer plurality has his resources strained to the point of breaking like a computer forced to compute too many complex equations and thereby slowed to a crawl, left defenseless.


MadgePickles , to U.S. News in I Went on a Vigilante Raid to “Save” Kids Sold for Sex. What We Did Haunts Me Now. avatar

Wow. I don’t have any coherent words.

PeepinGoodArgs , to Men's Liberation in Fellas, Is It “Unmanly” to Post a Lot? We call it the “frequent-posting femininity stereotype,” and it’s measurable.

There’s even a tendency for people to think it is unmanly to sleep more, because needing rest is connected to being weak and vulnerable.

Lol. If your idea of manliness is threatened by getting more sleep, you probably need to grow up and take a nap.

whatupwiththat , to Politics in Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law

Germany 1938, where have you been??

Zorque ,

It's been among us all along!

agent_flounder , avatar

It’s calling from inside the state!

Shortstack , to Politics in Analysis: “She’s a Kyrsten Sinema Wannabe”: How a House Democrat Sold Out

Well fuck. This is my district but the choice was between joe Kent and this lady. Given how nuts kent came off I still would have voted for Perez even if she didn’t hide what she really intended to vote against. She’s not getting my vote again…unless her next opponent is another election denier. This system sucks.

Drusas ,

Make sure to vote in your primaries!

Lowered_lifted ,

It’s a small district, they would be better off just running lol

Drusas ,

Or both!

riskable , to Politics in Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law avatar

Austin should secede from Texas.

Lojcs , to Politics in Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law

Why tf is this called death star

spaceghoti OP ,

Because it enables the state of Texas to unilaterally wipe out any regulation or law passed by its city governments that it doesn’t like.

Lojcs ,

I don’t think an anti democratic law and a planet destroying weapon are comparable and tacking pop culture references to politics is supremely cringe

spaceghoti OP ,

I think maybe you’re focusing on the wrong thing to complain about. But that’s just my opinion.

Lojcs ,

It’s not even a good allegory. If the topic was a destructive military event maybe it would be acceptable. But calling a law ‘death star’ is just ridiculous. You can’t just group things into good things and bad things and pick the most recognizable bad thing to represent what you want to talk about. Words have meanings and there should be a corrolation between the severity and theme of your subject and the allegory you use.

Everyone already knows how bad this is. Me complaining about a stupid law in another continent is not going to change anything. But it does piss me off when political clickbait is apparently so acceptable that I get an article about Texas attacking Austin with death star law on my feed.

argv_minus_one ,

Wait’ll you see what effect this ends up having on those cities, then decide how apt the comparison is.

SamsonSeinfelder , to Politics in Analysis: “She’s a Kyrsten Sinema Wannabe”: How a House Democrat Sold Out

What a bitch. She sold everyone out who voted for her.

Sterile_Technique , to Politics in The Georgia Indictment Mug Shots: A Close Reading avatar

Why is the badge watermark on Trump’s so much smaller them everyone else’s? Does it scale with the perp’s hands or something?

btaf45 OP ,

Scales with size of penis for men, probably.

Tandybaum , to Men's Liberation in Fellas, Is It “Unmanly” to Post a Lot? We call it the “frequent-posting femininity stereotype,” and it’s measurable.

I’ve never thought about it but I think I have this bias. It’s something I’ll try and think on and correct because it’s dumb.

If someone was describing their friend that posts to Instagram 20 times a day I would 100% picture a woman. If they told me it was a dude it would have bumped me a little.

It’s probably tied to that old (incorrect) thought that women talk more than men.

Hacksaw , to Men's Liberation in Fellas, Is It “Unmanly” to Post a Lot? We call it the “frequent-posting femininity stereotype,” and it’s measurable.

This article does a good job of pointing out yet another toxic gender norm that applies to men. Ironically most of the replies agree that toxic masculinity is bad, but are also reinforcing toxic masculinity because it’s “unmanly to be weak and successor to harmful gender norms”.

Men are allowed to be weak, and they’re worth helping when they fall for stupid ideas like “it’s unmanly to post a lot” or “it’s unmanly to fall for such an obviously false/toxic idea of masculinity”.

FinallyDebunked , to Men's Liberation in We Know “NoFap” Is Misleading Men About Masturbation. It Might Be More Dangerous Than That. avatar

I started having sex more

nice solution, why haven’t I come up with that before

mozz , to Texas in Democratic Hopes of Retaking Congress Threatened Again by Allegations of Wife Corruption avatar

"Oh man. What did they get him for?"

"Wife corruption."

"Oh, shit. Worst kind."

gapbetweenus , to Men's Liberation in The Unexpected Wholesomeness of the Boys’ Chat

sending me memes and affirmations all day.

This sounds like my personal hell. Shows how different we all are.

TheFriar ,

The affirmations, yeah. But memes? You can’t be too averse to memes on lemmy, can you?

gapbetweenus ,

Actually I block quite a few meme instances the minute I see them. I enjoy memes only in moderation and I hate group-chat spam, most groups-chats I have to participate in, are muted.

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