
Seraph , in A good leader always farts first 💨

Can you please just use the word Vulnerability instead?

bstix ,

Vulnerability? I thought it was about nukes.

RampantParanoia2365 , in Marriage is like..

Why does Marriage not believe in LinkedIn?

TheGalacticVoid , in cu*t

Is he wrong tho?

Agent641 , in Warren Buffet in shambles

Sold a service company for 7… up

MxM111 , (edited ) in Thanks for telling me shapes exist! avatar

A circle is a 1D object.
A disk is a 2D object.
The post is a failure.

Hippopotamus ,

Uh… a circle is a 2D object and a disk is a 3D object

MxM111 , (edited ) avatar

Nope. You need one parameter to characterize a circle. Circle dimension is the same as of line. Circle has zero thickness. Circle is 1D-sphere.

Similar to a normal sphere being a 2D surface of a 3D ball, a 1D circle is the edge of 2D disc.

yesman , in Thanks for telling me shapes exist!

It looks like this person is talking about Platonic Idealism.

S_204 , in Inflation screwing you over? Just invest!

This is what I did with my banking fees…

I bought enough stock that the dividend covers my monthly fees. I reinvest the dividend so the yield keeps increasing. It’s a Canadian bank so it’s safe AF and not going anywhere and it’s up like 18%+ since I started the other year so I’m not going backwards there either.

Weird way to cover my fees but seems to be working.

Osa-Eris-Xero512 ,

This is a weird way to say "Things cost too much? Have you tried not being poor?"

S_204 ,

I mean yeah. I also own a house and have set my life up in such a way that I can afford to live what most people consider a normal life.

I’ll be honest if you can’t afford ~$1,000 in savings. Which is the sum that it took to cover my bank fees in dividend returns then it’s not about being rich or poor, it’s about being poor with your financial decisions. I grew up poor. Literally bankrupt poor, moving from place to place as we ran from bills. I started paying for my own clothes at age 9 and foot the bill for my entire life since age 12. Having $1,000 in the bank is not just for rich people. I’ve had that in the bank since I was 15 years old. Sometimes it wasn’t any more than that, but even when I was living on my own with zero support and bills up to my eyeballs, there was still a chunk of money earning me money along the way.

HappycamperNZ ,

Dad of 3 here, probably similar age to you.

I am well aware of how hard we had it growing up, and how much effort it took us to get anything put aside. I remember two hours travel for an extra hour of work at my second job, 3am finishes and 6am starts, and still work weekends, public holidays and up to 26 hours in a row.

I am also unfortunately well aware this is becoming the norm, and at least we had a few years where this got you a bit ahead. Its now not enough for many and I don’t know how then next generation will manage.

S_204 ,

Life was never easy, I don’t know when the story it was got sold to people. At the end of the day, if you can’t scrape together $1000, then shits beyond fucked up and tough decisions need to be made. I didn’t take a vacation for like 15 years other than a long weekend so I could save up. That wasn’t even tough LoL, it was just life. That was the norm around me and I expect it to continue for many if not most.

Atemu , avatar

I bought enough stock that the dividend covers my monthly fees.

That’s already a good bit of capital locked in stocks just for banking fees. Not saying that’s not worth it but not everyone has the luxury of having that capital.

it’s up like 18%+ since I started the other year so I’m not going backwards there either.

Note that this is mostly due to the current economic situation. As the world as a whole recovers from the pandemic, global indices rise.

With this sort of strategy, you must expect draw downs of just as much however; a crisis usually sends stock prices down faster and further than a recovery period like ours sends them up by. As an example: The start of the Palestine war last year sent the FTSE-All-World index down 5% in just a week or so.

Historically, the stock prices as a whole have grown around 7% p.a., so if the historical average growth continues, investing in a broad spectrum of stocks is a winning strategy.

twopi , in I will NOT protect your company secrets. Also you should hire me.

Honestly, I agree with this.

Companies pay me to work. If they want to control my speech, i.e. tell me what I can and can’t say when I’m OUT OF WORKING HOURS, then I want a part of the company.

Rookwood , in Ok.
paysrenttobirds , in Ok.
BuboScandiacus , in Long Interviews avatar

Can’t tell if this is a joke or not

mindbleach , in I will NOT protect your company secrets. Also you should hire me.

NDAs without a hard cutoff, maybe a year or two in the future, can get bent.

Especially for artists. Holy shit, do artists get screwed by NDAs. Some people’s portfolios are fucking sparse despite years of doing art five days a week for years and years. If the business just kills the project - tough shit, it’s a secret forever.

To the point we’re still seeing people hesitant to talk about failed games from thirty years ago, even though the company is dead, and the company that bought their corpse is also dead.

ZILtoid1991 , avatar

There's a non-zero chance that NDAs could use to shield bad people and/or bad companies from criticism, but often they're just used to stop spreading info to competitors, stop spoiling stuff, etc. Not crediting someone is usually scumbaggery, but in case of VTubers, they usually get doxxed within a week, especially big names and those that used to be big previously.

An even bigger issue IMHO are NCAs.

mindbleach ,

NCAs are “slavery but with more steps” territory. You can’t quit because we own your degree now.

remus989 ,

I had a company give me an NDA that essentially said I couldn’t work anywhere on the east coast after I quit because the had clients all over and there was a radius around each where I wasn’t allowed to work (I was young and desperate for a job so I didn’t pay enough attention to what I had signed). After I got a new job the old place came knocking. The new company’s lawyer laughed the old company out of the room when they presented it.

mindbleach ,

We need more doctrine based on argumentum ad fuuuck offff.

geekworking , in I will NOT protect your company secrets. Also you should hire me.

NDAs more often protect strategic information than some big secret.

Stuff like when they will release something, pricing, etc. It really means nothing to 99% of the planet and will mean nothing in a month, but a competitor can use the information to make counter moves.

Crack0n7uesday ,

I used to work on US military computers for drones, I quit like four years ago and the NDA still applies, so it depends. Also some NDA’s have a shorter expiration date than others.

CosmicTurtle ,

If a company is divulging critical information with a prospective candidate, thinking an NDA is going to help them, they have more problems than trying to fill a job role.

Endorkend , in I will NOT protect your company secrets. Also you should hire me. avatar

I generally agree unless the idea is actually something groundbreaking, which in 99.99% of cases, it isn't, even remotely.

When it's actually something groundbreaking, the person having the idea should have some protection to actually get rewarded for the idea.

I've been in companies where tradesecrets were stolen and it can seriously fuck a company.

The execution doesn't matter when a third party can undercut your price by 90%+.

Hupf , in Long Interviews

What kind of mythical position would that be for? Assistant to the branch manager?

Artyom ,

The CEO of the c suite, not to be confused with the CEO of the company.

archon ,


crimroy ,

That’s got to be at least assistant REGIONAL manager

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