
relevants , in Where to start..

This consistent overexplaining of every single sentence reeks of GPT

Norgur ,

Or someone who's so deep into GPT that they mimic its style subconsciously.

force ,

When people think you're using chat GPT because of the words you use and the overexplaining, but you really just have ADHD and spent your entire childhood reading rather than socializing

not the guy in the OP though he's just capitalist scum and has a fake job

webghost0101 ,

Auti-ADD here. The text in the post reeks like chatgpt..

On a side note, chatgpt is an amazing tool for people like us who are bad at communicating. The trick is to write sm doen in you own words. Let ai write a grammatical improved version. Combine both into version 2.0 and make some final refinements like “this sentence needs more emphasis on..”

Always take full responsibility for its output. Its a tool not a standin.

force , (edited )

To me it just looks like typical persuasive writing. Like you could find people writing like this everywhere way before ChatGPT, it's a go-to "formal" style for people attempting to coerce others into investing in vacuum cleaner stocks or something. It's exactly what I would expect from a "Technology Management Consultant" which is another one of those jobs built around bullshitting and convincing idiot higherups that you know what you're talking about.

I wrote pretty much this same way on middle school essays lol. You needed to sound more knowledgeable on the subject than you are. People eat it up, that's probably why it's ChatGPT's default writing style in the first place.

relevants ,

Eh, I mean it's a very specific flavor of overexplaining and needlessly summarizing, I don't think real ramblings (for lack of a better word) would exhibit this particular writing style purely by chance, even with repeated points.

iAvicenna , in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes avatar

I love how redundant the degrees of freedom in that curve is "lets make it look like stience"

CraigeryTheKid ,

Yeah, it would have looked better with just a straight line fit. And 2020 does seem "statistically different" than 1970.

Edit: to be clear though, if lower testosterone means I live longer and with more hair, I'm all for it! My kids seem to be normal enough.

frezik ,

Low testosterone can be a real issue. It'll reduce energy levels and limit bone and muscle strength. The right wing nonsense around it is obscuring some actual issues.

Rentlar ,

Boa constrictor of best fit.

Socsa ,

My guess is that they want to show a bump after 9/11 when "men went to war for freedom" or some shit.

LegionEris , in How about no

I work four days a week and take good care of myself. It sets me apart. Last I saw the numbers, my sales for the month were more than time and a half the second place employee’s. I am the stand out employee since my friend got a promotion. And I’m probably in line for the next one. If I work a fifth day, I have a mental breakdown. I promise. I Iove my job with everything in me, but I’ve never been stable working five days a week. I’m a high performance individual, and not overworking myself is essential to maintaining that.

Asimo ,

Not overworking to maintain high performance is something missed or not cared about by so many companies.

It’s like taking care of your chickens gives them a better life so they produce better and more eggs so you make more money. It’s pretty obvious you take care of those you farm for your own benefit (as the rich farm us).

Thorry84 , in Thanks for telling me shapes exist!

Also randomly making words hashtags for no reason…

I’m sure will be trending soon

Willy ,

. we can do it!


HootinNHollerin , in I had ChatGPT write me a LinkedIn Lunatic style post about the benefits of eating poop
andrew_bidlaw , avatar

Big Poop is on the rise.

ArtVandelay , avatar

Damn it, I’ll get the plunger

erp , in Leave some degrees for the rest of us

This individual has more debt than the United States government.

chumbalumber , in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes

It's clearly sexual selection; high testosterone results in early baldness, which in turn is deemed unattractive.

Thus, in order to save western society as we know it, we need to start worshipping bald men as the virile hotties we all know they truly are.

groats_survivor ,

Nice try Larry David

Aussiemandeus , avatar

I will put my hand up as the symbol of bald sexiness..

I'm a bald bearded 6 foot man.

Zacryon ,

Do you work in or near some chemical or nuclear industries or why do have 6 feet? /j

chumbalumber ,

Nice to meet you. I'm a 6-balled bearded footman.

Shurimal , in Inflation screwing you over? Just invest!

Inflation (when considering the rise of cost of living): 6%
Returns of investment funds my bank offers: 5%
Disposable income to use for investing: 0

Yeah, the math works out just fine on this one.

Tar_alcaran ,

Well obviously, you should have just picked a better stock. Crystal balls aren’t really that expensive you know!

Nougat ,

And you should have picked a better disposable income.

Tar_alcaran ,

Yeah, rookie mistake.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Investment returns of broad market: 10-15%. Don’t invest with your bank, invest with a brokerage.

That doesn’t exactly work if you don’t have money to begin with though…

sudo ,

Step 1. Have money

Well I guess we’re fucked.

Shurimal ,

The first rule of making money: Have money.

BedSharkPal , in Ok.

This is what I will tell myself if I ever accidentally shit myself. “I just needed some adversity in my life guys!”

frippa OP , avatar

Shit yourself in public -> gov thinks you’re insane -> passive income from disability checks

It’s really that easy guys.

captainlezbian ,

I dare these people to try the disability income lifestyle. If you manage to save you lose disability before you have enough to do anything with it

Gullible ,

Disability income is horrifying in the US. You’re essentially disallowed from owning things. Given that Europe will be waking up in a few hours, I’d like to ask whether the situation is panic-inducingly dystopian over there as well.

Spiralvortexisalie ,

I’m sure OP was joking but disability checks in USA is a very individualized experience but usually sucks (depending on what categories you may fall under and what funding streams are open). Generally you can not have more than $2,000 total in cash and/or assets (many barely running cars are worth that or more). You usually can work but get often are cut-off completely after making between $1,000-1,500 a month. The actual checks are usually less than a thousand a month barring special needs. Just an overview for anyone unaware of what it is like, obviously in a high cost of living area barring other subsidies (ie housing vouchers) you would have to min/max all costs/income/assets to avoid being perpetually destitute.

Sombyr ,

Worth noting, at least for SSI, your house (if you have one somehow,) anything inside your house or apartment, and one vehicle do not count as resources. Of course, the vehicle part is an issue because in most states, even living in subsidized housing and every other possible benefit you could have, paying for the insurance basically gives you 0 dollars to work with at the end of the month. Not to mention you can’t afford repairs if anything even minor comes up.

Also, as far as working, you can make up to double your disability income plus around $50 before your disability is shut off, and it turns right back on the second you report that you’ve gone back under that.

In addition, if you were disabled young enough, you can open up an ABLE account that let’s you save up to 100,000 dollars. Other people can also deposit into that account for you up to a certain amount and it won’t count against you. I technically qualify for an ABLE account myself, but I haven’t been able to successfully set one up yet.

Also, some states give SNAP benefits as cash instead of purely food EBT for SSI recipients, which makes life a lot easier because you’re pretty much guaranteed the max amount.

I’ve been surviving by finding subsidized housing where I can easily walk everywhere (and nearby family to support me and shop for me on rare occasions where I can’t walk, which is part of my disability,) cooking meals myself so I can keep them as cheap as possible so I can use the rest of my EBT cash on other things I need, and basically just trying not to have a lot of stuff that would be expensive to replace.

Although I did have a nice moment last year where they realized they weren’t paying me enough and had to give me back payments. 7,000 dollars just fell in my lap over the course of the year and I started getting a bunch more money every month. Happiest I’d been in a while.

If I’m honest though, probably by virtue of living in Vermont, my life’s been far from hard. Around here I randomly get letters sometimes saying they determined I qualify for a benefit I didn’t even know existed, so they automatically set me up with it. I’ll just randomly start getting extra money out of nowhere sometimes because of that.
Meanwhile, I have an also disabled sibling living a state over and his life’s been hell, never having money for things as simple as food and getting his disability shut off because the SSA interviewer didn’t want to do their job and just went “Well you don’t sound disabled.” So yeah, it varies.

KevonLooney ,

You have to create a Medicaid trust 5 years before you need it.…

sharkwellington ,

Anyone who complains about those on disability mooching off the government should thank their lucky stars that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

frippa OP , (edited ) avatar

It’s horryfiyng but for other reasons. I’m actually on disability and like every other single person on disability in Italy (sure it’s better in other countries) I’m fortunate to have a family (as to not have to rely on the meager check) or else I’d be on the street or worse. Life on here costs about ~800€ a month but they expect (?) people with disability to live with 300/500 a month (the average disability pension) the only person I knew who received more than that (not even that more, barely 800€) was a lady that was literally a vegetable and her cares costed many multiples of 800€, at least the cool thing is that you can receive these brownie points and keep working. Can’t comment on other European nations as they’re all different in som ways.

Edit: oh also when you turn 18 the gov agency in charge of disabilities and pension does whatever is it in its power to strip you of your meager check🙄

InfiniteStruggle ,

Cant you save in cash? How would the govt know you have cash squirreled away in your matttess?

Gullible ,

Technically possible, sure. Just don’t get caught during a random inspection where someone surreptitiously follows you for multiple days to see whether you’re faking.

zanariyo ,

Varies greatly by country, but Denmark here. It’s not the absolute worst, however getting on permanent disability aka early retirement is a years long process and the government will drag its feet like crazy on it while doing everything they can to find out that maybe you can work after all.

In that time until the government finally decides that you qualify for permanent disability/early retirement, you get to be on long term unemployment benefits which grants you about (at the highest tier, depending on age and living situation) 800 EUR after taxes and bills have been paid. If this can’t be reached normally you’ll get a little bonus called housing security to get you up there. While on unemployment benefits you cannot have more than 1300 or so EUR in your bank account and assets like a car, or that will count against your benefits. You must use your own money to pay your way first, then you get unemployment benefits. All the while you’re forced to go to meetings at the job centre, take on unpaid internships, and send out job applications for as long as it takes the government to move on. Oh, and forget about traveling or going on vacation. You are to be available for “work” at all times, and if they find out you’ve been gone it cuts into your benefits. Not that you can really afford to travel anyway.

Finally once you’re approved for early retirement, well, that’s what it is. You get a bit more money from the public pension, the restrictions are gone, and if you want you can even supplement with a part time job.

Gullible ,

It physically hurts to know that the US system is essentially identical to any other. It really offers a 1-2 punch to anyone unlucky enough to become disabled. I sincerely appreciate you writing this out, it was eye-opening.

zanariyo ,

I think the main difference you’ll generally see is how much money is given (800 EUR after taxes and utility bills comes out to about 1600 EUR gross depending on one’s living situation), and how much certain things are subsidized. At least in the unemployment part of the process. Let’s take dental health as an example: this isn’t covered by public healthcare, so you get to pay in full for any visits to a dentist.

However, for people on unemployment benefits this is subsidized either fully or almost fully. There’s a certain threshold at which you may have to request to have it subsidized, but often the dentist will just send the bill straight to the government. This is of course fucked up in its own right when you consider that if you have a job, no matter how little it pays, the government will want nothing to do with you there. A lot of people with jobs can’t afford dental work and get no support whatsoever from the government for it.

As well, once you’ve reached the point of early retirement or permanent disability, should you choose to take on a part time job it will cut into your benefits if you earn above a certain threshold from the job. However, unlike in the US, doing so gradually cuts into your benefits rather than just shutting it off. And again, all the restrictions from unemployment are gone here. You’re free to save as much as you like, travel, whatever.

Gullible ,

Ah, I misunderstood the unemployment benefits portion! That’s entirely my mistake. In that case, your system is far and away more reasonable and I apologize. It still physically hurts that disability is horrifically broken in the US but at least it isn’t universal. I hope we’ll eventually achieve something approaching acceptable treatment.

Shameless , in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride

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  • massive_bereavement , avatar

    There was already a software developer that got two contracts with different companies, then "outsourced" his workloads to four guys overseas in secret.

    Iirc he spent a tenth of his salary on paying this people and did nothing but attend meetings, but the output was pretty bad so eventually they found out.

    HeartyBeast , in Amazing attitude avatar

    It is a great attitude, yes. Some people actually enjoy work and do work of meaning. Some people also love their kids and want to be there for them. Some companies treat their employees with respect.

    These are not things to shit on

    ashok36 ,

    This is a perfect example of perfection being the enemy of good.

    Allowing, even encouraging, employees to work from home in order to temporarily care for a sick child is a good thing. The complainers must work somewhere that when you take off from work, someone else just comes along and does all your work for you. Needless to say, that's a rarity and also sucks for your coworkers.

    SupraMario ,

    Yea this is insane people are shitting on WFH, we're moving in the right direction, yea its not perfect but damn...

    sukhmel ,

    What you say is correct, and nothing of what you say I see in the posted screenshot. That very much feels like an advertisement for "return to office but just like not 100%, only like 90%, you gotta understand, man"

    Glasgow , in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes

    Me with high T still able to enjoy colours and musicals 🥰

    rbos , in Work math [satire] avatar

    Kombucha has to be in the running for most marked up drink. Stupid cheap to make, even if kegging it. Same essential process as beer.

    SuperIce ,

    I think the alcohol removal process increases the price quite a bit. Still very marked up though.

    Daxtron2 ,

    That's the trick, don't remove the alcohol

    SuperIce ,

    But then you have to restrict your userbase to over 21s and can't sell it in many supermarkets. Without alcohol it can be sold as a soft drink.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    It's not a lot of alcohol, it's like 1% by volume or something last I checked. You can make it higher, but I think it caps out around 3%.

    SuperIce ,

    That's accurate, but anything above 0.5% is considered alcoholic in the US. There have been some small pushes to get the limit increased to 1.25%, which would make the usual levels of alcohol in normal kombucha legal, but I don't think that'll actually ever happen.

    rbos , avatar

    0.5% in the States? Yuck. Paranoid. Anyway not too expensive. Filtering out the yeast. Bubbling oxygen through the mix. Increased nucleation might do it too.

    Regardless: huge markup.

    rbos , (edited ) avatar

    At least here it can have 1.1% ABV without triggering regulations. Most of the sugars get metabolized by yeast into alcohol, then bacteria into vinegars. The better it's oxygenated, the more vinegars are made. You don't remove the alcohol, you convert it.

    So 40g of sugar in a litre would become about 20g of alcohol, most of which becomes vinegar. The exact amount depends on time, temp, oxygen.

    archomrade , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

    Fuck ALL social media, but especially fuck linkedin

    tuckerm , in A good leader always farts first 💨

    I was expecting the twist to be that fart was an acronym. Like:

    Fess up
    Admit mistakes
    Reassess direction

    A good leader is willing to have a F.A.R.T. discussion.

    beefbot ,

    Them who S.M.E.L.T it D.E.A.L.T. it!

    EmoDuck ,

    Fess up

    I shat my pants

    Admit mistakes

    I thought it would just be a fart

    Reassess direction

    I should probably not go to that meeting right now


    I have 90 seconds until that shart starts to leek out of my pants

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