
OsrsNeedsF2P , in cu*t

Proud member of the Linux cu*t here

GardenVarietyAnxiety ,

Newbie linux cu*t here!

spez , in Lost your only source of income? Well people died in the holocaust so deal with it lol

Definitely doesn’t have to worry about money, this guy.

ZeroCool , avatar

“It’s just a job, Michael. How long could it possibly take to find a new one? Ten minutes?”

BlueLineBae , avatar

Go see a star war

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

An Yong

fibojoly ,

«il suffit de traverser la rue!» (you just gotta walk across the street!) is the trendy joke in France since one of our elected morons uttered it.

I never really understood the whole “sending hundreds of resumes” thing, so I don’t think it’s quite the end of the world if you have any skills, but these people are demented, thinking it’s that easy. Clearly never lost a job or known involuntary unemployment.

667 , in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride avatar

The minimum wage in Philippines is ~$6 per day in the provincial regions (350Php). $5 per hour for 8 hours is damn well nearly a king’s ransom; equivalent to 2,200Php.

pineapplelover ,

Damn wtf

shalafi ,

Thank you. ITT: Bunch of spoiled, outraged clueless people.

Just ask my Pilipino wife if $5/hr. is good money back home. She stared at me for a beat, “Oh yeah! That is very good!”

You can live damned well on $40/day. Her ex went over there and took her whole family out to dinner at a nice restaurant in Manila. 12 people, $50 including a generous tip. I make $81K/yr. and I couldn’t take half that many people out to eat on a day’s pay.

essell , in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes

Masculinity is on the verge of facing extinction

Why isn't this getting more attention?

Perhaps because masculinity itself isn't a moral good or requirement for survival? 🤔

darki , (edited )

Well you have no idea about "masculinity" given by testosterone implied, eg. Can two women reproduce? Or have the strength of a man?... and are thinking about "toxic masculinity" a term given to something else

Edit "Man needs testorones."

Edit "How mental and stupid would I be to think that everyone online has to agree with me... I am/was not expecting that to be clear... Everyone feel free to dislike, comment and be whatever you want to be and be happy in your lives"

Edit edit "since this has become a brainless comment section: " yes woman can still reproduce without a masculine Man, then what? Ffs... It's not like every single species has male and female with specific roles, right? Think about why society has deteriorated... Why families are being destroyed, by divorce rates increased and every single country has a birth deficit. Comes back to feminism of women (the toxic kind) and role problems for Men. Likewise toxic masculinity is also to blame.... ... you can't change biology. Man needs testorones. Man is a man and woman is the traditional woman, you know with a uterus (old fashioned and traditional, those dinosaurs yes) "

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar
orphiebaby , (edited )

No thanks, I'm not gay


It's a pun

Nepenthe , avatar

Ah yes, the only two functions, reproduction and opening jars /s

Recently, scientists successfully induced the stem cell of a male mouse to transform into an egg instead of sperm.

The resultant litter was in all respects normal and, while we are talking about baby steps (ha) with mice instead of humans, I'm sure that would be a when, not an if.

The biggest immediate concern would probably be depression and osteoporosis. Pretty sure the depression wouldn't be very new, sadly, for anyone still paying attention to anything around them at all, but it doesn't need to be added to the pile for a demographic that already doesn't tend to reach out.

darki ,

Ofc you can defy biology and have kids. But then what?

Nepenthe , avatar

Uh....then you have kids? If you want them? I do not think I understand the question.

darki ,

I don't think conveying each other's opinions is that easy/possible here and impossible to reach some understanding ☮️

essell ,

As an effeminate male, I promise you I don't need masculinity to reproduce! 😁

Pandantic , avatar

But how are you at opening jars (the other benchmark for man)?!

essell ,

Better than my husband is at it. Still, we do own a battery powered jar opener for extreme situations. It's the end of civilization.

dethedrus ,


Willy ,

Under-cabinet jar openers are a great tool to have in the kitchen. They are effective and don't take up much space. However, they may leave marks on certain materials, so it's best to avoid using them on reusable water bottles.

Socsa ,

I simply become outraged that the jar has dared to challenge my manhood and fling them against the wall to assert dominance.

darki ,

You are the reason divorce rates are ao high 😭

essell ,

What a thing to get credit for, feeling flattered and powerful!

zarkanian , avatar

Damn sexy femboys, destroying marriages.

zarkanian , avatar

Can two women reproduce? Or have the strength of a man?

Yes to both questions.

darki ,

Then what? Ffs... It's not like every single species has male and female with specific roles, right? Think about why society has deteriorated... Why families are being destroyed, by divorce rates increased and every single country has birth deficit. Comes back to feminism of women and role problems for Men

Jiggle_Physics ,

It's economics, not feminism, my guy.

We have less kids as the cost of living rises. Divorce rates for 40+ years have been in decline, the only exception was a small increase during lock-down. Families are being destroyed by economics as well. Most families require two incomes in order to be able to afford raising a child into adulthood. The socially isolating effects of car culture, suburbanization, loss of third places to just hang out, and socialize at, being forced to work 50+ hours a week on top of 10+ hours of commuting. These are all major contributors to the decline in birth rates. The traditional family structure you envision is very likely not even that much older than the the gilded age. Possibly a product of mid last century.

The average employed person creates ~300% more gdp than someone in the 70s. However, compared to the total cost of living, we have seen almost none of that increase in wealth on the side of laborers, and servers. We have seen historic increases in the wealth of the .01% though. Maybe if the workers were cut in on that 300% increase people could afford to have a parent stay home for their children and afford appropriate housing. Maybe if we built more housing, designed cities that are walkable, and designed in a way that generates in-person interactions, we could have nice things like nuclear family structures. Maybe if we have systemic structures to ensure that stay at home parents didn't end up isolate, and dependent, on the working spouse, being a stay at home parent might look better to a broader range of people.

Beyond this our lives are rapidly becoming more, and more, sedentary. Desk time, for income, is getting to a point where, to afford the cost of living these days, it is exhausting to people and pushes physical activity further, and further, out from your typical daily routine. This, along with a number of other systemic reasons creating the obesity epidemic, is a huge contributor to decline in T levels. The average age of the population increasing also affects the averages of T levels in demographics studies. Then there is the is the, largely unknown, affects that plastics, and the chemicals used to produce them, are having on our bodies. We know things like BPA can affect your endocrine system, however it is not well understood how, yet. This is the new "heavy metals in almost all household products". We are only just starting to really study what affect this is having on us, and our environment.

But you have been convinced it is to be blamed on women. You ran after the decoy, not the duck.

darki ,

You wrote something so good and logical. Great actually. I don't understand why you didn't understand that I think Man being more Feminine is a problem. Feminism Is Woman saying that they can be a man and better and Don't need man. You don't see this impacting our lives in any way? You also don't see toxic masculinity impacting our lives in any way? By the way divorce rates were higher than 80% in a lot of countries in the EU last year. It's never going down again...

yeah ,
edwardbear ,

As “requirement for survival” in modern day and age? Yes, we definitely don’t need it.

In prehistoric times masculinity is the reason why you live and breathe today.

Should what is masculine be redefined to fit today’s era? Hell yeah.

Monument ,

Masculinity is a social construct.

Whatever point you’re trying to make, you’re using the wrong words for it.

edwardbear ,

Maybe, I’m pretty fucking high, sorry

Monument ,


darki ,

Ah yes, there is definitely no difference between masculinity and femininity, right? Big brain 🧠
Its construct, everything that makes man a Man is a masculinity trait

Monument ,

Ah yes, there is definitely no difference between masculinity and femininity, right?

If you say so, I guess. I don’t really care about the distinction between masculinity and femininity.

Its construct, everything that makes man a Man is a masculinity trait

You’re wrong, though. Both about what makes a man a man, and that you seem to think that masculine is a synonym for man.

A man is a whoever tells me they are a man. If you believe differently, then we can’t be friends.
Masculine/masculinity describes characteristics, not gender or biology.

If you still have questions, I encourage you to search online for answers.

intensely_human ,

I don’t really care about the distinction between masculinity and femininity.

You sure are putting a lot of effort into discussing this thing you don’t care about

Monument ,

Yeah. I guess I do care about them a lot.

If we didn’t care about using words correctly and comprehending the words others use, we wind up sounding like real idiots.

I know that’s kind of an ableist sentiment. There are plenty of folks that can speak well or comprehend others, but don’t for a variety of reasons*, and even folks who can’t that are not idiots.

I’m choosing not to believe you are an idiot, so I wish you the best of luck in life. I’m rooting for you.

* Such as when someone desperately wants to bait you into an argument so they can blather their poorly considered opinions, but don’t know they’ve already been rolled.

Anyway, even though it’s tangential to my comments, if you want to tell me your thoughts about genders or gender identities, go right ahead.
I promise I won’t respond and challenge you on any of it. It’ll be the perfect void for you to scream into.

darki ,

I'm ok with that. How mental would I be to think everyone will agree with me or be my friend... 😜

intensely_human ,

As a man, who values his masculinity, actually fuck you and your entire attitude toward me and people like me.

S_204 , in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride

In Canada we import people to work the jobs deemed beneath Canadians… then they’re put up in company housing.

Pretty much modern day slave trade. The money doesn’t even stay in the country, a lot of it is remitted back home to their families.

ashenblood ,

Uhhh… slaves didn’t get paid at all.

Allowing people to immigrate into a developed country, make way more money than they would at home, get put up in company housing, and send the majority of the money back to their families seems like a pretty good deal for all parties.

Tagger , in LinkedinLegends

That feels harsh on Ed

saltesc , (edited )

Oh, please. He's a marketer that mimics. It's a rinse repeat exploit that's paid well. He's like a super efficient Simon Cowell because he doesn't have to find people with a voice, just keep a close on upcoming artists, blatantly copy them, flog sales. And idiot fans marvel at his broad range in genre and sound like it comes from within lol

Edit: Oh, yeah, and then there's all the copyright issues he's constantly in when flying too close to the sun.

Tagger ,

I mean, okay then, I'd say he's a talented musician who performs good music in an engaging style. Whereas Cordon has been regularly said to be an arse.

Like I say, suggesting that car would be an awful place to be feels harsh on Ed.

drolex , in Where to start..

Haha my poor Taosif, you know nothing. You have a PhD in physics from the MIT, and all that for what? Not even able to think outside the box. My man Sreekanth is thinking outside the box containing the box. Not bad. But he failed to add the missing term in his equation.

E + BTC = mc² + AI

Norgur ,

Sine we know that E=mc², we can substitute and then subtract E, getting
so either AI is the blockchain, or this equals-sign is to be read as "just as bullshit as".

odium ,

TIL, E is just as bull shit as mc^2.

iopq ,

No, the value of AI equals the value of the Blockchain

Might both be zero

Lauchs , in Warren Buffet in shambles

“There’s something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little so you can have more of it.” - The Good Place

ech ,

Such a forking good show.

billwashere , in NSFL

Fuck this noise. I will use whatever I’m allowed to my advantage. Work trips are like mini vacations I don’t have to pay for.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I expense my cocaine and hookers.

billwashere ,

I work for the state so I haven’t figured this part out yet. I’m open to suggestions 😀

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

What state?

Some are more open to it then others.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I got a $45 food stipend for lunch once. My lunch cost $30 (it was lunch AND dinner) and then tipped the restaurant $15.

I’m using 100% of it.

Klanky , in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride avatar

I automatically block anyone in my feed who has a sentence as their job title. They are always garbage.

drolex , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

is this employee in the room with us right now?

Well, he should be, but he's WORKING from BLOODY HOME FFS!!!

EmoDuck , in Leave some degrees for the rest of us

I have 47 different degrees and two years of experience as a degree forger

systemglitch , in Cold calls aren't spam!

Anyone calling me I don't know is spam, and I never answer. Text, email, or snail mail if you need to contact me so I can decide if interaction will develop further.

AeonFelis , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

Come on! This is 2024! At least pipe it through an LLM to get a different phrasing for each post...

ech , in Warren Buffet in shambles

Does he know any wealthy people that don’t do coke?

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