
mozz , in Lost your only source of income? Well people died in the holocaust so deal with it lol

Fast forward 3.5 hours to his local Starbucks


ChicoSuave ,


KSPAtlas , avatar

So I’m living in a concentration camp?

mozz , (edited )

If only everyone else would agree with him and do exactly what he says at all times immediately, we wouldn’t have problems like this. He specifically told them how unreasonable it is that they’re out of soy milk. Several times.

ArtVandelay , avatar

“The Nazis had pieces of flair! They made the Jews wear em!”

spirinolas ,


some_guy , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

It's almost like how local news networks in the USA are reading the same copy of stories by their handlers to spread propaganda. Gosh, do you think this could be the same?

Of course it is.

TheGalacticVoid , (edited )

This is a serious threat to our democracy.

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy*

Takios , avatar

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!

ICastFist , avatar

This is extremely threat to our democracy!

slurpeesoforion ,

This IS a serious threat to our democracy.

callouscomic ,

I think a lot of that is because few companies now own all of it. Local newspapers too.

some_guy ,

That's exactly why. Last Week Tonight has covered this topic. It's probably available free on YouTube if you wanna look for it.

fckreddit , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

Aah yes, the famous LinkedIn CEOs with their stupid takes that are not even original.

liam070 , avatar

Brigette Hyacinth

A name so exotic it leaves the bitter taste of AI-madness in my mouth...

Kusimulkku ,

Makes me think of Hyacinth Bucket

Yurgenst ,

Iiiiiits bouquet dear. And will you be showing up for my candle light dinner with riparian entertainment?

funkless_eck ,

Mind the horses Richard

Speculater , avatar

I think I'm going to body the next person that introduces themselves as a CEO and has a business they haven't even created a MVP with yet, or it's just them with a "good idea."

governorkeagan , in cu*t

Am I the only one who didn’t read “cult” first?

plz1 ,

That’s the point.

I came in expecting a post about Aussies’ favorite greeting/compliment/insult, and was let down.

Sho ,

Nope, it was the furtherest word from my mind ha.

sp451 ,

No, you are not. Apparently in my letter repository the N is more famous than the L :)

julianh , in A good leader always farts first 💨

I mean I kind of get the metaphor and appreciate the idea of being the kind of leader that people can feel comfortable around, but there's got to be better ways of expressing that.

lastunusedusername2 ,

Farting is a metaphor for when you actually fart.

Gullible ,

Would you have read it all the way through otherwise? I wouldn’t have.

Zorque ,

Depends on how you define "better".

More polite? Sure. More relatable to a wider audience? Honestly, probably not. Everyone farts. And those who don't are dirty dirty liars.

Swedneck , avatar

everyone farts? not anymore!


Darkard , in Inflation screwing you over? Just invest!

“capitalism is a horrible system that tried to bankrupt my family though medical expenses.

But don’t fight it, support it by giving them your money anyway, and then any that you earn after that.

You are a fool of you don’t buckle to the whims of big business”

funkless_eck ,

“support it via ✨️ g a m b l i n g ✨️”

DreadPotato , avatar

Bruh, it’s not gambling if you know you’re gonna win taps forehead meme

clearedtoland , in Leave some degrees for the rest of us

Ngl if it weren’t for my soul crushing student loan debt, I’d do this. Not to qualify for jobs or gloat, I just love learning.

I hope to start a PhD before 40 but the finances and family life aren’t looking too promising.

ElderberryLow ,

Same. I’d do every IT degree possible if so lol.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Me too! I plan on doing a PhD sometime in my 40s, before I turn 50.

TranscendentalEmpire ,

Why do you think he's still in school? They can't start collecting until you finish school. All he has to do is remain in school longer than fasfa remains Id say he's got a chance.

RizzRustbolt ,

"It's a form, not a student debt corporation." - My Mom.

Nachorella ,

If it's not to qualify for jobs you can always just learn online for free. I suppose it depends on the degree but there's quite a lot you can just teach yourself these days.

Obi , avatar

I learn new things almost every day, I haven't set foot in a school in nearly 20 years.

Swarfega ,


Monument ,

My dog eats shoe soles when she gets separation anxiety, and miraculously, she hasn’t managed to need surgery (for that) yet.

That one was free, but the next dog fact is gonna set you back $10k.

(And we know the shoes are an issue. The last 3 were a friends shoe that was accidentally left here in a place we didn’t spot them, our dog sitter’s mom’s shoe (from her closet!), and my wife’s shoe from the ’no dog area’ when we forgot to close a baby gate.)

StaticFalconar ,

Ngl every time that thought runs through my head it eventually hits a wall at some point in the class when you've had your fill of curiosity for the subject, would rather move on to something else, but now you are stuck doing homework and working on that paper.

cabron_offsets ,

Bruh. I question very seriously the wisdom of any applicant who has a PhD. Considering that a good deal of my job requires me to fire useless phds when their idiot bosses won’t do it.

I have a PhD, btw. Been through the trenches.

Ragnarok314159 ,

My employer has hired a few PhD’s for entry level engineering positions, and then they always end up fired because they are too incompetent to do it.

“I have a PhD”. Yeah, but you can’t even do this basic shit and your doctorate is in nothing we care about, but you knew some people.

ResoluteCatnap ,

Ive often thought that id love to get paid to learn. Like give up my job and my new job is just learning

Ragnarok314159 ,

You can, but then it switches from learning to discover something. Expanding human knowledge is cool, but then reality sets in with funding, getting published, and having to kiss ass to rich idiots who think they are just as smart as you.

Crackhappy , avatar

You can audit classes for free at Harvard online.

restingboredface , in Inflation screwing you over? Just invest!

What’s extra annoying about this is that in his story, his mom gets screwed over by the hospital so rather than thinking to complain or go elsewhere he thinks ‘yah im gonna invest in that’. Investing in bad actors like that just reinforces their shitty behavior.

starman2112 , (edited ) in Ok. avatar

I wanna upvote it because it’s funny but I don’t wanna upvote it because OP didn’t get the obvious joke

appel ,

In OP’s defense, it’s kinda hard to tell nowadays if someone’s joking or not. Satire is dead and buried.

notthebees ,

Satire has been exhumed, cremated, and had the ashes stolen and sold in an auction on accident.

Holyhandgrenade , avatar

Another problem with satire is that conservatives literally cannot grasp the concept of it, so they also take satirical works, making fun of conservatives, literally.
There are people that watched The Boys and come away from it thinking Homelander is a swell guy. Like, how??

ZeroCool , in Lost your only source of income? Well people died in the holocaust so deal with it lol avatar

Dear [x,y,z] snowflakes

I like it when people let you know right off the bat that they’re a shitty person who’s about to say something stupid.

run_rabbit , in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes

A useful approximation of normal T levels in humans can be seen in present day hunter gatherers in Africa. The Hadza tribe was shown to have an average level of 151pmol/l, well below that of what we see in societies such as America. We can, therefore, argue that the reduction of T levels in modern man over the last few years is a shift back towards the norm.,Hadza%20and%20the%20Datoga%2C%20respectively.

OneWomanCreamTeam , avatar

They love to pretend that they're experts at biology but fail to grasp that it's fucking complicated. More isn't always better with hormones.

the_crotch ,

No! Me more man juice, me more man! Mightiest man!

intensely_human ,

But an enormous shift in hormone levels in an entire population is worthy of attention.

KillingTimeItself ,

absolutely, there's no guarantee that it's a good thing, but there's also no guarantee it's a bad thing either. Shits weird sometimes.

GroundedGator ,

I can only infer the meaning of the graph but it seems to me that the sampling has increased which could shift the line as well.

Ummdustry ,

However, both populations experience suboptimal access to energy, and consequently maintain minimal levels of body fat and low BMI

You are citing a malnourished population.

Previous studies of non-western populations have revealed inconsistent associations between men's testosterone levels and paternal or marital status. |
Twenty-seven Hadza participants | Eighty Datoga participants

This is a comparitively small study, and one which contradicts other bodies of research.

As with male birds, it seems likely that testosterone facilitates reproductive effort in the form of male–male competition and mate-seeking behaviour, both of which interfere with effective paternal care.

Given the increasing social atomisation of the west (see:average age of fatherhood, number of children had, divorce rates), the hypothesis proposed by this paper implies testosterone levels in the west should be increasing not decreasing.

Look, I get the desire to debunk redpillers, but when we're talking about a worldwide trendline in basic biology you're going to need more research than this to do so. The Male infertility crisis is a genuine problem field experts are extremely worried about, hence the need for research and coverage by the mainstream (to stop snake oil salesmen being the main point of contact for this issue).

KillingTimeItself ,

The Male infertility

i think male infertility is probably less of an issue when we consider that most people born now, do not want to have kids, based on the pure fact that it's too expensive, time consuming, and grueling in the modern era.

Unless that's what you mean by male infertility. But last i checked that's not what that means. Perhaps even male infertility is going up because people want less children? Sign of the times sort of a deal, who knows, science is fucked! Or actually, it might be a result of better medical services, allowing people with worse fertility to have children now, when they previously wouldn't have been as likely to have children. Perhaps a result of decreasing infant mortality. Though i frankly doubt that's a significant factor.

Manmoth ,

most people born now, do not want to have kids, based on the pure fact that it's too expensive, time consuming, and grueling in the modern era.

These people need to open a history book.

KillingTimeItself ,

that's just what happens when you become a highly educated society. They have less children, and since they have less children, there is less productivity.

Ummdustry ,

Most people born now do still want to have kids. Even in my famously childless country (UK) 50% of women will have a child by the age of 30 (and a great many more afterwards.). Antinatalism remains a fringe belief.

What people do want is fewer children later. This actually makes the fertility crisis (which is very much more than a behavioural phenominon, you can jizz onto a microscope slide to get hard empirical data) a more significant issue. Since fertility decreases with age, changes that might've gone unnoticed when people had kids at 25 become catastrophic when people instead chose 35.

Perhaps you don't want kids, that's fine, I respect your choice. Most people actually still do! If this health effect is the result of (as some experts suspect) micro-plastic leached EDC's (an environmental pollutant we have no suitable method of removing, which has a significant lag from production to release, and whose associated industry continues to expand) then saying "it's no big issue we don't need to worry about it" is (in essence) endorsing the forced sterilisation of many hundreds of millions, without their consent.

That is still a maybe, the evidence is far from conclusive, but do we really want another global-warming scale crisis on our hands just to dunk on Ben Shapiro?

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean yeah, this is true, but one thing that you have to be careful of as a society, especially when you have a significant population, is keeping your general population swing balanced. If 80% of one generation has kids, and then 50% of those kids have kids, That original generation is going to be a significant burden on society, purely because they outnumber the working class of the society.

Fewer children would definitely have that knock on effect, but what i still see being a significant problem is the social incentive for people to have kids. And when you have a society that is generally not conducive to having children, people are going to be less likely to have children. That's not a bad thing i suppose, but i don't think it's safe to rely on people who do want to have children, regardless.

Just to be clear here, anti-natalism is the belief that humanity as a whole, should collectively stop having children, as the lack of suffering would outweigh gained positive experience. It has almost nothing to do with this conversation, other than being an extreme side, much like forcing women to get pregnant and have children, would also be an extreme.

And i also never said that infertility wasn't an issue, i just think it's probably less pressing than building a society that people want to have children in.

Blackmist ,

That face when high testosterone turns out to be caused by lead in petrol.

kautau , in Lost your only source of income? Well people died in the holocaust so deal with it lol

I help teams make games

So in other words he’s a useless parasite that hasn’t written a line of code in his life and likely champions in app purchases and cutting features. He’s a bob from office space

mozz ,

So one day, the build was broken. The guy that was running the project freaked the fuck out. He said the client needed to have a nightly build or really bad things would happen.

Now, to manually produce a build of this project was an intense undertaking. It usually ran overnight and it was a long, fiddly process that took several hours. I proposed to him that I just fix the builder instead, and they’d get a build tomorrow. No, he said. It has to be today.

I spent the entire goddamned day making a new build. Finally, at the end of the day, I got a build. We could give it to the client.

He said, good news, I got you some extra time. I told the client we’ve got some new features we really want to show you, and they’ll be in tomorrow’s build.

You can see where this is going.

Four days in a row this happened. Four days of making a new build by hand, never with the time or permission to just fix the builder. The client never received the build they kept getting promised, because there were always new features waiting, tantalizingly close, that they absolutely had to witness for themselves. But alas, these features had just been implemented, brand new, and we had to make a build that would include them. Tomorrow. It was always just in the works, tomorrow. And yet… tomorrow, when everyone came in, the build was broken! This was a surprise to no one, except the guy running the project. He seemed genuinely not to grasp the idea that if no one fixed the autobuilder, the autobuilder would continue not working. He lived in a perpetual state of fear and anxiety, driven to wild agony by the prospect of an unhappy client. I wasn’t privy to the conversations, but I suspect the client was genuinely unhappy with whatever he was telling them. I have no idea.

Finally, on the fourth day, I happened to talk with one of the higher-ups, and filled him in one what was going on on my project. His conversation about it with me was fairly brief, but it was fairly clear that he wasn’t happy.

Within a few minutes, I was officially told that I had permission to take some time to fix the autobuilder. Oh joyous day it was.

Once the project was over, there was a very, very short delay before the guy who’d been running the project had been offered an exciting new opportunity at some other company and we all wished him the best.

Sylvartas ,

This comment triggered my project milestone PTSD

Rodeo ,

the guy who’d been running the project had been offered an exciting new opportunity at some other company and we all wished him the best.

Must be nice to be so privileged he can be a complete fuckup and not even get fired for it. Everybody agrees to use euphemisms to not hurt his feefees because he’s just too rich and special to have to be embarrassed.

mozz ,

I mean, generally speaking, I do think it’s better not to publicly humiliate anyone if you can avoid it. The fact that some people think this doesn’t apply to “underlings” doesn’t make it any less true as a general rule.

kautau ,

Yeah, I left my last company after almost the entire dev team was poached. And a coworker of mine who moved to a much better position at a much better company got me an interview to run their mobile app team. And it was a no-brainer to take the offer. But I never burned bridges. I spent my last two weeks documenting all the things I had built that were living inside my head. And 6 months later the CEO of my previous company sent me a video begging me to come back, with a “name your price” salary to be director of engineering. I could have taken it for more money, but it was an ad agency, and incredibly stressful. So I kindly turned down the offer in person because burning bridges is just never a good idea

hemko ,

To be fair there’s a lot of people working on any software project that are not directly involved, but whose work is essential for the project to succeed. For all we know, this insensitive brick could be anyone from a janitor to a project manager or an automation engineer working with their internal infrastructure.

There’s a ton of people in the software business who have never written a line of code, that are essential. It’s not any kind of measure on how leech you are, but your message shows well how high you’re sitting on your coding throne with inbuilt toilet

kautau ,

Oh I think that’s absolutely true and that many pieces of the puzzle are necessary to make software. I also think it’s disingenuous to call game devs “snowflakes” because their industry is tough, their post demonstrates that this person isn’t worried about how they’ll pay their rent if they lose their job

hemko ,

Yeah I agree the person in op is a brick, just got a feeling from your message that you wouldn’t have respect for non-coders working on a project

Sylvartas , (edited )

What the job title “executive [job]” does to a mf /s

Could also just be a (bad) producer tbh

myster0n , in Thanks for telling me shapes exist!

I know my Italian grandmother had health problems lately, but THIS is how I find out? Nonagon?

MoonlitCringe ,


SturgiesYrFase , avatar

What’s that face for? That was comedic gold!

Kusimulkku , in cu*t

Customers attack those who buy Android

“Yeah ‘cunt’ seems about right”



BilboBargains , in How about no

It will set you apart. People will think of you as ‘that maniac with no life’.

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