Osa-Eris-Xero512 ,

That ending theme was irresponsibly good.

VindictiveJudge ,

I didn’t even get to listen to all of it because the app always wants to autoplay Hegemony.

StillPaisleyCat ,
@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

I was really impressed by that. Really felt it belonged on a cinematic feature.

jaelisp ,
@jaelisp@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Amazing TWOK references as always. And again they do stakes without leaning too much into combat. But it did feel like it would benefit from more time, some bits felt rushed. I’d also have liked to see the reclaimed BoP help in some way. It didn’t feel right that he wasn’t in the picture to get back at Locarno. The paywall was amazing.

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Annotations up at: startrek.website/post/3287357

wahming ,

I found the ending somewhat anticlimactic, after having built it up for a few seasons it just ended with a deluded Locarno vs Mariner. Anybody else feel the same way?

gnuplusmatt ,

I liked the “He looks like Tom Paris” back and forth, I’m glad they didn’t do something hokey like he’s Tom Paris’ cousin or something. I liked the flashback showing Mariner as the tag along first year, worked better than just telling us in the previous episode, that flashback probably should have been attached to episode 9.

I kept expecting William Boimler to show up before the end of the season, guess they’re holding onto that thread for next year

williams_482 ,
@williams_482@startrek.website avatar

I kept expecting William Boimler to show up before the end of the season, guess they’re holding onto that thread for next year

I think it would be pretty funny if they just never picked up that thread again. William Boimler, already presumed dead, joins S31, does ???? because ?????, is never heard from again.

Then again, this show could do a great job riffing off of how counterproductive and ultimately stupid S31 is, in addition to their absurdly twisted and seemingly inconsistent history. So I’d be perfectly happy to see that too.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

William Boimler hatches a plan to try to use Changelings as spies by making them able to pass tests to detect them. What could possibly go wrong?

VindictiveJudge ,

Alternatively, do what they did with Bashir and suddenly reveal that he replaced Bradward at some indeterminate point during season 4.

Seasm0ke ,

I don’t know man I just don’t see it.

abba2566 ,

Overall, I really liked the overarching plot, but I think they needed to extend out the conclusion over more episodes with this episode and the previous feeling a little rushed.

That being said, still a very enjoyable episode and

spoileryay captain Boimler!

Feels like a lot of character development this series.

I enjoyed the TWoK references though!

williams_482 ,
@williams_482@startrek.website avatar

This was an excellent finale (as all four of them have been, not at all a given with modern Trek or frankly modern television in general), and fully justifies the somewhat weaker setup episode before it.

“A paywall on a bomb?” might be the best joke this show has delivered in it’s whole run. I don’t often crack up while watching these episodes, but this one really got me. At the very least it’s up there with “It’s a bomb! You can only use it once!” from Wej Duj. I’m sensing a pattern.

In more typical lower key Lower Decks humor, Boimler and Rutherford arguing about if Locarno looks like Tom Paris was excellent.

I do wonder what the plan is with Tendi. We’ve seen supposed major shakeups like this dropped into previous finales, of course, with Boimler leaving the Cerritos for the Titan at the end of season one and Freeman getting arrested at the end of Season 2, which were quickly reverted in the first few episodes of the subsequent season. Odds are that’s the play here. I hope so, because losing Tendi would suck. She’s a delight.

Why was Boimler the acting captain when the command staff took off on the captain’s yacht? There was a full Lieutenant right behind him on the bridge, and surely tens of others on the ship who are more senior and more qualified. A little bit of a main character boost there.

ApostleO ,

I asked the same question out loud to myself when I saw Boims in the captain seat. Best guess: since the plan was just to tow the destroyer and throw it, they knew he wouldn’t have to do much, and it’d give him a shot. Plus they might have taken his relationship with Mariner (and his rapport with the rest of the Lower Decks gang) into account. Lastly, it might have been a tactic for if the admiralty went through with court-martials. Whomever answered that hail in the captain’s seat would be in more hot water than the rest of the crew.

eva_sieve ,

Star Trek does this thing where formal rank isn’t actually as important as being in the captain’s in-group. Can you name anything important that provisional Lt. JG Ayala did on the USS Voyager? I sure as hell can’t, but it was less important than Harry “eternal ensign” Kim.

As much as the Lower Decks gang would like to think of themselves as unimportant, they’re very much confidants of the Cerritos’ senior staff so it’s illogical, but consistent for Boimler to be at the top of the list for acting captain when stuff’s going down.

Out of universe it’s obviously a narrative/screen time thing, I’d say you’ve just got to accept it and move on.

ApostleO ,

Yeah, in-universe, Starfleet seems to have a real nepotism problem.

VindictiveJudge ,

I’m pretty sure he was also the only command division officer on the bridge after they gave him command. At least in theory, due to differences in training, a lieutenant jg from the command track may be better suited for acting captaincy than a full lieutenant from science, especially with a decidedly non-sciency mission like flinging a warship at a wall. You need that dash of crazy that Starfleet’s command officers tend to have.

TheGayTramp ,
@TheGayTramp@lemmy.ca avatar

Just remember how badly it went when Troi was in charge of the enterprise… she crashed it into a planet

Lockely ,
@Lockely@pawb.social avatar

It’s also important to note that our LD crew are all bridge crew. We’ve seen that they have shifts at the helm and engineering/science/ops stations regularly, so putting them in charge really isn’t that big of a stretch if the senior staff need to be off-ship for the more important role of the mission. They’re basically babysitting the Cerritos and fending off hails from Starfleet.

CeruleanRuin ,

The Tendi thing is basically the same move SNW made with La’an. It’ll be resolved in the s5 premiere.

I did wonder why so many LJGs were on the bridge and why Boims got the chair, but I just chalked it to the usual - the otter more senior staff were up to something more important we didn’t need to know about. Though it’s certainly not unprecedented to give promising young officers the chair even when more senior officers are available. I take that as just part of Starfleet’s training protocols.

Vordus ,

Heck, Lower Decks already did it with Boimler, with the status quo being back to normal after two episodes of fun B-plots on the Titan.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

And with Shaxs.

aufheben ,

The Tendi thing gives them options. They can do something with that next season, or just revert to the norm if they’d rather have her back with the main cast.

Hogger85b ,

He is command track the other officers were engineering or security etc.

Maybe not "acting captain" but certainly I have seen equivalent in the merchant navy of a lower bridge officer being effectively in command of the vessel including more senior engineer

ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

It tickles me that brining Shannon Fill out of retirement for a handful of lines gave her her first screen credit since 1995.

Stormygeddon ,

The Ice Debris field have me Titan AE vibes, especially with making a new planet at the end.

AuroraBorealis ,
@AuroraBorealis@pawb.social avatar

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that!

Deebster ,
@Deebster@programming.dev avatar

Thaaaat’s what it is from. I knew I knew it from somewhere, but was thinking it was maybe Andromeda or even another BSG reference.

ThrowawayInTheYear23 ,
@ThrowawayInTheYear23@lemmy.world avatar

Shameless copied from trekbbs thread


Mariner looks good in a captain seat with her trusty GD by her side. 😜 Love the twok references.


Where’s the steamrunners phaser banks?

USS Passaro being a steamrunner class does seem to be keeping with the Mark Twain steamboat theme.

AngryCommieKender ,

The steamrunner gets no phasers. Only photon torpedos and reinforced plating on the bow for excessive repeated ramming manouevers

ThrowawayInTheYear23 ,
@ThrowawayInTheYear23@lemmy.world avatar

Nvm. Apparently its a sabrerunner class. Steamrunner aestechics at sabre class size.

samus12345 , (edited )
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

The part at the end where you could see Tendi flip the switch from being Starfleet officer Tendi to Mistress of the Winter Constellations was great. Curious to see where they go with that. Even though her heart is in being a science officer, from what we’ve been shown she’s very good at being a space pirate leader.

Magnetar ,

Basically an Expanse-episode:

  • Nicholas Locarno ≈ Marco Inaros
  • Mariners pet Genesis Device ≈ Millers pet nuke

spoiler for The Expanse finale* Battle inside trinar shield ≈ battle inside ring space

ieightpi ,

I hope the parallels were intentional. The Expanse is the fucking best. Here’s hoping for the final 3 seasons once the case has aged properly

Stormygeddon ,

This episode seems full of subtle allusions or homages, albeit possibly accidental, considering how much that ice field scene looked so much like Titan A.E.

e_t_ Admin ,

If I had a nickel for every time a Genesis device was used to reconstruct a nebula into a planet (instead of its intended purpose of terraforming an existing planet), I'd have two nickels-- which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Well, maybe not so weird when the second time was a direct callback to the first time.

Steve ,

This whole episode was surprisingly mature

askryan ,

If Locarno had kidnapped like Harry Kim or Geordi or some shit and put them on that viewscreen like he did Mariner, we would have had a full episode’s worth of them interminably trying to find a way to play along and send a secret message out and agonizing over the situation, when just yelling “this guy’s an idiot and his plan is stupid” is genuinely a vastly better plan.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

“This guy suuuucks!” was so perfect.

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