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VindictiveJudge ,

I thought the intro was perfectly suited to a pre-Federation humanity taking its first steps amongst the stars after pulling itself back together from WW3. Right up until they retooled the song to be peppier while also making the show darker.

VindictiveJudge ,

It’s Dorn’s delivery. He and Stewart could make any of their lines sound epic, no matter how cheesy the episode was

VindictiveJudge ,

There is only one tiny way this could be better - in the original intro, the nebula parts just ahead of Voyager’s prow thanks to the navigational deflector. Replicate that one little bit and it will be perfect.

VindictiveJudge ,

It ranked pretty highly as a write-in candidate at a con once.

VindictiveJudge ,

And now I wonder if they were poking at the random numbers when Boimler couldn’t figure out what the stardate would be and just said ‘the past’.

VindictiveJudge ,

The TNG writers held off on writing BOBW2 at least partially because Patrick Stewart was renegotiating his contract and they needed to know if he was staying on. I doubt that’s a concern with SNW. The writers strike could be a problem, though.

VindictiveJudge ,

Uhura, Chapel, and M’Benga were supporting characters in TOS at best, and were horribly underutilized the first time around. Spock was a main, but one main out of three doesn’t feel like much. Kirk makes it two of three mains.

I think the main problem with Kirk, though, is that he kind of distracts from the regulars. Making him a once-a-season character, like Q in TNG, would probably work better than his three appearances during this one season.

VindictiveJudge ,

Username checks out.

VindictiveJudge ,

Ah, I see! They pose as humans because they’re embarrased about their lobe size.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

VindictiveJudge ,

You can also use the episodes they liked to recommend other Trek shows. Someone that likes the zany episodes would probably like TOS or VOY, for example.

VindictiveJudge ,

I bailed on DSC back when season 2 was airing. Specifically, Project Daedalus was my last episode. Later, I tried watching it again and trying to enjoy it more on its own merits, ignoring the Trek branding and whatnot. I wanted to bail again at the exact same point. I don’t know if it’s a too many cooks situation with the constant showrunner turnover or if the writers’ room just has an obsession with melodrama, but at no point did it feel, to me, like there was a good show hiding in there.

VindictiveJudge ,

Really depends on the site, the time of year, and the specific topic. The Trek subreddit, for instance, tended to be pro-DSC when a season was airing and anti-DSC between seasons. Even here, that recent thread on the DSC Klingon redesign was very in favor of DSC.

VindictiveJudge ,

I am totally convinced that the cast can do a musical episode. The script is going to be the difficult part, but if it’s fun enough then I don’t care.

VindictiveJudge ,

Probably the whole ‘linked ships taken over by the badguys’ thing. It happened in Lower Decks, too.

VindictiveJudge ,

The backlash is usually first for Trek, then when a new show comes out the last one is suddenly an underappreciated gem. Not sure what that means for SNW.

VindictiveJudge ,

This is SNW’s Duet. If it marks a similar increase in quality, then SNW is going to be amazing.

VindictiveJudge ,

Or Farscape, which sometimes did both in the same episode. Teen Titans could pull it off in a kid-friendly format, too, along with ATLA.

VindictiveJudge ,

Seems more like a midpoint between TNG and DSC designs to me. He has that nondescript head ridge from DSC’s Klingons, for instance.

VindictiveJudge ,

And the guys in the comic are wearing TOS uniforms, including the rank stripes on the sleeve cuffs.

VindictiveJudge ,

I actually love Beyond. It’s one of my favorite Trek movies.

VindictiveJudge ,

I do think Into Darkness was bad, and I could take or leave '09 (so much in those two just doesn’t make sense) but I love Beyond.

Anyone else out there who actually really loved Discovery's S1 style of Klingons?

I am the kind of person who enjoys “big weird” scifi like Stanisław Lem. Stories about trying to relate to and find common ground with something so alien that the prospect of even understanding is basically hopeless. Star Trek usually doesn’t do stories that, which makes sense as it often uses alien races as allegories or...

VindictiveJudge ,

Klingons have had two totally consistent design elements from TOS all the way through Into Darkness that DSC didn’t incorporate. The first is that the majority are fairly hairy, and the second is that their tech is very industrial and bare-bones looking. I can totally buy Klingon factions that stray from either of those things, such as a group that shaves their heads or has more elaborate tech, but the entire species being that way doesn’t work. The facial redesign could have worked, but ultimately the masks were too thick for anyone to emote in and they hindered the acting. Season 2 thinning the masks a bit and adding hair was a huge improvement and showed that the concept could work, but the organic looking tech just doesn’t do it for me at all as the predominant look in the empire.

Overall, I get what they were going for, but they lost what little consistent design language the Klingons had and it just did not work for me at all.

VindictiveJudge ,

I was very skeptical when Lower Decks was announced and didn’t watch any until the first season had finished, but it and Strange New Worlds are some of the most fun content to come out of this era of Trek. The whole show is just overflowing with love for the franchise.

VindictiveJudge ,

Yeah, DVD can handle better than what’s on the existing discs. If better quality were viable and noticeable with the copies they’re working with it probably would have been in the previous releases.

The ‘more episodes per disc’ thing is definitely true, though. A dual layer BD is 50GB. A dual layer DVD is 8.5GB. If the existing DS9 release fits a season and special features on seven DVDs, then if the discs are dual layer and completely full we’re looking at two dual layer BDs for that entire season. Potentially one BD, depending on how much free space is on the existing DVDs.

VindictiveJudge ,

They might be more interested if the TNG remastered sales were better. The pricing scheme on them was absurd and drove off potential customers, though. IIRC, waiting for the complete series set was actually more expensive than buying the seasons one by one as they came out.

‘Dovercourt’ - perhaps aka Section 31 movie event - hits the ‘Rumoured’ portion DGC Ontario Hotlist ( )

The Directors’ Guild of Ontario hotlist is a fairly reliable source for production guild news. Star Trek preproduction in the Greater Toronto Area usually shows up there before any official announcements of production dates....

VindictiveJudge ,

Part of the problem is that they seem to think S31 are the good guys.

VindictiveJudge ,

They’ve been trying to give The Empress her own show and Worf said they were necessary. Depicting them as an official branch of Starfleet instead of a conspiracy within Starfleet also grants them legitimacy that they didn’t have in DS9. Even their plot in DSC S2 is specifically depicted as their AI going rogue rather than S31 doing anything wrong.

VindictiveJudge ,

The way he says it implies he’s not being entirely truthful.

BASHIR: So which department are you with? SLOAN: Let’s just say I belong to another branch of Starfleet Intelligence. Our official designation is Section thirty one.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say, “let’s just say,” and had it been followed by a truthful statement.

VindictiveJudge ,

I still don’t get the impression that S31 being legitimate was the writer’s intention at the time. That Sloan is or was from Starfleet Intelligence and uses Starfleet resources while Starfleet Command looks the other way also works for interpreting his statement. Starfleet Command refusing to confirm or deny S31’s existence can be used to back up basically any position. For instance, if S31 is a conspiracy within Starfleet, then Command can’t acknowledge it or they would have to do something about it; acting like they don’t know anything means they can keep letting S31 do what they want.

Even the bit of the charter mentioned in ENT implies that Harris and S31 are taking a very liberal interpretation of the Starfleet Charter. “Reread the Charter, Article 14, Section 31. There are a few lines that make allowances for bending the rules during times of extraordinary threat.” But S31 operates day-to-day against ordinary and mundane threats, like everyday Romulan politics. And that bit doesn’t seem to mandate the creation of a special branch just for extreme threats. Rather, it seems like it’s there to cover the random crazy things that Starfleet crews run into once every few years, like taking a BoP back in time to gather some whales not resulting in punishment because of the extreme threat posed by the whale probe, even though they blatantly violated a bunch of rules regarding time travel.

Reddit seems all doom and gloom on the topic but what about Lemmy? And the future of Star Trek?

I saw someone on Reddit wondering why the community was so sure of Trek going dark again with Paramount not doing so well financially. Seeing the response was unfortunate as most people feel that it might be a bad time for Trek. And I guess it makes sense with the Hollywood strikes as well....

VindictiveJudge ,

Paramount’s real problem is that they can’t run a network to save their lives and keep trying it again and again. Paramount+ is just UPN 2: Streaming Boogaloo.

VindictiveJudge ,

Like dealing with Vogon customer support.

VindictiveJudge ,

As much as I enjoy seeing the asshole Vulcans be taken down a peg, I really want to see more of her husband. He was laid back and expressive, so I thought there was going to be a twist with him. I hope he comes back later. He may be one of those Vulcans that gets the whole, “logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end,” thing.

What's your views on PIC season 3?

I’m currently rewatching it, and at first I admit I hated the season and didn’t understand all the praise it got, but on this second viewing, I am actually warming up a bit to it. It still is deeply flawed, with a lot of things that don’t make sense or could have been done better, but I kinda like it regardless. What do...

VindictiveJudge ,

Characters wander in and out of the story with little logic, the Dominion plot line just kind of trails off, and all of Starfleet vs Starbase 1 was kind of silly.

But Shaw is an amazing character, Vadic is fun to watch, the TNG crew got a far better send off than Nemesis, and the acting is fantastic. The fanservice of seeing the Ro, Shelby, Moriarty, and the E-D again was also fantastic as someone who grew up watching TNG with my dad.

The season has problems, but I love it anyway.

VindictiveJudge ,

Jack getting into Starfleet and assigned to a ship so fast can be easily explained with Starfleet being low on people after the events of the show. Also, he’s still an ensign, so he didn’t get jumped through the ranks. His bridge position is also something that Seven gave him as a special assignment rather than a standard bridge position specifically because of his background. He’s essentially a formalized version of Mariner’s role on the Ceritos.

VindictiveJudge ,

Ah, Visitor posting. Now it feels like the old subreddit.

VindictiveJudge ,

Meanwhile, the Klingons put the nacelle inside their BoP. I guess they just YOLO it.

Design notes for the shows have said that nacelles usually work best in pairs and with at least 50% line of sight with each other, but they’re not hard requirements. The nacelles in TOS were supposed to be detachable in an emergency but it never happened on the show, similarly to the saucer section.

I think the explanation for nacelle positioning they ultimately settled on during TNG was something about the shape of the warp bubble, but I’m not sure.

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