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On the end of Discovery

I have mixed feelings about Disco ending. I really dug the first season’s look at a Federation at war, and following the person who arguably set that war in motion dealing with her culpability. Add to that a ship that is part weird science lab, part haunted house. And yeah, I could live with the Klingon redesign....

reddig33 ,

I won’t miss it. The crying alien who caused the dilithium crisis was the final straw for me.

reddig33 ,

Such squandered potential. I feel like most of the actors did the best they could with what they were given. I really would have enjoyed this show more if it had been more of an ensemble piece.

reddig33 ,

I don’t think it had to do with ratings. I think it was part of an overall strategy for the streamer to lean heavily into franchises to entice subscribers. The ratings were probably only so so for Discovery, but until they could get another live action trek spun up and running (SNW) they didn’t have anything else to replace it with. Picard was a limited series that ended up being stretched too thin (season 2).

reddig33 ,

But without the action figure packaging, how will I know the names of half the bridge crew on Discovery?

reddig33 ,

I didn’t know they made Lego bricks in that color.

reddig33 ,

I just hope we don’t get another long and boring “trial” episode as a result of it.

Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store ( )

GOLD BAR, Wash. — In Snohomish County, some residents told KIRO 7 they feel unsafe going to their local grocery store. Over the weekend, controversial photos of a cashier at Gold Bar Family Grocer appeared on social media. The photos show a man with a KKK shirt and a loaded holster checking out customers....

reddig33 ,

Do you want to return to 1970s polyester uniforms? Because this is how you end up with polyester uniforms.

Article about now TX lacks “citizen initiatives” ( )

Nationwide, about half of states empower ordinary citizens to collect signatures and force a statewide vote on proposed constitutional amendments or statutes. Generally, these states also authorize a similar process for voters to undo laws made by their legislatures.

Mike Johnson Slammed After Admitting He Uses His 17-Year-Old Son To Monitor His Porn Usage ( )

In a resurfaced clip from 2022, House Speaker Mike Johnson admitted to monitoring his 17-year-old son’s internet activity for pornography. Johnson made this revelation during a speech at Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana, where he discussed the “War on Technology.”...

reddig33 ,

I would agree about the dinner scene. I also think the ST II genesis debate between Spock, Bones, and Kirk is great. I especially like Bones’ lines comparing God making the world in seven days to man’s hubris of the genesis device.

James McKinnon confirms creative differences likely a factor in Kelvin 4 failure to start production in 2022 ( )

As much as most of us have long had any remaining interest in a fourth Kelvin movie long exhausted by the endless repetition of hype and failure, there does seem to be more confirmation of significant creative differences on the script that was in development in 2022....

reddig33 ,

Reportedly Benicio Del Toro dropped out and Cumberbatch was a last minute replacement.

reddig33 ,

Bring on the Tarantino sequel!

Paramount+ confirms series order for 'Starfleet Academy' ( )

While there was an announcement shortly before the WGA strike, and Alex Kurtzman confirmed the writers room is back up and at work during an NYCC panel, Paramount+ is moving forward on promotional information about the forthcoming new ‘Starfleet Academy’ show....

reddig33 ,

Still waiting for a maroon-uniform-era show.

reddig33 ,

Including the correct structure and number of floors is still more effort than a lot of shows.

reddig33 ,

Parking lots should be forced to plant a tree every x number of spots. Most of them are vast empty wastelands.

Kitchen completed. ( )

A few years ago i bought a very run down mobile home and i started rebuilding it from the steel/iron frame up. Ill include a few pics of the in between in the comments, but this is my kitchen finally completed. I rehabbed some used cabinets and built a good bit of them from scratch as well as the cabinet doors. This is my first...

reddig33 ,

As much as some people here loved it, it was the lowest rated episode of the season. It wouldn’t be wise to do another one.

reddig33 ,

Two. Started out interesting. Devolved into the Michael Burnham crying hour. I couldn’t tell you the names of half the recurring characters on the bridge because they were so under utilized. What a waste of a great cast. I especially despise plotlines like the doctor’s where characters die and are magically brought back to life like a nighttime soap opera.

They should have spun Book and Burnham off into their own show, made Saru captain, and concentrated on creating an ensemble show.

They wasted Jason Isaac’s character too. Don’t even get me started on the season where the universe was coming to an end because some alien had the sads.

reddig33 ,

It’s what Fox News was designed to do.

reddig33 ,

Agreed. Stop hauling out the James T. wannabe, and give Sam more screen time.

Whats your favorite Star Trek season?

Not to be confused with favorite series. I think my favorite season is ENT sesson 4, which is funny because the series overall is def on the weaker end of the spectrum, and i dont think any particular episode of the fourth season is Star Treks very best, its just the season that has more good than bad episodes of any season of...

reddig33 ,

Voyager: Year of Hell.

Oh wait, that wasn’t an entire season? Well it should have been.

reddig33 ,

In general, bosses want white collar workers to work 24/7 — at home, on the train, in the car, etc. etc. It’s ridiculous. Push to keep your work and home life separate. And if your boss expects you to work on your commute, count those hours towards your “40 a week”.

[My San Antonio] Texas residents with fake service dogs will be fined $1k under HB 4164 ( )

HB 4164, which passed both chambers and took effect on September 1, makes the false representation of animals as service animals a crime punishable by $1,000 and up to 30 hours of community service. Both locals and legislators alike are saying the misrepresentation of service dogs has increased challenges for those really in...

reddig33 ,

Service animals need a federal licensing program at this point with standardized IDs and tags.

reddig33 ,

They sentenced him for that awful facial hairdo.

Ginni Thomas and Conservative Activists Worked Together to Exploit Citizens United Ruling ( )

Funded by Harlan Crow, who was recently exposed for footing the bill for Ginni and Clarence Thomas’ lavish vacations and more, the Supreme Court justice’s wife worked with Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo to advance the conservative agenda...

reddig33 ,

Have you considered attaching the leash around a harness instead of the dog’s neck?

Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight ( )

At the sentencing hearings for the five Proud Boys convicted for some of the most serious crimes related to the January 6 insurrection, the crocodile tears were flowing. Perhaps hoping for mercy from the Donald Trump-appointed federal judge, Timothy Kelly, one member of the neo-fascist gang after another claimed to have seen the...

reddig33 ,

Doubtful. These are the same idiots who yell “trump won!” after being hauled off after sentencing. They haven’t learned a thing. Look at Mike Huckabee’s war mongering quotes that came out today.

"War on Mexico": Republicans ramp up calls for military action as they blast Democrats as warmongers ( )

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Wednesday that the Democrats are going to drag the country into a full-scale war to “unite the country behind Biden.” The Republican said it would “be horrific” and would infuriate the country “but make no mistake, they want war.” Donald...

reddig33 ,

Idiots. Mexico is a huge trading partner, and it is much more convenient to build things south of the border than putting them on a ship to get here.

reddig33 OP ,

Sorry, Bobbie, not Bobby.

Also my favorite part of this clip is the dude who thinks this movie could be real.

reddig33 ,

Season two was the pits. Just a low budget fever dream. Also, Rios and the actor who played him got screwed.

reddig33 ,

I have one, but it’s lost under grass that grew over it. Yours might be the same. Anyone know how to locate it?

reddig33 ,

I find it fascinating that medical companies are allowed to pick and choose what they charge customers based on which insurance they have. Imagine shopping at a grocery store and being told that banana will cost you $1.20 but your neighbor can have it for 30 cents.

Braga: ‘I still cringe when I hear it.’ Apparently, it was a long road to the franchise’s most despised title music ( )

Working from the oral history in The Five Year Mission: The next 25 years, this is a fascinating deep dive that answers the question “How did a recycled cover of a 1998 song written for Rod Stewart, ‘Where My Heart Will Take Me’ aka ‘Faith of the Heart’ become the title music for Enterprise?”...

reddig33 ,

Gotta love how after hearing everyone complain about how bad it was, they doubled down and made a “jazzy” version for later seasons.

reddig33 ,

TxDot to people who live in Houston — “Tough shit, we’re building it anyway.”…/85-billion-10-year-highway…

reddig33 , (edited )

I might pick up Hulu + Disney after the next Star Wars show is half-done. Gonna wait for the reviews. The combined deal makes it not as expensive, and waiting means I can get through the shows in a month.

If Disney had been cheaper, I might have picked it up when the show started.

And if the reviews suck, then I’ll just wait until Andor is back on.

In general I will be waiting longer and switching services more often, keeping each service for shorter periods of time.

reddig33 ,

I keep hoping Sam Kirk or someone else (even a female character) gets some space lovin’ going on. Everyone on TOS was much more swinging space 60s, and Jim Kirk was quite the lothario, but everyone on this show is much more traditional romantic.

reddig33 ,

How about we slow down and let the current cast own the show rather than it all being about rebuilding the TOS cast one by one?

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