e_t_ cover

e_t_ Admin

@[email protected]
e_t_ Admin ,

Jordan deserves at least as much embarrassment as McCarthy received during his campaign for the speakership.

e_t_ Admin ,

It may be important for OP's dual-boot setup to note that Windows should be used to check an NTFS filesystem.

e_t_ Admin ,

Job loss is one of the most common reasons for needing an emergency fund. Any kind of tie between emergency savings and employment is a terrible idea.

e_t_ Admin ,

Let the dead bury the dead, Senator.

e_t_ Admin ,

It's... hard to really interpret what the intent is of it.

It's "I can't be racist, I have a black friend" (you haven't met her, she goes to a different school... in Canada).

e_t_ Admin ,

It no longer matters who started it, [Lindsey], it only matters who is suffering.

[News] Republicans nominate Steve Scalise to be House speaker and will try to unite before a floor vote ( apnews.com )

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans on Wednesday nominated Rep. Steve Scalise to be the next House speaker and will now try to unite around the conservative in a floor vote to elect him after ousting Rep. Kevin McCarthy from the post....

e_t_ Admin ,

May the odds be ever in your favor

e_t_ Admin ,

Actual Nazi supports Israel? I didn't see that one coming.

e_t_ Admin ,

There's a whole trope of abused children growing up to be abusers.

e_t_ Admin ,

Hopefully, this quest for personal vengeance will distract Paxton from his nuisance suits against the federal government.

e_t_ Admin ,

If your first thought when hearing about a tragedy is "How can I use this to my advantage?", you might be a bad person.

Issue with terminal window in Dolphin

Hello, I use the terminal (F4) option in Dolphin all the time. Until tonight, the terminal window would change depending on whether I was in my local box or my server. Today, I noticed that the terminal window would NOT reflect my server box even though the GUI window to my server was active. Is this a new bug, or a new...

e_t_ Admin ,

I've seen the Dolphin terminal get stuck before. I'll type exit in the terminal to close it and then F4 to open the terminal again, which then behaves normally.


Hi everybody, I recently installed OpenSuse Leap, but I have trouble working with firewalld. The goal is to accept incoming ssh and vnc connections from two IPs exclusively, but it just does’nt work. I removed all interfaces from zone public, set the internal zone up so that it has only the two IPs as sources and only the ssh...

e_t_ Admin ,

I think the problem is that you're adding a subnet mask (/24) to your IPs. They should either be bare or have a /32 mask. The /24 mask is allowing the whole address range.

e_t_ Admin ,

"We Will Sing One Song" by Joe Hill, performed by Six Feet In the Pine

The Needling: Fashions to Keep You From Being Run Over By Speeding Police Cars ( theneedling.com )

Last week KING5 shared with you what fall fashions are totally out and not what to wear this season by being the first local news outlet to show you video of a young woman’s last moments of life before being smashed by a Seattle Police Department cruiser going three times the posted speed limit without a siren on. Hint: Black...

e_t_ Admin ,

Carry around an anti-tank mine. They're designed to only trigger under sufficient weight, like a vehicle. It won't prevent being run over, but cops might think twice once some of their brother officers blow up while running down civilians.

Trump drops lawsuit against New York fraud judge ( www.rawstory.com )

Donald Trump has dropped a last-resort lawsuit against the judge overseeing his New York fraud trial. The former president's attorneys withdrew their lawsuit against Justice Arthur Engoron, which had been seen as a long-shot attempt to stop his real estate empire from being dismantled after he f...

e_t_ Admin ,

Do you suppose Trump is tired of "winning" yet?

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • e_t_ Admin ,

    Remember when CPAC proudly proclaimed "We are all domestic terrorists" ? They weren't lying.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    The thumbnail I see is Trump in front of his private jet.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Who would have imagined that lawyers like to get paid?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    The only reason I can think of is that Republicans are probably not capable of electing a new Speaker (who is not McCarthy) before the 45-day reprieve expires on government funding. The House needs to be functional in order to pass a budget.

    [News] Rep. Matt Gaetz triggers vote to oust Kevin McCarthy from speaker's office ( www.nbcnews.com )

    WASHINGTON — Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., the Donald Trump ally and conservative bomb-thrower who has been a nagging thorn in leadership’s side, filed a resolution Monday to force a vote to overthrow his political nemesis, Kevin McCarthy, as speaker of the House....

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Upon examination, I do not understand what any Democrat would find of redeeming value to allow him to persist in the speakership.

    The only redeeming quality of McCarthy is that he's already Speaker. Remember how much of a circus McCarthy's election was? All those rounds of voting? Well, that's going to happen all over again if he's ousted. Republicans aren't going to vote for any Democrat as Speaker and they're too divided amongst themselves to pick one of their own, if not McCarthy. And the 45-day clock is ticking until another potential government shutdown. Spending most of that time in internecine squabbles over the Speakership helps no one.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    It is becoming increasingly clear who the speaker of the House already works for and it’s not the Republican Conference

    Once can serve either the Republican party or the citizens of the United States, but not both.

    It's hardly worthy of praise to perform the bare minimum of office in avoiding a government shutdown, but Speaker McCarthy met that low bar while Representative Gaetz failed to.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    To me, that image looks like an example of indexing, not promotion.

    If the pedophile site uses Lemmy software, an index of sites using Lemmy software would include it.

    Is there additional information that would tilt the scale toward this being promotion rather than simple indexing?

    [News] Attorney General Garland says in interview he'd resign if Biden asked him to take action on Trump ( apnews.com )

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Merrick Garland said in an interview that aired Sunday that he would resign if asked by President Joe Biden to take action against Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. But he doesn’t think he’ll be put in that position....

    e_t_ Admin ,

    It would be inappropriate for Biden to request a specific action regarding Trump, but the overall wording gives the impression that Garland intends to be idle in the face of Trump's criminality.

    [News] Republicans reject own funding bill, US government shutdown imminent ( www.reuters.com )

    WASHINGTON, Sept 29 (Reuters) - Hardline Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday rejected a bill proposed by their leader to temporarily fund the government, making it all but certain that federal agencies will partially shut down beginning on Sunday....

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Why? Why don't these shutdowns sink political careers? If Ted Cruz had been properly tarred and feathered after his shutdown in 2013, maybe other Republicans would have gotten the memo that government shutdowns are not acceptable.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I hope the next generation of politicians will not cling to power until death. It is a failing in our system that our leaders will not gracefully make room for their successors. If only death can force them to give up power, is it really a peaceful transition?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Congress not breaking strikes would be a good start.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    House Republicans really are trying their best. Their best just isn't very good.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    In a just world:

    Based on the Alabama legislature's failure to draw a map with the two majority-Black districts we ordered, we will direct the special master to design a map with three majority-Black districts. The legislature is invited to try for four.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    But if the court has its way, and the ruling survives the inevitable appeals, "Trump will ultimately get the cash," she said, though "he could try to bid on the properties like anybody else."

    Assuming there is cash. The very foundation of the case against Trump is him overstating the company's worth. The receiver will make accurate reports, which will probably reveal enormous hidden debts and properties worth a fraction of their claimed value. I wouldn't be surprised to learn Trump exhausted his father's fortune decades ago and has been sustaining the Trump Organization on nothing but fraud and Russian mafia money ever since.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    He's probably not smart enough to be guilty of many computer crimes.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Do you already have a rack? Rack servers are an inconvenient size and shape except in a rack.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I thought it seemed like V'Ger's data storage attack, though V'Ger stored entire ships (even planets), leaving no debris.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    The Democratic party should not feel themselves entitled to the union vote. Asking them to deserve it is fair. That they're less evil than Republicans is granted, but that's a very low bar. They should aspire to something better even if they need to be goaded into it.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    In the end, American voters still appreciate a competent government that looks out for their financial futures.

    Has the author met Republican voters? Competence isn't top of mind for them. They gleefully vote for obvious criminals and legislative terrorists.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Sitting through meeting after meeting about compliance.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Do you suppose this Dunn fellow aims to become dictator of Texas himself, or is he content to be the power behind the throne?

    Is there any media cataloging software in linux that automatically shows which files don't have 2 or more copies? ( kbin.social )

    I lost 2-3 hdd's due to old age and lost all data on them. Some other 2-3 hdd's make a lot of noise while in operation and probably failing. I use VVV to catalog the stuff and to see which files have 2-3 copies, i need to manually search each file name. It's really tedious. I was wondering if there is another program that does...

    e_t_ Admin ,

    This is what RAID is for. Duplicate, or at least spread, data across multiple disks so that a failure of one disk doesn't result in data loss.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I thought I remembered hearing something about an "inverse Cramer" ETF being created, which invest opposite to whatever he recommends.

    [Opinion] Why the Shirtless Man Shouting on the Street Isn’t in the Hospital ( southseattleemerald.com )

    “Follow the money” helps us figure this out. Inpatient hospital beds generate two bills: facility fees and professional fees. In most public hospitals, both go to support the whole operation. But not at UW Medicine, which operates a separate company, UW Physicians (aka Association of University Physicians), that uses the...

    e_t_ Admin ,

    But he’s on his own since so many inpatient mental health facilities and beds were taken away nationwide when bad conditions were revealed during the 1970s.

    Thanks, Reagan

    e_t_ Admin ,

    The military might call it "dereliction of duty," but police only want military toys, not military responsibility.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I talked to a real estate agent in Ocean Shores last year. She said at the time that the city's population had exploded. People realized they could earn Seattle salaries while working remote from the beach.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I kind of hope this victory makes Paxton sloppy in his future criminal endeavors, so that federal prosecutors, less mired in corruption than the Texas senate, can make an unambiguous case against him.

    e_t_ Admin , (edited )

    Tom Nicholas referred to Musk as the "World's Oldest Teenager" and he's not wrong.

    e_t_ Admin , (edited )

    By some writers this office is called a sinecure. But not so. Because the Lord Warden CEO is busily employed at times in fobbing his perquisites; which are his chiefly by virtue of that same fobbing of them.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    You can always trust a libertarian to fundamentally misunderstand how society works and to make insane proposals based on their misunderstanding.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Could we be out of touch?

    No, it's the voters who are wrong.

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