e_t_ cover

e_t_ Admin

@[email protected]
e_t_ Admin ,

Is the author suggesting Kirk's appearance would be improved by a bullet in the eye?

e_t_ Admin ,

I don't like it when a project's website only says "here, run this Docker container" and doesn't have manual setup instructions. I don't want to just run a black box Docker container, I want to know what the knobs are and what they do.

e_t_ Admin ,

After facing backlash over the remarks, Kennedy claimed on Twitter that the New York Post story was “mistaken” and that he “never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews.”

“I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered,” Kennedy added.

There is no ethnic effect, you ninny. The original reporting had you right. You do believe the virus was engineered and you do believe it targets some races more than others. That is why you suck.

e_t_ Admin ,

My subscription was going to renew on July 3rd, but I let it expire. That seems like a wiser decision every day.

e_t_ Admin ,

I felt like the subscription was reasonable for the amount of time I spent on Reddit.

e_t_ Admin ,

Hmm... yes... the virus that originated in China and was killing people there before it was even heard of in the West. Obviously that virus doesn't target Chinese.

e_t_ Admin ,

I really have been gone a while. When did GoodSpaceGuy get old?

e_t_ Admin ,

Either Paxton is so monumentally incompetent that he actually believed in his challenge to the election results, in which case he should be disbarred because no one that mentally challenged should be practicing law; or he knew his challenge was baseless, in which case he should be disbarred for knowingly bringing a frivolous case before the court.

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. ( kbin.social )

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....

e_t_ Admin ,

You might go with PC hardware. Just "hardware" could refer also to nuts, screws, and door hinges.

e_t_ Admin ,

His employees should take him up on that.

Idaho opts out of nearly $15 million that would feed children this summer. Why? ( www.idahostatesman.com )

Idaho has decided not to participate in a federal program that would have provided $14.8 million to feed low-income students during the summer, a decision that impacts about 123,000 children in need, according to the Food Research and Action Center.

e_t_ Admin ,

Republicans are pro starving children

e_t_ Admin ,

When I used shreddit, I pointed --gdpr-export-dir to the directory where I unpacked the archive from Reddit, not directly to comment.csv.

When the command is working, it's pretty verbose.

e_t_ Admin ,

You could run it under strace, e.g. strace -f -o shreddit.log shreddit...

That'll show you the system calls it's making. You might be able to tell if it's waiting on a network request or local I/O. You can find guides online how to read strace output.

e_t_ Admin ,

Why do I suspect that, even if one were to spend 8 hours a day on Reddit, making comments that all were gilded, you'd still earn less than minimum wage?

e_t_ Admin ,

There definitely were personalities on Reddit, like poem_for_your_sprog, who gained a following. I could see sprog making appreciable money with the proposed system.

e_t_ Admin ,

I stopped my premium membership, but I've still got 35800 coins. I don't know what I'll do with them.

e_t_ Admin ,

I'm still on Facebook because of that's how I keep up with friends I no longer live near, but you know what Facebook has been loath to show me recently? Posts from my friends. Easily 75% of my feed is sponsored or "recommended" content. If they're not going to show me the one and only thing I come to the site to see, I might as well not come to the site.

e_t_ Admin ,

everything follows whatever data laws they pass

Not just data access or privacy, but also data retention laws for public officials. While one can hope no nation is afflicted with a leader like Donald Trump, a government-run Mastodon server wouldn't have problems like this.

e_t_ Admin ,

Republicans are unconcerned with the actual effects Biden policies have had on inflation. They'll simply say inflation is out of control, the economy is collapsing, and it's all Biden's fault. Their messaging isn't constrained by the truth; their voters will believe anything.

e_t_ Admin ,

It's always the ones who "don't care about drama" that are the instigators of the most drama.
People who actually don't care about drama, like people who are actually smart, don't proclaim it.

e_t_ Admin ,

"These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men."

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • e_t_ Admin ,

    Would distributed generation, nearer to the point(s) of consumption, help to lessen the burden on transmission lines?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    deep within, when every veil had been pierced, was there, after all, nothing but a black puerility, an aimless empty spitefulness content to sate itself with the tiniest cruelties, as love does not disdain the smallest kindness?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Rule of Acquisition 48: The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    You may as well steal all of them

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I think you click on the Message button on their profile.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    And gentlemen in Reddit now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced the passing of a law that could render driver’s licenses and other forms of identification from several states invalid, including Vermont. ( www.mychamplainvalley.com )

    As of July 1, in addition to Vermont, four other states’ IDs will face extra scrutiny from police, as they may provide forms of identification to applicants who do not give proof of citizenship or legal status:...

    e_t_ Admin ,

    That sounds like a challenge to Congress' authority over interstate commerce.

    how do I add communities like [email protected] to my feed on kbin? I copy and paste the name as i have it here into the search bar on kbin but nothing comes up. ( kbin.social )

    On the desktop version of the site i can just put the name after m/ in the URL (sans !) and i can sub from there. but how do i do this from the pwa i use on my phone?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Try swapping the ! for an @

    e_t_ Admin ,

    That appears to be the case. I'm on my own instance of kbin, viewing it in a desktop browser. When I was searching for communities with ! and not finding anything, I at first assumed I'd set up my instance wrong and search wasn't working at all. But then I noticed magazines on kbin.social labeled themselves as @magazine@server, so I tried that for something and successfully added it to my instance.

    Did Folding@HOME or other distributed computing projects actually make a significant difference in the creation of COVID vaccines?

    Like many, when I heard about Folding@HOME and how I could contribute to the fight against COVID, I put my hardware to work. Now that’s it has been a while, what effect did those projects ultimately have on the outcome? Did it actually help with the creation of vaccines, or was it effectively just a massive waste of energy?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Here's a video from Dr. David Barker, who leads the Rosetta@Home project, describing how that project's computing has helped COVID research.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Ultimately, what distributed computing projects provide is processing of data to facilitate scientific research. Most projects publicize scientific papers that make use of their data, like this blog post and the paper linked therein. In terms of post-mortem, that's difficult to have while COVID is still an ongoing field of research.

    While it has nothing to do with biology, Milkyway@Home recently announced that one of their projects would be shutting down because all goals had been achieved. They hope to publish a scientific paper later this year.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Well, Republican attorneys general, put up or shut up. Idle threats are a waste of everyone's time.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    His supporters are more likely to blow up our cities than any foreign terrorists.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    The Republicans will bellow from the rooftops about starting the investigation, then they'll go quiet when they realize their "whistleblowers" aren't credible. Eventually, they'll release a report very, very quietly which calls out some inconsequential flaws in the investigation but no significant wrongdoing. Their base of ignorant rubes will only ever hear that the investigations were started. Hunter was already guilty in their eyes, not for the specific crimes of which he's accused, but for having the last name "Biden."

    e_t_ Admin ,

    But Reddit does have a dick: its CEO.

    How do I delete all comments from Reddit data export csv for free?? ( kbin.social )

    I have got my privacy report in CSV form and have about 40k comments each with the id parent Id and permalink. Is there a way to parse this to delete script. I know shreddit does it for $15 premium but looking for free options

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I recently got my export from Reddit and did exactly this. It took shreddit the better part of two days to delete all 18000-odd of my comments.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    It couldn't happen to a more deserving set of people.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Why doesn't that sound like punishment?

    e_t_ Admin ,

    If that sounds terrible, it's because it is.

    I set up my own kbin instance where I'm the only user. I guess I invited the terribleness upon myself. I'm always the first to subscribe to federated magazines on my instance. It also seems weird to me that I'm made the moderator of everything I subscribe to, at least on my instance.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Where alternate recipes are? They aren't tied to specific hard drives. One hard drive is identical to another.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I was never actually a subscriber to r/Frasier, though I was tagged there for one of my comments on r/AskReddit. I've been willing to join communities for more tangential interests here on the Fediverse.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I set up my own kbin instance and am subscribed there. Do those numbers include federated subscribers like me?

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