e_t_ cover

e_t_ Admin

@[email protected]
e_t_ Admin ,

Trump and his supporters are infinitely petty. Pence had better hope they never again come near the halls of power, lest the noose he so narrowly avoided on January 6th catch up to him.

e_t_ Admin ,

The machinery of cruelty is also ugly.

e_t_ Admin ,

The other conclusion I drew from the article is that Republicans don't want to witness their cruelty first-hand. The Republican woman who helped the pregnant immigrant injured by the concertina wire responded with compassion. They'll do that when it's right in front of them. But so long as the cruelty is happening far away, to people they don't know and can't see, it's fine.

e_t_ Admin ,

Did Paramount realize how badly they screwed up with the cancellation?

Mastodon's Mastodon'ts ( www.jwz.org )

There are a few fundamentally broken things about how Mastodon posts work that are terrible vectors for abuse, as well as being bad for basic usability. Maybe they are fixable, I don't know. To be clear: I am a fan of Mastodon. I have been enjoying my time there much more than I ever enjoyed Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. And...

e_t_ Admin ,

Gaahh, my eyes! The green! It burns!

I don't use Mastodon myself, but I appreciate the author's perspective.

The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. ( gizmodo.com )

The last major holdouts in the protest against Reddit’s API pricing relented, abandoning the so-called “John Oliver rules” which only allowed posts featuring the TV host. The article describes it as "the official end of the battle," which seems an overstatement to me, but it's the certainly the end of the initial phase....

e_t_ Admin ,

I used to spend hours per day on Reddit. Now I visit once or twice a month, read-only. My subscription is canceled and all my posts/comments deleted. My "front page of the Internet" is now here.

e_t_ Admin ,

Graft is so inconvenient when it has to be parceled out in small packages.

e_t_ Admin ,

FATHER: Please, please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. We are here today to witness the union of two young people in the joyful bond of the holy wedlock. Unfortunately, one of them, my son Herbert, has just fallen to his death. But I think I've not lost a son, so much as... gained a daughter! For, since the tragic death of her father —
RANDOM: He's not quite dead!
FATHER: Since the near fatal wounding of her father —
RANDOM: He's getting better!
FATHER: For, since her own father... who, when he seemed about to recover, suddenly felt the icy hand of death upon him, —
RANDOM: Oh, he's died!
FATHER: And I want his only daughter to look upon me... as her own dad — in a very real, and legally binding sense.

We Will Respond to US/French Intervention in Niger as ‘Declaration of War' ( www.youtube.com )

The governments of Burkina Faso and Mali express solidarity with Niger and condemn regional organizations’ sanctions against them. They warn that any military intervention in Niger would be considered an act of war against Burkina Faso and Mali. They urge against military action, fearing destabilization in the region, as seen...

e_t_ Admin ,

Are Mali and Burkina Faso acknowledging the legitimacy of Niger's military coup?

e_t_ Admin ,

If I'd committed a bunch of crimes, I'd probably wish to be let off, too.

e_t_ Admin ,

Even when victory is likely while playing within the rules, Trump still tries to cheat as a matter of course.

e_t_ Admin ,

I think the buried lede is that the official DeSantis campaign is directly coordinating with supposedly independent Twitter accounts. Nothing about the Right is organic, it's entirely manufactured.

e_t_ Admin ,

The cure for ignorance is education. Even PhD-holders can be stupid.

e_t_ Admin ,

The only real question is, is RFK Jr. a witting traitor or a dupe?

[News] A Georgia judge has rejected former President Trump’s efforts to quash an investigation into his efforts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results. ( thehill.com )

“The movants’ asserted ‘injuries’ that would open the doors of the courthouse to their claims are either insufficient or else speculative and unrealized,” Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney wrote in the nine-page ruling.

e_t_ Admin ,

The judge knows the frantic pleadings of a guilty man when he hears them.

Revoking the SSH Keys of a Friend Sucks

I’m just going to be vulnerable for a minute here. I met the first person in real life who had similar server-y linux-y obsessions to me and we’d send eBay links of systems to drool over to eachother. They ended up being a terrible person but hid it from me pretty well until they couldn’t anymore and now I no longer have...

e_t_ Admin ,

::1 is a compelling alternative

e_t_ Admin ,

Having no plan would be an improvement. They want to reverse course, destroy regulations and increase pollution. They won't be satisfied until Earth is a second Venus.

e_t_ Admin ,

Baloo is the file indexer for KDE. It has little or nothing to do with Akonadi.

e_t_ Admin ,

They're just cribbing from Emperor Cartagia: "Let it all end in fire!"

e_t_ Admin ,

#2 is why Mastodon cannot die, so it's interesting to see it used as a reason the platform won't survive

e_t_ Admin ,

She may be too far gone to recognize how far gone she is.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • e_t_ Admin ,

    Obligatory I'd like to congratulate Drugs for winning the War on Drugs.

    Which particular episode(s) of Star Trek do you find yourself going back to?

    Just interested if there’s an episode of a particular series you find yourself going back to? Not necessarily “the best” or your favorite, just one you gravitate toward for a comfort re-watch? Here’s the episodes from each series I find myself re-watching a lot:...

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I know it gets a lot of hate, but TNG: Masks. There's no adversary, just the crew working together to solve a problem. The solution is based in understanding. For similar reasons, I like Cause and Effect and Time Squared.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Just because your system is automated doesn't mean it's free of bias. LLMs are trained on human-generated content. Human-generated content has biases. The model will reflect those biases. There's also the proclivity of GPT to be confidently incorrect, like when it made up completely bogus court cases and a credulous lawyer used them in an actual case. I wouldn't want to get my news from a source that may be lying to my face.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I have a Dell R720XD as my home NAS. I bought it used off eBay. The XD version has 12x 3.5" drive bays. I have eight of them occupied with 8TB spinning disks. The server runs TrueNAS and the disks are part of a ZFS RAID. I spent a few hundred dollars on the server itself, a hundred or so on more RAM, and $2200 on the hard drives.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    It's infuriating that my tax dollars funded that barrier and will fund Texas' defense in court.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Stein dismissed that possibility as "propaganda."

    "Because it's devastating to my case!"

    e_t_ Admin ,

    However long it takes his brain to die after he's been hanged.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    On one hand, it would be delicious to watch Trump get humiliated in court. On the other hand, this seems like a nonsense motion intended only to sow chaos, as is his wont.

    TIL That the Olympic Peninsula Used to be an ancient island called Siletzia that collided with North America. It was born from the same hot spot that is today the Yellowstone Super Volcano. ( www.youtube.com )

    Even though there are no volcanoes on the Olympic Peninsula, you can find lots of volcanic rocks on the beaches. This bizarre circumstance might have to do with how the ancient island transformed Washington state.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Nick Zentner of Central Washington University is the guy to watch on YouTube for PNW geology.
    Here's a longer lecture about Siletzia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWS9XzW4BHs
    Then there's this video, mainly about the Rocky Mountains, but which helps to situate Siletzia in the geologic history of North America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Xk1O17dzg

    [Chron] Ted Cruz says 'Barbie' movie pushes Chinese propaganda on young girls ( www.chron.com )

    U.S. Senator and documented Princess Bride superfan Ted Cruz is back with a new movie take. In an interview with the conservative media website the Daily Signal, Cruz asserted that the upcoming Barbie movie, which releases this weekend, pushes Chinese Communist Party Propaganda on young women.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Barbie should have called his wife ugly, then he'd be singing its praises.

    Senators introduce bipartisan ban on stock ownership for executive and legislative branch office holders and their families | CNN Politics ( edition.cnn.com )

    New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley are introducing bipartisan legislation that would prevent members of the executive and legislative branches — as well as their spouses and children — from trading individual company stocks.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    It is a good policy, but if it's only introduced with the certain knowledge it'll never pass, it's purely performative.

    And thus I clothe my naked villany
    With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ;
    And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    “If we don’t let them earn more money talented people won’t enter politics”

    Yeah, that's why talented people never enter teaching or the sciences. Though, to be fair, I'd be a bit wary of giving power to someone whose passion in life was politics.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Mine is located in my house.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I'm using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I don't see any obvious errors. I have Redis, RabbitMQ, and Mercure running.

    When did you make your attempt? The admin guide had a major update a couple weeks ago. It's a lot more complete now.

    The only problem I'm having is a permissions issue with uploaded media files. If I ran kbin as the nginx user, it would work fine, but running as a separate user, nginx isn't granted permission to read the files. I added a default ACL on the public/media directory, but it did not propagate to newly created subdirectories. Finally, I added a script that watches the directory with inotify and fixes permissions as soon as files/directories are created.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    That's a p̶a̶d̶d̶l̶i̶n̶' nominal fine

    Reddit seems all doom and gloom on the topic but what about Lemmy? And the future of Star Trek?

    I saw someone on Reddit wondering why the community was so sure of Trek going dark again with Paramount not doing so well financially. Seeing the response was unfortunate as most people feel that it might be a bad time for Trek. And I guess it makes sense with the Hollywood strikes as well....

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Provided it's not simply subjected to some other entity's dumb decisions.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Winning the lottery is probably one of the most fun ways to go bankrupt.

    Exclusive: Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants, records say ( www.houstonchronicle.com )

    Officers working for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative have been ordered to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, and have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat, according to an email from a Department of Public Safety trooper who described the actions as...

    e_t_ Admin ,

    Kicking puppies is inhumane. Shoving people into rivers or denying them water is a crime against humanity. Someone who would give (or carry out) such an order should be hunted to the ends of the Earth like a Nazi war criminal.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    One might have thought Israel would be more wary, dealing with a Hitler wannabe.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    "Spending time with family" has been used euphemistically often enough I can't tell if this is literally true.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    That's the kind of order where you not only refuse, you shoot the person giving the orders.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    For my own reference, 二 is U+4E8C, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-4E8C" while ニ is "KATAKANA LETTER NI" (U+30CB).

    e_t_ Admin ,

    I'm reading The Anglo-Saxons by Marc Morris. It's non-fiction. Morris' books have a good narrative, but they are scholarly works. I haven't gotten very far into The Anglo-Saxons yet, but one bit I greatly enjoyed was the author drawing parallels between Beowulf and Tolkien's Rohirrim, all while discussing the archaeological evidence for feasting halls and the zeitgeist of the people who'd built those halls.

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