RememberTheApollo_ , to Star Trek in A touching quote from Nimoy's "I am Spock" book (1995)

He wasn’t always Spock to me.

I saw him in tv shows like “In Search Of…” and other movies like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. I know I saw a Western with him in it, but can’t remember which one.

Yeah, Spock is his most famous role by far, and despite what anyone thinks of the new Trek movies, I really loved his part in them. (IMO Quinto does a great Spock. No, it’s not Nimoy, but it’s a really good performance.)

Maven , avatar

He’s also one of the best bad guys in Columbo

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Aww, went looking for it and I couldn’t find the full episode. If anyone else wants to know, it’s S02:E06 Columbo: A Snitch in Crime if you want to see highlights or look for the episode.

Maven , avatar

It is on peacock but then you have to like… Use peacock…

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Nope. I’m subscribed out. Unless it can be found on the high seas, I’ll be giving this one a pass.

peopleproblems ,

Don’t forget about the Bilbo Baggins video!

averagedrunk ,

That video was the pinnacle of art. We should have just given up on society after it was done because nothing that comes after could possibly be any better.

LeafOnTheWind ,

I don’t care what people say about the new Star Trek movies at all. I liked them.

Waldowal , to Star Trek in The Conscience of the Wig avatar

Shatner definitely has them all

ipacialsection , to Star Trek in Why this feels recent? avatar

This is an interesting comment, actually, because instead of hating on the new shows and comparing them to the old ones, Matt's hating on the old shows for being politically correct and saying DS9 and Voyager, the shows that were currently airing as of 1999, are the good ones. Even though DS9 was more diverse and less subtle about its themes, compared to TNG.

Imagine if Dave Cullen, Doomcock, Midnight's Edge, Nerdrotic, etc. dedicated their careers to saying that the new Star Trek shows were AWESOME because they were less woke than TNG and DS9. That's what this is.

Anticorp , to aww in Cross platform compatibility

New Internet content is just old Internet content.

Kolanaki , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post avatar

I like her in so far as that she made Data even stronger by constantly challenging him. But she is also a stark contrast of the rest of the vibe on the show. Clearly they wanted a Bones analogue but it just didn't work. I've also read a lot about how she operated on set and didn't seem like everyone really got along with her, which kinda shows in the season.

tkk13909 , to Star Trek in Cold take: Lower Decks should have colored an Orion's blushing as green instead of red/pink. avatar

Dude that episode was so adorable!

Bakachu , to aww in If you're cold, they're cold. Let them in.

If you let them in, make sure you get them scanned for a microchip. Someone’s probably out there worried sick…

NoiseColor , to Star Trek in A touching quote from Nimoy's "I am Spock" book (1995)

I have no idea what kind of person Nimoy was. He was always spock to me. The other actors I know better. What’s a good docu that shows Nimoy as a person?

EdibleFriend , avatar


hstde ,

The good old William Bell.

al177 ,

Olivia channeling Bell is the series’ crowning achievement.

MalReynolds , avatar

Yes, yes it was , damn she’s a good acrtress (not to disparage Nimoy, but that was Gold)

ummthatguy , avatar
chaogomu ,

This gives you some idea of who Nimoy was.

AngryCommieKender ,

There’s a documentary about him on Netflix that was done with his family around the time he died. It paints him as a caring dad, and of course Spock. It’s been a few years since I watched it.

Redhotkurt , avatar

The Spockumentary you seek is called For the Love of Spock (2016).

wigbert , avatar

@Redhotkurt @The_Picard_Maneuver @NoiseColor

definitely worth watching

Hupf , to aww in What a hoot
lauha ,

Thank god this community survived Reddit hemorrage.

ummthatguy , to aww in What a hoot avatar

“Stunning creatures, sea lions.”

“Wonderful plumage.” (Fierce Creatures, 1997)

elbarto777 , to Star Trek in "You know Ben, I'm glad I killed your wife"

Someone please explain to a peasant like me?

eran_morad ,

In what can only be described as a legendary episode of TNG, Picard was ambushed and captured by the Cardassians. He was tortured extensively. His captor, at one point, showed him a set of 4 bright lights. He asked Picard to tell him how many lights he saw, Picard answered 4 and was tortured. The Cardassian required an answer of 5 lights. The idea was to break Picard - to remove him from reality and craft him into whatever it was the Cardassians wanted - i.e., a source of information. An intelligence asset. Picard didn’t break. He was eventually rescued by the Federation, including a real asshole who was temporarily captain of the Enterprise during Picard’s away mission. Upon his rescue, Picard turned to his captor and proclaimed defiantly, “THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!”. Which was a euphemism for “FUCK YOURSELF IN THE ASS WITH A CACTUS, YOU COULDN’T BREAK ME, CARDASSIAN FILTH!”

elbarto777 ,

Thank you!

Cautiously_Optometristic ,

When Picard was captured by the Kardassians he was tortured and they attempted to brainwash him. He was shown 4 bright lights and continuously told there were 5 (I think 5) of he said there were 4. The sequence ends with a final over the top amount of torture and he the last thing he said before being returned to federation was there are only 4 lights (I think). Later he is talking to someone and says he actually saw 5 the last time I believe.

elbarto777 ,

Thank you!

EmergMemeHologram ,

!Picard, as Locutus of Borg, killed Sisko’s wife at the battle of Wolf 359. The four lights reference is related to an episode where Picard is tortured and to price his well is broken the cardiacs want him to say there are 4 lights when there were actually 5. Picard never breaks during his torture and quite emotionally yells “there are five lights”!<

Stamets OP , avatar

Those two are characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Benjamin Sisko. A couple of things are required for the joke to make sense.

The first is that Picard was previously assimilated by a cybernetic species called Borg. They kidnap individuals and plug them into their hivemind, erasing all traces of individuality while also gaining every piece of information that the individual knows. When the Borg assimilated Picard, they used his information to launch an attack on the Federation. A massive battle ensued at a star system called Wolf 359 where a large number of Starfleet vessels were utterly destroyed by the Borg, including the ships of Sisko and his wife. Sisko survived. His wife did not. Picard is eventually retrieved from the Borg and ‘unassimilated’, carrying on with his life.

Many years later, Picard is abducted by a group of aliens called ‘Cardassians’. In an attempt to get information from Picard, they torture him in a variety of ways but one in particular is shining four lights in his face and insisting there are actually 5. It’s an attempt to break Picard mentally and make him question everything. After being brought to a breaking point, Picard is saved. As he’s being taken away, Picard turns to his torturer and screams “THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS” into his face as a sign of his defiance and showing that the torturer did not break him. Privately, Picard did say to his counselor that for a moment he could see five lights.

The joke involves Sisko making fun of Picards torture because Sisko partially (if not fully, in some ways) blames Picard for the death of his wife. The title joke then throws the joke back in Siskos face saying “yeah yeah, lights but your wife is dead lol”.

elbarto777 ,

Fantastic! Thanks for this awesome context and explanation!

Edit: thank you all for delivering!

Stamets OP , avatar

Of course! You asked for an explanation and I’m happy to provide.

octoperson , to xkcd in xkcd #2821: Path Minimization

Path that maximises time would be some kind of space-filling curve. Maybe it does that off panel?

EricKendrick , avatar

Basically, yes. The path that maximises time goes around the world, so starts by going up off the top of the screen, and re-enters at the bottom.

Technically I think it could be a little longer by spiralling around the world several times, still reaching the target point despite going “in a straight line”. If we ignore the “straight line” restriction, which some of the other paths already do, then the sky’s the limit. Technically actually, the sky isn’t the limit, and the path could criss-cross over the whole planet first, and the air, and the whole galaxy, before reaching the destination as the last feasible space to arrive at. Personally I think that’s too complex for xkcd, if they are going for complex I’m sure they would have come up with something about paths through n-space and black-hole theory that is beyond my pay grade.

Xkcd good ;)

Jorgelino328 ,

It would have to be a different panel but you could draw it as the whole screen being black except of the character and the destination.

m0darn ,

If it’s a space filling curve as Octoperson suggested, it wouldn’t need to be big. Isn’t a space filling curve infinite length if its offset is infinitesimal?

Death2lois , avatar
Magikjak ,

It’s the path that maximises time, not distance. Technically the path that maximises time could look the same as the path that minimises distance, they could just sit down and wait decades until a minute before they die of natural causes and then get up and head to the end, and that’s assuming that they need to arrive alive.

vox , avatar

path that maximizes time? just don’t move. at all

Gladaed ,

It’s to do with light paths and diffraction. The time maximising path still hast to be a valid path.

NuPNuA , to Star Trek in Ship Lighting

I’ve never understood the complaints about lighting on the new treks. We’re watching on big HDR enabled screens now, the lighting is appropriate for them.

jackoneill ,

You guys have hdr?

r00ty , avatar

And here I am on a 1080p plasma screen from 2011. Because it just will not die! Which, is a good thing I guess.

Ataraxia , avatar

Yeah we only got 4k tvs when the 1080p one from. 2008 died a few years back, well it’s not dead, it’s in my office as the crappy spare with a giant smudge at the top. Still usable but ugly. And a line.

But I love the oled 4k TV it cost less than the 1080 did originally.

jackoneill ,

Yeah man I’ve got one of those old school polarity based 3D tv’s from like 2008 but I will never get rid of this thing I love it

r00ty , avatar

Yep, this one is also 3D but the active kind. I've not used it in years, the glasses probably need new batteries.

NuPNuA ,

It’s been standard on TVs for years now?

clgoh , avatar

I only change TVs when they die. Mine is 12 years old.

Kichae ,

Yeah, I'm not sure who's going out buying a new TV every couple of years.

NuPNuA ,

If say I’ve upgraded at least every five years since having my own place and a living room to put it in. I do do a lot of gaming though so having all the latest features are important to me. That being said my parents seem to upgrade theirs as often now.

NuPNuA ,

Christ, that’s ancient in TV terms. Is it even 4k?

famousringo ,

Buddy, it’s worse than that. My TV has a fluorescent backlight. Been planning to upgrade as soon as they stop infesting TVs with adware and spyware.

So never, I guess.

snor10 ,

Lol, my tv is a 40" from 2008.

NuPNuA ,

Even my boomer parents are rocking a more up to date TV than that, lol.

whofearsthenight ,

It’s not even HDR. I’m a TNG fanboy, and one of the reasons is just because the show is bright. The ship sets are bright, etc. Even VOY and DS9 don’t get this quality, and while SNW is probably the best, new Trek gets nowhere close.

Captain_Ender ,

Oh man. I work in the post industry professionally - on the documentary side, but honestly 10bit HDR (HDR10) and 12bit (Dolby Vision) are the REAL technological leaps in quality NOT 4K/UHD.

Sure resolution is nice and all, but if you have a capatible TV, we can literally force change your local settings to optimize what we want you to see (people ever notice Dolby Vision settings turn on and grey out your own settings). Being able to change your TV's color settings natively directly to what we wanted out of the box in post is by far the biggest tech advancement in post to home video in decades. UHD is 4x the pixels but HDR is up to 16 billion more colors. Trust me, it's worth the upgrade.

ApathyTree , avatar

Tons of people don’t have HDR yet. It takes a while for tech to spread, especially when it’s not something many people are gunna go replace a several hundred dollar device for, nor is it necessarily a selling point when shopping for new TVs.

I thought my 4k smart tv was new enough to have it by default since I bought it in 2019, but it doesn’t.

NuPNuA ,

Really, I’m on my second HDR enabled screen now and that was from 2020, the previous one dated back to 2016 and had it.

Rudis ,

My tv is from 2012. It's got colors AND sounds!

NuPNuA ,

Does it have smells though?

Rudis ,

Just checked - dust and warm plastic. I guess if I was watching Toy Story 2 or 3 it would be appropriate.

Crankpork , avatar

Mine’s from 2010. It’s got colours but I’m not sure they’re quite right, and it’s got some sounds (music and explosions), but is lacking in others (dialogue).

ApathyTree , avatar

Yes, really.

Maybe you are spending more than I am on your TVs, but even after it became more common it still wasn’t standard apparently. It wasn’t something I looked for or knew to look for, being one of those things that isn’t really a selling point for most people and all.

The only reason I even know mine doesn’t have it is video games, I just found out a few months back, and frankly I just set the gama high within the game and call it good. Been doing that for many many years. The whites are more blinding than they used to be but that’s about it. Frankly I assumed the problem was with the backlighting.

I just assumed the media issue was, in fact, a media issue (which it -abso-fucking-lutely is-! If you need a special [even if common] TV device format to correct for your shit production quality by default, ya dun fucked up your production, that’s on you, not the people watching it) and went about my day oblivious as always. :)

NuPNuA ,

How is using all the top level technology available to the visual medium “shit” production and not good production?

Even back to the days of TOS Trek was designed to look better on colour TVs when not everyone had them. Lo and behold, we all eventually moved over to colour.

There has to be a certain level of expectation on the consumer to keep their equipment up to date and to design for the best available otherwise things would just stagnate.

cynar ,

Part of the issue is compression. Most modern compression algorithms bias towards light areas of the picture. On high bandwidth streams, this is no issue. If the stream is highly compressed, the backs can become blocky and details are lost.

On top of this are suboptimal viewing conditions. Non HDR, background light, or poorly configured (or limited capability) screens. All of these punish the black parts of the image more than the bright.

NuPNuA , (edited )

I can’t speak to the compression on P+ as I’m in the UK so most new Trek is on Netflix, Amazon or the high seas for me and I haven’t noticed much blocking it artifacts even on a 65 inch screen.

I think I optimal viewing conditions are the biggest issue. People who don’t know how to set up and calibrate their TV or watch on an inappropriate device like a laptop, tablet or phone.

I’m not surprised directors like Lynch and Nolan get annoyed. They put all the works into making the best cinema experience, then people ruin it by leaving motion-clarity on on their TV or watching on a six inch screen with tinny headphones on the way to work.

the_sisko ,

I mean, I don’t care what the directors think. They can make things for mass appeal, or they can make things for enthusiasts who invest in top-quality TVs with the latest tech every few years, and who invest a lot of time calibrating their TV and putting up the right curtains to block out the sunlight. If they’re making it for enthusiasts, great. But these directors are supposed making things for mass appeal, so they should make TV and movies easily consumable in the ways that average people watch.

I watch for the stories, characters, etc. I honestly don’t care that DS9 will never be remastered, it’s fine the way it is. But I do care when half the bridge is black because Discovery went to black alert, and I guess that means I can’t see anymore :P

.(edit: I actually enjoyed “watching” new trek on my phone with the audio description track on while I was doing dishes. Mostly listening actually.)

NuPNuA ,

Your last paragraph literally made me wince. That’s some major disrespect to the people who work on the show turning it into an audiobook.

the_sisko ,

It’s not as if I watch everything that way. Just when I want to enjoy some star trek and can’t look all the time. Besides, the audio description tracks are meant for the blind to enjoy the show, they’re quite well written and produced. They are also great at surfacing details about the settings or characters which the writers/directors wanted to be noticed, but I wouldn’t have focused on. So they really open up a new and great perspective. And it’s a lot cheaper than buying a new TV every few years so I can see all the newer shades of black lol.

damnYouSun ,

You mean you are?

NuPNuA ,

If you’re not, it’s time to upgrade. The rest of us shouldn’t get a subpar product because some people aren’t up to date. I mean, TOS was partly designed to help sell colour televisions back in the day, being on the forefront of tech is part of the franchise.

marlowe , avatar


That sounds a bit rude and pretentious.

Not everyone wants the latest, highest dynamic, fidelity, wibbly wobbly TV.
Some are pretty content with colours and not a blurry picture.

Besides, not everyone can afford one.

NuPNuA ,

Then they have no right to moan if they can’t watch the newest content properly which is made for the latest tech. No one expects a PS5 game to run on their NES just because they didn’t want to upgrade do they?

Not being able to afford is a different issue, but theres always been people who can’t afford the latest and greatest, that’s life. No reason to hold things back for everyone else due to that.

TheCannonball , to aww in He's more beak than bird

It’s adorable but it’s bigger than just the white fluff of feathers that we can see in this picture. It does fool the eye a bit but you can see the outline of the rest of it’s body going down behind the branch.

I wasn’t sure when i first saw this but had to image search myself to check.

Devccoon , avatar

Yeah, the framing is cutting off/hiding most of the bird.

Annoyed_Crabby , to aww in He's more beak than bird

This cutie is 45% beak 😂

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