oxjox , to Politics in Wisconsin governor gets creative with veto, increases public school funding for 400 years avatar

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Aldehyde ,

The result was good this time, but doesn’t that allow the governor to pass any law as long as they can find the right words in the right order? I can easily imagine this going very wrong.

parrot-party , avatar

I'm pretty sure this was done to freak out the legislation and force them to remove the partial veto

Madison_rogue , avatar

They can only remove it via constitutional amendment, so it would have to go to the voters first.

QHC , avatar

not remove the power of veto, just override this specific exercise of it

AshDene , avatar

The manipulation of the numbers suggests that you just need the right letters in the right order...

Treczoks , to Politics in Trump's former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees.

He will need all the money for himself. His stance is probably "Nice that you helped me, bitch, but I'm not paying for your trouble".

catloaf , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours

What is going on that this is necessary? I’ve never been expected to be reachable outside my working hours.

I’ve been on call, but those are scheduled, and I got paid if anything happened. I can only think of a very few unscheduled calls, including one where I had to call in and didn’t even have to unmute, but you bet your ass I still counted that time on my timecard and got paid for it.

ChapulinColorado ,

From previous experiences, it is the shittiest jobs that have the highest expectations. Regardless of what anyone might see on this change, at least this puts it on paper.

BaldProphet , avatar

Salaried workers have no specific hours. Their employers own them.

EDIT: Meaning to say that they aren't paid for hours worked, so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from a money perspective for employers to get them to work long hours and call whenever.

viking , avatar

Wait a second, you don’t have working hours in the US just because you’re receiving a salary? My contract states that I have 8h of work per day, 5 days a week, and that office hours are understood as 9 AM to 6 PM with 1h for lunch, and that’s that.

BaldProphet , avatar

It depends on your agreement with your employer. Unless your employment contract specifically states hours for you to work during, there is no limit on when your boss can expect you to reply to your emails.

Of course, hourly non-salaried workers get paid by the hour, even though some hourly workers can still be expected to work ridiculous hours by their employers.

JoYo , to Men's Liberation in Justin Bieber broke down crying on Instagram. Men should pay attention. avatar

Men are facing a loneliness crisis. Crying about it may actually help.

omg im dying

Diplomjodler3 , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours

I’d answer if my boss called outside of working hours. But only because I know he’d never ever do that if it wasn’t really urgent. But I’m under absolutely no obligation to do any work related stuff when I’m not clocked in.

cyborganism , to Work Reform in Historic change for tipped workers: Subminimum wage to end in Chicago restaurants, bars

Will tips still be included though? Or are they eliminating tips?

Eezyville , avatar

Tips would probably go to the company. They’ll get their’s no matter what.

guyrocket , avatar

Pretty sure a tip intended for an employee going to the employer is illegal. Employers cannot keep tips.

Eezyville , avatar

You think the law will stop them?

bobs_monkey ,

The NLRB loves cases like this

unfreeradical , avatar

The NLRB is not a true friend to workers.

Nemo ,

This is true, in Illinois. However, restaurants can do whatever they like with “service charges”, though customarily those go to the service staff. Automatic gratuity is already illegal in Illinois, or at least illegal to enforce, so a lot of restaurants already apply a service charge on large parties… easy enough, and perfectly legal, to expand that and claim it as revenue.

And that’s just the legal route. Wage theft is rampant in this industry, at least in Chicago.

Source: Am current server in Chicago for over decade.

brygphilomena ,

You think it’s just in Chicago? Wage theft is the biggest type of theft in the entire nation. Dollar for dollar, it dwarfs the rest put together.

Nemo ,

I don’t think it’s just in Chicago, but I can only speak to my experience, which is in Chicago.

cyborganism ,

That would be illegal.

vivadanang ,
Steve , avatar

Currently the subminimum wage in Chicago ranges from $9 to $9.48 an hour plus tips.

Restaurant servers and other tipped workers are paid a “subminimum wage” which acts as a base pay and is bolstered by tips.

Chicago does tips on top of the wage. That hasn’t changed. So that might mean eliminating tips to some patrons.

yokonzo ,

Watch, the companies will still try to confisticate the tips though

krellor ,

Washington State changed the minimum wage years ago and mandated it to include tipped workers. It didn't really change the tipping, but the tips still went to the staff, so at least the workers got a more livable income out of the deal.

Son_of_dad ,

I’m just sick of tipping now, I’m done. I won’t go to restaurants anymore because of it

NeuronautML ,

Tips will be mostly irrelevant once patrons are not shamed and manipulated into paying tips. If the salaries are already paid, most people will not tip.

Tips finally got to a breaking point in the US and they’re on the way out for good.

ArbitraryValue , to Texas in [USA Today] Texas drought exposes resting place of five sunken World War I ships in Neches River

The title led me to imagine warships that sank during some sort of bizarre battle with Germans who somehow made it to Texas, but the article clarifies that these are unarmed cargo ships that were deliberately abandoned after the war ended.

Potatos_are_not_friends , to Politics in Trump's former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees.
AllonzeeLV , (edited ) to Texas in Advocacy groups say Texas inmates are 'being cooked to death' in state prisons without air conditioning

The United States is the national embodiment of schadenfreude.

Mistakes/failures WILL be mocked and met with cruelty, unless of course you come from enough wealth to be bailed out, in which case you're "so brave" and "aspirational" for putting yourself out there, trying new things, and learning from failure. Again, ONLY if you're already wealthy, otherwise you deserve your suffering, and why aren't you suffering more, you fuck up making bad decisons?! 🇺🇸

NutWrench , to Work Reform in Historic change for tipped workers: Subminimum wage to end in Chicago restaurants, bars avatar

It should have been $15/hr 20 years ago.

Bipta , to Politics in Wisconsin governor gets creative with veto, increases public school funding for 400 years

I'm glad about the funding but partial vetoes and line item vetoes should be outlawed.

focus , to Work Reform in Joe Biden is old. So is Donald Trump. So are millions of other American workers

What was the important point that was missed?

jeffw OP , avatar

Old people shouldn’t be workers

Copernican , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours

I thought they already had that during working hours. I swear sometimes while I’m working on the east coast hours, my west coast colleagues signs on at 12PM EST and signs off of 530EST and aren’t around to answer my 6:30 EST pings. Meanwhile I’m waking early for EU client calls, and handling 9PM meetings with Asia offices. So it goes. I don’t think we can have it both ways where you can be remote working from anywhere yet not be on the hook to work hours during the defined operational times. I’m not working 9 to 9EST, and take long breaks mid day if I have evening meetings, but there are operational realities of needing to talk to people to get work done and those times need to be defined.

keeb420 , to Politics in Trump's former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees.

Now this is funny.

Ethereal87 , to U.S. News in Wisconsin governor gets creative with veto, increases public school funding for 400 years avatar

I mean, the job of a governor (or President) isn’t to legislate like this. Laws should come from the elected representatives under the guidance of the head of state. And of course we’ll all be outraged when an Republican does this when they’re in power and they enact some god awful nonsense. We should push for better accountability from our elected officials and less of this universal declaration of whatever our current overlord sees fit to do.

With that out of the way, holy crap is he clever to edit “2024-25” into “2425” and set this program up for a very long time (assuming it doesn’t get struck down somehow).

brndnpink ,

Yep. Wisconsinite here (and a teacher as well). I have mixed feelings on this. I’d be fuming if a Republican governor pulled something like this and I generally think it’s a power governors shouldn’t have. However, when held against the context of the way GOP has operated within the letter of the law to entrench themselves within Wisconsin politics, I’m all for Democrats using tactics like this. GOP will use them and it’s unfair for everyone to expect Dems to take the high road at the expense of our policy priorities.

In my perfect world I’d get rid of both this power and the GOP gerrymander in Wisconsin

soiling , avatar

agreed, this is a power that should not exist. I’m glad it was used here for good, and I also also recognize that the GOP plays dirty in every way they can, but it is scary that the intent of a law could just be completely rewritten by the governor. let’s hope WI can become more robust to abuse before a fascist ever gets elected governor

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