Sanctus , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours avatar

Me getting called four times a night by random coworkers asking for random shit:

Worker protections are necessary. Without them our employers would all treat us like Frieza did Krillin

TropicalDingdong ,

Frieza did Krillin

Too soon.

Pyro ,
nublug ,

it’ll never not be too soon

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

What in the hell am I looking at here? My brain is not processing this.

Feathercrown ,

Took my eyes a long time too. He’s being sliced in half

Unpigged , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours

I’m working in a European branch of an American business with headquarters in SF. We have to provide on-call support for software services that we create. Engineers from the European office are paid for on-call duty shifts, however American engineers are not paid for the same job. I wonder whether this law will change things.

FeelThePower , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours avatar

Holy shit i really need this. Ever since my manager quit, my supervisor has basically decided to go total anarchy and do whatever she wants. Including adding us to the schedule without saying anything then deducting points for no-show, or blowing up our phones about said situation.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Including adding us to the schedule without saying anything then deducting points for no-show

IANAL but that sounds like a labor law violation

FeelThePower , avatar

Well, I did get mad and read the california labour laws one night in their entirety and sadly it was within legal grounds SOMEHOW. But doesn’t surprise me either considering this new law seems to allow calls about that still, too. Which i would imagine is the main gripe people would have with out of hours contact. Fucking bullshit, man.

minnow ,

IMO you should report the things to the labor board and let them decide. You never know what you might be missing with your own read through of the rules.

FeelThePower , avatar

In this case I will take your advice and see what they say for sure. It’s been getting annoying but I can’t find a job in the area with comparable pay for my position so it’s worth a try if it means not quitting.

antlion ,

The law as proposed allows them to contact employees for emergencies or for scheduling. So as long as it’s about scheduling employees can’t safely ignore it.

FeelThePower , avatar

Yeah, I sadly realised this and mentioned it in my other comment. It’s really unfortunate.

KevonLooney ,

deducting points

My friend, everything’s made up and the points don’t matter. Just need to look for a similar job. Ask your friends and former coworkers.

fubbernuckin ,

Man, if only similar jobs even existed in some fields. Friend of a friend wrote a script to apply to around 1000 jobs per day last year (comp sci roles) and still took around 6 weeks to get their first interview. Other friends in the field have been searching with no luck for months now.

FenrirIII , to Work Reform in On the heels of historic Volkswagen union vote, Starbucks asks Supreme Court to curb labor's power avatar

We're seeing a consistent fight against worker power. Keep pushing!

njm1314 , (edited ) to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours

This is one of those things that you shouldn’t have to have a law to protect, that right seems inherent and inalienable. Yet we do we so do.

ThePowerOfGeek , to Work Reform in Dollar General employees quit at Mineral Point, Wisconsin store avatar

This story reminds me of the Last Week Tonight review of dollar stores.


ImplyingImplications ,

This was incredibly eye opening. For the tl;dw, most dollar stores employ less than a skeleton crew, often 1 person for the entire store. That person gets minimum wage. The stores are therefore so badly operated that they become infested with rodents and targets for robberies.

The executives have mentioned to investors they don’t make money off selling products, they make money by spending almost nothing on labour costs. They explain they can get away with it because their stores operate in the poorest neighbourhoods.

It’s some of the most evil corporate speak I’ve ever heard and I watched the one where a chocolate company exec explained child slaves actually like working on cocoa farms.

catch22 , avatar

Great Video

PeepinGoodArgs , to Men's Liberation in What's the matter with men? 'Real masculinity' should look to queer community, Gen Z.

“It’s community,” a students said toward the end of class one day. “That’s the thing straight men are really missing.”

I 100% agree with this.

What straight men could learn from queer men – aside from a host of stylistic, hygienic and sex tips – is to have a greater zeal and lust for life.

Not so much with this. I love life. Still, it’d be nice to have friends to turn to.

cyborganism ,

Absolutely. Every time there’s a “men’s only” activity, other groups are quick to call out sexual discrimination.

There are some good things men can pick up from the queer community. They, of all people, play with what defines masculinity all the time. Queer women who want to be more masculine, trans men wanting to be identified as men, etc. They use aspects of masculinity to define themselves.

The thing with cis men is that for the longest time, masculinity has been defined through agressivity, violence, repression of emotions and domination. These are aspects that need to be removed in order to redefine masculinity.

Also, recently, men have been criticised and even mocked for various aspects of masculinity. Like the desire to be strong, liking certain things like sports or cars and trucks or action movies or horses or whatever, to dress a certain way, or just wanting to do general boy stuff.

But the one that hurts the most is how everyone is blaming everything the last bit negative on all men. Or pinning only a handful of men’s behavior on every man, ever. And basically saying that all men are inherently toxic and deserve to be eliminated. And as soon as someone speaks up and says “not all men” there always someone who’ll reply mockingly “nOt AlL mEN”, like it’s an invalid response to so much hatred and misandry.

Yes, a lot of men are toxic and patriarchy has hurt society in many ways. It also hurts men as well. But we have to differentiate between the good and the bad ones. I mean, women aren’t all angels either. And there are many other queer folk who aren’t nice and they probably have their own toxic traits. Basically everyone has their faults and some of the responsibility of the bad stuff should be shared.

Nommer , to Work Reform in On the heels of historic Volkswagen union vote, Starbucks asks Supreme Court to curb labor's power

It's seems that CEOs and shareholders have forgotten that the alternative to worker's rights is to be beaten to death and left to rot in the streets.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

Indeed. The union is the compromise. The alternative was and still is revolution. Worker consciousness is rising quickly, and organization allows for the creation of dual power. 2028 General Strike is shaping up to be not only possible, but possibly inevitable.

AtariDump ,
some_guy , to Work Reform in On the heels of historic Volkswagen union vote, Starbucks asks Supreme Court to curb labor's power

Fuck you Starbucks.

HulkSmashBurgers , (edited ) to Politics in Trump's former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees.

Haha good luck that. Trump won’t even pay his own defense fees. What makes these ass-clowns think he’ll pay for theirs?

dumples , to Politics in Wisconsin governor gets creative with veto, increases public school funding for 400 years avatar

This is kind of a dick move but the republican congress in Wisconsin removed a bunch of his powers in a lame duck session. You if play dirty you can expect things like this. Wisconsin is kind of a mess politically

Madison_rogue , avatar

Wisconsin has had a line item veto since 1930, and it has been used by Democrats and Republicans.

Yeah Robin Vos did a lot of shady things to curtail Evers' executive powers prior to him taking office, yet this kind of veto power has been used before. Both Scott Walker and Tommy Thompson used the veto power during their time in office as well.

Here's a history of the line item veto from the website.

MedicPigBabySaver , to Work Reform in California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours avatar

More than once over the years I’ve told admin, “not interested”, when they asked me about taking a Supervisor position.

Nope, I punch out and clear my mind about work. I guarantee that wouldn’t be possible at the Supervisor level. I won’t even work as a Field Training Officer. The little bump per hour isn’t worth the hassle of doing evals and discussing each newbie with management.

Fredselfish , avatar

Even if this law were to pass. California governor bet you will veto it. He got to cater to the 1% if he plans run for president.

Clent , to Men's Liberation in Justin Bieber broke down crying on Instagram. Men should pay attention.

The cross section of men who can't show emotions and men who give a shit about a bieber is very thin.

mysoulishome , to Men's Liberation in What's the matter with men? 'Real masculinity' should look to queer community, Gen Z. avatar

I can’t read that because it’s 2 sentences - ad - two sentences - ad. Can anyone summarize? I didn’t really understand what he was trying to say

Hairyblue , avatar

I couldn't get through it either.

ultratiem , avatar

You missed… nothing

HonoraryMancunian ,

At a time when masculinity is being re-examined, it seems America has never been more divided on the definition of ‘real masculinity.’ I’ve found clarity in two places we seem to be looking last.

This month will have been eight years since I arrived at the same college where I now teach. Like some of my queer students, I was freshly out of the closet, away from the suburbs of Long Island and living in downtown Manhattan for the first time.

I say now that I arrived late on the gay scene. For years I had been dancing around the edges of the queer community in Manhattan.

I was out of the closet, but in many ways, my head was still enveloped in “straight logic.” I held onto the misconception that other gay men were either the object of my desire or, in the case of a girlfriend’s other gay best friend, naturally, my competition. There was no middle ground. Many of the gay men at my college, I quickly realized, had learned a similar strategy. It seemed many of us were in the business of projecting our insecurities onto one another. Whether or not we were conscious of it, we were competing in a typical “mean girls” fashion.

It wouldn’t be until years later that I would meet my now boyfriend, Carlos, who would inspire me to question my own notions of what it is to be a part of the queer community.

At a time when masculinity is being re-examined, it seems America has never been more divided on the definition of “real masculinity” – a definition I’ve grappled with myself. I’ve found clarity in two places we seem to be looking last: the next generation and the queer men who blazed their trail.

Starbucks gave trans employees lifeline. Then they put our health care at risk.

Gen Z is setting their own rules for ‘real masculinity’ At the end of last semester, I asked my freshman critical writing class at Pace University in Manhattan whether they believed that our culture was witnessing a “crisis of masculinity.”

Most argued that men were not in crisis, citing the economic and socioeconomic privileges that come with being a white man. They defended their case by citing how other groups, like people of color and LGBTQ+ communities, have seen their rights taken away in real time.

“I think those are the people really in crisis," one of my students lamented after citing the recent passing of anti-drag, anti-trans legislation.

But what we’re seeing from the behavior of straight men doesn’t exactly tell us they are thriving, either. From elementary education to overdose rates, men are seemingly in trouble:

Girls outperform boys in reading by more than 40% of a grade level in every state. Men die of overdoses at two to three times greater a rate than women. In the United States, males make up about 80% of all deaths by suicide – and are far less likely to be willing to talk about mental health. The list goes on.

And look at the examples of Andrew Tate (the social media influencer arrested in December on charges of human trafficking and rape), Kanye West, Elon Musk, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. All of them are in a wrestling match with their egos – and undoubtedly working out their daddy issues by taking it out on the rest of humanity.

“I think straight men are mad that masculinity is being remodeled,” a student answered.

Getting sober saved my life. And helped me understand my identity as a transgender woman.

The ‘crisis of masculinity’ is men’s own misery
Of course, this brand of the eccentric man predates the biblical age, I told them. What we’re seeing today is that it is more widely mainstream than ever, citing artists like Harry Styles and Shawn Mendes who have, in a sense, cultivated this new wave of masculinity-sans-stereotypes. But it isn’t new.

From Mercury, Bowie, Prince and Elton to the ball culture of the 1980s, our definitions and expressions of gender have ebbed and flowed.

So why now, then, is the backlash seemingly so much stronger? Why are so many men stuck in their own misery?

“It’s community,” a students said toward the end of class one day. “That’s the thing straight men are really missing.”

I know that’s certainly the thing I was missing before I began to accept myself.

What straight men could learn from queer men – aside from a host of stylistic, hygienic and sex tips – is to have a greater zeal and lust for life. What we’re seeing from the misery of men is the product of patriarchal conditioning. While we know straight white men are the beneficiaries of our capitalist patriarchy, they are also unknowingly victims of it.

My students understand this. I’d like to believe the young men who step into my classroom have seen the mistakes the men before them have made.

I often get asked by friends older than me if I’m pessimistic about Generation Z, born between 1997 to 2012. They often forget that I am actually considered Gen Z. I tell them how teaching has made me more optimistic than ever.

My students have made me see the state of things with a bit more hope. For all their (our) stereotypical faults – including a general lack of stamina and an impulse to cancel too quickly – the next generation is throwing out the old script and writing a new one. For that, they have my respect.

They have changed my view on this crisis of masculinity. This violent pushback we’re witnessing from men is a mere projection of their own self-hatred. The outburst we see from men is but a symptom of their grief. They are slowly realizing they are on their way out.

mysoulishome , avatar

The way it’s written is kind of just like a rambling conversation or train of thought…dunno if it’s just me but find it hard to read

No1RivenFucker ,

The problem is that the article doesn’t really have anything to say beyond the title of this post. Just a whole lot of padding and rambling to make an entire article out of a two line idea. It doesn’t go into anything resembling what the premise would look like in the real world, nor does it build up reasoning for it beyond just “some people thought of this”.

ripcord , avatar

No AdBlock...? No browser with a reader mode?

coleandfries , to Politics in Trump's former lawyer was indicted in Georgia. She wants his defense funds to pay her legal fees.

Now that the lights are on, the roaches are scurrying.

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