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Catoblepas ,

It’s probably for bomb sniffing dogs, I’ve seen those at JFK and LAX along with those signs in the past. Like right near the cordoned off walkway they have set up for them to walk near everyone in line.

Catoblepas ,

AFAIK they don’t use those in airports, at least not in the domestic flight area. I could see it being used at customs or something, although I think even in customs they usually have dogs sniffing for agricultural concerns like plants and seeds rather than drugs. The dogs you see near security theater checkpoints screening areas are all bomb sniffing dogs AFAIK.

Catoblepas ,

The world as General Woundwort imagined it.

Catoblepas ,

I wasn’t trying to say anything cutting, just a Watership Down reference 🐰

Catoblepas ,

lol my bad, that’s not a phrase I run into a lot anymore!

I held a baby squirrel today! ( )

Story time! We recently bought a rural property with a burnt down house on it and are going up every few weekends to clean it up. I'm up there this morning picking up random sheet metal and yeeting it into the trash pile. Suddenly I hear frantic squeaks....I look, and I accidentally yeeted the cover of a squirrel nest (I think...

Catoblepas ,

Weren’t noncompete agreements essentially unenforceable before this because of court rulings? Forcing employers to notify employees of this is definitely good, though.

Catoblepas ,

Jesus, real love for essential workers there. I might be confusing it with district court rulings, either way I’m glad it’s getting addressed!

Catoblepas ,

I don’t think you’re reading it correctly. Men 18-34 were the only group that trended towards the control axis compared to 2014. Both women and men 18-34 went much lower on the despair axis compared to 2014, but women still moved towards the freedom axis instead of the control axis.

Catoblepas ,

‘Went towards freedom slower than other groups’ isn’t the same as ‘trending towards control’ 🤷‍♂️

Catoblepas ,

Officers pursued the Seattle driver but abandoned the chase when they learned the tents were empty and no one was injured.

Useless fucks.

Catoblepas ,

As a native English speaker and Spanish learner, consistent vowel pronunciation is so incredible. 🥺 Just looking at a word and knowing how to pronounce it… amazing stuff. Kind of wild that in some languages you don’t have the ‘curse of the self educated’ (randomly mispronouncing words you’ve only read, not heard spoken).

Catoblepas ,

My husband has been looking for a refill since Friday but no pharmacies in our area have any. He has a different medication left over from when his psych switched meds for him so he’s been using that, but it’s eventually going to run out if more shipments don’t come in. He switched medications for a reason too, his old one has side effects he really doesn’t like.

It’s just so fucking frustrating. I feel like people don’t understand this can literally kill people. Many people with ADHD drive and being off your medication is a risk factor for being in a wreck because, surprise, driving requires attention! Even for those that don’t drive, most of them walk and will do so near cars. People with untreated ADHD are more likely to die for a reason, there’s just too many ways that being momentarily inattentive can kill you.

ADHD is still viewed as a moral flaw by many, consciously or subconsciously, along with the belief that you can/should just will yourself out of it. But it’s a developmental disorder. The parts of the brain that are supposed to be responsible for all the things people with ADHD struggle with didn’t fully cook. You can’t just self manage yourself out of your brain not being fully cooked. These meds are necessary and I could peck the eyes out of the stupid fucks at the DEA that decided to crack down twice as hard to make up for their fuck ups with the opioid crisis.

Catoblepas ,

I looked into this a bit but it seems like the reputable ones don’t ship controlled substances even with a prescription, unfortunately.

Catoblepas ,

Kind of annoyed they didn’t include what the alleged fire code violations were (or state outright that the police would not provide that information), because if they are for code violations that actually make the place dangerous that adds nuance.

But I would bet in the absence of the police talking about specifics, the violations amount to ‘letting someone sleep in the wrong zone’ and other violations that are far less dangerous than being unhoused in winter.

Catoblepas ,

The pens on both of these (but especially the left) are far too large to be veal crates, which don’t allow calves to turn around.

Catoblepas ,

I wonder how many cops have shot and killed people in that time period?

I wonder if there are more McDonald’s employees than cops?

What is the current state of research on regional anthropological phenotypes?

I know it can be a hot topic. I have long wondered what the real isolation timelines were for East Asia, India, Africa, and Europe. I’m most curious about the first two as they seem so divergent. Like a group had to be mobile enough to relocate, but then stay within a region for a (?) long time with little influx....

Catoblepas ,

Studies of gene flow are probably more what you’re looking for, rather than phenotype. I’m 10 minutes from heading out the door so I don’t have time go hunting for links, but if you search for information about haplogroups, molecular clocks, and mitochondrial DNA you’ll be able to find a lot of information about the history of gene flow in humans.

Catoblepas ,

This looks more like tipping than pollarding to me. If it’s supposed to be pollarding whoever’s doing it is shit at it. Tipping is harmful to trees, and based on the photos of the tree prior to it being cut it looks like it may have been tipped once in the year already (likely why they weren’t issued a permit by the city and cut it illegally).

Catoblepas ,

The person you’re replying to is wrong. The city hasn’t given a permit to trim the trees for the past 3 years, and the way it was cut is harmful to the tree (25% of canopy is the maximum that should be removed at any time).

Catoblepas ,

Is this supposed to distract from the fact the company broke the law to try to break a strike and likely harmed the long term health of the cut trees? Is there some reason you don’t want us to stay on that topic?

Catoblepas ,

The trees are city property. You can’t just cut city trees because you feel like it. The city has already fined them and the penalties will only increase if the trees don’t recover.

If you know something the Forestry Service doesn’t you should get in touch with them. They outline pretty clearly that what is pictured is bad for the trees, and it’s a bad time of year to do it because it makes the trees more susceptible to disease. This isn’t an opinion, it’s in the government handbook.

Go have whatever argument you’re dying to have with someone else.

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