Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike.

Written by Dana Horgan & Bill Wolkoff

Directed by Dermott Downs

Osa-Eris-Xero512 ,

Can we talk about how great it is that they keep tinkering with the opening credits for the special episodes? Because I love it every time they do. Fukkin acapella man.

AuroraBorealis ,
@AuroraBorealis@pawb.social avatar

I love this as well! And doing fun stuff with the star trek brand intro as well, I hope they continue both of those in the future

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

I’m a huge sucker for altered opening credits. Enterprise still wins for the best one of these with its mirror universe episode.

teft ,
@teft@startrek.website avatar

+1 for that theme in In a Mirror Darkly.

triktrek ,

Oh yeah, great idea. Kinda like the Simpsons gag or so:

  • If they ever have a mirror episode, the opening credits should be horizontally mirrored
  • If they ever have a time travel episode, the opening credits should go backwards
  • Another cross-over episode? DS9 or some other ship better appear in there! etc.
Continuumguy ,

Reminds me of how Community would change up things all the time.

shirro ,

It could be bunnies

Osa-Eris-Xero512 ,

I will be incredibly disappointed if in season 6 or something they don't bring that back and have it be bunnies.

TheDubh ,

Not SNW, but I for sure could see Lower Decks finding the fold and accidentally finding the bunny probability. Hopefully we’ll see the Klingon bunnies.

Vittelius ,
UESPA_Sputnik ,
@UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de avatar

Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes!

They’ve got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses!

And what’s with all the carrots?

What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?



It must be bunnies!

shirro ,

Did I hear a bit of the music from Once More With Feeling in engineering near the start?

Or maybe midgets.

UESPA_Sputnik ,
@UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de avatar

Yeah, I heard that too during the moment where Pelia suggests sending music through the rift. I think it’s part of that song where Dawn dances at the Bronze.

shirro ,

Yeah, Dawn’s Ballet or something very like it. Cool reference.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

Was it just me, or did Pelia have a winking look when she suggested that, as if she knew exactly what would happen? Or maybe that’s just Pelia all the time…

hmantegazzi ,
@hmantegazzi@startrek.website avatar

“these kids really need to blow some steam and talk their things out, let’s make it so”

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

Shades of Guinan and the Nexus there.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

Serious props to whoever dropped that reference in. That’s a lovely homage to the OG musical episode.

Snowcano ,

Which musical episode?

valen ,
@valen@lemmy.world avatar

Buffy’s Once More With Feeling.

Snowcano ,

Ahhhh, thank you. Hadn’t seen that one, and was pretty sure I wasn’t missing a Trek reference.

hmantegazzi ,
@hmantegazzi@startrek.website avatar

ends being Cardassian voles

russjr08 ,
@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I don’t generally enjoy musicals (or rather, shows that aren’t musicals but then do a random episode as a musical) but SNW definitely did it right! And I’m glad I didn’t skip it since I considered doing so.

AuroraBorealis , (edited )
@AuroraBorealis@pawb.social avatar

What the heck, this episode must have taken so much effort like 20+ minutes of singing + music (and the writing of the songs as well), and in a good half of those requires choreographed dancing as well, the a capella version of the intro, and a few orchestra versions in the credits

I was grinning almost the entire time for this episode, it was just…fun! And it moved the plot along too! (Although you kinda need to with so few episodes in a season)

Odo , (edited )

The Klingon breakdown in the final song about had me laughing so hard I was almost in tears. I appreciate using the songs to move various character storylines forward. It feels like everyone ended the episode in a much better place, outside of Spock. …and maybe M’Benga…he didn’t seem thrilled with the singing, though he certainly had some fancy footwork during the final song.

triktrek ,

I feel like poor La’an is in a worse place now. She just doesn’t get a break. :(

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

On the other hand, she made a breakthrough in actually opening up to Kirk, and he didn’t reject her for it. If anything, him being unavailable for other reasons may be a relief to La’an, releasing her to focus on other things now that she knows that door is closed to her (at least for now).

triktrek ,

Yeah, I guess.

But also, jealousy can be a difficult emotion to deal with, and La’an already had to deal with a lot this and past season. But then again, she’s a tough one.

kmccoy ,

This was incredible. Loved seeing Celia Rose Gooding so clearly in their element. And Bruce Horak returns in one of the strangest Klingon moments yet!

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

I love a good comedy relief Klingon moment. They nailed that. It was just goofy and unexpected enough to get a good laugh and they knew just when to cut it off before it overstayed its welcome.

triktrek ,

Wait, what? I didn’t realize the Klingon captain was Bruce Horak!

UESPA_Sputnik ,
@UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de avatar

Loved it. I was most surprised that the whole cast all had such beautiful singing voices.

La’an’s song touched me the most because I’m someone who also doesn’t really dare to do the things I’d like to do.

A bit sad that we didn’t get a Klingon opera but the alternative was … well, interesting too. 😄 Also, I kinda hope that Spock solving diplomatic crises with the Klingons by drinking excessive amounts of blood wine will become a running gag.

UESPA_Sputnik ,
@UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de avatar

Addendum: after watching it again I realized that (for the first time?) several male background extras were wearing the dress-type uniform variant that only the women used to wear.

Are we getting the unisex skant back? Hell yeah! I love this show.

teft ,
@teft@startrek.website avatar

Boimler wears a skant a bunch of times in Lower Decks.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

I missed the skants? How could I have missed the skants?

UESPA_Sputnik ,
@UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de avatar

They can both be seen in the corridors. The first one (in a red uniform) walks by Ortegas when the ship is hit by the energy field at the beginning. The other one (in a blue uniform) walks by Number One and Kirk during their song.

There may be more but those are the two that I spotted.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, there they are. It’s less noticable because everyone wears pants/leggings under them, unlike in TOS/TNG, where a skirt/skant meant bare legs. The effect is almost more like a long tunic or jacket.

Maybe Pike keeps the ship’s environmental settings a little colder than the others, so nobody wants to free the knees.

passinglurker ,

Maybe Pike keeps the ship’s environmental settings a little colder than the others, so nobody wants to free the knees

I dunno about nobody considering the recuring background andorians (give me slim blue men in skimpy minidresses you cowards!/s) clearly 23rd century fabric just breathes really well.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

La’an’s song was the most emotional and heartfelt, but it went on way too long.

Uhura had the best song and the best performance, I thought. Celia Rose Gooding is a goddamned treasure, and it’s a treat to see them finally really putting that character to good use on a consistent basis.

startrek ,

@UESPA_Sputnik I was hoping for a klingon opera too. But, yes, an interesting alternative.

Disgustoid ,

Just like all Orions aren’t pirates, not all Klingons like opera. Some of them like…whatever that was that they sang.

UESPA_Sputnik ,
@UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de avatar

That was obviously K-Pop.

ansik ,
@ansik@kbin.social avatar

My thoughts immediately went to boy bands but then again, K-pop is probably the modern equivalent so you're probably right?

TheGayTramp ,
@TheGayTramp@lemmy.ca avatar


erbazzone ,

Ok, a post from someone that really hate musicals and was worried about this episode. So sorry if I will over criticize the episode…

I admit the episode was so fun at the beginning and songs were nice, loved La’an and Una parts they were really good. I was thinking the episode was a banger. I loved so much the opera opening too.

Unlikely it started to lose my attention around on Chapel’s song (also because the autotune was so evident in her and I found the Chapel Spock relationship the worst part of the series) and the second part was a little hard for me to follow, the music too was less interesting and even if Uhura has a great voice her solo song was too long and def not my cup of tea, I didn’t even understand what was trying to say. It could have worked for me with less songs.

It was interesting I have fun for more than I thought and I laughed so much with Klingons, it was often close to clinginess but it was ok at the end.

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Annotations up at: startrek.website/post/628489

GummySquirrel ,
@GummySquirrel@startrek.website avatar

10 minutes in, Oh I like it!

GummySquirrel ,
@GummySquirrel@startrek.website avatar

46minutes, kind of over it. Would love to hear a Klingon song

darelik ,

If there was a klingon-side spinoff, this episode would be entitled:

Bat’leth of the Bands

BrooklynMan ,
@BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml avatar

someone watched The Magicians and said, “Hold my Romulan ale”

soo… for anyone wondering, the music is great. unlike other shows with musical episodes, the music is all original and written/performed of the episode (although I didn’t see Lt. Cmdr. Auto-tune listed in the credits…). It’s plot appropriate, and not shoehorned-in or overdone. There’s a great tone balance, and it comes off like a great American stage musical. I had serious doubts regarding whether they could pull it off… but they did. It was cute, clever, and fun.

I’m a trekkie of the old guard who abso-fucking-loutley 🔥HATES🔥 DSC for shitting down the throat of canon (and just being terrible), but, but I’ve been giving SNW a fair shot. S1 was okay, but S2 has been more promising— HOWEVER, these last few episodes have been very Star Trek, and in new, innovative ways that are refreshing and, dare I say… fun? But, also, serious when they SHOULD BE.

Season 2 of Strange New Worlds is just great, and I guess someone at Paramount is finally listening to all of the screaming from Trek fans about the fire hose of diarrhea that’s been blasting at us so far, and decided to put out some quality content at long last. THANK GOODNESS, because this? This is awesome!

ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Going on a tangent to complain hyperbolically about a different show is both unwelcoming and off-topic.

BrooklynMan , (edited )
@BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml avatar

so you’ve deleted a comment because you personally disagree, and wrapped that action in an excuse which doesn’t pass muster that’s invisible so it’s past scrutiny.

how convenient for you

but you deleted this comment because you’re mad I criticized DSC, and you know it. and that’s bullshit.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I loved the episode overall, but that Klingon fleet should have been commanded by L’Rell herself (though that was an extremely fun way to bring back Bruce Horak without shoehorning the Ghost of Hemmer into it).

GaiusGornicusCaesar ,
@GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website avatar

God I wish there was more Klingon Heavy Metal out there…

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

General Gorkog was Bruce Horak? That’s awesome.

Also more fuel for my running theory that Hemmer isn’t truly dead. I think they’re holding onto him for a surprise return in the coming confrontation with the Gorn.

maegul ,

but that Klingon fleet should have been commanded by L’Rell herself

Whaaaattt … this exists!! Man … that klingon in the verses really works well! And yes, giving us something a bit more faithful to klingons feels like the missed opportunity of the episode … pretty sure there would have been a way for it be comedic and klingon at the same time.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I’m okay with what they did - they were tapping into the Broadway Musical Universe, after all, not the Epic Klingon Opera Universe.

lagomorphlecture ,

I thought it was hilarious and works with their dishonor but I also wouldn’t have loved if they had been head banging to metal or going to town on some Klingon opera.

AzPsycho ,

Another great episode. The a capella theme song was great too.

Stormygeddon ,

I found it peculiar how the Klingons were saying there was no honor in the singing—considering how into Opera the can be known to be—up until I heard how they got the most egregious of the autotune.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.world avatar

That definitely was a funny surprise. Up until that point I had assumed that the Klingons would be doing their own style of music, but evidently the reality field the whole subspace network was tethered to was a very specific kind of musical that excluded Klingon opera.

GaiusGornicusCaesar ,
@GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website avatar

Dishonorable. Klingons may only sing the heaviest of metals or the most glorious of operas.


I was hoping for a Klingon death metal number throughout the episode. This was probably only opportunity to see something like that.

GaiusGornicusCaesar , (edited )
@GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website avatar

Hopefully they’ll do more… Luckily there are some songs and bands out there. Really if I want to satisfy my urge for Klingon it really doesn’t matter what type it is they just have to sing it in the original Klingon.

Continuumguy ,

I feel like Lower Decks might be able to pull it off.

ClarkDoom ,

I don’t think it was the singing bringing dishonor but instead the fact the singing happens by expressing inner feelings and emotions.

valen ,
@valen@lemmy.world avatar

And they wore gold lamé!

buckykat ,

To sing does not dishonor a Klingon, but to be forced to sing by something the Federation set off, that dishonors a Klingon.

GaiusGornicusCaesar ,
@GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website avatar

Episode was good. Klingon part was funny. Liked how the played the TOS theme after the “grand finale” was finished.

Continuumguy ,

I kind of thought playing the TOS theme was like meant to be the music played after the final curtain as the actors take their bows and people start leaving the theater.

GaiusGornicusCaesar ,
@GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website avatar

Yeah, make sense. Still like it, love the theme and love whenever it is played.

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