
Treczoks , to aww in Bird plays with golf balls

I assume the bird tries to break open the "eggs" it found. I know, boring explanation for an absolute funny video.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Ayup. These birds make the same movement with snakes and other animals to break all their bones.

pipows , (edited )
@pipows@lemmy.today avatar

Not eggs, but prey. They use this movement to break its bones and kill it.

It's a siriema if I'm not mistaken. There are a bunch of them in the country side of where I live (Brazilian Cerrado). They are absolutely fantastic animals

intensely_human ,

I assume the bird’s knowledge is inarticulate and all it knows is that it’s very satisfying to slam the ball on the concrete.

fivezero OP , to RedditMigration in Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments
@fivezero@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like r/programming discovered the astroturfing, so in true Reddit fashion they simply shut down the subreddit entirely to avoid the spread of negative public sentiment. Thanks for galvanizing my resolve to migrate to the fediverse, Spez

NumbersCanBeFun ,
@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, after reading this I feel like I made the right choice. I can't believe how quickly Reddit has devolved.

fivezero OP ,
@fivezero@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed. For years I had truly (and naively) believed that Reddit, despite their prior blunders with which we are now all mostly familiar, would maintain an acceptable level of decency and never push things so far as alienate their core userbase. Shot themselves squarely in the foot on this one I think, as their recent changes affect so many.

theangryseal ,

What a bummer.

I’m doing ok without it though. I didn’t load old.reddit once today.

I probably won’t tomorrow.

I used to look at Reddit in almost all of my downtime at work. Now I’m trying to write when I see nothing new is coming up on Lemmy.

Still though. 15 years on Reddit. Goddamn. It definitely bums me out. I mean, it’s just a website, but it has helped shape so much of who I am.

I’m an atheist in the Bible Belt for example, and atheism being a default sub back in the day really helped me out a lot.

All things must pass.

Neato ,
@Neato@kbin.social avatar

I spend my work downtime the 1 day I have to be in office writing dnd campaign material to save my prep time at home.

CmdrModder ,

I understand your pain with that last point. Being an atheist teen in a family that highly values religious holidays (and more) is a life experience I hope people don't have to go through.

Things got better, as I hope things are well for you.

najoes ,

It does suck. I even met my husband on Reddit! It’s been such a meaningful part of my life.

eleitl ,

I’m waiting for my data takeout, so checking old.reddit.com messages once a day. No other engagement beyond that. Lemmy communities are getting really good now.

coyootje ,

It feels more like grabbing 2 shotguns and blasting both feet off at the same time. Unless their goal was to sink Reddit at record speed I have no idea what they’re doing…

Razputinsgirth ,

But that's just the dig they did make horrible decisions that fucked Reddit up. But the 3rd party apps fixed most of those problems. Whenever I look at new Reddit it's literally so much harder and spammy to use. For year's now

Hypx ,
@Hypx@kbin.social avatar

It's truly amazing. Even people who knew that Reddit was destined to fail someday, wouldn't have predict it happening so fast.

Pons_Aelius ,

Most people expect gradual change when many things in life are more like punctuated equilibrium.

Stable state despite gradual change in underlying conditions.

Then rapid change to new stable state.

Entropywins ,
@Entropywins@kbin.social avatar

You've now put a fear in me about my life that I wasn't ready for...

Pons_Aelius ,

Sorry to do that, but I believe the world makes a lot more sense when viewed through the lens of punctuated equilibrium. It does not make things better, just makes the chaos more understandable.

The dot com bubble.

The housing bubble.

Basically every economic bubble all the way back to tulip mania.

The Arab Spring.

The changes in the USA post 9/11.

And most disturbing of all, the recent rapid swing of pretty much all environmental indicators into uncharted territory. Our biosphere may be heading into a phase of rapid change.

Neato ,
@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Nobody wants to change. It's hard and expensive. Until they have to because conditions have required it. Then they change as fast as possible to a new state that works in the new conditions so they can survive.

FaceDeer ,
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

There's also the Ernest Hemmingway quote from The Sun Also Rises:

“How did you go bankrupt?"

“Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

avenged7fold ,

This article felt a little more relevant, recommended by wiki on the one you linked: Punctuated equilibrium in social theory

ForTheEmperah ,
@ForTheEmperah@kbin.social avatar

It's like Rome 😭

niktemadur ,
@niktemadur@kbin.social avatar

Like with Twitter, it's a rapid-fire series of knee-jerk reactions, like a hammer, as in - "When you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail", destined to get caught, to not fix what you were supposedly trying to fix, to generate deeper and more baffling situations in the process, to fail.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess ,
@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Shut down, you say? Every subreddit should post such truths, you say? Reddit will atomize itself instantly, you say?

Okay, maybe not but it's a fun thought, no?

foggy ,

I noticed this happened before the reddit blackouts. I haven’t been to reddit since. Is this a new occurrence of the same ChatGPT astroturfing or is this that same news?

BarbecueCowboy ,

r/programming was one of the earliest subreddits, I think it was actually #2. Can't view it anymore, but the moderation team of r/programming would have been pretty reddit admin/staff heavy. Pretty sure spez was listed on the moderation team at one point.

McBinary ,
@McBinary@kbin.social avatar

Wow. Just checked. The newest post in that sub is 3 weeks old.

ICastFist , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I vote for wrecking the rich’s yachts. There’s even a great capitalist reason to do it: the companies that build them might make new sales! Win-win!

TwoGems ,
@TwoGems@lemmy.world avatar

Better yet, train orcas to attack yachts!

Agent641 ,

Buddy, youre not gonna believe this…

ours ,

Gibraltar Orcas: “Way ahead of you there buddy”

clanginator ,

When you think about it, at that point at least the rich are spending their money again in order to buy another yacht, actually putting money into the economy.

It’s like trickle down economics, but we gotta shoot some holes in the water tower to make it trickle down.

eestileib ,

This is actually an example in The Wealth of Nations; Adam Smith considers whether a hooligan smashing a window is a benefit to society because it creates work for the glazier.

Smith concluded that no, it isn’t a net benefit because the glazier could have made a new window instead.

However, given that megayachts are net negative to society, I’m not sure how he’d view this case.

Klear ,
Qwertzwertz ,

Building a super yacht means that dozens or hundreds of people work for the benefit of one person. As craftsmen, they could have improved the lives of tens of thousands in their community instead. As engineers, they could have built products serving millions.

Not to mention the natural resources used for one person’s benefit.

There’s nothing positive about super yachts (and mansions, private jets,…) being built. Don’t let the flow of money confuse you.

IHaveTwoCows ,

And here’s another aspect: all those craftsmen are taxed at a higher rate to cover for the losses incurred by tax cuts on the wealthy who hire them…literally working to pay someone else’s taxes. Rush Limbaugh kept selling this as “job creation”: if the rich get tax cuts “they’ll buy a private jet and someone has to wash it!” So the jet washer gets no security in a gig economy and has to pay his clients’ taxes.

clanginator ,

To be clear my comment was intended purely as satire. I definitely don’t view the construction of yachts as positive in any way.


When you think about it, at that point at least the rich are spending their money again in order to buy another yacht, actually putting money into the economy.

People who think the rich just have vaults full of money are so fucking ridiculous.

Poor people sit on cash. Poor people hide cash in their house. Almost the entirety of any rich person’s wealth is invested, because rich people generally pay smart people to handle their money.

Miqo ,

“We were very wealthy,” says Errol Musk. “We had so much money at times we couldn’t even close our safe.”

With one person holding the money in place, another other would slam the door.

“And then there’d still be all these notes sticking out and we’d sort of pull them out and put them in our pockets.”

You are willfully ignorant.

Daisyifyoudo ,

Poor people live paycheck to paycheck, 1 disaster away from bankruptcy and absolute poverty. What the actual fuck are you taking about??

bennieandthez ,
@bennieandthez@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Money goes from the billionaires to the millionaires that owns the yacht companies 😅

unfreeradical ,
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

The argument is sloppy.

The working class makes gains when our work helps us as a class, not when we are forced to serve.

If the wealthy are able to support the creation of wasteful luxuries for their own vanity, then they must be able to support activities that help the working class.

The difference is that the latter may require some encouragement.

clanginator ,

My comment was satire. Stop arguing with the wind.

unfreeradical ,
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

Many comments being posted are intended as satirical, but the actual apologia resembles satire so much that I think the intentional satire is rather creating confusion above all else.

clanginator , (edited )

Creating confusion for you maybe. Nobody else took my comment that seriously.

I said “shooting holes in a water tower to make trickle-down economics work” as a reply to someone making an obvious quip. IDK if you’ve just never been around leftist discussions, but joking about how fucked trickle-down economics is isn’t an endorsement of building megayachts that wreck the environment and provide no good to society.

Stop being intentionally obtuse and don’t blame others for your inability to read between the lines.

unfreeradical , (edited )
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

Creating confusion for you maybe. Nobody else took my comment that seriously.

The general view is one I have reached after reading hundreds of threads or more.

clanginator ,

So then why reply to my comment with a hostile argument when there was already a thread in reply to mine which cleared up any possible confusion?

You can’t read satire, got confused and replied without spending the time to even read the other reply saying the same shit you said.

And you wanna blame satire for creating confusion.

If u smell shit everywhere you go, check ur own shoe bud.

unfreeradical ,
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

You are applying overly broad extrapolations, distorting the sense of my comments, and also imposing an inaccurate view that I expressed hostility.

clanginator ,

So leading with “the argument is sloppy” is a nice friendly way of opening a conversation?

Please tell me exactly what I’m broadly extrapolating or distorting here, because your comment makes broad accusations without actually talking specifics, while mine does exactly the opposite. If anything, ur the one extrapolating bs.

You’re the one that chose to make a useless comment in the first place, don’t bitch when you get called out for it.

You just literally don’t know how to accept/respond to satire, and when you realized you took satire seriously, instead of saying “oh okay” u got defensive and offended.

Grow tf up dude. Let satire exist. Read other replies before adding to meaningless drivel like you did.

unfreeradical ,
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

So leading with “the argument is sloppy” is a nice friendly way of opening a conversation?

I am rejecting your characterization that I have been hostile, which is also not supported by the text your quoted.

Your tone consistently has escalated toward one that is petty and oppositional.

Piemanding ,

Do a new Boston Tea Party except this time we launch barrels of tea at yachts.

FrostbyteIX ,
@FrostbyteIX@lemmy.world avatar

I need a couple of their yachts to drag over some sturdy icebergs. Re-enact a much more expensive Titanic.

emeralddawn45 ,

Thanks to them you’ll be hard pressed to find any sturdy icebergs anymore.

jimbo ,

Protecting their yachts was their plan all along!

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,
whitecapstromgard , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.

That’s red hot commie stuff right there. I like it :)

NaoPb ,

Isn’t that what they want you to think? Throwing around words like communist and making it seem like a bad thing to share wealth?

Franzia ,

Exactly. Unions exist in Liberal and Social Democracies, too. They want to keep us on this Neoliberal path, because it’s so very exploitable. Unions are just a drop of democracy, but for your workplace, or sometimes renting and transit systems.

WhipTheLlama ,

There is nothing communist about that. He’s not advocating abolishing private ownership. Businesses and workers both operate in the free market, which allows workers to advocate for their position in the market.

The free market doesn’t exist in a communist economy. Communism uses a planned economy, so the government strongly regulates both businesses and workers. This eliminates workers’ leverage over employers.

unfreeradical , (edited )
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

There is nothing communist about that.

Seeking a new economy, based on the challenge that the current one serves the owning class, is the very essence of the communist movement.

He’s not advocating abolishing private ownership.

Billionaires are the owners, and they are being challenged, as well as the system that serves them.

Businesses and workers both operate in the free market, which allows workers to advocate for their position in the market.

No. Markets confer freedom only to those who enter them already having the more advantageous position.

The free market doesn’t exist in a communist economy.

You previously gave an accurate definition of communism. Markets are not specifically or fundamentally rejected by communism, even though many would wish to see their eventual abolition.

Communism uses a planned economy, so the government strongly regulates both businesses and workers.

Communism seeks direct control of the economy by workers.

This eliminates workers’ leverage over employers.

Workers have no leverage over employers, because employers already own everything. Workers have only the power to withhold their labor, though doing so carries great risk.

May , to RedditMigration in Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments
@May@kbin.social avatar

Hello i hope you dont mind if i post that post, in case someone does not want to go onto reddit:


Subreddits are starting to see spam from anti-protest, pro-admin ChatGPT bots
Thread on /r/Pics discussing bot spam. (Pics is now NSFW, but this thread is only profanity / vulgarity.)

/r/Programming closed (by admins?) after community recognition of bot spam:

Ycombinator thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36361247

Top-voted post from /r/Programming before it closed: https://web.archive.org/web/20230611210834/https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/146wn9s/meta_who_is_astroturfing_rprogramming_and_why/

(I would have just crossposted the top thread directly, but this sub forbids crossposting NSFW posts (which is now everything on /r/Pics )

Calcharger ,
@Calcharger@kbin.social avatar

Good idea, thank you

zeppo , to Work Reform in Slavery was abolished, so the rich are now trying to make economic oppression the equivalent of slavery.
@zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, all of this “inflation” and “rising cost of housing” bullshit is essentially wealthy people turning the screws. They know regular people can barely make this work, and they love that.

solstice ,

I’m traveling in Europe right now and the prices everywhere are so reasonable it really pisses me off. Inflation my ass, I’m convinced it’s just American corps squeezing us for everything we got.

gowan ,
@gowan@reddthat.com avatar

Where in Europe and what items?

solstice ,

Spain and Germany this trip.

Very nice hotels for €100 in downtown areas that would cost easily $300/night in USA. Food in restaurants and cafes very reasonably priced, I got a couple coffees and pastries for like €8 and the coffee alone would be that much in the states let alone multiple pastries. €5 felafel. I can’t remember the last time I paid less than $15 for lunch.

Gas is super pricey but who cares when your cities are designed to be walkable and you have great public transport everywhere.

I get that I’m on the tourist route so this doesn’t represent true cost of living, but I understand rent is far cheaper in general, plus availability of healthcare and education leads me to believe COL in general is lower and some googling supports this.

I don’t know anything about their tax policies so I can’t comment on that either.

Comments welcome.

SinningStromgald , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.

I like this Shawn. I really do. He’s saying the words and doing the actions. Go Shawn! Go!

A_Random_Idiot , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
@A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world avatar

Why not? Megacorps and billionaires wreck the economy all the time, and exploit it for their favor.

Why not let the poor and worker class wreck it for once.

Set the whole goddamn thing on fire, and throw the rich into it.

zbyte64 ,
@zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Never forget when people were smuggling eggs from Mexico. We used to make fun of the USSR for that shit.

uis ,
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

In USSR smuggling of food was only between cities and not cities. Usually from Moscow and St. Petesburg Leningrad.



Maybe we can get the gd bailout for once? Call it payback on their overdue loans?

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Half the Republicans lost their shit over COVID stimulus checks, so I doubt that will ever happen sadly.

bdonvr , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.

The more I hear about this guy, the more I like him.

Saltblue , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.

Workers of the world, unite!

Skkorm , to aww in Bird plays with golf balls

This is a bird called the Sereima, and what you are seeing isn't random behavior: it's how they hunt. They chase rodents and lizards down, grab them with their beaks, then slam their prey down onto rocks repeatedly until they stop moving.

Metal as hell.

Geobloke ,

Probably thought it was an egg

Retrograde ,
@Retrograde@lemmy.world avatar

The bird:


Reucnalts ,

Didnt think about animals getting slamed on the ground. Smaller birds do this with fruita/nuts to break them

Deez , to aww in Bird plays with golf balls
@Deez@lemm.ee avatar

I assumed it was trying to feast on the goo inside.

intensely_human ,

TIL golf balls are filled with nutritious goo

hasnt_seen_goonies ,

We were gonna wait till you were older, but it's good you know now.

intensely_human ,

I already swallowed four

mephiska , to aww in Nom nom

AI generated image.

ellesper ,
@ellesper@lemmy.world avatar

and not even a good one!

hoshikarakitaridia ,
@hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.fmhy.ml avatar

Idk I like it.

Does not belong in this community though so OP please delete and post it in One of the AI communities.

NoIWontPickaName ,

Is that why it's chest hair looks like worm root monster fuel?

Devccoon ,
@Devccoon@lemmy.world avatar

Ugh, should have known. Even the sub’s logo is AI generated, now that I’m looking.

Time to scrub this sub from my watchlist and find a better source for my aww’s. Last thing I need is more fakery being passed off as real in my life.

3laws ,

Tbh this is the first generated picture I’ve seen in this community, I would block the user rather than discard thi whole community.

Devccoon ,
@Devccoon@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t like blocking people, but this guy appears to be just reposting popular things for points so yeah. Not much lost there.

Hopefully the mods make the right choice and remove untagged AI content in the future. Tricking people for upvotes is very anti-aww to me.

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Still better than reposted needle felt dolls. ;)

LouLimes ,

Nothing is real anymore! Completely fooled

Xylinna Mod ,
@Xylinna@lemmy.world avatar

Currently our community rules do not specify against AI images but the concern is noted and is in discussion if they should be allowed moving forward.

MrsDoyle ,

Awwww!.. no 🙁

FrankTheHealer , to Work Reform in Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.

Fucking legend. Hats off to him and the UAW

HerbalGamer , to aww in How a Mongolian dresses their child for the cold.
@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

I too would like to be dressed like this

SocialMediaRefugee ,

You must be pretty small

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