Entropywins , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

He is doing this to try and discredit that he knew the election was fairly lost... its not going to work but I imagine that is his lawyers gameplan...

darth_tiktaalik , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

If he had evidence of that we wouldn’t have had that circus with Spyder and Terpsichore the first time around

Davel23 , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged

It'll just be a piece of lined notepad paper filled with "covfefe" at all angles and not following any of the lines.

e_t_ Admin ,

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Teon , avatar

Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor.
Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor.
Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor.

Zelet ,

Man. Woman. Camera. Person. TV. Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor. Man. Woman. Camera. Prison. Traitor. Man. Woman. Convict. Prison. Traitor. Man. Warrant. Convict. Prison. Traitor. Con. Warrant. Convict. Prison. Traitor. … uh. Inmate, I think you have dementia…

givesomefucks ,

It’ll be like MacGruber’s notebook

Arotrios , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

Hmm... seems a bit late to bring this report forward.... makes me wonder if it was stored in the same place as the GOP replacement plan for Obamacare and their policy platform, which has been missing for the last 7 years.

theforkofdamocles ,

I can’t believe he didn’t say this one would be coming out in two weeks.

mrbubblesort , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

100% unironic message I received from a family member 😑 (changed some words to keep it anonymous, make it legible, and protect the innocent)

"Trump is gonna own you libs this time, just you wait! Our 4D chess GOD has sat on this report for 3 years. He could have released it right after the election, but you fools just don't see the whole board like he does! This is the perfect time for it so he can watch you dummies seethe in rage and take back the country! I'm so happy to be one of the God Emperor's Chosen! I've donated all I can to his fund, and you should too!"

MrBobDobalina , (edited )

There’s no way this isn’t a joke… Right?? There’s no way… My brain just cannot get around this

mrbubblesort , (edited ) avatar

Southwest Iowa. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy :P

Anticorp ,
MammyWhammy ,

Why wouldn’t he have just stayed in power then? Shown how great he was as a ruler/leader and then chosen his successor in 2024?

mrbubblesort , (edited ) avatar

I've actually asked him that once. The election was obviously stolen from him, but in the end Trump CHOSE to leave to go stop the pizzagate guys (or some other shit, I stopped listening around then)

Just remember kids: QAnon believers can vote!

Arotrios , avatar

This is poetry:

is gonna own you libs
this time just
you wait

Our 4D chess GOD
has sat on this report
for years

He could have released it
right after the election
but you fools just don't
see the whole board

This is the perfect
time for it
so he can watch you
dummies seethe in rage
take back the country

I'm so happy to be
one of the God Emperor's
Chosen, I've donated all
I can
to his fund

and you should

-Uncle Magafash


tihi ( thanks 👍 I hate it )

mrbubblesort , avatar

Holy shit, this is amazing!

CileTheSane , avatar

Sit on this for two weeks, then reply with "so how's that report coming?"

Pons_Aelius ,

Two weeks? They never remember back that far. They have 5 new conspiracy theories to explain to your feeble mind by then.

Anticorp ,

This has to be satire. I’m pretty sure I threw up in my mouth a little right now.

mojo ,

I’m shaking and crying and shitting myself. Please noo not the buff god emperor Donald trump, I don’t want to be owned!

ArugulaZ , avatar

Ask your supremely dumb family member why a billionaire would need donations.

Drusas ,

I like that their bad grammar means that they'll be happy to watch us take back the country.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I read stuff like this in comment sections and figures it’s just someone trolling for a reaction, but there are so many people who are actually like this. It’s so depressing to think that there are honestly people who think Trump is some great genius. If he goes to jail, they’ll still be saying “Just you watch! Any day now he’s going to spring the trap.”

metallic_substance ,

Fuck Trump, but I genuinely don’t believe you. I’ve seen some wild bullshit come from the MAGA crowd, but this seems custom-tailored to engage this crowd in particular

mrbubblesort , avatar

I appreciate the skepticism, but remember, until very recently this was their congressman. These people chose a literal, actual, real white nationalist to represent them, so imagine how they act in private

wagesj45 , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

Still not serious about all this, huh. I have a hard time telling if he's legitimately losing it or just playing around hoping to run out the clock. Probably a combination of both, but this just seems like the worst way to handle this situation. And yet, he keeps getting away with it.

520 ,

Running out the clock in his case means running out his own clock. trying to quash the trials after (if) he goes back into office is an extremely risky affair and may not even work against the state prosecutions.

bitsplease ,

It’s basically what he’s always done, just keep promising salvation just around the corner.

It feels like a lot of people have already forgotten that after the 2020 election, he was going on about “Releasing the Kraken” every few days, as though he had a total gamestopper piece of evidence that he was just sitting on - nothing ever appeared. Before that he let on that he was going to “Drain the swamp” aaaaaany day now, just you wait - except nothing ever happened.

Trump is all about smoke and mirrors and empty promises. And it works for him because once he says it, his followers just believe it, even if he never talks about it again. Tons of Trump supporters still to this day believe that he had unshakable evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, just like tons believe that political corruption dissapeared under Trump, only to re-appear the second Biden took office.

And now all his supporters will believe that Trump is going to prove the election was a fraud, defeat all his indictments, and become president again. And when none of that (or certainly at least not the first two) happens, they’ll just claim the game was rigged and the deep state is responsible. It’s easy to always win when your supporters aren’t willing to consider the possibility that you lost

BrooklynMan , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar
Skoobie , avatar

If Lemmy had coins, you’d have an award right now.

BrooklynMan , avatar

thanks, but…. aren’t you glad it doesn’t have that useless crap?

KevonLooney ,

I never gave out any of that shit. Gold didn’t mean anything. It’s just artificial scarcity.

Why would you add scarcity online where it doesn’t exist? Only to make money. People will look back on all the stupid shit we put up with online just to make everything “free”.

EarthlingHazard ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • adroidBalloon , avatar

    people can simply make a donation already, if they like. all of the extra work and resources required to run a coin and rewards system, track earning/spending and accounts, plus a secure payment system, etc… that would all cost a lot of time and resources. and that would require even more donations to pay for and maintain.

    you’re right: it’s not useless, it’s worse than useless.

    if you want to donate, just do that. if you want unconditional love, adopt a puppy.

    Riven , avatar

    They could even donate and post a screenshot of their receipt in the name of whatever user as a thank you to them.

    BrooklynMan , avatar

    that would be a really cool trend to start

    well, it would be very geeky, but still cool

    someguy3 ,

    Buying coins here would go to server costs and not spez’s paycheck.

    BrooklynMan , avatar

    setting up the whole coin system would create server costs. you can already donate.

    someguy3 ,

    It’s one banana icon, how much could it cost?

    Skoobie , avatar

    Yes, of course. I simply wished to express my opinion of the comment in terms we are all familiar with here.

    BrooklynMan , avatar

    well, I appreciate that ❤️

    superkret , (edited )
    BrooklynMan , avatar


    Skoobie , avatar

    And saved for future awards 😉. Thanks.

    p03locke , avatar

    Nonono, you have to auto-generate it using Midjourney or Stable Diffusion, so that it’s unique and rare. Only rare coins gain value over time.

    Also, don’t right-click and save because that would be considered stealing!

    turtlepower , avatar

    Also, don’t right-click and save because that would be considered stealing!

    Good thing I’m on mobile then.

    superkret ,

    Just don’t forget to donate $2 to your instance whenever you post it.

    DarkDarkHouse , avatar

    I love this useless crap

    MattTheProgrammer , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

    I can't wait for him to reveal all of the republican ballot box stuffing that was happening in favor of him haha.

    DigitalTraveler42 ,

    He really does have a habit of exposing them doesn’t he? That’s always a fun bonus when it happens, kinda like the Madison Cawthorn “Republican cocaine orgies”, it’s always fun to watch them hurt themselves in their confusion.

    MattTheProgrammer , avatar

    Own the libs by showing them we can do whatever illegal shit we want!

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar
    p03locke , avatar

    ps. The Cowboys blow.

    Not my state, but I still respect this guy’s style. Gives no fucks.

    GreenPlasticSushiGrass , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

    I'm expecting something written in crayon on an IHOP placemat.

    PwnTra1n ,

    the maze not even done correctly, just a line through all the walls from start to end

    blanketswithsmallpox , (edited ) to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

    Yeah, by himself. Due to being indicted everywhere.

    If he rigged it and still lost, that means he gets a do-over since it wasn't legal right!?

    Knusper , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged

    Well, I am on the edge of my seat (not).

    givesomefucks , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged

    It’s going to say trump has always known this, but that he didn’t want to see civil war and he knew his supporters would “stand up for what’s right” if they knew.

    They’ll be no actual proof of anything.

    Just the vague accusations that Biden stole the election like he’s been saying since the election

    But at least some of his supporters are dumb enough they’ll do 1/6 part two to stop trump from being “silenced” by “a total nothingburger”.

    Probably at least one reference to Nelson Mandela depending on who writes it.

    It won’t be to convince anyone that’s not already a diehard trumpet. Just trying to instigate them to violence. trump would 100% start a civil war if he thought he’s actually going to be held accountable

    brambledog ,

    I don’t think so.

    Essentially everybody who was going to murder for Trump has already done so or attempted to do so.

    The entire paramilitary wing of Trumpism is behind bars because of January 6th. Everybody left knows they are being watched.

    Even the most deluded know they are only years away from their retirement. They are going to go.back to football and essential oils, and like Bush, they will pretend they were against Trump the entire time.

    I foresee right wing terror returning to essentially lone wolf attacks on children or chitches.

    givesomefucks ,

    Nah, it’s not like they all dropped everything to go to 1/6, some missed it just because they couldn’t pay.

    Three years is a long time to radicalize even more people too.

    Stop underestimating fascists, it rarely ends well

    brambledog ,

    I’m not underestimating fascists. That’s preposterous to allege. 😃

    I am saying that the organizational heirarchy that led to Jan. 6 is gone in prison or acting as informants. Steve Bannon isn’t sending $20k in bitcoin to Jim or Ron Watkins anymore, everybody else’s funding is dried up. The situation has changed.

    givesomefucks ,

    I’m not underestimating fascists

    They said, immediately before underestimating fascists…

    Money helps, but these idiots really think they’ll overthrow the deep state so 5k in credit card debt doesn’t matter to them.

    That’s more than enough for them to take a week off work and drive to wherever trump tells them to show up. Likely with guns or explosives.

    Even if 99% won’t do it, that 1% of the dumbest trump supporter is still a lot of people.

    You’re underestimating their stupidity, desire for violence, and complete detachment from reality.

    And that doesn’t work out well historically

    brambledog ,

    I am underestimating none of those things. I fully expert lone wolf nutcases to continue their plots. I’m stating that the organizational infrastructure that was there to help guide them during the Trump era is now gone.

    I understand a continuation of a grand conspiracy is somehow more comforting than the reality that fascist movements are already plotting what post-trump action looks like, but I assure you, the grand conspiracy stage is finished for the moment.

    Psythik ,

    I’m not underestimating fascists.

    And now you’re gaslighting. Come on, man, be better.

    brambledog ,

    I’m not interested in changing your feelings on the subject, so I think the discussion is finished if you aren’t willing to have the discussion meet a bare minimum of decency.

    I’m quite comfortable in what I have given and continue to give in the fight against fascism. Thank you.

    Anticorp ,

    He would start a civil war just to watch the suffering if he still had the power to do so.

    ImPastaSyndrome , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged avatar

    Fucking do it, I dare you

    gravitas_deficiency , to Politics in Republicans Wanted a Hunter Biden Special Counsel. They're Pissed They Actually Got One

    Full disclosure: I identify as very far left; effectively socialist.

    Republicans: seriously, and without irony: if you have the evidence, go for it. If he did something shitty and sketchy, he deserves to be caught. But that applies to everyone, not just to people who you don’t like.

    steebo_jack , to Politics in Republicans Wanted a Hunter Biden Special Counsel. They're Pissed They Actually Got One

    I really dont get why we are wasting time and tax dollars on him...hes not an official in any capacity so if he did something wrong charge him with it and move on...and if not then still move on...

    runjun ,

    Seriously. They keep bringing him up like it’s a gotcha. Charge him or not, I really don’t give a fuck.

    All it reeks of is being upset that trumps spawn was rightly criticized while being public servants. That and trying to water down public perception.

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