
Endorkend , in xkcd #2848: Breaker box
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I have two outlets in my apartment that do not power down with any breakers.

I have to pull my main breaker for those two outlets to be without power.

And I have the full schematics for the wiring in my place.

And it's not that they show these outlets should be wired to a specific plug either.

The schematics don't show those two outlets at all :|

Even weirder, I have a digital power meter that autoreports my usage to the power company and has a reporting port that I feed into my Grafana installation that reports down to the milisecond.

When I power things through one of these outlets, it shows fuck all increase in power consumption on the meter.

So, one of the two outlets seems to be drawing power from either another apartment OR the buildings main grid that runs the utilities and halway lighting etc.

TheRealLinga ,

That’s awesome! Just plug everything that uses alot of power into those outlets and free energy!

BluesF ,

Ah, sounds like it was added by an amateur. I had an electrician come round to move a socket once, he removed it but then promptly ran away because there was so much amateur garbage in our walls.

dustyData ,

Bad business man. When you notice it was all made by an amateur is when you make the client sign a waiver and an hourly rate to fix it.

BluesF ,

They didn’t even invoice me for over 6 months 🤷

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

If you pull your main breakers and they shut off then they are running through your meter no? Also, your main breakers are probably like 100-200 amps instead of the 15-20 amps that should be on an outlet and it’s wiring. Those outlets are essentially unprotected. Anything goes wrong and it’s death or fire, or both. Are you in north America?

Endorkend ,
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I'm glad you noticed, as that was the lil fun bit I was hoping someone would catch on to.

The outlet that doesn't seem to consume from my mains, does get shut down when I pull my main breaker.

And as a response to what TheRealLinga said, oh hell no. If I don't know what breaker is behind that socket, I'm not going to power anything from it. I like living here, I'm not going to risk burning down the building XD

Only way I see the ghost power socket can work is if its on a relay that gets switched from my power while switching an outside source.

There however is no relay to be found in the panel or anywhere else accessible.

My apartment takes up the entire floor, but other floors have 2-6 units. When I go by the layout of the 4 unit floors, the location of this outlet is about where those floors maintenance room is.

So what I'm suspecting is that at one point, my floor also had 4 units, then got gutted completely and my apartment was built in it and then for some reason they wired that outlet rather than just cut and terminate the wires.

Still leaves the mystery why the other outlet, that does clearly draw power from my mains, also seems to be wired without a breaker.

I'm not in the US.

But from my experimentation with the breakers and power draw and graphing my power consumption and a load of other stuff on Grafana, should be clear I'm informed and smart enough to not use sockets that I don't know the limits for. So don't worry, I'm not using them at all.

But it's still an interesting mystery I enjoy trying to get to the bottom of.

The buildings megastructure is quite old, it was one of the few buildings that survived WW2 without much damage in this area.

It was originally a brewery, then a garment factory, then a nunnery and in the late 80's was gutted and converted to an apartment building.

The wiring plan I have for my apartment is from 2008, which I suspect is when the previous owner gutted the entire floor and installed the single apartment where there used to be 4.

overzeetop ,
@overzeetop@lemmy.world avatar

While not foolproof, many power strips will have an integral breaker to trip if you exceed the power strip capacity. You could plug one of those into the outlet and the power strip would be a way to prevent an over-current condition. Of course, if you don’t need to use it, there’s no sense in rolling the dice on how reliable a power strip breaker is.

Iamdanno ,

If your main breaker disconnects those outlets, they aren’t drawing power directly from anything but your panel.

Endorkend ,
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, except for one of them, it literally isn't drawing power from my panel.

I put a 1000W test load on it and my meter showed no deviation of the load what so ever.

On the other outlet and every other outlet in the apartment, it does.

And as I already said/acknowledged, the only way that can happen is if there's a relay or similar switching method being driven by my power that switches power coming from somewhere else.

themeatbridge ,

Have you checked to make sure they aren’t small mimics?

Seraph , (edited ) in xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice

The vast majority of people want it to change, but we can't get organized enough to politically make it happen.

You can change the word "it" above to apply to a LOT of things.

givesomefucks ,

It’s really not worth the hassle tho…

Like, back when we had oil lamps and even when we first had electricity…

Sure, why not do it?

But now benefits are negligible, and the downsides like skyrocketing rates of early morning heart attacks are very real.

There’s just no good reason to do it, and lots of reasons not to

b14700 ,
@b14700@lemm.ee avatar

it was never worth the hassle because its not for your benefit its for the benefit of your boss , you waking up earlier in winter gives your boss one extra hour of work from you in daylight

agent_flounder ,
@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

I thought this was for farmers back when they were their own boss?

JungleJim ,

I’m not a farmer, but farmers don’t really care for daylight savings time. Cows don’t understand it, and won’t wait an extra hour to be milked. It takes them time to adjust to the change, and in meantime either the farmer has to get there an hour earlier by the clock or the cows will be in pain, possibly sustaining real injury from being overly full of milk.

An extra hour of dark in the morning isn’t useful for planting or weeding or harvesting, either.

creditCrazy ,
@creditCrazy@lemmy.world avatar

“The cows don’t understand it” honestly that’s the point that makes it hard to believe daylight savings is for farmers the cows horses the crops and the chickens all don’t operate on daylight savings time if anything daylight savings time probably hurts farmers by giving them a nother thing to keep track of that makes it so you need to get adjusted real quick otherwise the cows are going to get over full of milk because the farmer watching the clock forgot its a hour behind what he got used to wouldn’t be surprised if some farmers in the past had two separate clocks one that got adjusted to daylight savings and the other shows the time the farm operated on

givesomefucks ,

I grew up on a farm. We started before it was daylight, didn’t matter what time was on the clock.

Why would the time on a clock matter to a self-employed farmer?

flicker ,

When I asked that question once I was informed it had something to do for some reason with when the children of farmers would be let out of school (and thus able to help with chores) but honestly it sounds like bullshit to me.

givesomefucks ,

We’d have people miss whole weeks of school due to farming duties…

Especially earlier than that, school always took a second seat. If there was work to be done, the kids weren’t in school

OrgunDonor ,
@OrgunDonor@lemmy.world avatar


In the UK it was brought in during the first world war as a method partly to save coal. Never had anything to do with farmers, but seems to have become a convenient explanation for it these days.

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass ,
@Fuckfuckmyfuckingass@lemmy.world avatar

I heard somewhere (shit source I know, but I’m at work so not looking it up) that one of the main proponents of daylight savings is golf courses (and restaurants). They get more tee times in with more daylight. And since everyone that rules the world golfs for some damn reason, I don’t see it changing soon.

dual_sport_dork , in xkcd #2888: US Survey Foot
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Also, the NIST goon squad there is only 84.48 feet off from the perp’s location…

palitu ,

But which foot?!!

corvi ,

As long as the person fleeing is the one using the survey feet, the pursuers will never actually reach them.

surewhynotlem ,

Ah yes. Zeno’s left foot.

A_A ,
@A_A@lemmy.world avatar

Right : it would be quite easy to spot someone whistling, even with those bushes around him, at about 85 ft (26 m) distance.
Still it is difficult for an author to create funny and yet realistic fiction.

IMongoose ,

In the comic, he looks to be about 20ft away, maybe. The last two panels are feet apart (same bush, same bank) lol.

marcos ,

In a jungle (that supposed to be a jungle, isn’t it? it does look like a movie jungle), it’s not easy at all.

randomaccount43543 OP , in xkcd #2910: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
tja ,
@tja@sh.itjust.works avatar

Thanks, random account

flambonkscious ,

Cheers, that one was more complex than most - unless it’s my tension headaches

chuck , in xkcd #2867: DateTime

Ah I’ve gotten to the point where I have to define what “frame” and epoch each time base is in before I’ll touch the representation of time( Unix,Gregorian, etc) .To be honest I’m probably just scratching the surface of time problem.

Hell probably the reason we haven’t seen time travellers is we suck at tracking time and you probably need to accurately know your time and place to a very good precision to travel to a given point and we can’t say where and when that is with enough accuracy to facilitate where to land. And people don’t want to land in the earth’s surface or 10000 km away from a stable orbit. Maybe some writer can build that out for a time travel book or to discount it for some reason lol

kurwa ,

I recall a short story like that where someone died because they time traveled, but didn’t account for position.

2deck ,
@2deck@lemmy.world avatar
cheet ,

Holy crap I wasn’t ready for that. Great rec tho

peyotecosmico ,

Really good, thanks

CosmicCleric ,
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

SPOILERI want little Emily to change her future. A sequel is needed!

(Thanks for sharing, was a good watch.)

2deck ,
@2deck@lemmy.world avatar

There are… 2 sequels

Good luck finding them though!

sukhmel ,

There’s link in the description, it’s just that those are a bit costy ($8 just to watch on Vimeo)

CosmicCleric ,
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

There’s link in the description, it’s just that those are a bit costy ($8 just to watch on Vimeo

Ouch. Yeah, I don’t want to know that badly.

niktemadur , (edited )

Then there’s continental drift, which as Indiana Jones reminded us this past summer, Archimedes didn’t know about when he built his time machine.

Pet peeve: brushing aside the time travel fantasy element, there is not a single shred of evidence of any type of connection between Archimedes and the Antikythera Mechanism.

As if the only person clever enough in Ancient Greece was that one famous dude from Syracuse.
Ionians: “Are we a joke to you?”

Omniraptor ,

Could you eli5 what frame and epoch are? I don’t get why aren’t unix timestamps an adequate way to store time, they seem pretty easy and intuitive

Dayroom7485 , in xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation

The placement of „Skis“ in this will trigger every Scandinavian I know. Should definitely be in the top left.

brbposting OP ,

Trust you on that but will ski across the pond to check and be sure

Viking_Hippie ,

I'm from the Scandinavian country WITHOUT mountains and with less snow and am as such not triggered.

You don't know me, though, so I guess your statement might still hold true 😁

Hagdos ,

Scandinavia is their zone of specialty

khapyman ,

Even us close to Scandinavia get triggered. There aren't that many practical ways to get around at winter. Skis work when feet don't.

Hamartiogonic ,
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Unicycles are clearly more dangerous than skis.

howrar ,

In Canada too. It's not that common, but also not out of place to see people doing their regular commute on skis.

hobovision ,

Cross country ski vs downhill ski

TheBananaKing , in xkcd #2907: Schwa

What kind of fucked-up Forest-Gump accent does Randall have?

WoahWoah ,


TheBananaKing ,

Most English accents make a strong distinction between most of the voewls in that sentence. If you relentlessly turn everything to schwa, you get a cross between the aforementioned Forest Gump and “Ermagerd, shers”.

Ookami38 ,

Out of curiosity, what words does your accent pronounce without a schwa? Every single vowel sound in that is a schwa sound in those sentences sounds perfectly natural to me with a schwa sound.

TheBananaKing ,

/wɒts ʌp? wʌz dʌg gənə kʌm? dʌg lʌvz bɹʌntʃ. nʌʔʌ dʌgz stʌk kɒz ɒv ə tʌnəl ɒbstɹʌkʃən. ə tɹʌk dʌmpt ə tʌn ɒv ʌnjənz. əχ./

WoahWoah ,

Interestingly, “ʌ” is not used in many American linguistics sources, from Merriam Webster to Google Translate. In American English and many dialects of British English (and many others), there is little to no difference between ‘ʌ’ and ‘ə.’ I believe ‘ʌ’ is considered an allophone of ‘ə,’ which aren’t always listed for vowel sounds in IPA.

The distinction is called the comma-strut split (referenced in the xkcd explainer), and occurs in a minority of English dialects apparently. I didn’t realize Australian English was one of them! Cool.

Deebster , (edited )
@Deebster@programming.dev avatar

For me it’s more like
/wɒts ʌp? wɒz dʌg gənə kʌm? dʌg lʌvz bɹʌnʧ. nɜːʔɜː dʌgz stʌk kʌz ɒv ə tʌnəl əbstɹʌkʃən. ə tɹʌk dʌmpt ə tʌn ɒv ʌnjənz. əχ./

(Gimsonian, anyway, I like the newer, more logical style that would have nurse be /nəːs/)

WoahWoah , (edited )

I was putting the question mark because Tom Hanks affects a Mississippian accent, which would not necessarily pronounce all of these words with a schwa.

“Ermahgerd” uses two different vowel sounds, and that ɚ sound is slightly different than the examples in the xkcd, none of which are ɚ.

Given all three of these items–xkcd, Forrest Gump, and the meme–are from the United States, it makes sense to think of them in that dialect context.

I realize that you’re Australian, so perhaps you wouldn’t pronounce all these words with a schwa, but one of the defining features of the Australian accent is the abundance of schwas that are added in places that American English doesn’t have it–notably at the end of words. Arguably Australian English actually uses the schwa more than Forrest Gump (or Randall) would.

It’s also probably important to remember that the entire population of Australia is roughly equivalent to the metro area of New York City. As of 2022, there were roughly 400 million native English speakers in the world, of which roughly 306 million are in the United States, so I’m not sure about your “most English accents” comment either.

That said it’s a very common second language, and at that level there would basically be innumerable accents, but it would be nearly impossible to analyze relative vowel variance across at that scale. So, maybe!

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Isn’t this only true for a forest gump accent?

captainlezbian ,

Midwestern possibly. It works with my accent at least

enleeten , in xkcd #2932: Driving PSA

2x this if you're cycling and a driver waves you through

johannesvanderwhales ,

Ugh, I hate this. I don't care about waiting. As a cyclist, all I want is for it to be really clear what people are doing. Anything that messes with the right of way is sketchy.

glitchdx ,

People try to wave me on all the time. They refuse to move until I go. I refuse to go until I can fucking see what might fucking kill me. Twice, the guy waving me on has been rear-ended by a vehicle three times their size.

itsgroundhogdayagain , in xkcd #2932: Driving PSA

Do what is expected of you, not what is polite.

dejected_warp_core ,

Rules of the road:

  1. Be predictable
  2. Nobody else is predictable
  3. Everyone is indifferent to your existence; you are merely a car to them
  4. Your phone wants to kill you - leave it alone
  5. The faster you go, the less of a difference 5mph makes - be safe, not fast
  6. FFS maintain your damn car
RockyBass ,
  1. Drive sober
  2. If you're even remotely tired, you're attention and reaction time is impacted more than you realize
Strawberry ,

really good point. Sleep on your friend's couch, get a motel room, sleep in your car in a Walmart parking lot.. Just don't drive when you're tired

pantyhosewimp ,

Example warning!

This is from real life.

I hit the road late in the afternoon after working most of the day. It was a 14 hour drive. I had to be there as soon as I could. With my own car. Getting to my mom when Dad died.

I pushed myself so much that I got so tired that I kept missing the freeway exits. I was desperate to pull over and go to sleep but I was also so exhausted that I kept driving past the turn offs unintentionally. A nightmarish feeling being in that situation. I only managed to make it by going turtle slow and then turning off at the next exit, and once on a regular road I just pulled over on the shoulder and fell instantly asleep.

I was 31 and physically fit. The point is, assume you are more tired than you think you are. Take it easy on yourself. Be cautious. If I had hurt someone I couldn’t live with myself.

3ntranced ,

Been driving between Chicago to Houston in single shot trips the past few weeks while relocating. Only 25 and can still stay awake for a good 42 hours or so before I collapse, but mix in the hypnotic highway constantly running past/the car vibrations and it's a different story.

So I always stop for coffee to make sure im mentally present before hoping on I45.

Maggoty ,

to expand on number 5, drive the flow speed! If traffic is moving at 55, yeah that sucks but you're not going to make up more than a minute or so by speeding through them. And if traffic is doing 75, don't do 55 unless you're desperately low on gas. The savings from not maneuvering so much are huge. (Unless you're driving EVs, they have constant power instead of gears and RPMs. Which is why they should be far more clearly marked.)

dejected_warp_core ,

This goes especially for EVs. Wind resistance really chews up your power budget once you're above 55mph or so. May as well run the heater with the windows down at that point.

Rhaedas , in xkcd #2889: Greenhouse Effect
@Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

Their work resulted in the often-posted newspaper article speculating how in a few centuries the emissions of burning coal might become a problem for the world's environment. What they didn't anticipate was the rate of increase from a population explosion which would begin its climb in a few decades from various factors.

kromem ,

from various factors

Like the compounding gains from the individual revolution.

In general, a common mistake among would be futurists is not correctly identifying when there are changes in the acceleration of advancements.

It’s not only about measuring the rate of change of the present moment, but also how that rate has shifted over time until now and forecasting that forward. And even then seeing if there’s been a change in the rate of acceleration.

The majority only look at the rate of change in the present moment.

Compounding effects often fly under the radar in predictions.

bouh ,

To their credit, population growth was unimaginable before it happened. A novel of aasimov from the 60s mention a future earth overpopulated with magacities of 20 million people and earth population of 2 billion.

Medicine and agriculture progresses were tremendous.

GladiusB ,
@GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

I took a course in eco biology. And we are already slowing down. There is a maximum capacity of a species and I think many places are fully aware of it and have chosen to hold back. I could quote it, but this was a few years ago. There has to be someone on Lemmy that knows more than me on the subject.

rtxn , in xkcd #2882: Net Rotations

We should all start spinning counterclockwise in the north and clockwise in the south to affect the planet’s rotation and create a massive westward tidal wave that will finally take care of Florida.

IWantToFuckSpez ,

Florida will take care of its self with how things are going.

emmanuel_car ,

It’s so adorable when they grow up and can take care of themselves

arken , in xkcd #2943: Unsolved Chemistry Problems

This one is easy. As we know from words like "photon" and "triumph", "pH" is actually pronounced "f".

kralk ,

I wanted to make that joke 😟

randomaccount43543 OP , in xkcd #2943: Unsolved Chemistry Problems
Kit ,

You need a 4 year degree to understand the wall of text in that explanation.

SpaceNoodle ,

I was about to say "not really," but then I remembered that I have a couple of those, so yeah, probably.

whodatdair ,
StupidBrotherInLaw ,

I really hope you're joking. It's written with high school level vocabulary at most.

Speculater ,
@Speculater@lemmy.world avatar

It appears that an individual's heuristic analytical mechanism is engendering a subversion of their affective response system, resulting in epistemic determinations that lack substantiation from the linguistic parameters prevalent within the upper two quartiles of the demographic distribution.

DScratch ,

We’ve become exceedingly efficient at it.

swab148 ,
@swab148@startrek.website avatar

Fr ong

SpaceNoodle ,

Thank you, Mr. Data.

umbrella ,
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar


FiniteBanjo ,

Exponents and Logarithms can be first taught in Middle School in many places, but sometimes get revisited during Calculus in AP High School or at University level.


Explainexplainxkcd.com when?

Sorse ,
@Sorse@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


sbv , in xkcd #2925: Earth Formation Site

Is there a GoFundMe to get this erected somewhere? Because I've got like $5 I'm totally willing to kick in.

Worx ,

If you own a long piece of wood, a flat piece of wood, and some paint, you could make this a reality rather than just paying someone at random $5

sbv ,

I don't own any of those things. Even if I did, I'd prefer a fancy bronze plack on a nice painted metal stand, ideally next to a scenic overlook.

@ZDL@ttrpg.network avatar

I can get pretty fancy brass, bronze, aluminum, etc. plaques made pretty cheaply.


Now I'm getting the urge to make something like this and put it on my apartment door.

sbv ,

Do it!

@ZDL@ttrpg.network avatar

Instigator! 🤣

ArbitraryValue , in xkcd #2924: Pendulum Types

I used to have a simulation of a double pendulum as my screensaver, and it was so hypnotic that when I was out of the office, no one in the office could work either. I had to change it.

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